Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 18, 1792, Page 92, Image 4

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    Treasury Department,
August 10, 1792.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will
be received at the office of the Secretary of
the Treasury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep
tember next inclufwe, lot the lupply of all Rations
which rrpv be required for the use of the United
States, from the firft day of January 10 the tlorr v
firft day of December, 1793, both days inclufiw,
at the placcs, and within the diftritts hereafter
mentioned, viz.
1. At any or places betwixtYol k-To A'n &
Carli(le,in the state ot Pennfvlvania,and Pitttburgh,
and at York-Town and C*il
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh to the
mouth of Big Beaver Cieck, and at the mouth of
Big B 'avcr Creek.
3. At any place or plarr< from the said mouth to
the upper falls oi the said Big Beaver, and at the
uppei falls.
4. Ar anyplace or places from the said upper
falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or places from the said Mahoning
nve' to the Head Navigation of the River Caya
hoga, znd at the said Head Navigation.
6. At any place or places from the said Head Na
vigation to the mouth of the fa:ci River Cayahoga,
and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
♦he Big Beaver Ocek to the mouth of the River
Mufkingilrrr, and up the said River to the Tufca
rowas, and at the Tufcarowas, and thence over to
the C«iyahoga River, and thence down the said
River to its mouth.
8. At anyplace or places betwixt the mouth of
the River Muikingum and the mouth ot the Scioto
River, and at the month ot *.hc said River Scioto.
9. At.any place or placcs betwixt the mouth of
Scioto River and the mouth of the Great M;ami,
ai the mouth of the Great Miami, and fiom thence
to the Rapids 01 the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
10. At any place or places brtwixt the mouth of
the Great Miami, up the said Miami to and at
Pique Town.
j 1. At any place or places from Fort Wafhingcon
to Foit Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At any
place or places from Fort Hamilton 10 Fort St.
Clair, and at Foit St. Clair.
12. At any place or placcs from Fort Sr. Clair to
Fort Jefferlon, and at Fort Jdrerfon.
13. At any place or places from FortJcfferfon to
the field of ast ion of the 4th of November, 1 791,
and at the said fic!d of action.
14. At any placc or placcs from the said field of
action to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami
15. At any place or places from the said Miami
Villages to the Falls ot the Miami River, which
empties into Lake Erie, and at the said Falis, and
from thence to its mouth, and at its mouth.
16. At anv place or plates from the mouth of the
said Miami River of Lake Erie toSanduflcy Lake,
and at Sandufky Lake.
17. At any place or places from ihe said Sanaufkv
Lake to the mouth of the River Cavahoga.
18. At any jilbce or places from the mouth of the
f«iid River Cayahogato Prefque 1 He, and at Prefque
I Hr.
19. At any placeorp'aces fromPrcfque Iflcto the
stream running into Lake F.rie from towards the
Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the
said Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alleg
hany River to Fort Franklin.
2C. At any piacc or places from Pi cfquc I fle toLe
Bcuf, and at Lc Beuf.
21. At any place or places from I.e Beuf to Fort
Franklin, and at Fort Fi anklin, and from thence
to Pit'.fburgh.
22. At any place or places from tncßapids of the
Ohio to the mouth of the Whb'afll River, and from
the mouth of the said Wabalh River to the mouth
of the River Ohio.
23. At any place or places on the End fide of the
River Mrfliflippi, from the mouth of the Ohio
River, to the mouth of the llliono s River.
24. At any place or places on the Eallfide of the
Mifliflippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and
the River Margot inclusively.
25. At any place or places from the said River
Margot to the River Yazous inclusively.
26. At any place or places from the mouth of the
{aid Wabafh River up to Fort Knox, and at Fort
27. At any place or places from Fort Knox, up
the said Wabalh, to Ouittanon, and at Ouittanon.
28. At any place or places from Ouittanon,up the
said Wabafh, to the head navigation of a branch
thereof ca'. : c d Little River, and at the said head
navigation of Little River.
29. At any place or places from ihr said brad na
vigation of Little River over to the Miami Villas.
30. At any place or pbees from the mouth of the
River Tcneftce to O'-cochappo or Bear Creek, on
the said River, inchifWely.
