Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 29, 1792, Page 140, Image 4

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    BY THE
PRESIDENT of the United States
. \-\7HEREAS certain violent
( / VV and unwarrantable pro
ceedings have lately taken place,tend
ing to obftrudt the operation of the
laws of the United States for raising
a revenue upon spirits difti 1 led with
in the fame, enacfted pursuant to ex
press authority delegated in the con
ltitution of the United Srates : which
proceedings are subversive of good
order, contrary to theduty that every
citizen owes to his country and tothe
laws, and of a nature dangerous to
the very being of a government.
And whereas fach proceedings ?re
the more unwarrantable, by rea(on
of the moderation which has been
heretofore shewn on the part of the
government, and of the disposition
which has been manifefted by the le
gislature (who alone have authority
to suspend the operation of laws) to
obviate causes of objection, and to
render the laws as acceptable as pos
sible : and whereas it is the particu
lar duty of the Executive " to take
care that the laws be faithfully exe
cuted and not only that duty, but
the permanent interests and happi
ness of the people require, that every
legal and neceflary Hep should b~- pur
sued, as well to prevent such violent
and unwarrantableproceedings, as to
bring to justice the infractors of the
laws and secure obedience thereto.
Now Therefore I, GEORGE
WASHINGTON, President of the
United States, do by these presents
most earnestly admonish and exhort
all persons whom it may concern, to
refrain and desist from all unlawful
combinations and proceedings what
soever, having for object or tending
to obftruft the operation of the laws
aforefaid ; inafnuich as all lawful
ways and means will be ftridtly put
in execution for bringing to justice
the infractors thereof and securing
ehcdience thereto. 1 do moreover charge and re
quire a It courts, niagiftrates and offi
cers <vl it may concern, according
to the th of their several offices,
to exert th : powers in them respec
tively v.-fti by law for the purposes
aforefai.i ereby also enjoining and
reqnliin -.11 persons whomfover, as
the} te ?r the welfare of their coun
try , th< ill and due authority of go
vern mei t, and the preservation of
the p'il ic peace, to be aiding and as
sisting therein according to law.
In 't'tftimony whereof, I have caused
(he Seal of the United Slates to be
affixed to thefeprefents, and Signed
'.he fame -with my Hand- Bone this
fifteenth day of September, in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and ninety two, and of the
Independence of the United States
the seventeenth.
By the President.
Th : Jefferson.
Universal Hymn Book.
To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON, and other
ABookfebers in Philadelphia,
Colleft.onof PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI.
HI lUAL SONGS; felefted from differeni
Auinors, and published by O.der of the Con
ventton hold,ng the Doctrine of the Salvation of
alljMen, met m Philadelphia, Mav 25, 179,.
-f. r,Ce ° f a ,9 ng,c book ' boun d. 3- Bths of a Dollar
■With good allowance to those who lake quantities
AuS " ft 4' ■ (eptf.)
Stock Brokers Office,
<T^liF°Snhf Gr ? t Dock -® r « t . N*w-Youk, '
- I HE intending to confine himfelf
STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to offer
ofa St'oTk Broker fr Th d ? "h ' hH '" C
KUroker. Those who may please to ta
May 2,
Grand Family Bible.
Ot the OLD ami NEW TESTAMENTS, with the
0n a very large and beantijul new T)pe, andfupeijine
THE great importance ot the Holy Scriptures,
imereiting to every individual; the divine excel
lence of its do£trincs and precepts, and the beauty
and sublimity of its paflages, have so long made it
a capital object of attention, as to preclude occa
sion or opportunity for eulogium.
The piety or enterprize of individuals has pre
sented this invaluable book to the public in a va
riety ot forms ; in some editions it has been highly
embellished with superb engravings, which have
greatly enhanced its price ; in others it has been
accompanied with voluminous commentaries,
which neceflarily encreafed the size; while a va
riety of plain cheap copies have generally diffufed
the knowledge of the Scripture, and made the
purchase easy to every class.
Without wishing in the lmaileft degree to lessen
the merits ot the various editions, whether plain
or ornamented, which the public are already in
poirtflion ot, it is pertinent to remark, that very
many readers ot taste and judgment have exprefled
a with for a Family Bible unencumbered with ad
ditions. There still appears room for another
edition on a beautiful new type, superior in size
and elegance to any bible that has yet been printed
in the English language, and which, leaving the
adventitious circumstances ot ornament or com
ment, may exhibit the Oracles oj God in their na
tive limplicity.
