Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 21, 1792, Page 60, Image 4

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Sir Peter Parker's and General Clinton's Attack on
Port Sullivan, 1776.
Q IR Peter, loosed the bellying fail;
His squadron caught the riling gale,
And swept the wat'ry plain ;
With them, in priile of warlike force,
Erave Clinton ihap'd an equal course,
For Charle/lon * rich domain.
Forth from the camp with rapid haste,
Athwart a funbuint, sultry waste,
Zee's chosen columns sped :
Nor fwiftcr posts the rufbjng Heed
When urg'd along with doubling speed,
Earth scarcely feels him tread.
Now past the Ihelving sand forin'd bar,
At once begamtfee storm of war
Wild pouring on in flame.
Here Paikcr's the tar infpirM,
'■There Moultrie's voice his soldiers tir'd,
And Jafpcr purchased fame.
On purpled billows (laughter rode.
From deck to deck fell carnage strode.
Death fought the bold—the brave.
fJeav'n, earth and sea were veii'd in fmolce,
ShaUs, mortars, cannon, raging broke,
Borne upward from the wave.
In vain the toil—firm, unsubdued,
The itrong Palme toe tow'ring flood,
From dawn, till darkling night
When the whifft ensign's given sign,
Recalled the fhatter'd, finking line,
Arid clos'd the horrid fight.
Ebenezer Hazard,
HAS Removed his OFFICE lo No. ; 2 8 north
Second.Street, wheie he continues to purcbafe
and fell on Commiflion, CeitiHratu r>l debt of the
United, and Individual States, D.nk Stock, Canal,
i.nd Turnpike Shares, &e. <Sce.
C3"Siibftiibersioihe Univ»rfal Tontine who
have not vet reee.ved their Certificate, arc delirrd
10 call for them,
July iB.
TJ C L Y 6, 1 7Q2.
HE Subferiber rffcrs for Sale, a Mill-Seat on
Hock Creek, d.emed bv iliofe who have ex
mined it, equal to any in the United States. The
Mi!l-Houfe may be placed within one quarter of
a mile of the river Patowmac, half a mile from
tl.c tnaiket house in Georgetown, and one mile
from the Prefident'a fquaie, in the city ot Wafli
ingioii_on tidewater, navigable for vessels of fj
vera! hundred bushels burthen. —The dream is
lumci(:nt,thc year round,to turn four pair ol Hones,
an., the (all may be made from 55 to 30 feet. It
is ut.ucccffary to d well on the advantages of'fuel 1
a muauou.
The purthafer may be accommodated with a
few hundred aero of land adjoining the Mill-Scat,
if that ftiould be au obje6t,
( e P3™ Mj"U
PURSUANT .0 the last Wi& TeVmfnt" of
£ the late Rev. Al exandkr WiLli amson,
dvCeafcd, will be exposed to Public Sale on 'I hurl- 1
day, the nth of October nexi,at Grokgetown ;
acred a of three years, (he purer,afers
j w '''' "PproTed fecii'ity.i'obear inteiell from
the date—That valuable Scat of Land, in Monrgo
lnciy county, called Haves; the late dwelling
p.auutionol the dceeafed, containing bctw-en fix
anu (even hundred acre's, the greatest part of wh eh
"rich, heavy timbered land, extremity well wa _
.end, ana capable of affording a \erv confiderahlc
<|U V itltyr.l hne meadow Siluated aboul G miles
Irom .he Inderal City, a „d , he f ame dift.nce f„ )m
sCorge-1 own, iu a genteel neighbourhood, and a
itmaikao.ehealiliy pan of the counuy.
1 tie improvement., a , O , a very elegant two ft<„,
B.ick Dwelling House. (with four rooms
r."age ,or entry, on a floor) „,d the i.eceffary out-
1 n , S!™ DD ™T, i Executois.
the universal hymn book
Now iriUePrefc, and will be readv for Sale in
A <; Uo |- kr ' ilcrs Philadelohia,
HYMNS, and SPl
th,,r^Tir,V ,ikt " 1,0,n dlffe rci.t Au
th. ~ 1,... theUfe ol thole v.1, c l, tve ln tht .
K.ftnranono! a , Men. Puhlifhed by<
dc^rM n : , :" h ;;'; 1 . ,n = m Fa,ik >»>
V As ihis ,s an UniveiU. Kymn Book the
U,eab I P "" : r ,i ,nd " U ' lt "' P"". infer, «
7W?T, lt t n ' C '"' will bc acknowledged. °
————1—— ep'f.
