Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 01, 1792, Page 108, Image 4

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    Bank oftheUnitedSt&tes
THAT an of Discount and Deoofif, be
eftabliflied-iu the City of Richmond, Siateof
That Ihe 2d Tut fd ■ V in September next be ap
pointed for the Election ot Thirteen Directors arid
a CafhieY, for 'he Office of Discount and Depolit,
in the City of Riehmond.
By Oi der of the Pr< fident and DireOors,
JOHN KEAN, Cashier
Certificates Loft.
MISS IN , Five New- Jersey Certificates, figncd
by Silas Condi ft, viz.
No. 740 for £. 75 o o
1978 11 12 / 9
715 100
3482 1 4 6
1 '
829 o 12 9
The fubferiber supposes the above Certificates
are Rolen. Whoever will discover the Thief, 01
Certificates,'and leave information at the Treafur\
or L >an-Office in New-Jersey, or in the County
Collector's Office at Morris-Town, (hall be hand
fomelv rewarded by
Mori is-Town,
JJew- lerfe\, July 12, 179s
Thomas james, wax chandlfr
from London, rrfpc&fiilly informs he public
that h has eft lifhed a Manufactory of the above
branch, at the ur>perend of et.Ncw-
Yn.k, wh it Mcrchanis, Captains of Veflels,
Diugpids, and Families. w <v be supplied with
excellent and pure White Wax Candlrs, Whi-p
Wax in Cakrs, Taprrs, Wax'd Lamp Wicks,
Flambeaux, Sec. warranted equal to any made in
London, and twenty percen . cheaper.
O' ders'n this and the acjjacent States, received
by Mr. John Goodeve, Bridge-Street, Mr.
William Frobisher, Fletcher-Street, and at
the Manutafctory, where samples may be fecn.
N B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached
•n moderate terms.
Jul< iq, 1792,
Stock Brokers Office,
No.45. Ore t D 'ck-lheet, New-York,
TH K Subscriber intending to confine himfelf
entirely to th( PURCHASEandSALE of
STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to ofiri
bis Cervices to his friends andoiluis. in the line
of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa
vor him with ih<ii bufinef-, may depend upon
having it tranfa£ted with the utmost fidelity and
O'ders from Philadelphia, Boston, orany othe
part of the United States will be ikriftiy attend
ed to.
Mi- 2
Ebenezer Hazard,
H\S Removed his, OFFICE to No. s?Bnorfli
S' cond-Street, where he continues to uurchafe
and fell on Commiflion. Certificates of debt of 'h
United, and Individu, States, Bank Slock, Canal,
and Turnpike Share*. & \ See.
(p? Subscribers to the Universal Tontine who>
have not vet received their Certificates aie defircd j
to call for ihem
.July 18,
P June 28. 170-.!.
URSUAN'T to the tall Will and uiicm „l
;hc late R v. Alexander Williamson,
dcceafcd, will t>r .-xpofcd to Public Sale <.n I hurl,
da), the 11th r,I Octobir next, at (Jeokcetown.
on a cr. dn ol three veais, the purchasers givin
bond with -tppwved security, to bear intercfl Irom
thedate—That valuable Seat of Land, in Monigo
ro<;ry county, called Haves; the late dwelling
plantation o( the deceased, containing betvycen fix
and ff ven hundred acrt *, the greatt 0 part of which
is rich, Heavy timbered land, extremely well wa
ter* d, and capable of affording a very confid'-rabli
Juantity r.f fine m.'adow ; —Situated about 6 miles
rom ihc F> deral City.and the fame did. ncc from
Gcorge-T.iwn, in a genieel neighbourhood, and a
rcmaikable healthy part of ihe country.
The improvement arc, a very •legant two ftorv
Buck Duelling House, (with four rooms md j
callage, 01 entry, on a f] ,n.) and the nectffjry out
houses. HENRY TOWNSF.N'D, )
r p;lE Subscriber offers for Sale, a M,|j.sJ jf'on
X Sock Creek, d emed bv 'hose who have ex
muied it, equal to ,ny in the United States The
M.ll-Houferoaybe placed within on. quarter of
a m le \ the mver Pmowmac, half a mile from
the market house in Georgeto- n, and one mile
1 t'im r he Piefident't square, ui /he city nt Waib
in r-on on tide water, navigable for v, ffels of fe
ver*! hundred bulbels burthen.-The stream is
lurhcicni,the year round,to turn four pair of (tones
and »he fall may be made from 030 feet. It
is uniiccefTiry to dwell on the advantage* of I'uch
a Ittuanon.