I 5 And God said,
d Let there be light: and
there was light.
With refpe£lful fubmiflion to the judgment and
candour of the public, the following proposals are
offered :
I. The woik (hall be printed with the gieateft
fidelity and attention to corre&r.efs both in the
text and marginal references, on a fuperfine Paper
made on purpose, with an elegant new Type call
for the work of the size ot the above Specimen.
11. The work will be comprised in twenty
number.*, making two elegant volumes in Folio ;
to be furnifhed to fubfeubers at one dollar each
number. To prevent any complaints of want of
punctuality, no part of ihcwork wll be delivered
unlef. paid for.
111. The firft number, containing sixty folio
pages, elegantly printed, will be furnUhed on the
firft Saturday of July next, when fubferibers are
to pay the price of the firft and second numbers,
and the piice of one number to be always in ad
vance till the work ts completed. The subsequent
numbers to be published regularly on the firft Sa
turday of each succeeding month, till the whole
is finifhed.
Q3' Subscriptions will be received in Philadel
phia by the Publifheis, Thomas Dobson, No. 41,
South Second-fti eet, and John Parker, No. 259,
North Second-street; and by all the Bookfellcrs :
in Charleston, by William P. Young ; Richmond,
by Aichibald Currie ; Baltimore, by James Rice ;
Wilmington, by Peter Brynberg ; New-York, by
1 homas Allen ; New-Haven, by Isaac Beers;
Providence, (R. I.) by William Wilkinfon; Sa
lem, by Thomas Cufliing ; Boston, by David
Welt, Benjamin Guild, and Thomas & Andrews.
Wax-Work & Paintings,
AT the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pine,
in Eight h-ftreet, is now ready for the en
tertainment of the Public- Among a great
variety of Paintings, are a number of
which are new and very pleasing.
Also, a large collection of
The Exhibition is open every dav, from nine
o'clock in the morning, until nine in the even
,nS Admittance Half aDollar for Ladies
and Gentlemen, and haljprice for Children..
Tickets for the season, (not transferable)
Two Dollars.
For Sale, at the Exhibition Rooms,
And a variety of Elegant PRINTS in Frames
Se P f - 31 - fentn"
Universal Tontine
Art mfu'mcd, that a general meetin. is to be held
at ihe Staic-Honfc in thiscty, on Saturday the sd
day of November next, at ,o o'clock, A. M.
agreeably to the sixth article of their association.
By order of the Agents,
pi 7 , EBENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ry.
' S 't lL 15. » 792- (VptN 3 j
of fromT ryfi ' ftqUa, r y ' and lat£ft importation
from Canton, ,» New-Yo.k, by retail, at
No. Ip,
Th 1 rd, between Chefni,, and Market Street,.
A S * L Z H ™" C " UST
Vcffels; indudin, .he addit' PS '
which the rcrpca,veA,ti c , c ; dd ; , i rble. DU ''" "I
graduated according to Latßlank'M* f"n~
And Blanks for the v arious pow " a.mfcfts
neceflary tranfaftm,; Buunef, « L
|« the Bank of the United States Tr " fu '- V or
Strayed or Stolen,
FROM the iubLnber, on the night of the 18th
instant. from the inclofure of John Clark.
ot Trenton Township, Hunterdon county, New
ferfey, a Chefnut Sorrel MARE, about nine years
old, fourteen and an half hands high, bald faced,
white feet and eyes, a bunch on her left and near
fide, occasioned by a hurt, small long neck, thin
mane, shortish tail, Ihod all round : Whosoever
will take up said Mare, and return her either to
John Clark, of Trenton, Richard Varian,
New-York, or the fubferiber in Danbury, Fair
field county, State of Connecticut, (hall receive
Thief, or FOUR DOLLARS tor the Mare only.
Trenton, (N.J.) Sept. 18, 1792.
Church Lottery.
