Foreign Affairs. WARSAW, July 4- THE latt accounts from the army of PrinceJofeph Poniatowlki,menti -011 his being now'poiled near Dubuo. In his march front Oltrog, his rear guard was continually engaged with the enemy, by which the Ruffians 101 l 200 men, and otir troops about 40. Jui.y 13. We have received accounts here that the Polirh army under Prince Jo seph Poniatowfki, near Polonnoc, has fnffered a great loss from the l(uffians. On the 7th inlt. the Polish artny, consisting of 25,000 men, approached the Ruffians, whole numbers we have 110 accounts of. Prince Poniatowlki was just absent ; thus the army was ■without a head. The Ruffians no sooner appeared, but th« Polish Nati onal troops were immediately struck with a panic terror and put to flight. Two Polifl) Generals, either thro' inclination or fear, went over to the Ruffians. A reinforcement of 20,000 men for this army was 011 the march, and it is much apprehended they wilf meet with the Ruffians unprepared. The loss of our defeated army con sists of the whole field equipage, 49 guns, 227 bags of gunpowder, 1475 firelocks, 50,000 cartridges, 24,000 i~ack9 of flour, j,ooo sacks of oats, 2? cart loads of hay, 2800 pieces of cloth, 470 ammunition waggons, and the chest of war ; 1737 '"en were killed, 439 wounded, and 1247 taken prison ers. This affair cost the Ruffians no thing, iince the Polish army made no resistance. On the joth July the King and the whole corps de rcfer-je that was en camped in the adjacent diftridts, marched and fixed their camp in the ood of Prague (in Poland) on the oppofire banks of the Vistula. B RES LAW, July 21. The report of the defeatofthe Po lifli army commanded by Prince Po niatowfki, is not confirmed, and from the accounts which have been receiv ed, it feenis to be a falfe one, as they mention nothing neither" of the ab sence of Prince Poniatowfki the trea July 24 M. Monrefquiou appeared at the bar. He plainly informed the augulh Diet, that the King of Sardinia hag 70,000 troops ready to march, whff receive war pay. M. Montefquiou said that his army confided of only 94 battalions for the defence of all the Southern Depart ments, and that 32 battalions only could be employed in the campaign. , M. Guerin said that he would de nounce to all good citizens any man who ihould maintain that the King ought not to be deposed.—" Then you may denounce nie," cried M. Boulanger. Read a letter from the war minister, containing information that the Auf trians are extending their lines at Ba vay, with a view to intercept all com uiunications with Maubeuge, that the towns threatened with an attack are fortifying night and and that M. Dillon has held a council of war at Valenciennes on the operations most proper to be adopted at this cri tical moment : that the fire has con sumed in that town all the camp im plements, and that some men have been arretted on suspicion of being incendiaries. M. Duhame declaimed loudly a gainfl the treachery of the executive power.—Adjourned. July 25. On the motion of the military com mittee it was decreed, that every com mander of a fortified place, who (hall surrender before a practicable breach is made in it, or without fuilaining at least one allault, if there be an inte rior entrenchment, lhall be punilhed with death. That fortified places being the pro perty of the whole nation, in no cafe can the inhabitants or adminillrative bodies of fucli places require the com mander to surrender, on pain of be ing treated as rebels and traitors to their country. The following extraordinary cafe was referred by one of the criminal tribunals to the Afl'embly : " A woman, two months gone with child, had run some melted lead into her husband's ear, who instantly ex pired. The culprit made the moll ample conleflion, and excused herfelf by lifying, that ihe loved her hulband tenderly, but that she could not refill the inclination} of a w»man in her Jitu- ation " We have consulted the Faculty 011 this point, and they have unani mously declared, that the longings of a woman with child might be I'uch as to induce her to commit so horri ble a deed, without her own volition. " We requell the rtfl'embly to di re»si us how 10 proceed upon thisfub jec't. July 26. The