Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 19, 1792, Page 128, Image 4
plans or THE City of Washington, Sold by the Booksxllkrs, DOBSON, CAREY, yOUNG, £# CBVKSIIANK. Certificates Loft. MI SSI NT., Five New-Jerfty Certificates, signed by Si fat Condiß, viz. No. 740 for £. 75 0 0 1978 Ji 12 9 7 1 .5 100 3482 1 4 829 o 12 9 The fubferiber supposes the above Certificates are stolen. Whoever will discover the Thief, or Certificates, and leave information at the Treasury or Loan-Office in New-Jersey, or in the County Collector's Office at Morris-Town, (hall be hand fomefy rewarded by Mo*! is-Town, New- }crfey\ July 12, 1792. WHITE WAX MANUFACTORY. Thomas james, wax chandler, from London, refpe&fiilly informs the public that he has elbbliflied a Manufadlory of the above branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street,New- Yoik, where Merchants, Captains of Vcffels, Druggills, and Families, may be supplied with excellent and pure White Wax Candles, White Wax in Cakes, Tapirs, Wax'd Lamp Wicks, Flambeaux, See. warranted erjual to any made in London, and twenty per cent, cheaper. Orders in thisandthe adjacent States, received bv Mr. John Gooosvt, Bridge-Street, Mr. .William Frorishkr, Fletcher-Stteet, and at the Manufactory, where Camples may be seen. N. B. Bees-Wax taken in payment,or bleached on moderate terms. New-York, July ig, 1792 Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-street, New-York, The Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begsleave to offer his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to Fa vor him with thrir bufinefy, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boft on, or any other part of the United States will be ftriftly attend ed to. LEONARD BLEECKER. May 2 Universal Hymn Book. To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON, ar.d other Booksellers in Philadelphia, A Collection of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI RITUAL SONGS; seleCted from different Authors, aod published by Older of the Con. vention holding the Dotlrine of the Salvation ol met in Philadelphia, May 25, 1791. Price of a Tingle book, bound, 3-Bih»of a Dollar, with good allowance to those who take quantities, August 4. (cptf.) New-Brunswick Church Lottery. THE peculiar circumstances of a gentleman who had undertaken tn dispose of a propor tion of the tickets in the New-Brunfwick Church Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon venient for him further to proceed in the sale thereof, between rleven and twelve hundred tick ets are unexpectedly returned to the ReCtor, Church-Wardens and Veftiy-nun. This lays the M-inagers under the nectflity of further adjourning the drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day of October next, that they mav have time to tranf. Mit thefc tickets to the parts of the state where they aieapplied for, and teeeive the returns As there are but few tickets besides these remaining on hand, all persons who are disposed to promote the pious objeCt of this Lottery, or to take a chance for the pi izes therein, are requeftcd to supply them selves by the fiift of October; and the gentlemen appointed to dispose of them, are desired to return those to the Managers which then remain unfold, to answer the applications of some gentlemen in the neighbourhood, who are postponed to this re source for a supply.— And notice is herrhy given, that the tickets not returned to the Managers by the eighth day of OCtober, will be confidcred as .at the rtfk of the holders. N. B. Robert Morris, Esq. of New-Brunf wick, is duly chofcn one of the Managers of the said Lottery, and has given security and qualified agreeably to law. (ep.Oi) To be pMifhed by Subscription, AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER, OR, PROCEEDINGS OF THE Old C/oyi^re^j } From September 1774, l 0 March 1789;— Ao authentic and original collection of OFFICIAL LETTERS, See written during the late war ; And extracts from the SECRET JOURNALS. ( For particulars, Jee Profofuls at large.) Subscriptions are rccSivcd by the principal Booklcllcru, and by the Editor, JOHN CAREY, A' 0.26, Pear-Strut, Philadelphia. Pr The Inoex and Title-Page Ji>r the Third Volume of Ms Gazette , arc now ready to ie delivered to those who intend to hind that Volutin. £3" The price of this Gazette is Three Dollars her er. JioC—flw half to be patdal the time offhbfcribing. 100 Dollars Reward. LOST on Cambridge Common, Maffachtfetts, on the atternoon of the aßth ult. a Morocco POCKET-BOOK, with a ftctl clalp, containing a number of valuabU papers, among which were the following Public Securities, \iz. Maflacliufctts State Notes- No. 2.405, dated December 1, 1782, payable to Thomas Gremumd, for /.•>< ifij. principal—No. 22.399, Ja nuary 1, .785, payable to Nathaniel Partridge, tor £. to IOJ. principal.—No. , dated January i, 1782, fan army note) payable to Tmtthy How ard, tor £ . 8 Bf. id. principal.—No. , a Note (the number, date, and to whom payable, not known) for £. 3 OS. 3d. principal.—One Indent Certificate for Four Dollars, and a N<-w-Hamp~ Ihire Certificate for about £. 12 payable to John ind Daniel Jenks ; also a number of Notes of Hand, ~n e of which was for £. 