Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 08, 1792, Page 116, Image 4

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    Bank of theUnitedStates.
THAT an Office of Discount and Depolit, lie
cftablifhcd in the City of Richmond, Siateol
That the 2d Tuefdav in September next be ip
pointed for the Election of Thirteen D're£tors and
a Calhicr, lor the Ottice of Discount and Dcpolit,
in the City of Richmond.
By Older of the Piefident and Directors,
JOHN KEAN, Calhier.
'T'HOMAS jamis, wax chandler
X from London, refpeflfnllv informs the public
that he has efbhliihed a Mannfaaory of th? above
branch, at the uoperend ot Mulberrv-Street,New-
York, where Merchants, Captains of Vessels,
Drugsifts, and Families, mav be supplied with
excellent and pure White Wax C indie.., While
Wax in Cakes, Tapers, Wax'd Lamp Wicks.
Flambeaux, &c. warranted equal to any made in
London, and twenty percenr. cheaner.
Orders in this and the adjacent States, received
bv Mr. John Gooan't, Bridge-Street, Mr.
William Frobisiiek, Fletcber-Sireet, and at
the Manufactory, where samples inav be seen.
N B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached
011 mocferate terms.
New-York, Jul/ 19, 179"
To be publijktd h Su^fcription^
Old Conyrejj,
From September 1774, to March 1789 ; —
An authentic and original collection of
written during the late war;
And ext r acts from the
( For particularj f Jee Proposals at large*)
Subscriptions are received by .the principal
Booksellers, and by the Editor,
JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia.
Universal Hymn Book.
To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON, and other
Booksellers in Philadelphia,
AColleftion of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI
RITUAL SONGS; seleCted from differeut
Authors, and published by Order of the Con
vention holding the Do&iine of the Salvation of
alljMen, met in Philadelphia, May 25, 1791.
Price of a single book, bound, 3>Bths of a Dollar,
with good allowance to those who take quantities.
August 4. (eptf.)
June 28. 1792.
PURSUANT to the last Will and Teilamentof
the late Rev. Alexander Williamson,
deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl
day, the nth of O&ober next,at Georgetown,
on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving
bond with approved security, to bear interest from
the date—That valuable Seat of Land, in Montgo
mery county, called Hayes; ti.e late dwelling
plantation of the deceased, containing between fix
and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which
is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa
tered, and capable of affording a very considerable
quantity ct fine meadow ;—Situated about 6 miles
from the Federal City,and the fame dift mce from
George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a
remarkable healthy part of the country.
1 he improvements ate, a very elegant two story
Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a
paflage, or entry, on a floor) and the neceflary out
BENJ. STODDERT, C Executors.
TJu L Y 6, 1 792.
HE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Seat on
Hock Creek, deemed by those who have ex
mined it, equal to any in the United States. The
Mill-House may be placed within one quarter of
a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from
the market house in Georgetown, and one mile
from the President's fquaie, in the city ot Wash
ington—on tide water, navigable for vessels of fc
veral hundred bushels burthen.—The ftrearn is
fufficient.the year round,to turn four pair of stones,
and the fall may be made from 25 to 30 feet It
is ur.neceffary to dwell on the advantages of'fuch
a situation.
The purchaser may be accommodatcd with a
few hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Seat,
if that (houid be an object.
(ep3 m 14JUI)
Sixty Dollars Reward.
T) ROKF. goal in Baltimore, the 10th of April
™ i e . h ' S efca P e ' a Nc « ro Man .
BILL FLANAGAN, the property of the fub
lcriber. He is a stout, straight likely fellow, about
25 years o! age; 5 feet 8, 9or 10 inches high. He
afte£ls to be asealous Methodilt, is extremely art
ful, talkative and plausible ; can read, and it ii
supposed can write. He had on a failoi's red cloth
jacket, a fbiped dilto, an old coarse linen shirt
and a pair of canvass trousers ; he was barefooted'
It is not doubted he will alter his drels, and ch.inpe
his name. He was lately the property of Cap't
Joseph Goutrou, ot Baltimore, and was employed
aj a sailor on board his packet ; and it is probabir
may try to get on board some veffcl in capacity ol
Ii is fuppofrd he is now in New-York or Phila
delphia Whorvri lakes up and secure? laid
Negro, so that :he (übfiriber gets him again, (hall
receive Sixty Dollars reward, and rrafombh
Baltimore, Augufi i, j 79 a. ( i aw 4 t)
Church Lottery.