31 At any place or placesfrom the mouth 6f the
River Cumberland to Nathville, on the said River,
and at Naftiville.
And at any piace or places within thirty miles
of said N'alhville to the Southward, Westward or
Northward thereof.
Should any nations be required at any placcs, or
■within other dillii&s, not (pccificd in there p'ro
pofds, the pricc of the fame to be hereafter agreed
on betwixt the public and the contraftoi.
The rations to be fupplitd are to consist of the
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or-flour,
One pound of beef, or J of a pound of pork,
Half »jiu of ruin, brandy or whisky,
One quirt of fait,
Two quarts of vinegar, {
Two pounds'of soap, P fr 100 T3t tons.
One pound ol candles, J
The rations are to be furnifbed in fucfi quanti
ties as that there shall at all times, during (he said
term, be fufficient for the eonfumption of the
troops at cach of the said polls, lor the space of at
Jeafl three mom hs in advance, in good and whole
some prOvisions, if the fame fllall be required.
It is to be understood ineachcarc. that all losses
f'jftained by the depredations of the enemy, or by
means of the troops ot the United States, lhall he
paid for at the pi ices of the articles captured or de
stroyed, on the depofnions of two or more credita
ble characters, and ihe certificate of a commiflion
ed officer, ascertaining the circumstances of ihe
lofs,and theamouut ot the articles for which com
pensation is cbimcd.
The contrast for ilie above supplies will be made
her for one year, or for two yeats, as may appear
eligible. Persons disposed to contrail will there
fore confine their oifeis to one year, or they may
make their proportions so as to admit ,m elettion
of the term of t wo years.
Tilt offers may comprise all ihc places which
have been fpecifieil, or a part of them only.
War Department,
August 6, 1792.
J NFORMATION is hereby given 10 all ihe
Military Invalids of the United States, tha
ihe Turns to which they arc intitlid for fix mon hs
of their annual prnfiopl from the 4 h day oi
179 -, and which will become ciuc on the sth day
of .September 1792, will be paid on the ia <l day
by the Commilhoners of the Loans within tin
States relpcflivcly, under the usual regulations, viz.
Kvciy apoiica-ion for payment ruuft he accom
panied by the following vouchers.
ifl. The certificate given by the ftste,(pteffying
that the perl'on poflVfling the fame is in ladt an m
va!i i, and .afceitaining 1 lie sum to which as fudi lit
ijS annually omith d.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, on< of the Ju ftich of the
county of 1 1 the Jtate of and made oath that
he is the f (me A. B. to vdhom the original certificate
in his pojlcfjion was gu en, of which thejollotxing is
d copy '{the certificate given by the fiate to be raited)
That He feriied (regiment, corps or vejjel) at
the time he was difahled, and that he vow refida in
the and county of and'has lefidcd
therefor the lafl years, previous to which he re
ft did in
In cafe an invalid (faouM apply for payment by
an attorney, the laid attorney, besides the ccitifi
cate arid oath before recited, tnuft pfodtrce a spe
cial letter of attorney agreeably to [he following
form :
LAB. of county of slate of do)
hereby conflitute and appoint C. D. of my lawful >
attorney, to receive in my behalf of vty pens/on j
for fix months, as an invalid of the UfiiUd Stales, j
from the fourth day of March, one thovfiid seven s
hundred andninety- two, and ending the fifth any of
September, one thonf an dfevert hundredand rutitty-two.
Signed and fealcd
in the prefcnce of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executor and adminifhators
must he accompanied with legal evidence of their
refpe&ive offices, and also of ihe time the invalids
died, whose penfiorf they may claim.
By command of the
Prtfident of the United St?tes,
H. KNOX, Secretary of War.
The Printers in the refpeftive States are
rcqucAed to imblilh the above in their ncwfpa
orrs, for ihe space of two mon:hs.
Certificates Loft.
MISS IX G, Five New-Jersey Certificates, fizned
by Silas Condiß, viz.
