Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-llrcet, New-York, THE Sabfctiber intending to confine htmiel entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE o, STOCKS ON COMMISSION, Beg»leave to ofter his iervices to his friends and other., in the lint ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor htm with their buftnefs, may depend upon hav.n, utmott fidelity and from PMladelphia.Bofton, or any other part ol the Untied States will be Itnttly a.tem - cd to. LEONARD BLEECKER (t.I.) May t Universal Hymn Book. To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON, and other Booksellers in PhiladclDhia, A Coiuaionof PSALMS, HYMNS, andl SPI /VRITUAL SONGS; klcflcd (rom di"< «»' Authors, and publilhtd by Order of the Con vention holding the Doanne ol the Salvation ol allJMen, nWt in Philadelphia, M3 J\ 2 s''? q '- Price ol a single book, bound, 3-Bths of a Dollar, with eood allowance to those who take quantiiles. Augiift 4 - {CVXL) Strayed or Stolen, FROM ihe fubfjriber, on the night of (he >Bth inflani, Irom ihe inclofure of John Clark, ojf Trenton TowndVip, Hunterdon couniy, Ntw hifcy, o Chefnut Sorrel MARE, about nine years old, touiteen and an half hands high, bald faced, white feet and eyes, a bunch on her left and ntar fide occasioned by a'huri, small long neck, thin mane, Ihortifh tail, (hod all round : Whofoevt r will lake up said Mare, and reiurn her either to 'oh n Clark, of Trenton, Richard Varian, New-York, or the fubfenbtr in Danbuiy, Fair field county, State of ComxfHcut, (hall leceive EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD tor the Marc and Thief, or FOUR DOLLARS for the Mare only. JAMES TROWBRIDGE. Trenton, (N.J.) Sept. 18, 1792. Ne w-Brunsw ick Church Lottery. THE peculiar circumstances of a gentleman who had undertaken to difpofeof a propor tion of the tickcts in the New-Brutifwick Church Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon venient for him further to proceed in the lalc thereof, between eleven and twelve hundred tick ets are unexpectedly the Reltor, Church-Wardens and Veftry-mtn. This lays the Managers under the neceflity of further adjourning the drawing Lottery, until the fifteenth day of Oftobcr next, that they may have time to tranf mil these tickcts to the parts of the (late where they aie applied for, and teceive the returns As there are but few tickets besides these remaining on hand, all persons who are disposed to promote the pious object of this Lottery, or to take a chance for the pnzestherein, are requeued to supply them ielves by the firft ot O&ober; and the gentlemen appointed to difpofc of them, aie dtTircd to return those to the Managers which then remain unfold, to answer the applications of some gentlemen in the neighbourhood, who are postponed to this re source for a supply.—And notice is hereby given, that the tickets not returned to the Managers by the eighth day of Odlober, will be considered as at the rifle of the holders. N. B. Robirt Morris, Esq. of New-Brunf wick, is duly chosen one of the Managers of the said Lottery, and has given security and qualified agreeably to law. (eptOi) 100 Dollars Reward. LOST on Cambridge Common, MaiTachufetts, 011 the afternoon of the 18th ult. a Morocco 'POCKET-BOOK, with a steel clasp, containing a number of valuable papers, among which Were the following Public Securities, viz. Maflachufetts State Notes—No. 2,425, dated December x, 1782, payable to Thomas Greenwood, lor £.* 3 16s. principal—No. 22,399, dat «d Ja nuary x, 1785, payable to Nathaniel Partridge, for £.10 10s. principal.—No. , dated January 1, 1782, fan army note) payable to Timothy How ard, for/". 8 Br. id. principal. — No. , a Not«r number, date, and to whom payable, not known) for 3 oj. 3d. principal.—One Indent Certificate for Four Dollars, and a New-Hamp shire Certificate for about £. 