JO-L Y 10, 1792.
npKE peculiar circumilances of a gentleman
X who had undertaken to difpofpof a propor
ion of the tickets in the New-Brunfwick Church
Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon
venient tor him further to proceed in the (ale
thereof, between eleven and twelve hundred tick
ets art unexpectedly returned to the Re&or,
Church-War dens and Veftry-mcn. This lays the
Managers udder t he neceflity of further adjourning
the drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day
of Odtober next, that they rrav have time to trans
mit thefc tickets to the parts of the state where they
are applied for, and teceive the returns Asihete
ire but few tickets besides these remaining on
hand, all persons who are disposed to promote ihe
pious obje£t of this Lottery, or to take a chgije
for the pi izet therein, are requeued to supply tftil
felves by the full of October; and the gentleEA
appointed to dispose of them, are desired to ret»W
those to the Managers which then remain unfo^J||
to answer the applications of some gentlemen
: he neighbourhood, who are postponed to this
fouice lor a supply.—And noiice is hereby given,
that the tickets not returned to the Managers by
the eighth day of O&ober, will be considered as
at the risk of the holders.
N. B. Robert Morris, Esq. of New-B'unf
wick, is duly chosen one of the Managers of the
said Lottery, and has given security and qualified
agreeably to law. (epiOi)
[ e P7 w ]
A Number of LOTS in every situation which
may be c'efired in City of Washington,
will be offered for falc by the Commiflioners, on
Monday the Bth day of Ottober next. One fourth
part of the money to be paid down, the residue in
three equal annual payments, with yearly interefl
on the whole principal unpaid.
June 2, 1792
A Valuable FARM,
T)LEASANTLY situated, and well improved,
X containing 213 acres, whereof 47 are wood
land, 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made ; the
cleared land is under good fence, and is well
adapted to grass, and there being so much meadow,
a large stock may be raised : it is also natural to
wheat, and a proper attention to a well-kept flock,
will much improve its quality, and be the mod
piofitable : it has a young orchard of 200 apple
trees, a variety of peach and cherty trees, and a
large garden. There are on the premises a hand
f*~«me two story stone house and kitchen, and an
elegant piazza ; also, a good barn, with stabling,
cow-house, granary, waggon-house, work-shop,
and fmoak-houfe. The fiiuation is high, pleasant,
and healthv, and affords some very agreeable pro
fpetts, and is in a good neighbourhood : it lies 011
the main road to New-York, about a mile and a
half from Princeton, New-Jersey, and 43 from
this city. The till was examined and approved
by eminent council before thefubferiber purchased.
For further particulars apply to the fubferiber, at
No. 141, South Second-street, or at No. 81, South
Water-ftrect, Philadelphia.
N. B. Stock for the farm may be had of the prc
fent tenant.
Also, to be Sold, and entered immediately,
A two-story Brick HOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE
in Arch-street, No. 93, 16 feet two inches in front,
and 102 feet in depth. Apply as above,
July 17,
Stock Brokers Office,
N0.45, Great Dock-street, New-York,
THE Subscriber intending to confine himfell
entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE or
STOCKS ON COMMISSION, Begsleave u» ofter
his services to his friends and others, in the line
ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa
vor him with 'heir business, may depend upon
having it tranfafted with the uttnoft fidelity and
Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, orany other
part of me United States will be ftriaiy attend
ed to. 7
May 2
100 Dollars Reward.
T OST on Cambtidge Common, Massachusetts,
i~d on the afternoon of the 18'h uli. a Morocco
POCKET-BOOK, with a lice! clasp,
a number of valuable papers, among which were
the following Public Sec u r 1 x 1 es, viz
Malfacliufeus State Notes-No. 2,425, dated
December ~ .782, payable to Thomas Greenwood,
tor £.23 i6j. principal—No. 22.390, dated Ja
nuary 1, 1 785, payable 10 Nathaniel Partridge 10,
f .0 tor principal.-No. , da „ d
!, 1782, (an army note) payable to Timothv How.
ard, to. / . 8 8;. id. principal.— No. a Nl ,„
(the number da-.c, and ,0 whom payable, no,
known) lor £.3 os. 3 J. pnncipal.—Onc Indent
r r ? olhrs - and a New-Hamp
oie to the Subscriber. The Sccurnies are checked
u ihe different offices from whence they were
! a, . ,d the N ' m « <>f Hand by il, e different
;row^ h ;
H, T ! , " SUbf n il ' erh: ' rCby reward of On.
H L ND R tD Do LIARS lo anv i« r fnn
Who has found the fame, and will return them "o
him, or leave them wiih the Printer hrrrnf a
no Cjuelhons will be aflced. «Eof, and
%**/f ? y
had of the 1 AT£S ' ""> kt
George-T own.
to the Comnnflioners.
(And polleflion given immediately)
Treasury Department,
AuGUiT 10, 1792.
