BRUSSELS, August 24, " By letters from Vienna, dated the 15th inlt. we are informed that a paper had been palled upagainft the Hotel de Ville, in which the inhabi tants were invited to imitate the ex ample of the French, and to cut the throats of all the arillocrats. The discovery of this paper has been pro ductive of universal indignation.— The Emperor was expedited at Vien na 011 the 17th inltant. On the Sun day following Te Deum will be sung, and a general illumination will take ylace. Our government has not yet pub- Jiflied the otlicial account of the tak ing of Longwi. LONDON, August 23. The Bruflels Gazette contains a Jong and elaborate contradiction of all the French accounts, refpetfting the fkirmiffies on the Flanders fron tiers, and the dcfertion of the Auilri au troops, and the mutinies among them at Motis and Ttsurnay. It de nies in express terms every aflertion of General Dillon's letter to the Na tional Afletnbly ; and affirms that the desertion has been confined to the light troops, and is not greater than nfual.—lt observes that the Auftrians are not in the habit of giving details of such petty rencontres asthe French have lately enlarged upon ; and yet be it remarked, insert* an article, in which the Aulhians are stated to have ktlled abotit 20, and taken ijof the enemy. The report ofyefterday, as to French affairs, was, that a levy had taken place on Sunday afternoon in Paris, by which from 40 to 60 thoufaiwl men were raised for service upon the frontiers. Such a circumstance, whe ther a levy was made by force, or othervrife, could Icarcely have occur red, except upon the impulse of some new danger ; and it is indeed be lieved by these, who have the belt information, that the French minis ters had intelligence 011 Sunday morn ing, which they refufed to communi cate before measures were taken for preferring the peace of Paris. The Duke of Brunfwick is said to have calhiered fcveral of his officers for allowing the men under their c iaoofeet tains j vk London do. Black Friars do. Charles Kiver do.") Maiden do. | Beverley do. }• Mafl! Uoftou Pier | Bolton Mall J NEW-YORK, Otf. 26 We are informed by a letter from Anifterdam of the 23d August lalt, that an additional duty has taken place, of one half per cent, ad valo rem 011 all goods exported from the United Netherlands to the United States of America—and one per cent, on all goods imported into laid Ne therlands from the United States. r Philadelphia, Oft. 5 1. Monday last arrived here the Ihip Niel Mal conijCapr. Gil!—by this veflcl London papers are received to the Bth September.—A summary oi the important intelligence they contain is ii the following abftraft. I The Duke of Brunfwick, after taking feve ral fortified places, had marched with his army 'towards Paris,, and was within leventy miles of that capital—ln conlequence of his fuccefles 01: the frontiers, Longwi and Several other place, having fallen into his hands, the National A' fembly palled a decree exprefiing in strong terms the danger of the country, and calling on the citizens to arm and turn out to reinforce the army—Six-ty thousand men were to be rais ed immediately—this decree provided for a ge neral alarm—the Tocsin was rung, and tbegc ncralbeat in allthefeftions. The citizens imme diately repairbd to the Camp de Mars to feleft their volunteers, and make their arrangements to comply with the decree for reinforcing the army It being fuggcfted by one of the people, that previous t« going to the frontiers to fight the enemy without, it was proper to take care of the enemy within—the idea was immediately communicated from man to man, and the whole body immediately divided themielves into par ties, and spread themselves all over the city— they broke open the pi ilons, and put all thepti foners to death; among whom were upwards of one hundjed of the nonjurlng clc.gv, including one biihop, Cai. Montniorin, fet.&c.—the con iution continued at the date oi the lafi Paris ac count, which was Sept. 3d. —The garrison of L'ongwi consisted of 1820 men, who were all made prifone-s of war.—Part of the Austrian armv were besieging Verdun. —An account was Ipubliflied in an English paper of the 10th Sept. which was seen at Scarborough, stating that the citizens of Verdun had demanded of the com manding officer ihat the city (ho 11 Id be sur rendered to the Auftrians, that he had been obliged to comply with this demand, and that he had in conlequence lhot himlelt. — Ihe Englilh papers contain accounts of differ ent ikiruuihes between the French and Auftri ans with various fuccefs —but in an attack on 175 the French camp at Manlde, the Auftrians were lepulled With grcatflaughter —An account was cncu.ated HI i-aris at t • time of the massacre whtui added greatly to tne fury of the populate ami taat was, that four thouland men belonging totue aiiayut M.Dumdarier,fent toreinforce the jyamion ot Verdun, had beei, trcacberoufly ltd into au aiubulcade.aud cut to pieces Anothei U^ C ; J , U ;' t U - >s thc g'-'fifon of Longwi consisted oi ,6 men—arms and ammunition in ahun uanct—jthat the v.iieie number of the refractory clergy deltroyefl, h one hundred and fifty one* Miicm? W h«n is Cardinal de Kochetoucauld - Among.the in the priion called the Ab baye, were al! the Queen's ladies, as Madame Lamoche, halt filter to M. D'Orleans, Madame de Ma. ttote, &-c. M. D'Affry.