tiSwztiu of§ fiitM /[No. 26, of Vol. IV.] Treasury Department, XJOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will IN be received at the office of the Secretary of thcTreafuiy, until the 13th clay of October next incluflve, tor the supply of ail rations which may be required for the ul'e of the United States, from i rhefirftday of January to the thirty.fii ft ddv of December 1793, botndays incluflve, at SpringfieH, in the State ot Maflachufetts, and the Post of Weft- Point, in the State of New-York. The rations to be supplied, arc to conftft of the following articles, vt'7. One pound ot bread or flour, One pound of beet, or J of a pound of pork, Half a jili of rum, brandy or whisky, One quart of fait, } Two quarts of vinegar, ( Two pounds of soap, > P cr 100 ratlOßS ' One pound of candles. ) The proposals mav be made for both of the abje