War Department, August 6, 1792. JNFORMATION is hereby given to all « he Military Invalids of the United S:atts, that the fuins to which they are intitled for fix months of their annual pension. from the 4th day of March 179°, and which will become due on the sth day of September 1792, will be paid on the (aid day by the CommiHioners of the Loans within the Stares refpe&ively, under the usual regulations, viz. Every application lor payment mud be accom panied by the following vouchers. :ft. The certificate given by the ftate,fpecifying that the perlon poffefling the fame is in fad an in valid, and afceitaining the sum to which as such he is annually •ntitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : //. B. came before me, one of the JuJlices of the county of in the Jlate of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pojjeffion was given > of which the following is a copy ( the certificate given by the Jlate to be recited) Thai he served (regiment, corps or vejjelj at the time he was disabled, and that he now resides ia the and county of and has resided therefor the lajl years, previous to which he re sided in In cafe an invalid should apply foi payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certifi cate and oath before recited, mull produce a spe cial letter of attorney agreeably to the following form : I, A. B. of county of fate of do hereby conflitute and appoint C. D. oj my laujul attorney, to receive in my behalf of ray penfon for fix months, as an invalid ef the United States, from the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and ending the pjth day oj September, one thoufandfeven hundred *nd ninety-two. Signed and led led in the prefencc of Acknowledged before me, Applications of executor* and adminiftiatora mud be accompanied with legal evidence of their refpefttve offices, and also of the time the invalids died, whose pension they may claim. By command of the Prcfident of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. (£r* The Printers in the refpettive States are requcfted to publish the above in their newspa pers, for the space of two months. Bank of theUnitedStates, RESOLVED, THAT an Office of Discount and Deposit, Iw cftabliftied in the Cityof Richmond, Siateof Virginia. RESOLVED, That the 2d Tucfday in September next be ap pointed for the Elc&ion of Thirteen Direttors and a Caftiier, for the Office of Discount and Deposit, in the City of Richmond. By Order of the Prcfident and Directors, JOHN KEAN, Cashier, Sunday Schools. THE focicty for the inflitution and support of First-Day or Sunday Schools, in ihc city of Philadelphia, and the diftriils of Southwark ant) the Northern Liberties, having eftablilhed two schools for boys, under the care of Mr.John Poor, and Mr. John Barry, and one school for girls, un der the care of Mr. John Ely ; the Board of Vic tors do hereby earnestly solicit all their fellow citizens, who cannot otherwise avail themselves of educating those under their care, to (end them to those schools, to receive that inftruflion which which is lo necefTary to qualify them for ufelul nefs in civil focicty. I Firmly petfuaded of this great truth, that to disseminate knowledge, is preparing mankind for virtue, freedom, and happiness ; the Board do therefore also eaineftiy rcqueft, that all their fel low citizens who have experienced the advantages of education, will use their influence with those whose circunifta'.ces prevent the inftruflion of theirchildren, to fend them to those schools, that they may thereby derive the advantages intended by the fociery. Philadelphia, Jul)') 1792, Ebenezer Hazard, STOCK-BROKER, HAS Removed his OFFICE to No. 128 north Secund-Strcct, where he continues to purchase and fell on Commiflion, Certificates of debt of the United, and Individual' States, Bank. Stock, Canal, and Turnpike Shares.