The puichafcr may be accommodated with a
f w hundred ,cre» of land adjoining the M.ll-Srat,
if i i<i' fliouM he .in ohjfft,
(fpyn i 4 |ul)
A Number ol LOl'S.n every Iruatibn which
may be <fir.d ,n C.ty of Wa«iunoton
v.II be offered to, f.,le bv Iho Com.., doners on
Monday-h. 8; <> day of Oflober n- x>. Onr tounh
par' ot .ho noneyto ho pa.d down, the icfiduo ...
1 r q ual «>nu»l pavnents. wi.h yearly ime.cft
on ihc whole prinrina! uncnid.
to the Commifljcnevfi,
June 2, 1792,
100 Dollars Reward.
LOST on Cambridge Common, Maffachuk tts,
on the afternoon of the j 8 !i nl . a Morocc
POCKET-BOOK, with a ltcc! clasp, containing
a number ot valuable papers, among wbicl) were
i 1 c *o I' wmgr Public Securities, vz.
July 10, 1 792,
MafTai bufctts State Nmcs- Ko. 2,425, d »te< :
Dtcember 1, 1782, payable to Thomas Greenwood
tor £ . 23 tfij. principal—No. 22.399, J..-
uuary 1, 1785, o.iyable to Nathaniel Partridge, ior
£■10 10s. principal.—No. , dated juiuary
1, 1782, fan army note] payable ro Timothy How
ard, t'or£\ 8 Bs. Id. principal.— No. , a Not.
(the number, da'e, and 10 whom payable, not
known) tor £. 3 os. principal.— One Inderi
Ceriificate tor Four Dollars, and a New-Hamp-
Oiire Cen'ficate for about /.12 payable to John
and Daniel Jenks ; nlfo a numjber ol Notes of Hand.
• ne of which was for £. 572 given by Nathan
Bond to Samuel IV. Pomeroy fby whom it was tn
dor ltd) dated Ifl May, >792, and payable 011 the
1 lth Aucuft following; me O. hers were all Daya
Ie 10 the Subscriber. The Securitles are checked
at ihe different offices from whence thev wt«e
•flucd, and the N tes of Hand by the different
they can iherefore be of no use to any but
he own r.
The Subferiber hereby offeis.a reward of One
Hundred Doliars lo any person or persons
who has found the f,ime, and will return ihem io
him, or leave thetn with the P >nt(.r hiteof, and
no questions w 11 be asked.
(1 jw 7w)
Salem, Maffaehufetts, AuguJl 1, 1792. (eptt)
Tranradls bufincfs in the Fu:idi of the United
{£f* Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or
any other part of the Union, will he attended to
with Diligence and Punctuality.
New-B aun s wick.
Church Lotterj^.
THE peculiar ciicu'i fiances of a gentleman
who had undcriakn to diifpofe of a prop >r
rion of the tickets in the New-Brunfwick Church
Lottery, having, in is opinion, rendered it incon
venient tor him furthi-r to proceed in tlie fair
thereof, between leven and twelve hundred tick
's are unexor&dlv r< turned to the Rtftor,
Cliur h-Wardens and Veftiy-min. This the
M nageis under the r»ec ffity of fuither adjourning
he drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth dav
ol Ottob r n« xt, that they may have time to tianf
inii these tickets to the p.<risof the ttate whs re the\
'i»e applied for, and te'.»ive ihe returns Astheie
aie but lew tickets besides thefc remaining on
'iand, all persons who arc dtfpofed to promote 'he
oious ob.j< ft of this Lottery, or to lake a chance
for the p- izes therein, are requeued to supply them
selves by 'h fiill «» f October ; and the gentlemen
appointed to ifpofe of them, aie defir< dto return
those to the Managers which then remain unfold,
'o answer he applications of some gentlemen in
he neiglibotiihood, who are postponed to thi re
source for a supply.— And notice is her< bv given,
that the tickets not returned to the Manageis b\
he eighth d v of October, will bt considered
at thr risk of the holders.
N. B Robert Morris, Esq. of N w-Bunf
wick, is duly chosen one of the Managers of the
said Lottery, and has given security and qualified
agree to law. p, Oj)
A Valuable FARM,
PEASANTL\ fttuated, and well unproved,
containing 7.13 arres, whereof 4,7 arc wood
land. 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made ; the
cleared land is under go<d frncr, an d is well
adapted tografs, and 1 here being Co mu h meadow,
a large (10. k may be ra'fed : it is also natural to
wheat, and a proper attention to a wcll-kep( stock,
will much improve itt quality, and be the mod
piofitahle : it has a young orchard of 200 apple
!,e'B» a variety of peach and cheny trees, and a
Luge garden. There arc on the premises a hand
some two (lory (lone house and kitchen, and an
elegant piazza; also, a good barn, with (tabling,
cow-hotife,, wotk-fliop'
and fmoak-houfe. The fr uation is high, pF ( afant.
and h.althv, and affords some very agreeabl.- pro
fpeefs, and is in a good ne' ghbonrhood : it lit sou
the main road to New-Y ,rk, about a mile and.a
half from Princeton, New-Jcrfey, and 43 from
this ci'y. The till was examiner! and approved
bvetninent council beforethefubferiber pu chafed.