No. 740 for £. 75 o o
1978 11 12 9
715 100
34® 2 1 4 6
829 o 12 9
The fubfcr-.bcr tuppofes the above Certificates
are liolcn. Whoever will discover the Thief, or
Certificates, and leave information at the Treasury
or Loan-Office in New-Jerfev, or in the County
Cotleftoi'* Office at MOl ris-Town, shall be hand
somely rewarded by
A T cw- lerfcy, July 12, 1792
SOLDIERS, Mariners, and militiamen's pay,
lands, and claims on the public,
SHARES, in the Banks, in the Canals,and Turn
pike Road,
CEj\ 1 1 FICATES, granted by the public, and
the old and late paper monies,
NOTES of hand, bills, bunds, and mortgages
with or without deposits,
BOUGHT, fold, or negotiated, at No. 2, in
Fmirth-ftreet below Market-street, by
Who tranfa&s business in the public offices for
country people and others, by virtue of a power,
of attorney, or by personal application.
Tranfa&s business in the Funds of the United
£3" Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or
any other part of the Union, will be attended to
I with Diligence and Punctuality.
J ut 's *• (epim & iazu277i) |
New-Brunfwick Lottery.
Public are hereby informed, that the
L " (lcr V is pofipontd
11 the third day of Sepicmber next—at which
time, the Managers are positively determined the
drawing lhall commence, in Mr. Norman's Lon«
Room, in the City of NVw-Brunfwick.
ricuetii are to be had at Samukl Cooper's
Ferry where fortunate adventurers mav rweivtl
eir prize-money ten days after drawing. A hfl
of fortunate numbers will be published in the
(•azitti of the United States.
Circun, fiances unforeCren,and nnftvorable
n' e Occ!,r,oncd the neccfTitv of this
further poffponement. The Rcftorar.d '.V„d, ns
ast .he affiftanee of their episcopal W other
cent, and not iwo blanks lo a prize. ' 1 P
.. h TI!E manacers.
* Letters airc£led to Pbtc u k
"oft Mafl.'r \7« T» r • * KEKKOIV,
immediately P " dl W '" bc
Mew-Brunfwick, July t j, t 7 ga.
( For particulars,Jce Prop of ah at large.)
Su'blcriptmns arc received by the principal
Booklcllers, and by the Editor,
JOHN CAREY, A r o. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia.
The Travels of Gyrus:
r I "*H E Travels of Cyrus having gon«» through so
J many editions in Europe, every thing which
might be said to rccommend so valuable a work,
is rendered useless ; and as it is now almofl, il not
entirely out of print, the publifhcr trusts tluie
will he little difficulty in procuring a refpeclabJe
lift of fubferibers to an American Edition.
This work will be published in one vo'ume,
12mo. on good demy paper, and a neat type ; and
will contain about 350 pages.
The price to fubferibers will be One Doll a r ,
to be paid on the delivery of the book, which
will he neatlv bound and lettered.
The work (hall be put to press in O&obt r next,
provided there shall be 950 fubferibers.
Any person fuDlcribing for, or procuring fub
feribers for twelve books, and will be refponfibie
lor the payment, Pnal! be entitled to two giuiis.
The names of fubfciibcts lha'l be prefixed to
the work.
(£<?* Subscriptions received by mofl of the
Booklellers in Philadelphia and New.York.
N. B. Gentlemen who may please encourage
the work by procuring fubferiptioni, arc requeued
to (orwaid a lift of the names lubfcribcd, by the
20(hday of Oftob'sr next.
By Thomas Dobfon,
Bookseller, at the Stone-HoulV, in Secoitd-Stuet,
Or a Ditftionary of Arts, Scienccs,
and Mifcellaneons Literature,
On a plan entirely new : By which the rlift'crcni
sciences and arts are dialled into the form
Of diflintt Treatises or Sjfi ems.
This fixlli volume contains, among a vaiiely »l
intending articles,
Dioptrics,oilit11 at ion,d iving bell,art of (1 r.o win£,
Dubjin art of Dying, theory of the earth and earth
quakes, Edinburgh, education,'hiiiory of Egypt,
Syflcm of cle&ricity, history of England, engrav
ing, essaying, history of Ethiopia, &c. See. See.
(1 aw 7 w)
The work is printing on a fupeifinc paper, and
new types (call for tlic purpose in Philadelphia)
which will be occasionally renewed before'the)
eontraft a worn appeaiance.