XTOTICE is hereby given, that proposals wiil
lN be received at the office of the Secretary of
the Treasury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep
tember next inclusive, foi the supply of ail Rations
which may be required for the ufc of the United
States, from the firft day of January to the thirty
firft day of December, 1793, bo-h days inclusive,
at the places, and witlmi the diftridts hereafter
mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or placesbetwixtYoik-Town &
Carlifle,infhe state ot Pennfylvan>a,and Pitt (burgh,
And at Pittsburgh, York-Town and Carlisle.
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh to the
mouth of Bis Beaver Creek, and at the mouth of
Big Beaver Creek.
3. At anv place or places from the said mouth to
the upper falls oJ the said Btg Beaver, and at the
upper falls.
4. At any place or places from the said upper
falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or places from the said Mahonin?
mve r to the Head Navigation of the River Caya-
and at the said Head Navigation.
|&6. At any place or places from the said Mead Na-
to the mouth of the said Rivet
said mouth.
7/fcx any place or places betwixt the mouth of
the Big Beaver Creek to the mouth of the River
Mufkingum, and up the said River to the Tufca
rowas, and at the Tufc'arowas, and thence over to
the Cayahoga River, and thence down the said
River to its mouth.
8. At anyplace or places betwixt the mouth of
the River Mufkingum and the mouth of the Scioto
River, and at the mouth of *he said River Scioto.
g At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
Scioto River and the mouth of the Great Miami,
at the mouth of the Great Miami, and from ihence
<0 the Rapids or the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
10. At any place or places betwixt the mouth o
the Great fyliami, up the said Miami to and ai
Pique Town.
11. At any place orplaces from Fort Washington
to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At any
place or places from Fort Hamilton 10 Fort Si.
Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At any place or places from Fort St. Clair to
Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort jrfferfon.
13. At any place or places from Fort Jefferfon to
the field of a&ion of the 4th of November, 1 ,
and at the said field of action.
14. At any place or places from the said field of
action to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami
15- At anv place or places from the said Miami
Villages to the Falls of the Miami River, which
empties into Lake Erie, and at the said Falls, and
from thence to its mouth, and at iis mouth.
16. At any place or places from the mouth of ihe
said Miami River of Lake Erie toSandufky Lake,
and at Sandufky Lake.
17. Atany place or places from \he said Sanaufkv
Lake to the mouth of the River Cavahoga.
18. At anv place or places from the mouth of the
laid River Cayahoga to Prefque lfle, and at Prefque
19. At any place orplaces from Prefque Ifleto the
stream running into Lake F.rie from towards the
Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the
said Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alleg
hany River to Fort Franklin.
20. At any place or places IromPrefquelfle toLe
Beuf, and at Le Beuf.
21. At anv place or places from I.e Beuf to Fort
Frankl'n, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence
to Pittfburgfi.
22. Atany place or placesfrom theßapidsof the
Ohio to the mouth of the Wjbafh River, and fn>m
the mouth of the said Wabalh River to the mouth
>1 the River Ohio.
23. At anv place or places on the East fide of the
River Mifliflippi, from the mouth of the Ohio
River, to the mouth of the Illionois River.
24. At any place or places on the Eaftfideof t'.-
Miflifiippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and
the River Margot inclusively.
25. At any place or piaces from the said River
Ma 1 to the River Yazous inclusively.
26. At any place or places from the mouth of the
said Wabafh River up to Fort Knox, and at Fort
27. At any place or places from Fort Knox, up
the said Wabalh, to Ouittanon, and at Ouittanon.
28. At any place or places from Ouittanon,up the
said Wabalh, to the head navigation of a branch
thereof called Liule River, and at the said head
navigation ol J.utle River.
29. At any place or places from itie said head na
vigation of Little River over to the Miami Village.
30. At anv place or pbces from the mouth of the
River Tencffee to Occochappo or Bear Creek, on
thefaid Rivei, inclusively.
31. At any place or placesfrom the mouth of the
River Cumberland 10 Nalhville, on the said River,
nnd at Nallmlle.
And at any place or places within thirty miles
if said Nalhville to the Southward, Wcftward or
Northward thereof.
Should any rations be required at any placcs, or
within other diftri&s, not fpecififd in these pro
pofalsj the price of ttoe fame to be hereafter agreed
on betwixt the public and the contra&si.
The rations to be supplied are to confiil of the
folio wing articles, viz.
One pound of biead or flour,
One pound of beef, or of a pound of pork,
Half a jill of rum, brandy or whilky,
One quart of fait,
Iwo quaits of vinegar, \
Two pounds of soap, r P er 100 raf >ons.
One pound of candles, )
The rations are to> be furnilhed in such quanti
-1 ies as that there shall at all time*, during the laid
term, be fufficient for the consumption of tht
troops at each of the said posts, lor the space of at
least three months in advance, in good and wholc
fome proviftons, if the fame shall be required.