24 Dollars Reward.
R U WOMAV | he f' h M -- h » NEGRO
, V\ OMAN, by the name ot CHLOh! She
ishvc leet two and a Lair inches )u s h ; quick
spoken ; upper tooih open ; noey«.bro*s at ail •
is about 30 years old, but looks much younger.'
She ~ well (locked w,th, rloaihi, long gown,, jack
in f ' S J ',' OW Pa ' Tln »' {or a frtc » "m»n, I
undeiftand, and has changed lie, name—Whoever
lakes he, up, Co that the owne, get, her, (hall re .
reive the above reward; and if brought home, ,11
orher icalonablc expcnces, from the fuhlcriber
■VBcrJa, near Printfs- Ar.n
Mjr*lan(t t Junt ad. 1752 '
From tJieir firft M eting in September 1774, ti
their final Diliolution hi March 1789,—
COMPRISING, at full length, cvciy iinpor
(ant rclolution, order, addrels, decldtatJon,
&c. contained in the thirteen volumes of their
journals—a concifc iumtnai y ofthe kfs imcreJtilig
oarts—an alphabetical lift of appointments, pro
motions, and refi-inatioiu—a colleit<ve view ot the
public expendiiuies, &c. &c.—the whole intended
ro serve as a facishri&ory substitute for the origin*'
journals, which arc now out of p/ini+ and of which]
the entire Jubltauce, with official
lormaliues »«d repetitions, will here be given m
about one lourth of their prefect bulk—accompa
nied witii cne complete Indtx ;— —
Ffom the records and files of Co'oprcfs,—
Containing (either veioaliin, or in abilra&f a*
the cases may lever uliy require) luch lnterciting
pieces rcfer/td to in the journals, as mav with pro
priety be per milted to be made public, viz. Lettei*
from the difierent officers employed in iqe pubiu
fcrvicc during the late war—mi dree pled letters ot
the enemy—connnunicauons from governors, state
legjflatures, conventions, and committees—dil
patches irom age uu.,and commiflionera—in ft. ruc
tions - reports ot committers of Congreis—and va
rious other authentic documents, tending to throw
a light on the important events, to w Inch America
otfes her present independence.
In the coutfie of I lie work, will be introduced
As soon as 300 copies are lubfcnbed for, the
woi k wiil be put u> pre la—to be delivered to lub*
Mass. Mag.
licribers in numbers ot 304 o6lavo pages each, at
one Dot lar, in blue boards. The fuhjcription
money uii'l not be required tor the fit it number, un
til the publication is begun ; and on the delivery
of each number, half a dollar will beexpe&ed in
advance lor the succeeding one* To non-fubJct 1-
bets, the piict wiil be railed.
Mubfciipiions will be received by the principal
book-k!lei» throughout the Union, and by the
Etiuo r, JOHN CARKY.
No. 26, Pear-Str cut, Piniuuclplnu. (tf)
SOLDIERS, Marinei*s; and militia men'* pay,
lands. i»nd claims on the public,
Sri ARLw,in the Ranks, in the Cauals,3nd Turn
pike Road,
CEi\l IHCATES, granted by the public, and
the old ano late paper monies,
( )
NOTES ot hand, bills, bonds, and mortgages
with or without depoliis,
SOUGHT, fold, or negotiated, at No. 2, in
I ourth-ibiett btlow *vluiket-lUeet, by
Who tranfa&s bufinels in the public office J for
country people and others, by virtue ot <x power,
of attorney, or bv pcrfonal application
Thirty Dollars Reward.
RUN AWAY fro-n the lubfcriber in Februai)
last, a NEGRO LAD, named PHIL, about
20 years of age; had on when he went away, a
round jacket, a paii homespun breeches, and a tow
shirt ; (he fellow a ycliowifh complexion, his
heighih about five feet fix of (even inches, very
Iquare mads; ha? a mavk along fide of his no(e,
ana one of ins iufleps has been burnt, which caules
the nncws to draw.