&c. &c. Subfcriberstothe Universal Tontine who have not yet received their Certificates are delired to call for them. July 18, American Lead JVI anufactory STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co. TT AVE jult now opened their Lead-Ware ,.ru "°" SE '. lwo doors fo "<h of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoiningtheir New Faftorv— where thev have now made, and ready for sale, a general Bfforttnent of SHOT of all fizes,with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production 'of the Mine. Virginia. As tney have employed a number of experienced Lnghfh wo, kmer., they wa.rant i. to be equal in quality to any manufaflured in Europe, and at a reduced.pi ice from the cost of imported. 1 also continueto wianufa&ure all theabove a J V" j 1 R ' c .l"nond, in Virginia. All orders beth t f',l C ' °f the abr,VC Fa «"ies, will be thankfully received,aud executed on the fliort elt notice. iJ. B. Wanted, indubious, sober, Labouiino Men, at the said Mines, where constant employ good wages, and other encouragements will be hZf?,'. ncal,s . conveyance being provided, and houses for their reception. For further particulars enquire of MelTrs. Mose< «"bove. 'heir Factory in Richmond, orj ■Philadelphia, December 3, The Travels ' of Cyrus TO WIIICH IS ANNEXED, A DISCOURSE upon the THEOLOGY and THE Travels of Cyrus having gonr through To many editions iu Europe, evrry thing which might be said lo recommend so valuable a work, is rendered useless ; and as it is now almolt, if not entirely out of print, the publilher trtifts then ! will be little difficulty in procuring a rcfpe&able lift of fubferibers to ail American Ediiion, This work will be publiflied in one volume, 1 2mo. on good demy paper, and a neat type ; and will contain about 350 pages. The price to fubtcribers wul be On e Dollar, to be paid on the delivery of the book, which will be neatly bound and lettered. The work lhall be put to press in Oflober nexi provided there fliall be 250 fubferibers. Any person fuofcribing for, or procuring fub fcribeis for twelve books, and will be responsible lor the payment, shall be entitled to.two gratis. The names of fubf'cribcis lhall be pichxcd to the work. (J<f* Subscriptions received by mod of the Bookfellcrs in Philadelphia and New-York. N. B. Gentlemen who may please to encourage the work by procuring subscriptions, are requested to rorwaid a lift of the names fubfenbed, by the 20th day of Ofclobsr next. Vritnejfes, SECRET JOURNALS. ( For particulars, Jtc Proposals at large.) Subfenptions are received by the principal Booklellerj, and by the Editor, JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia. July 10, 1792, By Thomas Dobfon, Bookfcller, at the Stone-Houf?, in Second-Stieet, Philadelphia, VOLUME VI of encyclopedia Or a Ditfiionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mifcellaneotis Literature, On a plan entirely new : By which the differem fctenccs and arts are dialled into the form Of diftintf Treaties or Syflans. 1 his sixth volume contains, among a variety o' interesting articles, Dioptrics,oiftiilation, diving bell,art of drawing, Dublin art of Dying, theory of the earth and earth quakes, Edinburgh, education,!hiftory of Egypt Syftcm of electricity, history of England, engrav ing, essaying, history of Ethiopia, &c. &c. &c: Iclujlruted uiilh twenty-two copper plates. CONDITIONS. I. The work is printing on a fupeifine paper, and new types (cast for the purpose in Philadelphia) which will be occasionally renewed before thev contrast a worn appearance. 11. The work may be had in volumes or half-volumes it bring proposed to deliver the volumes in parts, at twenty fhillings(Pennfylvania currency) each, in boards, or tor the whole volume, five dollars, in boards. The volumes now finiftied are to be paid foroll delivery,and the price of one volume is to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on de livering the volume preceding it. 111. In thecourfeof publication will be exhibit ed above five hundred copper plates, elegantly engraved in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed in number those given in any other fcientific d 1 611 on ar y At the close of the publication will be dc.ivcred, an elegant frontifpiece, the dedi cation, preface, and proper tide pages for the ditierent volumes. *** f. s thc ver y g rcat expenee attending the undertaking, makes puna..al,<, of payment in dispensably