Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 07, 1792, Page 181, Image 1

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    NAIIONAL IH. I'.t.'Sllr.l) \V?.PH£SPA*S ANj > SATURU..YS li Y 'sOUS FENNQ, No. 69, HiOUSTRI'.E'T. PHIL A Ui- l.l'HI A
[No. 46, of Vol. IV.]
v ore ism Affciis.
v a :L: .. - t A
* i S>, .'iugurt 5?.
WE are informed from T«iin,thatj
thtf events of the loth of Au-i
gult have had an effect there very un '
favorabU to the French entile. It
tvas reported there, that the head of
Louis XVI. had been cut off", and car
ried through the streets of this capi
tal on a pole. The clergy declaimed
in all their pulpits against this iiifuk
to Kuyalty, and produced fuchan ef
fect upon their hearers, that we are
allured not less than three millions
oflivres have been raise 1 tiieie by
fubfcripnun, to enable his Sardinia;}
Majesty to alfitt the French Princes,
his sons in law.
Preparations are making at Triers
for the P;dlige of 25,000 Pruflians,
who are dniij expet'ied :hers:. and
.. :, -.vfiei! joined v. it'll qu«>r:il» k or
troops to be furnifhed by the Circle
of the Lower Rhine, and the Eledto
rate of Triers, are to proceed to re
inforce the great central army.
On the 18th of Augnlt, a body ofj
6000 Hessians, under the; command of,
their own Sovereign, the Landgrave
ofHefle Caflel, began their march
from St. Goar, and by noon reached
Sinnneren. Next day they arrived
at Kitchberg on the Hundfburch, and, j
without hairing, continued their
march towards Triers, where they
•wait for further orders.
The French Emigrants encamped
at Kuoz, (truck their tents very early
in the morning of the ißth of August,
and began their inarch for the Duchy
,of Luxemburg. The French Princes
hitrr riwir lwail qii»a»niit.W»t
liredimus, near the city of Luxem
A young woman of the name of
Lacombe was among the ranks ofthe
patriots who boldly stormed the Pa
lace of the Thuilieries, amidlt the
havoc made by the fire of the Swiss
Whilst the battle raged, (he fought
as if (he had been equally a (tr mger
to fear and to humanity, but when
the enemy was overcome, and resist
ance was at an end, (he appeared in
the amiable garb of humanity, de
fending from violence and outrage,
men who, having thrown down their
arms, confeffed themselves vanguifh
ed, and sued for quarter.
la one place (lie saved 70 Swifsfol
4iera from immediate (laughter, and
collecting a chosen band of Federifts,
(he put heifelf at their head, and
placing these 70 men in the centre,
protected them through crowds of
people who cried out for their blood,
which they said ought to be (hed, to
revenge the death of the brave patri
ots whom thel'e Swiss had jlain.
But this truly gallant Amazon de
clared, that thole who (hould attack
these disarmed prisoners rriuft fir It
take her life :—nor did (he quit them
till (lie had conveyed them 10 prison,
and thus (ecured them from every
oilier vengeance lave that of the law.
The Federifts of the 83 Depart
ments, who had witnelled both her
braveiy in the attack, and her huina
nitj after victory, bellowed upon her
a civic crown, as the reward of her
virtues. She appeared, 011 Saturday
Jaft, at the bar of the National Afieni
bly, and presented this crown to the
Pieliderit, as homage paid to the pa
tiiotifm of the J^/egiflature.
She was invited to fit within the
bar ; and honorable mention of her
and her offering was made in the
August 26.
M. Servan, Minister at War, ap
peared at the bar, where he read a
letter from Marlhal Luckner, con
taining an account of the capture of
the town of !,onpwv by the c ievsiy j t-.' r.c.' *ir v:'s :v>pl;-hhl
,S> :f.v.hic\i imel'y-f'w:. i.V ,-A. . ; J i 5. Z>.>. ~c'' /.. r
patriots, iiy tins letter ;r appeared, 1 I'/i. henvan tranfmitred to t!. : A! i
that the enemy, to the number, as is j '.eirri'iy tlie copy of a letter wbicli be
thought, or 60,000 iuc 11, pr 1. inteil «> 1 i en to Marlhal Luckner, re
themiel ves before the place 111 1 ihe ; [lie town of 1, taken
2lft. 1 lie liege tailed far .botrf tit'- jby i.. eiK'uiy. The niiniUer in thai
teen hours, . tiring which ti-ne they ; -iter cor : plained loudly of the bafi
kept up a continual anil heavy tire el> of th.fe who lb fliamefuily capi
ot bombs and artillery, which alarm-]' dated whilethe ramparts were Hand
ed the citizens and administrative bo-; ing, and while had soldiers to
dies so much, that they ituveaied the'< et'end them. He teftilied his fur
coniniandant to give up the town and . ;'ri !e cr ;he little refiltance made by
garrison ; giving way to thcii f'olici-j> jc bei'ngeJj, and requeued the Ge
lations, he obtained an honorable ca- j. '.'ra:, in rife be had not already done
pit illation on the morning of tue 22c!. s,, tq form a court martial to inveili
The 4ußrian» ei)ter-d Longwy wjih-j gate , 'mutely the conduift of the oi
out committing the frnalleft on rage ; *.f rer» employed i'i this aff-iir, in or.