11. The work may he had in volumes or half-volumes;
n bring proposed to deliver the volumes in
parts, at twenty fhil!ings(Prnnfylvania currency)
each, in boards, or tor the whole volume, five
dollars, in boards. The volumes now finiftied
a.eto be paid foron delivery,and the price ot one
volume is to be paid in advance, and thepiice
(it each fuccceding volume to be paid on de
livering the volume preceding it.
11l In the eourfeof publication will be exhibit
ed above five hundred copper plalcj, elejranilv
engraven in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed
in number those given in any oilier fciemific
d.ftiona.y At the clofeof the publication will
be delivered, an ele|ant froniifpiece, the dedi
cation, preface, and proper title pages for the
aiitereiu volumes.
y As the very great e-cp-nce attending the
undertaking, makes punftuaht, of payment in.
difpenfably necessary, the publisher flatters him
fclt that the lubicribers will be perfedHy fatislied
with his adhering (liifllyto his original plan of
delivering the books only on receiving payment
agreeable to the conditions of publication '
Subscriptions for the Encyclopedia
Will continue to be received on the lame terms as
usual, till the firft of September, 1792, when the
price will be cnocafcd. Ten- Dollaks to be
paid on (übfcrtptiofi, by those who have not lub
icribcd before that tinie.
rhofe who have fubfcribtd, but nnt taken their
books before that time, will be conlidered as not
having lubfcribed.
As ihefubfc.ripti.on will probably be clofH by
Christmas, such as chufc to be m.ireffnrs of this
very valuable and important work, will do well
to come forward in t.mi, 'thai tbev may not be
dl,appointed. j uiv ep[f ■
Universal Hymn Book.
To be Sold bv THOMAS DOIiSON, and oiher
Booksellers in Philadelphia,
A Collection of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI.
i 1 RITUAL SOXGS ; feleffrd ftom different
018, and publirtied by Order of the Con
ventinn holding the LVftrine of the Salvation o!
all|Men, met in Philadelphia, Mav 25, ,jat.
I rice of a finglc book, bound, 3- Bths of a Dollar
with good allowance to thofc who takequtntiiies
AU S"I 4- (tpt Q
To Ic puvlifiled b) Subfcriftotti
Old Oon^rcf<} 3
From September 1774, to Mach 1789;-—
An autb nvic and original ejjllc£linn of
written during the latewar;
And rxtr acts from the
(The ninth edition of)
Burlington, July 21, 1792
hlujlratcd with twenty-ta o coppcr plates,
resolved, • J" 4Y ,4 >
T?! H tf L ° f Olfeosnt «8d DtbA
Thai the 2d I ucfdav in SepitmHrr n,v, •
pointed for the Eleflion ol Tlm,„„ J "P*
a Cafhlcr, for lb, OlFiceof D\k a " Z ™ '"* '
in the City of Richmond. ' " D: P ol "i
By Older of the P.di l,„t aIM} DI „ Q
>-iDenezer Hazard
stock-broker. '
Has Rcmovtd buOHICEio Mo
.' S TC«nd.Strect,wl ! eit , h e c(,miu u ,MOD 1 r
and fell on Commission, Cmificitr, ~1 deL iv*
j .United, and Individual Suua, Bank Si rk r ?
and Turnpike Share,,&e. & r . JcK) Cjna1 '
G3- Subfcribei s to the Uniycrfal Tomi„ wM
.'I"! vet rece.ved the,, CcrtiSutea a re dcfitS
IO call for them. M
July iB.
Sixty Dollars Reward'.
TVRQRE.gpoI iQ Baltimore, the loth of
*-» it, and made ms elcape.a NecioM „ ' .