— M. Moutnio'riu was «am between two members of the Nation al Auetuply Who were lent to. check the people {•mill tie pnfons the populace proceeded to the houses t>Jlu!p«ftedperl'ons,& whore vertlieyionnd dtpHJ ot arms, or any papers that discovered a coi relpondcnce with emigrants, they fiau-hter et the owners—The molt moderate accounts ltate the (lain to be tlie highest eftimare is 7000—Tlie National Allimbjy, the public es and the treasury, during tl.eie horrors remained unviolated—The temple-, tlie leli dence of the King aud hi ; family, was not at tacked—the guard had been doubled, and it was hoped it wou d remain in fafety.»-ThouEh it was apprehended by many, that when the .icwso, the capture of Verdun should arrive, pajJiilacc- exai'perated by this new dilafier wouk. destroy the royal family.— The two col leges appropriated to the IrifbSturients in Paris were both demolilhetf in the tumult—the Stu dents elcaped. The account of the capture of M. La Fayette is contained in the following: ExtraU oj a letterJrom Naviur, Avguji ao. The advanced polls of Rochcfort, com manded by M. Hafnoncourt, at ten o'clock last night arrefrcd the French General M. la Fay ette, ac companied by two Camp-Marihals, M. Alexander i.ameth and de Laumois; M. Victor Maobafcrg, Colonel of Chafleurs; C. Maubourg the elder Camp-Mai fiial; Lacombe. Adjucant- Gerteral and Colonel; Meflac and 'Sooleyran, Captains and Aids de Camp ; the two brothers Ao nein, Captains of Dragoons; Gouvion, Cap tain Aid de Camp ; Bureau de Puzv, Captain ot Artillery; with all their servants, and about 43 ho lies. These officers, who came from Bou illon, wnere they were on pretence of reconnoi tring the posts, arrived this day in this city. By then account the army they left is encamped behiml ia Chiere, between Mouzan and Stenov." Eari Gower, the Britifli Ambaflador, is arriv ed in England from Paris.—-The Marquis de la F ayette is gone to Luxembourg, by order of the Duke qf Bi unfwick. 93® 1096 1503 2300 1440 nso 1450 3ta. Luck tier is reinstated in his command as Generaliliimo of the French armies.—A great number of the French nobility daily arrive in En^aod. —Lorgv i was taken, it is said, after a feeble resistance—complaints have been made to the I national AfTemblv of treachery in the bui'ine(s.—-Fifty thousand men are ordered to march from Paris to reinforce the armies. Qornwaiiis is created a Marquis. Gen. Meadows a;.d Gen. Abercrombie, Knights of Che Bat!.. And Mr. Pitt is made Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. The infurredtion and inaffacre In Paris took place on the night of Sunday the second of Sep tember, and the confuiion was not over at 12 o'clock of Monday the third. Sinorted him- And, as to the Vice-PreJidency, he did not hesitate to declare, that he was more ambitious of re maining at the head of Pennfvlvania." A gentleman of the State of Delaware, to whom this,conversation was communicated, in order to an investigation of the truth of the (lory, called upon Governor Mifflin, who in un equivocal term, declared, that, , u No Juch convo fation ever happened, vor could he recoHeft tiny circumjlunce that could git e birth to Jo ri diculous a tale." Printers willing to adminiiter an antidote to firhilar poisons, will give a place in their yef pe&ive papers to this sample of the unfounded rumours continually pr«pagated to deltrov the confidence of their fellow-citizens in public char after*. XI,. ri' ■UEf TJ O fol l° W| nK 15 a Lift of all the reft< { 0 , 00grelS nifeftly an attack on the liberty 'of the people—it is levelling the in trenchments round the very citadel. Yet onr highfliers use every mean* t<» make the people abhor the laws, tho confliiuiion, Congress, and the exe cutive officers. In their eyes, the vindicating ilie laws and public offi cers, is a crime—it proves meflnoefil of fpirir and corruption of princi ples. On the contrary, they dub themselves the friends of the people, because they labor to destroy all that rhe people have chosen to efiablitb, and ir is no fault of their's if oppoil tioii is not yet made by force of arms to the execution of the laws eDaded by the authority of the nation. The traitors again ft the eonftitutien of Poland came with arms in their hands, and the lying pretences of liberty in their mouths, to overthrow the free government and laws of their coun try. SHIP NEWS. ARRIVFD at the PORT oj PHILADELPHIA. Ship Roebuck, Bliss, Briitol Neil Malcom, Gill, Scarborough BrigCharleflon, Garman, Charleftoa Virginia, Deutay, Marleillet * Ann, Franklin, Barbadoes Sch'r. Olivia & Mary, Donovan, St. Domingo Sloop Ann, Story, St. Dominga . Newport, ICinus, N. Carolina Abb-', Ames, Boston fofiah, Howland, New-Bedford Polly, Barnes, Baltimore PRICE GF STOCKS. S per Cents, 3 per Ceius, Deferred, Full lhaies Bank U. S. ' 4 fhar'.-s, 57 Unfunded debt of the U. S. tif on the principal. And on ihe lutercft up to lft Jan. 1788, 1 gj. Erratum —In our last Gazette, in tlie ftric tiues signed " A Citizen of Philadelphia," sos May 10, 1791, read May 8, 1792. >r i* 33'54348. ft I Int. off 12/9 S >3/4 pi r cent, prcrn