Whoever takes up said Negro, and fecurcs him
in any jail, lo that I may get him again, fball re
ceive the above reward, and have all lealo.iable
cliaigcs paid. ROBERT PEARCE.
lUU SjJ/afras, June 16, 179 a. (*epim)
Stock Brokers Office,
Nu.45, Great Dock-(i,ect, New-Yokk,
1 Hi'- huulciiDcr intending to conhne hunfcl!
A entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE or
SiUCKSo* COMMISSION', liegs leas e 10 otte,
11s to hisliiends and olhcis, in the line
ol a Stock Brokct. Thole who may oleafc to ta
vo, l,u„ wilh iheir bulmef,., mav ctnicnd upon
having U tranfatlcd v. itli ihe utmoil fidelity ami
Older* from Philadelphia, Bolfon, or any other
pait 'J 1 toe Ul.lttd States will be llrirtly altend
cd to.
M.r, 4.
1-? ' AWAY lro,n the lubicribet, living ~u
iV K, ' m <-»«nty, and State ot Maiyiaud, on
Sunday the 2?th May last, a NEGRO i\l A N.
named Hark ; about 4 o years oi age, about fiw
leet nute inches high, has a Irar ove, one of his
eye-blows, and when talking, hangs his head
one fide and look. up-had ..a and took will,
htm the tollowingcloath.s, viz. a tea,nought coat,
a black and white kerley coat, cut round, a white
' J ackct an<l bieechcs, two pair ot yarn llock
mgs, 1 "e one pa,v lately looted, and the other not
two oznanurgn Hints, each pieced on one fde'
two pa„ ol tow-l,neu trowleis, oh« ual, patched
lore .2j
Whoevrr t»k«»p laid Nrg.o, if oulnf|hi ,
Tl ' 'i in m S aol > th *" "cpive I'OUR
.. s M '"""l-and if taken with.e
t CHt'ikh. I»,- d " n»"rc«iv«
• GHI iK)LL ARS ,ewaid ; ami il brouclu
home, realonable expenees will bepaid by
n,n., - r ''tRtGRINK LETHRBI'RY.
" ' ow "> J u " e 4. 179'- (<. 8w )
M A common lloufi, in or ntar the <c„tu q<
"•< (-".V.—Enfmrc ofthi tuilor. J
Tt la fuSHJhtd iy Sirljcriptieir,
O/ 1
yiit won&refo.
. J J
To which wi/i be a ided,
A copious i.nd valuable coJictiiun of originfl
cJ la tz 'j. ijier 4,
in their proper places, such parts of the
O caret J oumcil-j
as 110 longei require secrecy.
THE Partncjftiip of HAZARD & ADDOMS,|
isdiffolved; —All peilons having demands
on that FIRM, aiedefired to call for fettlenient,
upon EHENEZER HAZARD, at No. 128, North
Second-S^icet—and those indebted to 11 aie ic
queilcd to make immediate payment to him.
Philadelphia, July 10, 1792. (tf)
128 North Second-Sticeij
Containing a geographical dcfcription of thc :
Slate—with iketchcs of us natural hiitory, pro-,
du6hons> improvements, and present iiate of fo-',
ciety and maimers, laws ayd government. 1
By Jeremy Belknap, A. M.
This volume compleais the hrftory, and is
peculiarly interesting. Subscribers arc dctired
to call for their books.
Jones & Burroughs,,
Statl-Street, BOSTON,
BUY and feil every kind ol the Stocks of the
United States, 011 Commifiioii, by Private
Contract, olid Public Au£tion.— Those gerhlemtn
who may be plea fed to tavor them with their
commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and dii
Boflon, March, 1792,
July 2d, 1792.
NOTICE is hereby given, That there will be
paid at the Bank, alter the 10th inltant, to
the Stockholders, or their reprelentaiives duly au
thorized, the following sums, being the dividend
declared from the commencement of the lnftttu- 1
tion to the firtt instant, viz.
For each fiiare eoinpicated in the month of
M*rch t Twelve Dollars.
For each lhare compleated in the month of April
Ten Dollars, Sixty seven Lents.
For each lhare compleated in the month of May,
Nine Dollars, Thirty-three Cents.
For each halt-lhare. Eight Dollars.
By .order ot the PrcTident and Direflors,
(2 w f ) JOHN KEAN, jCafoier.
B 0 ST 0 N,
Tranfa&s bufmefs in the Funds of the United
Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or
any other part of the Union, will be attended to
with Diligence and Punctuality.
7 UKf 1 ■ (epim & tawzm) !
Philauslphia, July 7, 1792.