BILL FLANAGAN, the p,ope,?y *
•fcrther. He ts a (tout. ftratght Itkely fellow ,b.l
•25 years ot age; 5 leet 8, 9or to inches high He
aititis to be a zealous Memoditt, is extremely ati
lul, talkative and pUuliblc; cau read, and ~ jj
•fuppofedcan wiite. He had or, a failot'i ledcloih
jacket, a ftr.ped ditto, an old coarse linen Oiirt
■ nd a pa'r ot canvals trousers; he was barefooted'
It is not doubted he will alter htsdre!s,aitdch<i„.e
li»s name. He was lately the property of Cap"
Jofcph Gouitou, of Baltimore, and was employed
as a sailor on boatd his pßcket; and it Is probably
may try to get on board foti.e veffolio-pjuacity of
It is fuppofrd hi is now in N'ew-Yoik or Plii|»,
rfelpbia Whoever ukes up and (ccu«! [jid
Negro, f.> that the fublcriber gets htm again, (lull
receive Sixty Dollars reward, and rrafonablc
JJahimorr, Augujl 1, ('av^ij
(And poffeflion given immediately)
A Valuable FARM,
PLEASANTLY situated, and well improved,
containing 213 acres, whereof 47 aic wood
h ud, 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made; the
cleared land is under good fcnce, and is well
adapted to grass, and there being lo much meadow
• larg,- stock may be raifcd : it is alio natural to
wheat, and a proper attention to a well-kept Hock,
will much improve its quality, and be liie molt
profitable : it has a young orchard of 200 apple
trcts, a variety of pcach and cheny trees, and*
!ar#e garden. Theie are on the premises a hand*
l )ine two flory stone houCe and kitchen, and an
elegant piazza; alfo,agood barn, with flabling,
eow-houfe, gianary, waggon-house, work-shop,
and fmoak-houfe. The fjiuation is high, pleaCijit,
and healthv, and affords some very agrccdo/c pro
fpe&s, and is in a good neighbourhood : iilie»oA
the main road to New-York, about a mile audi
half from Princeton, Ne\tf-Jerfey, and 43 born
this ci:y. The tii'lt* was examined and approved
by eminent council before thelubfcribcr putchafed.
For further paitirulars apply to the fubfenber, at
No. 141. South Second-flreei, or at No. 81,
Water-street, Philadelphia.
(f p 3w)
N. B. Stock for the iai m may bt had of the jmc
fcnt tenant.
Also, to be Sold, and entered immediately,
A two-story Brrk HOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE,
in Arch-ftrect, No. 23, 16 feet two nn hu in front,
and 102 feet in depth. Apply as above.
July 17. . M)
June 28, 179 a.
PURSUANT to the last Will and Tcftanicntof
the late Rev. Alexander Williamson,
deccafcri, will be expo fed to Public Sale on 1 hurl
day, the mh of October next,at Georgetown,
011 a cred it. of three years, the purchasers giving
bond with approved fecurity,to bear interclllrom
Ihe date—That valuable Seat ol Land, in fliootgo
mery couuty, called Hayes; the late dwelling
plantation of the deceased, containing between fix
and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which
is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa
tered, and capable of affording a very considerable
quatH4!y ct fine meadow Situated about 6 miles
irom the Federal City,and the fame diftancefrom
George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a
remarkable healthy pait of the country.
The i improvements arc, a very elegant two story
Brick Dwelling Iloufc. (with four rooms and a
or cntrv. on a fl«>or) and the neceiTary out
houses. H EJ9RY TO W NSE N D,)
BENJ. STODDERT, S Executor#.
July 6,1792.
THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-S"* on
Rock Creek, deemed by those who havecs
mined it. equal to any in the United States. The
Mill-House may be placed within one or
a mile of the rive Potowinac* half a mde from
the market houfc in Georgetown, and one mile
from the President's fquate, in the city ot Wafo
ington—on tide water, navigable for vcffcls o»' f "
v'eral hundred bushels burthen.—The stream is
year round,to turn four pair of ftoncs*
and the fall may be made from 25 to go feet, t
is übiiecc&ii v to dwell on the advantage* 0. ,lC
a function. ..
Thr purchaser may be ?rrommfwia*Ml..T'l!'' *
fvw hundred acres of land adjoining the Ml"
if that should be an obje#.
( e P3 m M.J ul )
WANTED, to go to Boston,
a journeyman coppersmith,,*
i 1 small work, such a> Tea-Keltic. Corrt-
Potj.&c. — Good wages and confhnt employ l '"
will be given to a perton with good tecoiTJ?ie n ""
tions—a finale maa would be preferred. Ecqu'--
of the Editor. ,
July 25. ['P« W J
f n
$ ,