and it appeared that they in - iiit to; ; r t*.at if found guilty they might
take jx.ii'tffion of the po(t .re toy. ]eig • 'niniutifly deprived of thai
which had been abandoned by .' it- 1 lift v Ich they could net p.H"e.-v<
mi LucV .••• in 01 dei obat'i v I■Hi - ' '• !•„. iyr.— Tills letter vv.::i mucl
I • ' f '
alterwai lay liege to l'*iitan»iJle. -7 p'ahuet,.
M. Dosser, President of the Milita The battalion of La Sorbonne an
ry committee, alarmed at the canle- ounced that they had burnt the co
qtiences likely to result from this lours which had been presented to
loss, declared, that nothing but the them by M. La Fayette. .
cowardice or treachery of the garri- Two JuflKes of the of Mont-'
foil could have enabled the eilemy to medi tranfinitted to the Allembly an
get podellion of it. The place, he account that all their colleagues hac'
laid, was in excellent condition to emigrated.
withstand a liege. It was defended
by seventy pieces of cannon, and ex
cellent calculates. It contained abun
dance of wood neceflary for conltruct
ing works to defend again!! bombs
and had a garrison of 3,500 men
" however," added M. " le;
us not be too rafli in condemning tin
Command;™ until we have fulficieiii
proofs of his treachery."
" The Commandant is a traitor,"
. cried mil r-'viwl ' £ )>'l
- ! his name."
The Minilter replied, " M. Dela
vergne." ,
W. le Cointere lequefted, that the
Minister at War, the Military Com
mittee, and the Extraordinary Cotn
lnifiion, (hould be obliged to declare,
" Whether rhey have means fuffici
ent to save France from the. dangers
of this invasion." He gaveau opini
on refpeifting Mar/hal Luckner,which
was not much in favor ot that Gene
ral, and concluded by proposing,
that 30,000 of the National Guard of
Paris, and of the neighboring Depart
ments, Ihould march in eight days to
the Frontiers."
M. Choudieu thought there was no
occaflon for being so soon alarmed.
He endeavored to point oijt the im
inenfe resources of France, the supe
riority of iis forces, and the danger
which the enemy would run by pe
netrating into the kingdom, as they
would Jbe prevented from the possibi
lity of returning by the camps of Se
dan, Mouzan, Maulde, Maubeuge,
&c. " If we abandon ourselves to
fpair," said he, " it will be the fiire
means of ruining our canfe."
The Aflembly, struck wirh the
force of these observations, palled on
to the order of the day. J
! August 27.
The fitling commenced this morn
ing, by the reading of dispatches
from the ajdminiftraiive bodies of the
town of Montinedi. These dispatch
es stated, that the news of the cap:
ture ot Loiigwy, instead of damping
the courage and patriotifni of the ci
tizens of Moutmedi, had inspired all
hearts with a desire, or ratberathirtt
for vengeance, and that they had
paired the following decrees :
1. The gates of the Upper and
1 Lower Town (hall remain ihut;
2. As the town, though in a stare
of war, is not yet besieged, the biifi
nefs of the police lhall be conducted
by civil officers.
g. The moment the enemy appear*,
all useless atid fufpectedpeifons mutt
quit the town,
This degree, communicated by the
W A R S A W, Aqguft 18
Horse patroles parade the llreets
conjtantly to keep good order.
Prince Joseph Poniatow/kj' has re
feired a lerter of thanks from the of
ficers who ferveci -tinder him, expref
iive of their regard and elteem for
, imn.
i We have accounts from Carcaw,
ijhat Woiwode, which it was fuppof
•>«!(! <1 tongiv anpofe. baa- n&u
illy acccprerf die
BRUSSELS, August 26
The circumitances which have
reached us refpeifting the lurrender
of the town of Longwy, add infinite
ly to the advantage of this firft luc
cefs, fmce it leaves none of those re
grets which are commonly insepara
ble from vitfrory. The befiegeis, as
one may fay, fuffered 110 lo!s, and
there were only a few of the laborers
His Excellency Count Clairfayt
having on the 2rft, advanced with
his army Longwy, eretfed
some batteries, which the besieged
endeavored to destroy by keeping np
a violent fire during the whole of
next night, buc their guns having
been badly pointed, our batteries
wei e opened at the break of day, and
a great number of bombs were thrown
into the town, which set fire to it in
feyeral places, but the besieged fountl
means to extinguish the flames.