572 given by Nathan Bond to Samuel IV. Pomroy (by whom it was en. dorfed) daied iff May, 1792, and payable on the 11th August following; the others were all paya ble to the Subscriber. The Securities arc checked it the different offices from whence ihey were ilTued, and the Notes of Hand by the different, signers, they can therelorc be ot no use to any but the owner. JOSEPH LEWIS. (iaw7w) The Subscriber hereby offers a reward of One Hu NDR 10 Dol l ars to any person or persons who has found the fame, and will return them to him, or leave them with the Printer hereof, and uo qucftions will be allied. ABRAHAM FOSTER. Sa!em, Mafia chufetts, Augujl 1, 1792. («ptf) A Valuable FARM, PLEASANTLY situated, and well improved, containing 213 acres, whereof 47 are wood land, 30 meadow, arid 20 more may be made ; the cleared land ts under good fence, and is well | adapted to grass, and there being so much meadow, a large ilock may be raised : it is alio natural to wheat, and a proper-Attention to a well-kept stock, will much improve its quality, and be the most profitable : it has a young orchard of 200 apple trees, a variety of peach and cheriy trees, and a large garden. There are on the premises a hand fomc two story stone house and kitchen, and an elegant piazza; also, a good barn, with stabling, cow-house, granary, waggon-house, work-shop, and fmoak-houfe. The fuuation is high, pleasant, and healthy, and affords lome very agreeable pro fpe&s, and is in a good neighbourhood : it lies on the main road to New-York, about a mile and a half irom Princeton, New-Jersey, and 43 from ;his city. The title was examined and approved by eminent council before the fubferiber purchased. For further particulars apply to the fubferiber, at No. 141, South Second-street, or at No. 81, South Water-street, Philadelphia. [ep 7 w] ISAAC SNOWDEN, Jun. N. B. Stock for the farm may be had of the pre. sent tenant. , Also, to be Sold, and entered immediately, A two-story Br rk HOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE in Arch-street, No. 23, 16 feet two Inchcs in front, and 102 feet in depth. Apply as above. June 28, 1799. PURSUANT to the last Will and Teftatnentof Che late Rev. Alixander Wilmamson, deceafcd, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl. day, the Inh of October next,at Brow n, on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved fecurity.tobear inlereft from the date—That valuable Seat of Land, in Montgo mery county, called Haves;, the late dwelling plantation ot the dcceafed, containing between fix and seven hundred acres, the greatea part of which is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa tered, and capable of affording a very considerable quantity r.l fine meadow Situated about 6 miles from the Federal City,and the fame dilbnee from George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a rematkable healthy part of the country. The improvements are, a very elegant two story Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a uaflage, or entry, on a floor) and the neceflary out houles. HENRY TOWNSEND,) BENJ. SIODDERT, £ Executors. (epiO) THOMAS JOHNS, ) TJu LY 6, 1 7Q3. HE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Seat on Rock. Creek, deemed by those who have ex imned it, equal to any in the United States. The Mill-House may be placed within one quarter of a mile of the river Potowmas, half a mile from the market house in Georgetown, and one mile from'he President's fquaie, in the city of Wafh •ngton—oll tide water, navigable for vclfels of se veral hundred bulhels burthen— The stream is (urticiem.the year round,to turn fnur pair of (tones, and the tall may be made from 25 to 30 feet. It IS unnecessary to dwell on the advantages of such a fttuation. 1 fie purchaser may be accommodated with a few hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Seal if lhat should be an object, (ppgm 14Jul) TO BE SOLD BY THE EDITOR, A N ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Duties j X. payable on all Goods, Wares and Merchan dise .reported into the United States ; exhibiting ih. Raus payable on those imported in Ships or VelTcls o the United States, and in Foreign Ship, "V £ l ""l 1 " 1 "": ,he additional Duties te the rcfpcftive Articles »ie liable. also, A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold— graduaud according to Law-Blank Mamhfts- And Blanks .or the various Powers of Attorney i'?l » y tr,n^ ln H Business at the Trealuiy o. at the Bank of the United States. IMPERIAL,HYSON&SOUCHONG, Of the very si,(. rjual.ty, and l„eft intonation from Canton, „a New-York, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chcfnut and Market Streets. TO BE SOLD, (And poffeflion given immediately) July 17 TERRITORY or COLUMBIA. TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. NEW TEAS. 128 Treasury Department, August 10, 1792. XTOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will IN be received at the office oV ihe Secretary ol the Treasury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep tember next inclusive, for the lupply ot all Rations which may be required for trte use of the United States, trom the firft day of January to the thirty fir (I day of December. 