For (urther pani ulais apuly to the fubfetiher, a
No. 141. South Second.(freer, or at No. Bt, South
Water-ftieet, Philadelphia.
N.B. Stock for the fat m may be had of the prc
fent tenant. 1
All. I, In 1,0 Sold, and rnt■ red immet)iateh ,
A twn.ftnrv Br rk HOL'.SE and KAKF.-HOI'SE
l" Arch-ftrrcl, No. ,3. ,6 'r, I lw,.i„ h. s 111 Iront,
and 102 feet in deplh. Auplv js, above
'"I* 17
I Mxty Dollars Reward.
T) ROKE goal in B l iinore, the ich ol Aoril
KM I tffi P*.«NcpoM.-.n,named
LL FLANAGAN, the property ot the fub
fcnber. H, .. ft-aight likely f. How,about
A n a ' S " '• 5 ,e '' 8, 9or 10 inches high. He
ali.fls io bf Methociift, i, extremely an.
"I, talkative a.rd; c m read, „,d lt ~
,, p k p ;;;?a, n B :r e -
a pair of canvafj ttoufrrs; he was barefooted
It .. not doubted h. w,U ,1., r hi, drels, an,) ch,„^
VV'Tr was !a " ly ,h<- p r ' H>c "y of ch P ;
Jofrph Goutrou, , Bal„ m „, e , and was emploWH
» la,loron> ,„rd h.» par ke, ; a .d it i, probable
n-V try to gel on boa.d some v.lfel i„ rapacty ot
delph'i S a fUPP "wi Y n Z NWY °* «r Phil,.
driph,a_ Who,v,V 'akos up ..nd fcoure. f, A
N qro. f- .hat »vf„MV l ,bor„o„b„ n ag,,
h » B D " U^S — ' I
IV j r a Htt,S TO|>HliRHirGHt.S
Ball,more, Augujl i, , 79 ,. („ p
Wm. c l el an d,
(And p > ifc(lion given immrdately)
Treasury Department,
A. gust 10, 1792.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proofs. will
be received at the office of the S cretarv o
the Trcafurv, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep
mber next inclusive, foi the supply of all Rations
he h may be required for the rife of the United
Sates, from 'he si 1 ft day of January to ihe thirty
firfl day of December, 1793, bo h days inclufivt ,
the olaces, and within the diftiidts hereaftei
mentioned, viz.
i. At any place or placesbetwixtYoik-Town &
Ca, 11(lr, in the Hate of P> nnfylvatva.and Pr (burgh
and at Pittsburgh, York-Town and Carlisle.
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh to th
mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the mouth o
R ; g Beaver Creek.
3. At any o» places from the fa id mouth
the upper falls of the fa-d Big Bsaver, and at t
upper falls.
4 At anv place or places from the said uppe
'alls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning;.
5. At anv pla e or places from the said Mahonin
ovc to the Head Navigation of the River Caya
and at the said H' ad Navigation.
6. At anv place or places from the said Head Na
vigation to the mouth of the said Rivei Cayahogj
and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places betwixt the mouth o
hr Big Braver Cieek to the mouth of the R»vr
[Muflunguro, and up the said River to the Tufca
r "a n«, and at the Tufcarowas and thence over te
the Cayahoga River, and thence down the fail
K iv er 10 its mouth. ,
8. Ar »nv olacc or places bet w ; xt the mouth o
the River !Vfqfkingt>m and the mouth of theSciot*
River, and at the month ol *.he said River Scioto
q A 1 *nv place or pldrrs betwixt the month o'
Scoto R'v-rand the month of the Great M am',
as 'he mouth of the Gn at Miami, and from hencc
oh Rapids or the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
10. At anv place or places betwixt the mouth
•he Great Miami, up th said Miami to and a
Pique Town.
>/» i TV *$ lawQtn)
11. At any place or places frnmFort Washington
;r> Fott Hamilton, and at Fort At any
ice or plarrs from F,, rt Hamilton to Fort Si.