It is to be understood in each cafe, that allloffes
fallal tied by the depredations of the enemy, or by
means of the troops ot the United States, lhall be
paid for at the prices of the articles captured or dc
ltroyed, on the depositions of two or more credita
ble charters, and the certificate of a commission
ed ofheer, ascertaining the circumstances of the
lols.and the amount of the articles lot which com
pensation is claimed.
T he contrast for the above supplies will be made
either for one year, or for two years, as may appear
eligible, IVfont difpofcd t« MBmtf *
r = confine their ofFe.s M« m
make .heir proppfi [lcw , so „
of the term of two yeaiv ' ~
The offers may comprise ,11 ,l, e phct.^vdr
b «° defied, or , part of (hem „, y h%S
Treasury Department,
August aoth, i 79 2.
NOTICE is hereby given, that promt,!, wi |.
be received at th-- office of .he '
the Treasury, until the 13th day of Oct ,t, ?
include, for the lupoly if ail T
be required for the ufc of the L'uiicd S-air, 1
-hefirftday of January to lhe
December , 793. bo.„d„y s inr.lufi,;, „ Sp,i nt fi tl °
in tne Sidle ot Maflachuletu. and the PolUl Well!
Point, in the State of New-York.
The rations to be fupplicd, are to u ( lhj!
following articles, M
One pound of bread or flour
One pound of beef, or Jof a pound of k
Half a jill of rum, brandv or whifkv
One quart of fait,
|Two quarts of vinegar, /
■Two pounds of soap, ( P er 100 r "ionf.
Cne pound of candles. )
The proposals mav be madt for both or the
'» s "». ;
Treasury Department,
Aucus-r, 20th, l-g 2 .
NOTICE is hereby given, that propcfaU will
be received attheoffire of the Secretary of
the Treasury until the fourth day of Oftnber next
"icluflvely, lor the supply of the following articles
of Clothing for the Troops in the service of
the United States viz.
46c8 Hats 18460 Shirts
4608 Coats 7 q,5« Pair of Socks
Vests ' 4608 Blankets
8668 Woolen Overalls 4608 Stocks
9216 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clasps
18376 Pair of Shoe* 4608 Pair of Buckle*
For the CAVALRY.
360 Caps T2O Pair of Stockings
360 Coats 1440 Shirts
360 Vests 360 Blankets
360 Pair of Leather 360 Stocks
(Breeches 360 S'ork Clalps; also,
720 Pair of Boots 1200 Rifle Shirts, to be
360 Pair of Spurs (made of Ruflia Sheeting.
The above Clothing to be delivered either in
New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the op
tion of the contra&or or contractors, on or before
the 15; h day of June, 1793.
The proposals may comprise the whole of the
before-mentioned Clothing, or any one or more
I of thecomponent articles; to be furniflied agreea
bly to patterns or specimens, which will be (hewo
at the War Oflfrcc. Good security will be requir
ed for the pun&ual and faithful perlormance of
( he contra&. The payment will be on the delive
ry of the Clothing, or, if neceflary, such reasona
ble advances will be made a. the Secretary of the
Treasury shall deem expedient.
War Department,
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
Military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are intitled for fix months
of their annual pension. from the 4th day of March
1792, and which will become due on the sth day
of September 1792, will be paid on the said day
by the Commiflioners of the Loans within the
States refpeftively, under the ulual regulations,viz.
Eve»y application for payment must be accom
panied by the following vouchers.
The certificate given bv the ftate,fpecifying
that the person poffefling the fame is in fact an in
valid, and afceitaining the sum to which as fuchhc
is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Jujlices of the
county of in the slate of and made oath that
he is the fume A. B. to whom the original certificate
in his possession was given, of which the following is
a copy (the certifcale given by the slate to be recited)
That he served (regiment, corpt or vessel) "t
the time he was disabled, and that he now refaes in
the and county of and has refilled
there for the lafi years, previous to which he re
sided in
In cafe an invalid should apply for payment by
an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certifi
cate and oath before recited, mull produce a spe
cial letter of attorney agreeably to :he following
form :
I. A. B. of county of "I f'
hereby conflitute and appoint C. D. of ' an j u
attorney, to receive in my behalf of my penjion
for fix months, as an invalid of the United totes,
from the fourth day of March, one thou/and even
hundred and ninety-two, and ending the fjth 7
September, one thoujandfeven hundred and ninety-two-
Signed and sealed
in the presence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and admi"
mufi be accompanied with legal evidence 0
refprttive office?, and also of the time the inva
died, whose pension they may claim.
By command of the
Prcfident of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary of War.
The Printers in the ref P cai^Sla*Xa-
requefted to publifli the above in their »
pers, for the space of two months.
Of the very fiift quality, and ' a, <^
from Canton, *ia New-York, by retai ,
No. 19,
Third,between Chcfnut and Market Str« ■
August 6, 1792,