FOR the information ot Merchants and the .viaf
leis 01 Commanders of'vtffeli, are publithed
the following extracts ftoni the Law for cftahlilh
ing Polt-Ofhces and Poll-Roads within the United
(i aw 6 w.
In feflion 10, it is cna&cd that there (hall be
charged " for every letter or packet brought into
the United States, or cariied from one port [here
in to another by sea, in any private fh 1 p or vcffel,
four cenis, it delivered »i the place where the lame;
(hall arrive ; and it directed to be delivered at any I
other place, with the addition ot the like pollage,|
as other letters are made fubieft to the payment,
of by this act."
In fctiion 12, " That no (hiporveflel, arriving
at any port within the United States, where a poll?
office is eltablifhed, lhall be permitjed to report,
moke entry or break bulk, till the matter or com
mander lhall have delivered to the poitmaltcr, all
letters directed to any perlon or peiions within
the United States, which, under hiscaie or within
his power, (hall be brought in such (hip or vcflel
u.hci than such as are directed to tbe owiu, vr
coniignee: but when a vcflcl (hall be bound to 3-
nothcr port, than that, at which lhe may cuter, the
!■ tters belonging to, or to be delivered al the said
pori of delivery, diali not be delivered to the poft.|
mifttr at the port o! entry. And it (hall bethej
duty of the collrftor or other officer ot the port,
empowered to receive entries ot Ihips or veficjs i
to require from every mailer or commander ot
luch ship of veffcl, anoath or affirmation, purport-!
mg that he has dcliTered all such lettcis, cxccpt is
In fcttion 13, " That the poftmafler lo whom
Inch lettcis may be delivered, (hall pav to lhe
matter, commander, or wher peifon dcliveiinr
the fame, except the commanders of foreign pack"!
" s > lwo c f" ts to, every such letter or packet; and
(hall obtain from the person delivering the fame
a ceithcate fpccifyiug the number of letters and''
packtts, with the name of the lhip or vclle!.
and the place from whence (he lull failed ; which
e-eriificate, together with a receipt for the monev,
lhall be with Ins quartcilv accounts, tranfmitttd
to the Poftmattcr-Qerteral, who lhall credit the
amount thereof to the poiimafter torwaiihn ■ the]
lainr/' ° |
Forgtvtral ivjormaii'on,. the 14th Mien i. pub
lished, " And be u further I'hat il any !
pet (on, other than i|ie PoHjnafter-General, or his
dcput.cs, or perfomby them employed, (hail take
up, receive, order, d.lpatth, convey, carry or de
liver any leltei or lctteis, packet or packet*, other
than iiewfpaperl, for hire or rewaid, or Hull he
concerned in setting up any ioot or hoile pod,
waggon or other carnage, by or it) which any leu
'Vn? 1 " be carried for hire, on anv t Ha
' ed poll-road, or any packet, or other'tfellel
or oodi, or any conveyance whatever, whereby the
revenue ol the general polt-ortce may be injured,
every perlon, lo ofi'endiug, (hall forfeit, for every
p ll>e fun. ol two huud.eti dollars.
rov: ed, f hat 1: lhall and may be lawful for eve.
rV pe,l£ -- : 10 '""J :r packets by 1;...*,,
Vol. 11l
American Lead Manufacto..,
TTAVE just now opened Iheir I.ead.\V,,
11 house, two dooi 4 south ofWaL,
\Vhavf, adjoining their New laamy_ wle
"e now made, and ready f or fair 1
need E ~'X tSftj °Ztt° f
to be equal in qua | lty IO „ £™ »
r --uced P „e lr „ rol L cSS
addrelfcd lo cither of the ab,we Kafl
Men, at the Aw"wh°";
go wages, and other • ncouugemeiiti w j|| j!'
houi 1 :;zz ce - bc *« p-*-.
J ' orf «ri her partieirtara inquire of.MfflTrs Mo»t«
as above. l'aclory &lshia £%
Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. ? t f
B O O K S,
"""I KD AND SOLD fly
mathew carey'
A XUrk "- StT "U Phihdtlphm. '
i. A MEKICANMUSEUM,f,om IIS commrn«.
U men ui January , 7 8 7) to Dcccmbrr i;,,.