1793, bo:h days inclusive,. jt the places, and within the diftritts hereaker^ mentioned, viz. 1. At any place or places betwixtYoik-Town ic Cariiflc.inthc state of Prnnfylvania.and Pmfburgh, and at Pmfburgh, York-Town and Carlisle. 2. At any place or places from Pittfturgh to the mouih of Big Beaver Creek, and at the mouth ol Big Beaver Creek. At any place or places from the said mouth to rhe upper falls olthe said Big Beaver, and at the uppei falls. 4. At anyplace or places from the said upper falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning. 5. At any place or places from the said Mahoning ove' to the Head Navigation of the River Caya hoga, and at the said Head Navigation. 6. At any place or places from the said Head Na vigation to the mouth of the said River Cayahoga, and at the said mouth. 7. At any place or places betwixt the mouth ofj the Big Beaver Creek to the mouth of the River Mufkingum, and up ihe said River 10 the Tufca rowas, and at the Tufcarowas, and thence over to the Cayahoga River, and thence down the said River 10 its mouth. 8. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of the River Mufkingum and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. 9. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of Scioto River and the mouth of the Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Miami, and from thence to the Rapids or the Falls of the Ohio, and at the | said Rapids. 10. At any place or places brtwixt the mouth of the Great Miami, up the said Miami to and at Pique Town. 11. At any place or places from Fort Walhington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At any place or places from Fort Hamilton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair. 12. At anv place or places from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jifferfon. 13. At any place or places from Fortjefferfon to the field ot a6*ion of the 4th of November, t 791, land at the said fie!d of action. 14. At anv place or places from the said field of action to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami Villages. 15. At any place or places from the said Miami Villages to the Falls of the Miami River, which empties into Lake Erie, and at the said Falls, and from thence to its mouth, and at its mouth. 16. At any place or places from the mouth of the said Miami River of Lake Erie toSandufky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake. 1 7. At any place or places from the said Sanauflcy Lake to the mouth of the River Cayahoga. 18. At anv place or places from the mouth of the said River Cayahoga to Prefque Isle, and at Prcfque I He. 19. At any place orplaces fromPrefque Isle to the stream running; into Lake Erie from towards the Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alleg hany River to Fort Franklin. (eptf) 20. At any place or places fromPrefquelfle toLe Beuf, and at Le Beuf. 21. At any place or places from I.c Beuf to Fort Frankl'n, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence ;o Pittsburgh 22. At any place or places from theßapids of the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabafh River, and from the mouth of the said Wabafh River to the mouth of the River Ohio. 23. At anv placc or placcs on the F.aft fide of the River Mifliflippi, from the mouth of the Ohio River, to the mouth of the Illionots River. 24. At any place or places on the Eaftfideof the Mifliflippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and the River Margot inclusively. 25. At ony place or placcs from the said River Margot to the River Yazous inclusively. 26. At any place or places from the mouth of the 'aid Wabafh River up to Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. *7. At anyplace or places from Fort Knox, up the laid Wabalh, to Ouittanon,and at Ouittanon. 28. At any place or places from Ouittanon,up the said Wabafh, to the head navigation of a branch thereof called Little River, and at the said head navigation of Little River. 29. At any place or places from the said head na vigation of Little River over to the Miami Village. 30. At any place or places from the mouth of the River Tenefftc to Occochappo or Bear Cieek, on the said Rivet, inclusively. 31. At any place or placesfrom the mouth of the River Cumberland to Nashville, on the said River, and at Nashville. And at any place or places within thirty miles of said Nashville to the Southward, Wcftward or Northward thereof. Should any ration® be required at any placcs, or within other diftri&s, not Ipecified in these pro posals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed on betwixt the public and the cootrattoi. The rations to be supplied ire to consist of the following articles, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or J of a pound of pork* Hall a jill of rum, brandy or whisky, One quart of fait, } Two quaits of vinegar, f Two pounds of soap, r P cr 100 ratlons * One pound of candles, ) B. STODDERT. The rations arc to be furnifhed in such quanti ties as that there (hall at all times, during the laid term, be fufficient for the consumption of the troops at each of the fa;d polls, for the space of at least three months in advance, in good and whole some