neceflary, the puhl,fi,er fl.tteis him lelf that the fubfcr.bcrs will be perfectly fatisfi«i with his adhering ftriflly lo his original plan ol delivering the books only on receiving payment agreeable to the conditions of publication (ep.tf ) Subfcnpttons for the Encyclopedia Will continue to be received on the fame lerms a, usual, till the firft of September, i 7q2 , when«hc price will be encrcafed. Ten Dollars to be paidonfubfcriplioii, by thole who have not sub scribed before that time. Those who have fubferibed, bet not takenthci, hooks before that t.me, will be confulercd a 5 no, having fubferibed. Asi (he subscription will probably be clofea b v Chriltmas, such as chufe to be possessors of th very valuable and important work, will do well to come forward in time, that they may not b f dif 'pp""«« d - juiy y TJ Universal Hymn Book. To be Sold by ' THOMAS DOBSON, and olhc , A r 11 ® ookfell " s Philadelphia, Authors, and publilhed' by Older™ tie C"" ° 4 ' frptf.J PROPOSALS, By ISAAC NEALJ; FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION^ (Ti,e ninth edition of) MYTHOLOGY of the PAGANS. BY THI CHEVALIER KAMSAY CONDITIONS. Burlington, July 21,1 792 To be published by Subscription, AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER, OR, PROCEEDINGS OF THE Old Cfon^re^) 3 From September 1774, to March 1789; — An authentic and origin*! collection of OFFICIAL LETTERS, &c. written during the late war; And extracts from the JUST PUBLISHED, 88 TO BE SOLD HY THE EDITOR, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Duties payable on all Goods, Wares and Merchan dize imported into the United States ; exhibiting ! the Rates payable on those impoited in Ships ot Veficls of the United States, and in foreign Ships or Vcffels; including the additional Duties to which the refpe&tve Articles ate liable. A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold— graduated according to Law—Blank Manifefts— And Blanks for the various Powers of Atioine> 11 ■ cellary in tranfacl.ng Buiim fs at the Treasury ot at the Bank of the Unitrd States. WHITE WAX MANUFACTORY. Thomas james, wax chandler, from London, refue&fnlly informs the public that he has established a Manuia&ory of the above branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street, New- Yoik, where Merchants, Captains of Veflels, Druggists, and Families, may be supplied w:th excellent and pure White Wax Candles, White Wax in Cakes, Tapers, Wax'd Lamp Wicks. Flambeaux, See. warranted equal to any made.in London, and twenty percent, cheaper. Orders in this and the adjacent States, reeeived bv Mr. John Good eve, Bridge-Street, Mr. William Frobisher, Fletcher-Street, and at the Manufactory, where samples may be fcen. N B. Bees-Wax taken iu payment, or bleached on moderate terms. Ncw-Yotk, Jul/ 19, 1792, TO BE SOLD, (And pofleflion given immediately) A Valuable FARM, PLEASANTLY situated, and well improved, containing 213 acres, whereof 47 are wood land, 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made ; the cleared land is under good fence, and is well adapted tografs,and (here being lo much meadow,' a large stock may be raised : it is »!fo natural to wheat, and a proper attemion to a well-kept P.ock, will much improve its quality, and be the moil profitable : it has a young orchard of 200 apple trees, a variety of peach and ch?ny trees, and a large garden. Theie are on the premises a hand some two story stone house and kitchen, and an elegant piazza ; also, a good barn, with stabling, cow-house, granary, waggon.houle, work-!hop,, and fmoak-houfe. The fnuation is high, plcafant, and healthy, and afford* Tome very agreeable pro-- fpefls, and is in a good neighbourhood : it lies on the main road to New-York, about a mile and a half from Princeton, New-Jersey, and 43 from this city. The title was examined and approved by eminent council before thefubferiber purchased. For further particulars apply to the fubfrrihet, at No. 141, South Sccond-ftreet, or at No. 81, South Water-street, Philadelphia. (ep3w) ISAAC SNOWDEN, Jun. N. B. Stock for the farm may be had ol the pre sent tenant. Alfo.io be Sold, arid