, Tim work, which is now conduflfd on an in, P"u, containing t,.c bell pieces publilhcct
foi and against the proceedings of government
| will be found to contain at least a. Wat a vancw
of political, agricultural, and raifcclTancous tffays
as any ever pubj.flied in America. Perhaps in
one work are lu many valuable documents refp-ft.
ing tile h.ftoiy ol thu country, collected together
His Excciiciicv the Prrlident of the United' State,
has dec,.,eo of „, .that "a more ufeful literary
i pJan has never ueen undertaken in America, nor
one more deferring ,of public encourage,,,rat
| 1 he iubkri pt'.on is two dollars and a lidlf per
| ami Ueuilenien the country who wii},
.be fuppned With this work, are requelM to give
Ecoinmioion to tnend» i, v the city to iubferibe lor
i d " A "V of the back numbtis
I may be had in order to complete lets.
1,."' , L3 r a ' c '' Library, containing Mifi
tJ'egory's Legacy, Lady Pennine
,ton s Advice,jMarchionefa of LambettV Advice
Swift's Letter to a newly married Ladv.Mrj.Clu
pone on command of 1 enper, Morc's tables lor
-ilic Ladies, Price 6/6.
3. Smith's Hittory of New-York, frotnits firft
i feiilement to the year i 73 j. To which is annex
ed, a delciiption ol the country, with a flioit
account of the inhabitants, their religious an-l
political Rate, and the coiiftitutien of the court*.
o» ju it ice. Pi ice a dollar and a quarter.
4. Elements of Moral Science, l-v Jamesßeat-
He, 1. l.d, profeffor ot moral philosophy and
10-ic in the Marilchal College. Aberdeen—Price
three-fourths of □ dollar. Of /Ins book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : "We
have fv en nothing 011 these subjects more plain,
nioie pcrfpicuous, or more generally ufeful."——*
B. It is introduced into the Phi
• 5 beauties of Poetry, British and
containing fclcd production* of the most eminent
British and American poets—Price four-fi'thsof
d dollar.
6. B-air's Sermons,containing the whole of the
three volumes ot the linttfli two—
Price two doilar .
7- N cker'i Treafife on the importance of Re
ligious Opinions.—.-Price four-fifths of a doljar.
8. Examination of the Oolervations of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
fine paper, 5 Bi.hs ol a dollar.
9» T lie CoiWhtutions of the several United States,
with the Federal Conftitutiou, &c. Price five
eighths of a dollar.
10. M'Fingal, an epic poem, a nrw edition ia
i2ino.— Pricedhrec-eighths of a dollar.
ix. American left Book, in two parts, with
two very neat engravings—Pricc bound,
filths ol a dollar.
12. Garden of the Sojjl, bv Bifiiop
Price, bound it* calf ar\d iettued, tbrec qnaritrt
of a dollar—-plain, half a dollar.
13. Ti.e Do way Translation of the Vulgate Bi
ble, in quarto— Price, elegantly bouud and letter
ed* 50/2 —plain, fix dollars.
14. Devout Chrutian'b Vade Mecum —Piice a»
quarter Hollar. ;
15. Think well on'f, or reflexions for every
day of the month.-rPnce a quarter dollar.
16. Chiiilian Econtfmy, tranAatcd Imm a
Greek manufcripl, found in the 1 Hand of Patir.oA
" here St. John wrote the Apocalypfe—P riccs »
si th of a dollar.
17. History of Charles (Ji and ifon, abridged—
Price a sixth of a dollar.
18. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a thir
of a dollar.
ig. Sele£fc -Poems, chiefly American—P f!CC 3
sixth of a dollar. 6
Said Carey has for faic, 3 large aflbrtment o
Books, European as well J as American editions,
which he will difpofeWon the most itafuM
terms. Country 'gentlemen, who [nor ' mn *" w
commands, may depend upon Ivi'rijj f«ipp' ,f "*
the moil fat isfacrory mannrr. A liberal allowance
so luch as ptirchafc quantities lor public library »
or to (ell agrain. — - —
Oft he v< < v fit ll quality, and latest impo rtatl °
from Canton, *ia New-York, by rci>' i* 1
No. 19,
Third, between Chefnui <n<) Market Sirf«'-
ATABI.E for receiving and p»V'»< l,
,he ,h,'IWd.MH tJ , Ihwwg £
Value of Gold in Dollars and Ccn'J, from u
a Tbontanrl Pennyweights —according to 1 * ,
of C'onaicis, afcctainingt he Siaudai d i-tf
of Gold.