Aflembly decreed, that a Le gion conipoled entirely of foreigners, ihould be raised under the name of Legion Blanche Etrangers. it is to consist of 2622 men, of whom 500 are to be mounted on horseback. M. Gaudet, in the name of the comnnflion of public fafety, presented the projetft of an addrels to the King, requelling him, "in the name of their common country, and from regard to his own interest, to batiifh from about his person, all those who are the ob jeiils of public mistrust, and thecaufe of the present alarmln activity. M. Briflot then rose, „ d and eloquent speech, dep re JY " : cipitation, which according , J ii would produce a civil war ° " He observed, that the Kin* TV not to be tried, until all France fe be convinced of his perfidy. He concluded by moving i(V tl the committee ftould bring j,' * 1 port concerning .hole cases i„ wh l a Sovereign „„ght he confid'erej , having abdicated his IWalty . J! 2 y, VV hither an abdication had now really taken place? He recommend* an address to the nation. Mr. Arena moved that the late mi ni .y be Puniihed, without excepting one individual as being guilty ofiiavt mg betrayed the nation. L O N D O N, July i 9. The Court of Vienna is faidto have lnfifted on the difniilfion 0 f Calonne from the g>uncils of the French Princes, on account of the genml deteftationin which he is held in France. I The Cardinal Archbilhop of Twin |as published, by order of hu Coait ■ paltoral letter, to invite the people to pray for the fuccels of the Piemon tefe arms againlt a nation equally the enemy of God and of Kings. The Ambaflador from the- United States of America to the &>iu&'C«w arrived 011 Friday night, with merous suite, and has taken op residence at the Royal Hotel, Su James's. Two ltandards belonging ioTippoo Sultan's army, and taken by Lord Cornwallisi before the walls of Serin- gapatam, have been sent home by his Lordlhip as a present to Lord Pea. broke. The Auftrians and Pruflians have, it is laid, finally determined to form immediate arrangements for advanc ing to Paris, which they are resolved to capture on or before the 23d u? October next. The Declaration of the Duke of Brunfwick is said to be a compolition entirely his own, and contrary to the opinion of Prince Hohenlohe, the General of the Imperial troops. The Duke was perhaps afraid that he fliould not meet with opposition e nough in France to afford an oppor tunity for a full display of his mili tary lkill, and propofcd a declaration to provoke the whole nation to unite against him. The f übfeription towards the suc cour of the people of Poland is likely to be taken up ill away unprecedent ed in the history of England. Not merely coiporations, public bodies and clubs—but the ladies have*dillin guilhed themselves in a cause so no ble, and foine of our molt exalted wo- men emulate the Duchess of Marlbo rough in the cause of Maria Theresa, A diabolical attempt has been made to poison the bread making for t lie Prussian army. The bakers had ceived for that purpose large funis ot money, and as soon as the money was in their pockets they discovered the whole plot. Several frenchmen were immediately taken up and committed to prison. They palled for emigrants. The attorney-general has given no tice to Jordan the bookseller, pub lilher of Mr. Paine's Rights of Man, that his pleading Guilty, will noi entiile him to any more favour than he ihould have received, h> d he beea cortviifted. Angling is not confined to the wa tery element : a gentleman of the black rod, one evening lad week, "e ---ry dexterously contrived'to cram a hook with a wire to it, through t -e key-diole of Mr. Francis's Ihop, ' e clothier,in Cheller j where lie caught about 30 yards of cloth, whic 1C found means to drag through .ma perture at the bottom ol the door. The government of this f ° unl !' s j; in the whole of their conduit regard to the revolution in ranc have maintained 4 a system 0 neutrality, They have eqiia ) borne to interfere in the.r eternal government, or take advaut'g their diftrefles. They haveT.kew.fc taken care not to pledge 1 {nl , by any tie to their fuppoit, or . any claim which might 1 ei> e a Alliance neceHary.-I" ftor «h«J have left the French to US aiie theinfelves.