* . . , • ,4j , ' i.. .. i■ * - _ :• J • "i j I; f ■ I .• i > ! I; * . . , A N/ITWNAI. PAPER, PUBi.ISI-itP jy |i»MtSDAVS AND «jVTU»BAyS FfJih'O,. No, 69., Hl■ -9- • •* ' -vi 1 . f „• * t -1' K ( ' • ' - . ' •< Grand' Family -Bible. P R O P O S' A I. S *O K PRINTING BY SI'tBSCR I I'TION, An ELEGANT EDITION of the SACRED SCRIPT T 7 R E S Of the OLD and 'NEW TESTAM'E XTU, vllih Hhe APOCRYPHA, On a very ta'r*c ajtd tepntljn! new T\ft, and fjperjini t < \r. ff c; » I TtiE great importance of l lie lU'ly,Scriptures, interfiling i<> every individual.; the divine excel, •fence « ft J doAnnes and precept*. nn'd tlife' beauty »ri*l>ftt»liroMy of its have fitting made it .a capital »bj<--a» ot auejitioii, as 10 pieclude oeca iion ox eflpottmiity lor eulogium. The piety or cntetprize of individuals l»as pre- Tentcri flits nivafiinble book to,the public;in a va riety ot fonhs ; m some editions it has'beed Highly e-mboliillied with fupeib engravings, winch ha«e j;re>tly enhanced its price; in pily? fieen accompanied with v.olumuiv*)» conrmenunei, which neceOarily Uic tize; while a va ritty .Vt plain ei'rtUp crftneS hsftft general}? diffirfed +hL'*(Vi:owiedge of the SrttJWlej Snrt made the nnwrhale easy to every class. Without wifhiivg in the IfnaHeft decree to leden "tfie merits'ift the various edition's, wnefher plain or ornamented, which' the public are in mlTofflon of, it ts Dcrtinent to remark* that verv Olinv rejdeis of taste aud judgment hive ex pre ffed a with tor a Family Bible unencumbered with ad ditions.' There ftiil appea'is room , tor another edition on a bcaiitiful new type, luperior in size and elegante to any bible that has ycrbeen printed 111 the Ervgli-fh language, and. .which, Isaving the adventytops of ornament or com ment, may exhibit the Orddcs or .God in their na tive simplicity. SPECIMEN,OF THE TYt'E. 5 And God laid, d Let there be .light: and there Was light. With rc/.#?£U.uJ Civbipiflion judgment ami candour jof the public, the f^)lpw.ing 41 e ~ I. The wftik'{halljbe printed with tlic cafelV -fidelity and attention to correfV-.tefs boih in tflr .text aifd margin. 1 references, on i iuperfme Paper made on purpose, with an elegant new Type cail for the york of the,fize of the above Specimen. 11. The Work wiil be computed in twenty •number*, making two elegaii* vohifnes in I'olio; ,to be lufqiftied to fubfctibers at one dollar eacjh nyqiber. To prevent any complaints of. want of punctuality, no part of the work wll be delivered unless paid ft>r. • lit. Th<£ fir ft number, containing sixty folio elegantly printed, will be fu*nilbed on the firfl Saturday of Jujy next, when fubferibers are to pay the price of the firifc and second numbers, and the price of one number to b' always in ad vance till "the work is completed. The fwbfequerf: numbersAo be published regularly on the fiiif Sa turday of csrch succeeding month, till the wlfou is finilhrd. Subscriptions wi.il be received in Philadel phia by the Publifbers, Thomas Dqbsqn, No. 4;. South Second-lVeet, and Joh n Parker, N0.259 Second-ftreei ; and bv all the Bo«k(cHers : jn by William P. Youngs Richmond, by Aichibald Curne ; Baltimore, by James Rice ; Wilmington, by Peter Bfynbcig ; New-\ork,by Thomas Allen; Nevv-Haverl, by iHiac Beers; Providence, (R. I.) by Wilham Wilkinlon; Sa jem, by Thomas Cufb ng ; Botton, by L-Jvid Weft, B njamin Guild, and Thomas Sc Andrews. ; - 1 ' ' '' Hie' ffERS. tp the' ' ' . -'»•> 'Tdntine Arc informed, ihit a general rrleciine js to be held at the Staic-Houfe in this city. Vm Saturday the 3d jday ot November next, at 1.0 o'clock., A. M. agreeably to the sixth articlc oh their aiTaciatioii. By order of the Agfnts, EBENEZfcR HAZARD, Sec'rv. Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1792. (rpt>33) Universal Hymn Book To be Sold W THOMAS'DOF.SQN T , and other Bookfcllers in Philadelphia, o ' ACoHttfion of PSALMS, HYMN'S, and SPI RITUAL SONGS; ftle&U'ftdrh different -Authors, and published by Order of the Con vention holding the Do&rir.e .of ihe-Salvation of all Men, met in Philadelphia. ?