12 pavable to John And Daniel Jenks ; also a number of N'otes of Hand, one of which wis for 572 given by Nafhan Bond to Samuel W. Pomeroy\by whom it was en dowed J dated ill May, and pavable on the 1 xth August following ; the others were all paya ble to the Subscriber. The Securities are checked at \he different otfVccs from whence they were iflued, and the Notes of Hand by the different signers, they can therefore be of no use to anv but the oWner. The Subscriber hereby offers a reward of One Hundred Dollars to any person or perfon l . who has found the fame, and will return them 10 him, or leave (hem with the Printer hereof, and no questions be asked. . ABRAHAM FOSTER. Saltnt, Mitfachufelts, Augujl t, 1792. (eptl) The SUBSCRIBERS to the Universal Tontine Are informed, that a general meeting is to be held at the Statc-Houfe in this city, on Satuiday the 3d day ot November next, at 10 o'clock, A M agreeably to the sixth article of their association.' By order of the Agents, »7 , EB c ENfiZER HAZ ARD, Sec'ry. Philadelphia, Sept. 13,17-92. (eptN^) NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL,HYSON& SOUCHONG, Of the very quality, and la,eft impoitation from Canton, T ia New-York, by No. 19, Thud,between Chefnut and Market Streets. BOWEN's FXHIBITION OF Wax-Work & Paintings, AT the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pine, in Eighth-street, is now ready for the en tertainment of the Public.— Among a great variety of Paintings, are a number oi ITALIAN & FRENCH PIECES, which are new and very pleaiing. Also, a large collection ol NEW WAX FIGURES. The Exhibition is open every day, from nine o'clock in the morning, until nine in the even ing. Admittance HalT a Dollar for Lauics and Gentlemen, and half price lor Children. Tickets for the season, (not transferable) Two Dollars. For Sale, at the Exhibition Rooms, LIKENESSES of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, in WAX, And a variety of Elegant PRINTS in Frames. Sept. 21. (eptf) B () O K S, PRINTED AND SOLD BY M ATHEW CAREY, Nv. 118, Morhtt-Strict, Philadelphia. i. A MERICANMUSfcUM.fiom itscommence £\. ment in January 1787, 10 June 1792, in eleven vo.s. Price, neatlv bound and lettered, seventeen dollars and three filths. This f'oik, which is now conduced on an im prov« d plan, containing the befl pieces tor and a gain ft the proceedings ol government, will be found to contain at least as great a variety of political, agricultural,and miscellaneous eifays, as any ever publiihed in America, Perhaps in no one work are To many valuable documents refpe£K ing the htftoiy of this country, collected together. | His Excellency the President of the United States, I has declared of it, that " a more ufeful literary plan has never been undertaken in America, nor one more deTerving ot public encouragement." The fub'feriptir Monday the Bth day of October m xt. One toimh part of the money to be paid down, the rcfidue 10 three equal annual payments, with yearly lntereft on the»>hole principal unpaid. JOHN M'GANTT, Clerk June 2, 1792. TO BE SOLD BY THE EDITOR AN ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Duties payable on ail Goods, Wares ami Merchan dize impo.ted into. Lhe United States ; exhibiting the Rates payable o» tliofe imported in Ships or Veto-Is of the United" States, and in Foreign Ships "' Velds; including the additional Duties to which the icfptftive Articles aie liable. A L S O, A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold— gradual, d according to Law-Blank Manifefls- And Blanks (or ibe various Powers ol Attorney n.ceffary trancing Buuncfs at the Treaty or at the Bank oT the United States, 143 Treasury Department, Au Gust 10, 1792. NOTICE is hereby given, that propotals will be received at the otfice of the Secretary oil the Treasury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep tember next inclusive, foi the tup ply ot all Rations which may be required for the use of the United bjates, trom ihe hi It day of January 10 the thirty tirft day of December, 1793, both days inclusive, a: the places* ,and within the diftritts hereafter I iiicmioned, vizi ». At any place or places betwixtYni k-Town & Carli(le,inthe Itateot Pcniifylvania,amt Pmlburgh, and at Pmiburgh, York-Town and Catliflc. 2. At any place or places lrom Pmlburgtfto iht mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the motiih ol Big Beaver Creek. 3. At any place or places from the said mouth tfV the upper fai.sol the fa:d Big Beaver, and at the uppei tails. 4. At anyplace or places from the said upper tails to Mahoning, and at Mahoning. 5. At any place or places lrom the laid Mahoning ovf to the Head Navigation ot the River Caya hoga, and at the said Head Navigation. 6. At any place or places trom the laid Head Na vigation to the mouth of the laid Rivet Cayahoga, and at the said mouth. 7. At any plate or places betwixt the mouth o! 'the Rig Beaver Creek to ihe mouth of the River iMufkingum, and up the said River to the Tufca- Irowas, and at the Tufcarowas, and thence over to the Cayahoga River, and thence down the faitl River to its moiirh. 