Clair, and at F'"»rt St. Clair.
12. A' my plaeeot places Fort St. Clair t
Fort feflferfon, and at Fott Jeff-r<on.
13. At mv place or nlacrs from Fort Jefferfon to
he field ol action of the 4th of November, 1 ygi,
md he said H'-ld of a£Hon.
14 At anv plaee or places from the said field o:
aftiori to the Miami Villages, and at the Miam
15. At an\ place or places from the said Miami
Villages to the Falls of the Miami River, which
empties into Lake E»ie, and at the said Falls, and
from thence to its mouih, and at its mouth.
16. At anv placeo» places fromthe mouth of the
r aid Miami River of Lake Erie toSandufty Lake,
and at Sandnfkv Lake.
17. At anv o 1 ace or places from 4he said Sandufkv to the mouih of the River Cavahoga.
18. At anv place or p'acesfrom rhe mou'h of th'
'aid River Cayahoga to Prefqu. Isle, and at Prcfque
I fie.
19. At any place orplaees fromPrefque Isle to the
running in'o Lake F.'i< from towards the
1 idaghque I.ake, and thence over to and at the
said Jadaghqne Lake, and thence down the Allcg
hanv River to Fori Franklin.
20. At anv place or places from Prefque Isle toL
Bru', and at Le Beuf.
21. At any place or places from I.e Beuf to Fort
F*ankbii. and at Fort Franklin, and ftoin thence
to Pnifbittgh.
9.2 Ai nv place or places from tin Rapids of the
Ohio (o the moiif h of! h W bash River, and fr un
the mouth of the said Wabalh River to the mouth
ol the River Ohio.
23 At ,» v olace or places on the East fide of the
Rivi t M fTifTmpi, from the mouth of the Ohio
River, to the m iu'h of the Illionois River.
?4 A' any place or places on the Eoilfideof the
Millifliopi. between the mouth of the Onio and
ho River Marmot Piclufivtly.
25. At any olace or places from the said River
Ma< oot to the River Yazous incluflvely.
26. Nt any place or places from the mouth of the
'a d YVabafh River up to Tort Knox, and at Fort
27. At any o« obcei from Fort Knox, up
he '"aid Wabafh, 10 Oni tanon, and at Omttanon.
"8 \t any place or places from Ouiitanon,up the
' ; d Wa'iafh, to the h<ad navigation of a' branch
thereof . allid Little River, atKl at the said head
n of L.ttle River.
29. A anv p ace or pla, es from ihe said head na.
viqatton of Little River over to the Miami Village.
go. anv place 01 places from the mouth of the
Riv.i T.nefftf 10 Occochappo or Bear Creek, on
the f. d Rive , inr nfively.
31. At any place 01 placesfromthe mouth of the
Rivit Cumber and to Nalhville, on the said River,
and at N. fhville.
And .11 anv -lace or places within thirty miles
of said Nafhvilie. to the Southward, Westward 01
Northward thereof.
Should any rations be required at any places, or
within other diftuft , not Ipecifird in (hele pro
posals, tire uric of the fame to be hereafter agreed
on hruvxt the
Th- rations to be fupplicd are to consist of the
following articles, vi 2.
(civ f'
One pound ot b'ead 01 flour,
One pound of hc<f, or J ol a pound of pork,
Mil' a | ill of mm. bi anuy or \v h ifky,
One of fait, '
Two quai ts of vinegar, f
Two pounds o ( fuap, f P er rations.
One pound ol candles, )
Ihe rations are to be furnilhcd in fitch quanti
ties as that their (hall at alt times, during the laid
term, be fufficteni f..r the consumption ol th
11oops at each of the said polls, tor the spare of at
Iraft three mon hs in advance, in good and whole
loirie proviftor.s, if the lanK (hall be teqtiittd
I is to be undetflood in each cafe, that all loss .
fiftjttied by Ihe depredations of the enemy, or l>\
means of the troops ot the United Stairs, ihall I e
paid for at the prices of the articles captured or di
iiroseH, on the d' pofirions oi two or more crcdiia
nle chun£tcrs, and the certificate of a commitfioii
d officer, afc'-rtaining thr orcuinft mce« of tli
I lls, and theamonn- of the articles sot which corn
ocnfatioo is claimed.
1 he rornaft 'or 'he above fiioolirs wil! he mad
cither lor one year, or for two years, as may appeal
'•ligiblc. Persons diTooft >n i
"re confine .heir olFcs w! " '4-
nakt ,h«r prop„f ulons f „ Js J" '< o, ,h„.