provisions, if the fame shall be required. It is to be understood in each cafe, that all loflfes sustained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, lhall be paid tor at the prices of the articles caotured or de ltro}ed, on the depofiiions of two or more credita ble characters, and the certificate of a commiflion ed officer, ascertaining the circumstances of the ' and the amount of the articles for which cotn penfation is claimed. The contrast for the above supplies will be made either for one year, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Pe ,r o „, d;f po f, d MWflflwiil fore confine their offers to one var th make the.r proportion. so iS JH i 7n " ot the term of two ' dm " an clca «>» The offers may com Drife a u ,l, I Treasury Department, N° TICE ■* 'y't wiPrt i«M-u-fbrt, JS i 5 iSitiss be for the «fe of the United 5t..,. S the firft day of January to the thirty.firft Decern bej 1793, both days inclulWe, al S pll „L!| in tne Slate ol MdflTacWetL, and ,l ie PottofW,#! Point, in the Stateof New-York:' The rations to be supplied, aie to consist 0 f th« following articles, vi 7. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beet, or j of a pouni of nit , Hall a jill of rum, brandy or whi&y One quart of fait, } ' Two quarts of vinegar, r Two pounds of soap, ft" 100 ratipni. One pound of candlei. ) The proposals may be made for both of the Treasury Department, N Aucuar, 10th, tjo,. OTICE is hereby given, that prepofah win be received at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury until the fourth day of Oaobermn inclulively, lor the supply of the following articles of Cloth'ng for the Troopa ia the (mice o{- she United States viz. For ths, INFANTRY and ARTILLERY. 4608 Hats 18460 Shirts 4608 Coats 7956 Pair of Sock 4608 Vests 4 6c8 Blankets 8668 Woolen Overalls 4608 Stocks 9216 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clasps 18376 Pair of Shoes 4608 Pair of Buckles For the CAVALRY. 360 Caps -720 Pair of Stocking* 360 Coats *44° Shirts 360 Vests 360 Blankets 360 Pair of Leather 360 Stocks (Breeches 360 Stork Clasps; also, 720 Pair of Boots 1200 Rifle Shirts, to be 360 Pair of Spurs (made of Ruflia Sheeting. The above Clothing to be delivered either in New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the op tion of the contra&or or coniraftors, on or before the 15th day of June, 1793. The piopofals may comprise the whole of the before-mentioned Clothing, or any one or more of thecomponent articles ; to be furniOied agreea bly to patterns or specimens, which will be (hewn st the War Office. Good security will berequii ed for the pun&ual and faithful performance of the contract. The payment will be on the delive ry of the Clothing, or, if necelTary, such reasona ble advances will be made as the Secretary of the Treasury fh<rll deem expedient. War Department, August 6, 1792. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitled for fix months of their artnual pension, from the 4th day of March 1792, and which will bccome due on thesth day of September 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commiflioncrs of the Loans wiihin the States refpe£tively, under the usual regulations,?iz. Eveiy application for payment must be accom panied by the following vouchers. lft. The certificate given bv the ftate,fpecifying that the person poffefiing the fame is in fact an in valid, and afcei taming the sum to which as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B. came before me, tne of the Jupces of the county of in the slate of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pojjefjion was give*) of which the following is a copy (the certificate given by the Jlate to be recited) That 'he served (regiment, corps or vejfetj at the time he was disabled, and that he WW re J' " 1 . the and county of am i has Tcjdci there for the last years, previous to which he re ftded in In cafe an invalid fliould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, be fides the certifi cate and oath before recited, must produce a ipe cial letter of attorney agreeably to the following form : . I, A. B. of county of pteof " hereby conJiHute and appoint C. D. oj *>) ' aw J u attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pep* for fix months, as an invalid of the United tates, ft am the fourth day of March, one thou find seven hundred and ninety-two, and ending the fjt My °j September, one thoufandfeven hundred and ninet)-tv*> Signed and sealed in the pretence of | JVitncjfes, Acknowledged before mc, Applications of executors and mud he accompanied with legal evidence 0 1 refprdive offices, and also of ihe time the in™ died, whose pension they may claim. By command of the Prcftdent of the United S lltcs » - H. KNOX, Secretaryoj W' GST The Printers in (tie refpeflive S,a '' , f ' r j ! rcqucfted to publtfh the above in their pers. for the space of two months. - George-Town. A Number of LOTS in every f.tuation wine 'X. njav be defiired in City of .[J. 1N nl | will be offered for sale by the Commi « Monday the Bth day otOftober next. part of the money to be paid down, rl „ , n teieft three equal annual payments with )" 1 on the whole ANTT , Clerk ..theCotntn,^ June 2) i"9«.