THE peculiar circumstances of a gentleman
who had undertaken to difpofeof a propor
tion of the tickets in the New-Bi unfwick Church
Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon
venient for him further to proceed in the sale
thereof, between eleven and twelve hundred tick
ets are unfxpe£ied!y returned to the Rettor,
Church-Wardens and Veftiy-mcn. This lays the
Managers under the neceflity of further adjourning
the drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day
of O&ober next, that they may have time to trans
mit these tickets to the parts of the state where they
aieapplied for, and receive the returns. As there
are but few tickets besides these remaining on
hand, all persons who are disposed to promote the
pious object of this Lottery, or to take a chance
for the prizes therein, are requested to supply them
selves by the firft of O&ober ; and the gentlemen
appointed to dispose of them, are desired to return
those to the Managers which then remain unfold,
to answer (he applications of some gentlemen in
the neighbourhood, who are postponed to this re
source for a supply.— And notice is hereby given,
that the tickets not returned to the Managers by
the eighth day of October, will be considered as
at the risk of the holdeis.
I N. B. Robert Morris, Esq. of New-Brunf
wick, is duly choftn one of the Managers of the
fa id Lottery, and has given security and qualified
agreeably to law. (eptOi)
ioo Dollars Reward.
LOST on Cambridge Common, Massachusetts,
on the afternoon of the 18th ult. a Morocco
POCKET-BOOK, with a steel clasp, containing
a number of valuable papers, among which were
the following Public Securities, viz.
MaflTachufetts State Notes—No. 2,425, dated
December 1, 1782, payable to Thomas Greenwood,
f° r /* 2 3 I^jr * principal—No. 22.399, dated Ja
nuary 1, 1785, payable to Nathaniel Partridge, tor
£. 10 tor. principal.— No. , dated January
1, 1782, (an ai;my note) payable to Timothy How
ard, for £.8 Bs. id. principal.— No. , a Note
(the number, date, and to whom payable, not
known) for £. 3 oj. 3 d. principal.—One Indent
Certificate for Four Dollars, and a New-Hamp
shire Certificate for about £. 12 payable to John
and Daniel Jcnks ; also a number of Notes of Hand,
one of which was for £. 572 given by Nathan
Bond to Samuel IV. Pomeroy (by whom it was en
dorfedj dated id May, 1792, and pavable on the
1 lth August following ; the others were all paya
ble to the Subscriber. The Securities are checked
at ihe different offices frorti whence they were
iflTued, and the Notes of Hand by the different
Tigners, they can therefore be of no use to any but
the owner.
The Subscriber hereby offers a reward of One
Hundred Dollars to any person or persons
who has found the fame, and will return them to
him, or leave them with ihe Printer hereof, and
no quedions will be aflced.
Salem, Majfachufttts, Augujl i, 1792. (epif)
June 28, 1792.
PURSUANT to the last Will and Teilament of
the late Rev. Alexander Williamson,
deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurs
day, the lithof October next,at Georgetown,
on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving
bond with approved security, to bear intereftfrom
the date That valuable Seat of Land. in Montgo
mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling
plantation of the deceased, containing between fix
and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which
jis rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa
[ tered, and capable of affording a very considerable
quantity cA fine meadow Situated ahout6 miles
rom the Federal City,and the fame distance from
George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a
remarkable healthy part of the country.
The improvements are, a very elegant two flory
Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a
callage, or entrv. on a floor) and the neceflary out
/ ™ BEN J STODDERT, £ Executors.
T July 6, I 792.
HE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Seat on
Rock Creek, deemed bv those who have ex
mined it, equal to any in the United States. The
Mill-House tnay be placed within one quarter of
a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from
the market heufe in Georgetown, and one mile
from the Present's fquaie, in the city of Wash
ington on tide water, navigable for vessels of fe
deral hundred bushels burthen.—The stream is
fumcient,the year round,to turn four pair of (tones,
and the fall may be made from 25 to 30 feet. It
is urineceflary to dwell on the advantages ot such
a situation.
Tne purchaser mav be srcommodafed with a
evv hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Scat,
if that should he an ohjeft
( e P3 ,n 14jul)
From the last of Odlobcr nrxt,
(3A convenient Houfc, rn or rear lie centre oj
he C ity,—Enquire of the tditor.
psrfof the money to be piW do^ (
thrte equal annuti flt ylArnu u,i «
* tht whole pr, n ,e "' T *«*
10 tlre
* i»
Jung a, ; Jg,
City of Walhin»oß
Sold by the Bookseuixs '
POBSON, CAREY, y OUm% ff&g.