-«s> i 79]-9 ] - Price of a fingVbo'ok, bb&na,3 Btbs qf a pollar. wuh good allowance 10 tho'fa Wh'6 takeVparitittes. Augull 4. (?P"*) P L !i ' B y-r'Vii ; E City of Wafliington, Sold by the Booksellers, DO)mON, CAREY, \OUXG, & CWWHAKK. fTj- T/i$ -}OVR \ \L sj .f '» THiRI) SESSIOX ef Ac . I :ke UNil'Eft. STATES, may be had oj the Editor hereof. ■TOR THE GAZETTE 0 F TIjE ITE.D ST-AtsES. ATTEMPTS in different shapes bave been j made so re,pel the charges which have been J brought aguinft the Secretary of State. I'liej defence of him ho tore vie t in the'q«iUfctsi* in j he bis been .principally afiitied/fhah "illCh fcrtp gone 110 farther than a mere lhe\v of dsfefadiug' him. I steak A* r t° .his-improper ( with the Editor of the National Gazette;. Bin a more feriout and more pfaufifele effort ; been made M v'Pate the ari j from-hfc having bedn originally an 'ofcje&oir Ito t lusl pre fan t*xp n ijit u t ton' p£ r I jUpi (q tre j. .: Ki»i" this purprtfe; fevprijl.. letters ( %ijl.t£; hf vfcl bee£»nrjtjten^Wj, j¥ffer(o|i,,'w(;iJe m^ur^pd,* have'been cpiijmunit'atedr* How' far .tpey aife: gefiafne kttersjor tfiW.?ftbHL4flAnV'^l)3\^'far ftaJe"beeil alttfetfwiii\ftU4t¥4'Wlii; life the mahiiepof their Iocs; Ilei tis*!, and. doMtt+T Jf-i' CStrtiift of tbp (itb in the American Dajly.Aaver.tifer of tne loth mlf. j ttiiugh It. (cerAs to bfe intended* !iS of rheone rtiinfroriiftl Ins th& "V"?r- cription given ofit fflTps,to liav.e,fef,nit}, for, prefsly dates with regarcj. to that. jtiat TvTr. JefijiTonafteT fiftving,'declared'kis(k| 'thfe' '61' tte dMiWrattfinfr lii>*op tNe ednftlrtitiort'f>^3 which he tuiflics to be secured. The wbicla'y* ff{,j^lulL.qf'r^/its', a,s thQ^ir to jje the of.foyr,States-—which by no "leyu ; fatlsfies the latitude of MK fioris." ' ■ : 1 '■ '" 1 Sucti-netoftlfeteft, as it is y it affords an ad drtional confirmation of that part of the Ame rican's ftatemeut, which repi'£fents Mr, Ton. as havipg ad v. fed the people ot Virginia to. adopt or not upon a contingency. ~ It happens'likewife that the letters which have been communicated Vend tx> confirm thcs, and -at firfl went A; far as to diiccunfenance irs adoption.'* By this I underft'and \Vithou't previous amend ment; ' N S ■A- WEDNESD AY, OCTOBEII JJ. IJ on ap prove-" Ms. lefirfou did not e-tplicifly decide which two mcries waslieft ; and whilew is dear, notdeteimined irr favor of an adoption without previous amendments, it isjioWiflicult to iuier front the teran of expression employed, that he preferred the last of tpe tco modes ; a recurrence to a lecond convention. The faint nefs of the phrase " in hopes of future amend ment," and thtf einpbaticat method of difpjav ing the alternative are fuliicient indications of the preference he entertained. The pains which he takes in the fame letter tec remove the alarm naturally inspired by the iufurrcXion which had happened in Malfachn- 157 • -■ • ivsfc mii Z fctts, are ari additional illnftratibu of the fame! tnde jof the'at!v'ic«. which w«:.risen rtfoeftin? bias.— It is not easy to ur.derttand what otlipt jt le Fi\-utlf debt. -it j/s i..pv i-mit! fiiutla c|)in flbjsA iis .comments 01 t!»t, .circnmttantej pany ofadvejit.iriiVg (peculators iw« otfe.cij t.» qould have, but, to obviate the anxiety which it) pnrcliai'e the "debt at a diicount, f.«rrfcriii;> tl. was cakiilafed'.to inljjilV, for an adoption off delay of paviiient, < nkiVUt.iut; t;,e ptnliabid'lof, the tdnttitutfen, ivitiout a previous expert -1 and willing to e/rcunnter tfie - hraaM. Tbe ment' to auiend it. j forms employed. by Mr. te refute rhi-; 1 It.is no£pa&!Me,bi avoid remarking l>y the : way, that; tittle ctyi}inpnts afibrd a.furijqus, and cbar3|fterijlic ljimple ol'logic .and c?\ci;!aoiaii. '' ons rebellion jn thiiteen States, iii the eUi'ti) ytai's is ; but one tor eacfi State ii.d ' I'tyrituH'Aml i-bilf White It feiWs'Hid fl^cbdlrie : ii three >u*Bt's. .la tie of tup 9(l^ >f?? n .they are the giotiud of calculation,-;— And tbms afttiVeiaWe (BphVtln is 1 grivelytiiJldfe a •BAsis (if politicical couluiation and' c«H3fi£t.' : Fofr afc- IrottJing to tiki data fated,'it Mti s.ai ti tref tlijt $ht(> lwibad ome : r%llipn.\#,,eJpv,dii tlteif fyfety;' aito wcliire,a> that Franc; had had three infurrefc tionsfii tni'ie'years'. ' ' Thus it appear^'Trmn 1 the "Ver/ dot'inuerts OfVMv. Tit Iftfaa in tite> fir#'iuHwife .tlJp adoption of ,tj(j, cpnfntutton, idea of an attempt at previoyp. y. a fefpnd convention ; which.is 'fjle only part >f 'thi ■aifiga'Hoirt trf'thrsfi£**lftg alj p«fiilfl<2 JiuiwKty, not hi iidua, but his judgment^ ft will pe remarked, that there pppears to hav'e bee'it nd want of vfcrfatiiity in hts opinions. They kept ptiee tolerably well with the*]) ropjrefs ot'tic business, and were quite as £cucnimt dating as cii cnmfi. inccs (".-cnivd to . i cqiiiic.— Oh the 51ft 178?, when .the p.riaption o the conilitution va:, known, the \l.riou", weight y pbje( "l ~S~. 1 ■ 1 fTo! v ■d themselves into the (Yniple want of a bill ear in the letters that have been piiblilhed, it 5 natural to infer, that had the whole of Mr. [efteriem's ,correspondence 011 the fubjeft been iiven to the public, much greater diverfi'ties vould Have'been ditcovered. In the preface to the puWitatiori of the le't ers under coitfideration, the question is put, ' wherein was the merit or offence of a favor ible or unfavorably opinion of the md to whom rendered V It is a futticient answer to this qu'erfion, as it ■elates to the pnefent difenflion, to lav, that the ntimation which was given ot Mr. Jenerfon's lillike ps the conft'.tutioi., in the firft instance, vas evidently not intended as the imputation if a pofjtive crime, but ;ts one link ii> a chain .f evidence tending to prove th,at the National isifetteWa? cttAdtlftcd ilhtitr His ailfpites, and n confoiVnity to hi* view>s. After lliewing that the Editor of that paper vas in his pay, and had been taken into it foine hort time previous to the commencement of he publication, the inference rcfnlting from :he circumstance, of that paper being a politi :al engine, in his hands, is entleavbred to be .orroborated, ffrlt by the ftfggtfttohthai Mr. lefferfon had originally serious objections to the •oaftitutio!); fecpmUyJjy the further fuggeftio.i, :hat he h?s difapprpved cf mcft of the impor :ai?t measures adopted in the course of the ad nWiftration of the government. In this light, and with this special reference vera those iuggpftions made ; and certainly, a: ar as tliev are founded jii fact, th<; argument :hev afford i; fair and i'o; ciblc. A tonefpnn \: ."cv of the principle-, and opinion". of Mr. Jef 'ji'oii, v it'a :>< complexion of ,1 paper, the ■ortdurtor of « Vch is in the rc«.i;l;i,- pay of his lepartmcht, is surely a ftxong continuation of he conclulion —that tire pap.ji is conduced un ler his influence, and ag'Cua':>!y to his views. Nothing but a known opposition of sentiment on tba part of Mr. Jefferfoh to th'e dotfrines in- culcated in the National Gazette, could obvi ate the inference deducible from his afcertain 9«l#nd Vliny BHtraordinarY qonneftion with it. A coin«idence of £ntii«ents is a dirert and ir refiltaWe ponflrmation of that inference., An effort Scarcely plausible has been made by ArffticWs* to explaifi away the turpi- * The 'Ildl iijfimilarityaf flile ard manner, leant M doubt that the u riter of the firjl pitct.Jigne'd " Arif ndes." is a dijft rent perf n j rnin tie unlet of the fojl: The Jar cei are uell marfialhti. DHIL'AVCfcPHtA [Whole No. fpecie.s-ef ppolt&y. His words an , ' k 31. there is a,danger the .payments i'-t fytfg /»wm tua/', 11||l)niit v.