entered immediately, A two-llory Brick HOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE, in Arch-street, No. 23, 16 feel two inches in from! and 102 feet in depth. Apply as above. Stock Brokers Office, No -4S. Great Dock-street, New-York, I 'HE Subscriber intending in confine himfcl! X entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE ok STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to offer his services to his friends and others, in the line <>t a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor mm with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fidelity and difpaich. ' Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of tne United States will be ftriftiy attend ed to. r Mav 9 TERRITORY of COLUMBIA PURSUANT to the last Will "nd Tefta'nent of 7" r ' 3tc ,^ tv - AI «*»» d decealed, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thnrf day, the mh ol October next,at Georgetown on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond wuh approved security, to bear intcreft from , the date—That valuable Seat of Land, in Montgo mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling plantation of the deceased, containing between fix and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which IS rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa tered, and capable of atfording a very considerable quantity ci fine meadow ;-Situated about 6 mile* Iron, the Federal City,and the fame dilbnce fro,,, Oeorge-Town, a gcnlccl neighbourhood, and a remarkable healthy part of the country. I he improvements are. a very elegant two story Brtck Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a pallagc, or entry, on a floor) and the necclLry out houses. HENRY TOWNSEND ) 'entOl ?^"'° DDERT ' f Executors. .epiQ) THOMAS IQHNS. ) TERRITORY or COLUMBIA. T"n- S "'°J[ cr!, J er off "» for Sale, a J ck Cr «k. d-cmcd by these who have rx. ,t eqna! to snv in the Unitrrf Slates. The Mil.-House may he placed within onc quarter of ■Ve"^ 0 ! , r'7 , ' Po,own,ac,hi,if a ,niic f"»n i omthe P r'i ] n f Gcor S eIOWT1 ) and one m,le romthe President s square, in the city ol Walt>. in;;lon_on tide water, n.vigable for vcffels of le ver,! hundred b.,„i,e„._The Ar-am „ [nd n ntV t u CyCa T li " d ' lotUr " '"'"P"""' 'tones, nd the fall may be made fron, 05 „ 0 sect j rytodWCllon ' he adVa "^ 5 JIT P , UrC , har, " r ""Y be accommodated wjtfi a _( e P3 m 14 Jul) |T^ f ! E p *ri"cr(hip°f HAZARD & ADDOMS ; l A r U *»»™K thrtr FIRM, arc defined to c.ill fr, r frttl-n nt upon EBENEZER H.t r.ARD, „ No . I2 g r rCC 'r a " d ' h< <° U arc r,- qucfte'l 10 iramwliair pjymrnt in bin WJEVEZER HAZARD, p,-,,. ~ , ,/O.VAS ADDOMS. <i>adcffhia t July 13, 1792. /.n ALSO, ( r P'O LEONARD BLEECKER. (t.f.) R. STODDERT. N ew-Brnnfvvick Lotte r • • HIGHEST PRIZEj 2,333 DOLLAR:,."' ' ' j Public ire hereby informed .l, , A drawing of the above Lottery it \»4 t.ll the third day of Sep,ember time, the Manager, are potttively determined I, drawing (hall commence, in Mr. Koimu,', in Room, in ihe Cityof Ne\»-Brumwi c k S Ticket» are to be had at Sami-»-' r-. Ferry, where, fortunate advcmu,e, s ' m , y their prize-money ten day, after dra w i„,' ° [ f™<"natc numbers will b 0 publilhcd i„ k Ga»ittr of the UfUTEO States. pT n.aod , , 0 Lotteries have occaftoned the ncceffi.v o , ' Curt iier portponement. The R e «or and W J atk the assistance of their ep,f c „ r ,l ar>d frienJs, in fuppiymg thtmlelvcs with nn. V.ous to the above day-confident that no Lotutv more favorable to adventareis has bten -oflrred ! :he public—the dcdu6*ion being oi,lv t2 1 n,. ccnt. anil notivfo blanks to a prize. 2P * * . j n THE MANAf iERSi ** I.rtrerj dtrcflcd to Pet,er Km Post-Master, New-Brunfwick (post paii«!\-wjjl'tr .immediately attended to. NVw-Brunfwick. July 25, i BOOKS,. PRINTED AND SOLD If V MAT HEW CAREY A Ho. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia * MERICANMUSfcUM,fiom it, comment, meat in January 1787,10 Bccembtr i-o, in ten vols. Price, neatly bound and ittioL' sixteen dollars. * Thu work, which is now eoqduSrd on !n i m proved plan, containing the bell putts publifW for and against .he proceedings of gove., will be found to contain at Icait as great a variety of political, agricultural,and raifecihneous clTm as any ever pnolifhed in America. Perhaps in n,' one work are lo many valuable documents r ,f p( . t ( ing the history of this country, coUcfted together" His Excellency the Prcfideni of the United States' has declared of it, that " a more ufcful literary' plan has never hern undertaken in America, nor one more deserving of public encouragement The fubfeription is iwe dollars and a" half per ann. Gentlemen in the country who wilh t0 be fupplicd with this work, are requcited to give commiflion to friends in the city to lubferibe for •<nd receive if Any of the back numbers may he had in orHcr to complete sets. 2. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Miss. More's Eflays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Pcuninj;. 'oo's Advice, Marehioncfs of L» nbert'f Advice Swift's Letter to a newly married Lsdy,Mi». dis pone on command of Tamper, Moic's Fables for theL idies, Price 3. Smith's History of New-York, frosnits firft feuiement to the year 1732. To which is annex ed, a description of the country, with a short account of the inhabitant!, their religious anil political flatc, and the coiiftittftien of the coiuts. ofjuftice. Pi ice a dollar and a quarter. 4. Elements of Moral Science, l v James Bet. tie, 1.1.d. profeffor of moral |:hilyfophv 3i>ri logic in the Marifeha) College, Al.erd t en~lPnec th.ee-fourths of a dollar. Of tbi, !,„ok the Critical Reviewer! (vol. 69, p. 628] fay: " Ws have seen nothing on these fuhjctU more plain, more perspicuous, or more geneially ufcful." N. B. It is introduced into the Univcrfilviii Phi ladelphia. .5 Beauties of Poetry, Br:tilTi rnd American,, containing fele& production*- of the roofteminent British and American poets—Price four-filths of a dollar. 6. Blair's Sermons,containing Ihe whole of t'jf three volumes of the BritMh edition, :n tyro - Price two dollars. 7. N cket's Treatise on the importance of Re igious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar. 8. Examination of the Oblervations of Lord Sheffield on American Commerce—Puce, on very fine paper, 5 Bths of a dollar. 9- The Conilitu:ions 0/ the fevrr.il United Ststes, with the Federal Cfnftitution, &c. Pricc five, eighths of a dollar. 10. M'Fingal, an epic poem, a new edition in 12mo.—Price three-eighths of a dollar. 11. American Jest Book* in two parts, with* two very neat engravings—Price bound, three fifths of a dollar. - — —— 12, Garden of the Soul, by Biftiop Chalenor--. Price, bound in calf and lettered, three of a dollar—plain, half a dollar. 13. The Doway Translation of the Vulgate Bi- Me, in quarto—Pi ice, elegantly bound and jcuei °d, 50/2—plain, fix dollars. 14. Devout Christian's Vade Mccura—Trice a quarter dollar. 15- Think well on'r, or rcflcftions for every day of the month.--Price a quarter dollar. 16. Christian Economy, translated from a Gieek manuscript, found in the island of Pafinoa where Sr. John wrote the Apocalypse—Prices, fifth of a dollar. ' 17. Hift'>ry of Charles Grandifon, abridged— Pricc a sixth of a dollar. 18. Poems by Col. Humphreys— Tricc 3 third of a dollar. 19. Select Poems, chiefly American—Price a sixth of a dollar. Said Car ey has for sale, a large affortroertt of Rooks, European as well as American edition*, which he will dispose of on the most revocable terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, may depend upon being f'uppl fd 111 the moll fitiafactory manner. A liberal alio vancp to such as purchafc quantities for public liberies,, or to fell again. WANTED, to go to Boston, A JOURNEYMAN COPPERSMIT H ft small work, such as Tca-Kettl s, ( Pots, &c.— Good wages and conflant emploMnmt will be given to a peifon with good ircomn na tions—a (ingle man would be pieferrtd. £ ; iru" c of the Editor. Julvzs NEW TEAS. IM P E RIA L, HYSON& sOU CH C KG, Of I lie vci v fill! qu-Oi'v, n"- > alc(t impo CJioa frmn Caiuuu, ti.= by retail, tf No 19, Thirtl, between Chefuut and Market Strt I'- 5, -ft (rp-S) 179"., r~ r .■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers