a National paper, published Wednesdays and Saturdays by john fenno, no, 60. high-street, pnii.ADEi.pmA [No. 25, of Vol. IV.] Treasury Department, August 20th, j 792 NOTICE is hereby gioen, that pronofjU will be received at the office of tlie Secretary ol the Treasury, until the t 3 th day of Oaobei next inclusive, tor the supply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, ftom thefirftdav of January to the thirty-firft dav of December 1793. bothdayt inclusive, at Springfield, in trie State ot Maflachuletts. and the Poll of Weft- Point, in the State of New-York. The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the following articles, v' 7. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of pork, Half a iill of rum, brandy or whiflcy, One quart of fait, Two quarts of vinegar, \ .Two pounds «vf soap, f" P er 100 rat ' ons * One pound of candles. ) The proposals mav he made for both of the above-mentioned Posts, or separately, for Spring field and Weft-Point. Treasury Department, August, 20th, 1792. NOTICE is hereby g' v en, that proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary of, the Treasury until the fourth day of Odlober next' inclusively, for the supply of the following articles of Clothing for the Troops in the service of the United States viz. For the INFANTRY and ARTILLERY. 4608 Hats 18460 Shirts 4608 Coats 795 6 Pair of Socks 4608 "Verts 4608 Blankets 8668 Woolen Overalls 4608 Stocks 9216 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clasps 18376 Pair of Shoes 4608 Pair of Buckles For the CAVALRY. 360 Caps -720 Pair of Stockings 360 Coats 1440 Shirts 360 Vests 360 Blankets 360 Pair of Leather 360 Stocks (Breechos 360 Stock Clasps; also, 720 Pair of Boots 1200 Rifle Shirts, to be 360 Pair of Spurs (made of Ruflia Sheeting. The above Clothing to be delivered either in New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the op tion of the contractor or contractors, on or bctorc the 15th day of June, 1793. The proposals may comprise the whole of the before-mentioned Clothing, or anv one or more of thecomponent articles; to be furnifhed agreea bly to patterns orfpecimens, which will be shewn at the War Office. Good security will be requir ed for the punttual and faithful performance of the contra#. The payment will be on the delive ry of the Clothing, or, if necefiary, such reafona "ble advances will be made as the Secretary of the Treasury ftiall deem expedient. War Department, INFORMATION is hereby given to all the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitled for fix months of theirannual pension. from the 4th day of March 1792, and which will become due on the sth day of September 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commilfioners of the Loans within the Slates rcfpe6iively, under the usual regulations, viz. Every application for payment mull be accom panied by the following vouchers. :ft. The certificate given by the ftate,fpccifying that the person po fie fling the fame is in fa