-hc:iicr itmav notbj? teiytbat ti.C c/'j ' ichith i * d!■< ■• r/lfionld '<<■ tr&nifeWaWot\\ a < ?r; lrfi9hd{&jf(t,ill''zvW&k hate fu much u.tha'btevffo a&* ■fwv*u- \*nf*ahr>' j .He If I#^:gifto ttrif!ft:^7/io"- tints Koulfljui[z t (Vogitjj£,\vjjitfiAfqupte in Hfs'cbn ciptloiijithe jlirtc'lfcf fc W ■' fcuil tft WOtatcfl on Asia;/ anjl Jofv! ... j . iuii Iw.o! '■■'■ •il-.'ii pany expected to purchase' at an from the probability, tJint *Ue csoH't oT'f.raijce isa OIJ tftis rfi6V«*J ii Iftfc •4tie»cV'r>4^fcl*S't''- miglit be left •Brefl Stfc - ment; not tiiat the'y caJ«u!i.e'V*trM6ns to lreiviite'fftrW. "AMI I'd it j H TfVAAi'liis jvb worbiitiiat Jifaj i(effer!bn unlfarftxioti i*. . ' • Bud irttf^«iConJ<'>ttW itaiptitfcftafe, Wre-anavl'aDoies; i I'dlfit c-rvt»f[lfpo¥< 'a'llfcWte'd;' l tfiar > Mi*.. l jeferon neritiched'aA alternative, the obtaining-of mo ey by ijcw, loans to reiniburfe rhe court < Fraiicc ; but this is not mentioned in any \Vti that derogates from, or the ad\ ice yi -ii in the h.rft insane c. Me merely piefenl" : alternative, in cafe the Mrfl idea firouicl he cii. approved. ilt may-he addad fhn*; the r.dvice refpecbir: the transfer4»f the debt littjfe more hoaiir able to the United Stages,, a,-? it .se^ardtd »tl.< court of Franee, .tjxui. as it .refb^Aeclthe Ditff i company. "What a blejuifn on our nationa character tint a debr of so fscred a nati:ic should have been transferred at so confiderablv: a loss to so. meritorious a ere •* of-L . A flill less plausible effort kn made tr vindicate tjhe iNfttiopfll Gazette from ibe thar£c of being a paper deypted 4;o the calumhiatiiiy and depreciating the government of the Unitcc States. No original performance in defence ol she gfli-eVnttient, Vjr'ffs mfe&ftires,'Ms) ft is £a ; .d been refilled bv the Editor of that paper. A few publications of that tendency have appear ed in it ; principally, if not wholly iirice the public dcfellion of the initiation of its con ductor. What''a wretched apology ! Eccaufetlic par tiality ha-? not been fa-daring and unprecedent ed, as to extend to a refufal of original pub lications in jlefenee of the government, a papei which indufti ioufiy copies every inflammatory Publication against it that appears in any part ci the United States, and carefully avoid; every infwer wh ; ch is giyert to (hem, even when fpe rially handed to t!>e Editor for the purpose, i jot to be accounted a malicious and pernicious mgine of detraction and calumny towards the rovernment ! ! ! But happily here no proof nor argument is ne relTary. The crije chat after and tendency o! :he paper may be left to the evidence of even •eader's senses and feeling l ;. Aiid Ariftides, a< jften as he looks over that paper, must blush, ii 15 can blpQi, at the afTcrtion, u that it lias \boundcJ (\\\ce jts commencement with publica tions'in favor of the meaiuies of the govcrn nenf." Deception, however artfuHV veiled, fcldbm 'ails to betray Tome unsound part. Ariftides mures us, that JVlf.Jefibrfon u has advajly refufed n any ioftancc to mark a single paragraph, ivhich appeared in the foreign prints for repub icatiOn in the' National Gazette. On what ground was futh an application to Mr. Jefferfon nade, if he was not considered ai the patron of :he paper ? What printer wouidmake a similar Spiication to the head of any other depart nent ? I verily believe none.—And I consider :he circumstance fated as a confirmation of ih< -elation of Patron and Cltf.nt, between th< of State, and the Editor of tV.e Na tional Gazette. The refufal, if it happened, is one of those little under plots, with which the rr.cft in triguing rp/Wi in the United States is at no loss, to keep out ol light the main dtfign of tie drama. • CATULLUS. UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA, October 12, >792. THE Medical Lcilnre". will begin on Thvrf dav, the firft ct'No\emler. . * &