Treasury Department
is hereby given,
>1 be received at the office of the&!2*
the Treasury, until the i 3 th day of '
inclusive, tor the supply of all ration, wbj,"
be required for the use of the United Sf#* t
.hefirft day of January to the "huty.ft™
December .793, both days inclusive, at S«i Jrfl
in the Stale of Maffachuletls.and thePolofwJft
in the State of New-York.
The rations to be fupplted.are to consist of the
following articles, Vl7.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beet, or £ of a pound of po,k,
Half a jtll of rum, brandy or whifkv
One quart of fait, )
Two quarts of vinegar, (
Two pounds of soap, ( P er 100 rations.
One pound of candles. )
The proposals mav be made for both of iV
above-ment.oned Pofls, or fcparateiy, f„ rSmin ,
field and Wefl-Point.
1 Treasury Department,
N. August, 20th, i -oo
OTICE ,s hereby given, that proposal, ~l|
be received at the office of the Secetary of
the Ireafury until ihe fourth day of Oftobfrnexi
lnclufively, for the supply of the following arcirln
of Clothing for the Troops in the fcrvicc o<
the United States viz.
46c8*Hats 18460 Shirts
4608 Coats 79j6 Pa lr of Socks
4608 ycfts 4608 Blankets
8668 Woolen Overalls 4608' Stocks
9216 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clasps
18376 Pair of Shoes 4608 Pair of Buckiu
For the CAVALRY.
360 Caps 120 Pair of Stockings
360 Coats 1440 Shirts.
360 Vests 360 Blankets
360 Pair of Leather 360 Stocks
(Breeches 360 Stock Clafps;alfo,
720 Pair of Boots 1200 Rifle Shins, tobe
360 Pair of Spurs (made of Russia Sheeting
The above Clothing to be delivered either in
New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the op
tion of the contra&or or contractors, on or before
the 15th day of June, 1793.
The piopofals may comprise the whole of the
before-mentioned Clothing, or any one or more
of thecomponent articles; to be furnifhed agreea
bly to patterns or specimens, which will be fhewa
at the War Office. Good security will be requir
ed for the pun&ual and faithful performance of
the contract. The payment will be on fhedelive
ry of the Clothing, or, if neceflarv, such reasona
ble advances will be made as the Secretary of the
Treasury (hall deem expedient.
August 6, 1792.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
Military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are intitled for fix months
of their annua! pension, from the 4th day of March
1792, and which will become due on thesth day
of September 1792, will be paid on the laid day
by the Commiflioners of the Loans within the
States refpe&ively, under the usual regulations,viz.
Every application for payment must be accom
panied by the following vouchers.
: ft. The certificate given by the (late, fpccifying
that the person poffefling the fame is in fit} an in
valid, and afceitaining the sum to which as such he
is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the °J tfie
county of in the state of aT "toath that
he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate
in his pojjefjion uias given, of which thefoHowin j if
a copy (the certificate given by the fate to be recite.)
That 'he served (regiment, corps or vejje j at
the time he was disabled, and that he now rc J l " e *} n
the and county of and has lejtded
there for the lajt years, previous to which he re
side d in ,
" In cafc an invalid should apply for payment by
an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certi 1-
cate and oath before recited, must produce a pf
cial letter of attorney agreeably to the following
form : . .
I, A. B. of county of ft ate of '
hereby conflitute and appoint C. D. oj wv u j u
attorney, to receive in my behalf of m 1 P™J'°
for fix months, an invalid of the United States,
from the fourth day of March, one trM J dV j c
hundred and ninety-two, and ending lit JJ' '
September, one thoufandfeven hundred and niittty-M.
Signed and scaled
in the prelence of
| H'itnefts.
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of cxecutm- and ad rp l n>
must be accompanied with legal evidi nee o
refpcftiv. offices and alio ■ I the .nc the mv.lid
died, wliofe p nliop .hey may claim.
Bv command of (b<*
'Ptcfident o r the United S"tfs,
H. KNOX. Sccrctan 'J""'
Pr The Printers m the S '""
.quelled to , !U h|.fl. .hi- ab->e « the,, nevrf?"
ers, lor the fpacc ot two months.
p LAN s
War Department,