8. At anyplace or places betwixt the mouth o! the River Mufkirtgum and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. 9 At any place or places betwixt the mouth of Scioto River and the mouth of the Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Miami, and from thence to the Rapids or the Falls of the Ohio, and at the said Rapids. 10. At any place or places betwixt the mouth oi the Great Miami, up the laid Miami to and at Pique Town. 11. At any placeor places from Fort Washington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At any place or places from Fort Hamilton 10 Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair. 12. At anv placeor places from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jrfferfon. 13. At any place or places from Fort Jefferfon to the field ot a&ion of the 4th of November, 4 791, and at the said field of action. 14. At anv place or places from the said field of action to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami Villages. 15. At any place or places from the said Miami Villages to the Falls of ihe Miami River, which empties into Lake Erie, and at the said Falls, and from thence to its mouth, and at its mouth. 16. At anv place or places from the inouih of the said Miami River of Lake Erie toSandufky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake. i 17. At any place or places from ».he fa'd Sanaufky Lake to the mouth of the River Cavahoga. 18. At anv place or places from the mouth of thi laid River to Prefque I flc, and at Prefque Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and ihence down the Alleg hany River to Fort Franklin. 20. At awy placeor placesfromPrefquelfle toL< Beuf, and at Le Beuf. 21. At any place or places from I.e Beuf to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence to Putfburgh. 22. At any place or places from theßapids of the Ohio to the mouth of the W.:bafh River, and from the mouth of the said River to the mouth | of the River Ohio. 23. At anv or places on the East fide of the River Mifliflippi, from the mOuth of the Ohio River, to the mouth of the Illionois River. 24. At any place or places on the East fide of the, Mifiiflippi i between the mouth of the Ohio and the River Margot inclusively. 25. At any place or places from the said River Margot to the River Yazous inclusively. 26. At any place or places from the mouth of the laid Wabafh River up to Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. 28. At any place or places from Ouiitanou,up the said WabaSh, to the head navigation of a brancfi" thereof called Little River, and at the said head navigation of Little River. 29. At any placc or places from the said bead na vigation of Little River over to the Miami Village. 30. At anv place or places from the mouth of the River Tencflee to Orcochappo or Bear Cieek, 011 the said Rive*, inclusively. 31. At any place or places from the mouth of the River Cumberland to Nalhville, on the said River, and at Nashville. And at any place or places within thiity miles of said Naftiville to the Southward, Weftwatd or i Northward thereof. Should any rations be required at any places, 01 within other diilrifts, not fpecifted in these pro posals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed on betwixt the public and the comrattor. The rations to be supplied are to consist of the following articles, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of pork, Hall a jill of rum, biandy or Vhtfky, One quart of fait, } Two quarts of vinegar, ( Two poundi nf snap, > prr ,00 rations, One pound of candles, ) to the Ct>mmiflk>ner*, [cp't'f] The rations are to he furnifhed In such quanti ties as that there shall at all times, during the laid, irrm, be fufficient for the Con fu nipt ion- of the troops at each ot the {aid ports, tor the space of ai Icaft three months in advaftce, in good and whale fome provifiojis, if the fame ihjM be required. It is to be undcrftood in each cafe, that all loflVs fuftaiued by the depredations of the enemy, or b\ means of the troops of the United States, ihall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured of de stroyed, on the depositions of two or more credita ble chara&ers, ahd the certificate of a com irii{Rott ed officer, aficrtaining the c'ircumtlances of' tht loss, and the amount of the arttclcs ioi which com pensation is claimed. The contract for the above fiipplies will be mad< either