)f ,he l crm of two years. aneJ cflic|
1 tic ofFtrs may comprise all iK« i
ipecfica,„ r a part <- f thc„r o a n c ;;. whi^
To hc
0F THl NtE *,'
Ulct' (sori(jprej?j ,
From September 1774, ~ to M " cti
written during the | att WJ ,.
Anrf EXT*ACTjf mmth .
*f c ;\ ET journals.
(For part,clt« S ,J u I'ropcfaU a, l.r g! }
"* P r '"cipi|
Universal Hymn Book
To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON and
Booksellers ,n °' h "
A CollfSion of PSALMS, HYMNS an J c D t»
/I RITUAL SONGS; fel'ea ( . ri f, N 0 S m 3 ;2
Authors, and publithed by Order of ,k. r
vemion holding the Doctrine of the S.lvwft
-II Men, met in Philadelphia, M» «, ~Q ]
Pr-ee of a (ingle hook, bound, 3.Bth s of a Doi|„:
Auouft / " CC thofC Wh °
" 4 ' (ep'f.)
A No. 11 8, Market-Street, Phihdelbhw '
MF.R IC itscoiiimrnct
mem in January 1787, to Jnne tin,, m
Hovcn vols. Pncc, neatly bound and kucrcd,
Seventeen dollars and three fifths.
This work, which it now condufled on an im.
orov d plan, containing the bell pieces publilh. d
'or and against the proceedings of government,
will he found to contain at leall as great a variety
of political, agricultural,and miscellaneous effais
as any ever published in America. Perhapsin
one work are lo many valuable docum ntsrrfprft.
ing the hiltory of this country, colleflcd together.
His Excellency the Pieftdent of the United States*
has declared of it, that " a more ufeful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one m ire deserving of public encouragement."
The fnhferi ption is two dollars and a half per
inn. Gentlemen in the countty who «i(li to
be supplied with this work, are requested tn give
commilfion to friends in the city to fubferibefor
and 1 eceive it- Any of the back numbers
maybe had in oHer to complete feu.
2. Smith's Letters 10 Married Women,on Nurf
ue: and the ol Children.
"We recommend these letters to the perufjlnf
'h'ife to whom they are particularly addrt (Ted."—
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101—Ptice, bound,
62 cents.
3. Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cenu.
4. Beauties of Fielding—so cents,
5. Beauties of Blair—so cents.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Miss
More's EfTays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
oil's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mrs. Cha
pone on command of Temper, More's Fable*for
'he Ladies, Price 6f6.
7. Smith's History of New-York. Piicc adol
lar and a quarter.
8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat
tie, l. l d. profeffor of moral philosophy and
logic in the Mariicha) College, Aberdeen—Price
three-fouiths of a dollar. 01 »his book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : "We
have seen nothing on these fubjr&s more plain,
more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful." —-
N. B. It is introduced into the Univcrfityin Phi
9. Beauties of Poetry,
io. Blair's Q ermons. Price two dollars.
11. Nf cker'sTreatifc on the imponanrc of Re
ligious Opinions.—Price foui-fit'hs of a dollar.
is. Examination of the Obfcrvat ion* of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
fine paper, 5 Bths ofa dollar
13. The Con ft it u 1 ions of the several United States#
with the Federal Cinftitution, See. Price five
eighths of a dollar. ,
14. M'Fingal. Price three-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price ihree-fifthJ of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar.
17 The D >way Tranflntion of the Vulgate Bi
bl<", in quarto— P> ice, elegantly bound and letter
ed, 50/2—-plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Chrillian's Vade Mecum—P" c * a
quarter dollar. ..
19. Think well on'f. Price a quarter dollar.
20. Ch' iftian Economy. Price a filth of a 0. ar.
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged-
Price a sixth of a Hollar. «
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys —Pncca
of a dollar. p • ~
23. Scleft Poems, chiefly American-- '
fixr hof a dollar. _ ant n f
Said Carey has for sale, a large affor
Books, European as well as Amcfiean e r' na h)c
which he will dispose of on the 111 f a '
terms. Country gentlemen, who >■ ( i - n
commands, may depend upon being U P P |ice
'he m<>fl fan'sfactory manner. A libera d ' - f5
'o such as quant.lies for pub ic
>r 10 (ell again. —
O t the vrt \ si' II quality, and Ijif" P
from Can,on, ~, NVw-Yo.k, bjf «uil,«
rhnd, between Chefiiu' "f 5 _ r '^' ' f s yi
rr The JOURNAL of the Tin '
of t-!,e SEXj'l ol MM **>■■")
had oj the Editor hereof.
Price four-filths of a