The night followingrecommenced
their fire, ltill without e(fe<st, while
ours did considerable execution. In
the mean time his Excellency Count
Clairfayt sent a trumpet to fuinmon
the Commandant to Surrender ; but
this being refufed, the army began
to make neaer approaches, upon
which the besieged offered to capiiu-
I late.
DUBLIN, September t.
Thursday came to be tried before
thf Hon. Mr. Juitice Cr- okfhank, at
Tri'lee, an adion bro(*gnt by Henry
Arthur Herbert,Efq.claiming 20,000).
damages against George Duff, Esq. a
Major in the jßth regiment of loot,
for criin. con. with, and taking away
his wife. This trial commenced at
nine in the morning, and continued
till live in the evening, when the ju
ry, who were very refpeCtaMe, retir
ed but for a few moments, and bro'i
in a verdi<X damages I 5,000!. Coun
sel for the plaintiff Mefl'rs. Curran,
Egan, Franklin, Rice, Emmet and
Blennerhdflet. —For the defendant,
Hore, and O'Driicol.
Whole No.
■ ! r vs-rc!i a i i i 1 .1 c
I , •
which is tjjree pern:; iiritHh id ll
fc'rpHch e*#.i»n, making at theprefe - .
rate one lixih at rhe alue, or r6 per
cent rift liuce ili • i mprtfofpient of
the King' in the, XeuipJe Vower ; —
:i phenomenon that rhe
molt experienced fpeculatiitt. A iii
nurs have aifo coiiiiccrably risen in
their value ; and, in addition to <-'l
ihis, the influx of gold and fin er bul
lion troui England into b ranee con
tinues ; for we find in the London
entries of Thursday, an exportation
nude by the buuft of tiourdien, to
Calais, of 25J,0q0 ounces of li!v v 'f
L O N D O N, .August 31
Mr. Paine beirU* n-ow ;» Ficutli ci
i izea, is expected to be ele&ecl'a mew
!xer •of <>:• u >urf«i.Ceuvw.
The ali'ertion, that the new {yflem
in Krance lias overthrown all pence,
law and order there, is so obvioufly 1
untrue, that it is scarcely iieceflary
to coiitraditft it. Before the new fyf
tefn, there was 11a peace in Krance
whenever money could be extorted
hir war ; no law, but that which a
corrupt court formed, and corrupt
judges admihillered ; and no order,
but that of promotion at court, fpr
crimes "against the country. What
ever the new fy!tem may have done,
therefore, it has not overthrown peace,
law and order. In town fucli afler
tipns will very soon cease, except front
those who have an interelt in pro
moting them ; but in the country,
where society is thin, an 4 'nen ar<
nm i«i« uptirr irequcul iuotigUt i«u
■ 7* • -jt %
lite pui'j. vle <>f keeping pjte villi eac!
other, they will continue till 'lie agi
tations of the French revolut ion are
over, and only the bleffingsof it fhail
be felt or heaid of.
3,11011 o
Lord Gower lias 011 every occa/ion
received the most hatidfoine treat
ment from the French lniuiltry, »nd
his flay in l aris has been no other
wise delayed, than from the many
formalities which the law now re
quires to obtain palTports, and the
number which were of cotirfe requi
red for so large an eltabliflitnent.
The Venetian ambaflador was re
leased from hisarreft on Sunday latt,
and obtained the pall'poris he requi*
red. On Tuesday he arrived at Ca
lais. and yeftcrday in London, which
seems 10 be the general refuge of the
foreign nobility. His excellency pre
ferred corning inco this country, be
ing apprc henfive of travelling through
i the southern provinces of France oil
I his return home.
We havejuft received letters from
Stockholm, dated Augnft 17, which
inform us, that in a Council held at
Drottnengholm on the 15th,the Duke
Regent made a very pathetic speech,
in which he declared, that in conse
quence of the late King s request 011
his death bed. he had promised to
pardon all the conspirators, except
Ankarltroin ; he therefore ordered
that the fentcnce against Horn, Rib
bing, LiMjehorn, and Ehrenlward,
Ihotild be changed into banifhmenc
for life, and the reft either confined
I for a certain term, or pardoned,
j The following proclamation has
been iflued by 1 lie National Aflembly
upon the taking of Longwy.
" Citizens,Longwy is taken,or giv
en up.—The enemies advance. They
flatter themselves, perhaps, that they
(hall find every where cowards or
traitors. They are deceived. Onr
armies are indignan of this attack,
and their courage is roused a-new.
Citizens, parutki their indignation.
The country calls you, Go."
The killed in I'aris, on the loth of
Anguft, are now (lured, were
~ /- y ' I
j O o. j
>' f i> r r. .M s 11< />
September 4.