for one year, or for two ycarsj as may appea, 19. At any place orplaces fromPrefque Isle to the :ream running into Lake Eric from towards the 27. At any place or places from Fort Knox, up he said Wabafh, to Ouittanon. and at Ouittanon. ei.giM, Prions j ;nrrim|: fore counne iln-ir ntfeis to one ,» rtak S ,heir F op o rmon s ( oil r - '* of the term of two7cars. 4, »*Uc , The offers may comprifc all *Vi#» rxi _ »,av. Tre afui y De partment, NOTICE is hereby gt". "I, i\b= r ««« d « 'He o*ce of ,l,e Secrt, ~ , the r„-.fury, until the iyh day of o£t„b c , * inclusive, tor the supply „f Tatlo , s « h-e required lor the u)e of ,br Uimid S,a,,J HieHrAday ot ja„ ua , y to the thl „ December 1793, b«l„ days inclusive, 3 Spimi', *n toe State ol MaHachulett s, a „d ibe PoilutWett' Point, in the State of' Ni w-Volk " The rations to V, ate to coifift 0 [ following articles, vi Z . One pound of bre'?d or flour, Pne pound of beef, or {of a pound'of oorfe Half a jill of ram, brandy or *L 1 P ' One quart of fair, } Two quarts of vinegar, ( Two pounds of soap, C P" 100 tatiotii. Onft pound of candlts. ) The proposals mav be trade for Whof if,. Treasury Department, Nrvrirv i. , Aucl)!T . 20ih,, 7 Q 2 . OTICL is hereby given, that pwpolaU will be received at the office of the Secretary of lie Treasury unul ihe fourlh day of October next inclusively, tor the fiipply ofthe fallow ng article ot Clothing for the Troups in iht lcrvice oi the United States m. FOR THf INFANTRY and ARTILLERY 4 6o»'flats 18460 Shirts 4608 Coats 7956 Pa.rofSockj 4608 Vests 4608 Blankets 8668 Woolen Overalls 4 6c8 Sfockj 921-6 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clafpi 18376 Pair of Shoe. 4608 Pair of Bucklci FOR IHI CAVALRY. 360 Caps -TOO Pair ot Stockings 360 Coats 1440 Shirts 360 Veils 360 Blankets 360 Pair of Leather 360 Stocks (Breeches 360 Siork Clalps; also, 720 Pairof Boots 1200 Rifle Shirts, tobe 360 Pair of Spurs (madeol Russia Slieetm- The above Cloth'njuo be delivered either in New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the op tion ot thccontra&or or contractors, on or bdote the 15th day of June, 1793. The piopofals inay corrfprife the whole of the before-mentioned Clothing, or any one or more of thecomponeni articles; to be furnilhed agreea bly to patterns or fpeCimcns, which willbefluwn at the War Office. Good security willberrquir. Ed for the punctual and faithful performance of the contract. The payment will be on she dcli»e ry of the Clothing, or, if necelfarv, such ftafona hle advances will be made as the Secretary of the Treasury fliafl deem expedient. War Department, August 6, 1792. INFORMATION is hereby gwcn to all the Military Invalids of the United States, tb« the lums to which they arc intitled lor fix mouth, of their annual petition, from the 4th day of Match 1792, and which will become due on the sth dav oi September 1792, will be paid on tire (aid day by the Commifiioncrs of the Loans within the Slates relpe£lively, under the usual regulations,v.z. Every application paytnent'muft be accom panied by the following vouchers. : ft. The certificate given by the state, fpecifyiog that the person poflVfling the fame is in fl& an in valid, and afccitaining the lum to whicb as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form A. B. came brjore me, one ej the ounty of in the Jiate of and made oathtwt e is the fame A. B. to whom the original certijii'te n his pojfcflion was given, of vihiikrlhcJ»Uwiu>g " i copy (the certificate given by the Jute to be rtrMi) That he fervcd (regiment,toip> or veMj 1 the time he was disabled, and that hj now "J"! " the and iounty of aid hi ie/u:J therefor the UJI years, pfeviius to vhlih he rt sided in In cafe an invalid should applv if* payment bv an attorney, the said attorney, betides the ccth • cate and oath before recited, must produce a lpe cial letter of attorney agreeably to ihe to .owin 6 form r, A. B. of county tf_' * hireby conJlituU avd 'I attorney, to rrcewc » my M#J of *! r_r for f,x month, « « «*»M ojtk from the fourth day of Mofch < m f bjH/*. hundred and nimtytwo, and n™» died, whoTe pension they may claim 15v command of the Piefident of the Uniteo States, H. KNOX, Sicil^t'J RT The Printers in ihe re V®|* f,' e '3(L requested to publish the above .» en, for the space of two months. plans OFT H* City of Wafliington, Sold by the B-roKSttUltS; DOBSOM, CAREY, $T The price tftkis o**"* anrwm —One kalfu f' 4 " "" "JJ ' I H | Ifilujll.