A NATIONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENSO, No. 69, HIGH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA [No. 14, of Vol. IV.] To be publijhed h Subfcripiiov, THE AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER, OR, PROCEEDINGS OF THE Old feoncj/rej'S, From their firft Mating in September 1774, to their final DilTolutiou in March 1789,— COMPRISING, at full length, every impor tant refoluuon, order, addrel's, declaration, &c contained in the thirteen volumes of their journals a concise fummarv of the kin mtereltiiig oarts-an alphabetical lift ot appointments, pro. motions, an# refignations-a colleft.ve view ol the public expenditures, &c. &c.-the whole intended io serve as a fatislaftory fubft.mte for the original Journals, which are now out of prmt, and of which the enure substance, un-mcumbered with official formalities and repetitions, will here be given in about one fourth of their present bulk—accompa nied with mi complete geneial Index :— — To which will Be added. A copiout and valuable collection of original &T6, From the records ond files of Congress,— Containing (either verbatim, or in abftraft, as the cases may severally require) such iiitereiling pieces referred to in the journals, as may with pro priety be permitted to be made public, viz. Letters from the different officers employed in the public fcrvice during the late war—intercepted letters of the enemy—communications from governors, state legislatures, conventions, and committees dis patches from agents and commifiioners instruc tions— reports of committees of Congress—and va rious other authentic documents, tenaing to throw u light on the important events, to which America owes her prefect independence. In the couifc of the work, will be introduced in their proper places, such parts of the 'tcrd Jowmalo a$ no longer require secrecy. As soon as 500 copies are fubfcnbed for, the work will be put to press—to be delivered to sub scribers in numbers of 304 odlavo pages each, at one dollak, in blue boards. The Jubfcription money will not be required for the fir ft number, un til the publication is begun ; and on the delivery ©f each number, half a collar will be expected in advance tor the succeeding one. To nou-fubfcri bers, the price will be raised. Subscriptions will be received by the principal jook-felleib throughout the Union, and by the Editor, JOHN CAREY. 1 No. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia. (it) TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. JULY 6, 1792. ' THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Scat on Rock Creek, deemed by those who have ex mined it, equal to any in the United States. The Mill-House may be placed within one quarter ol a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from the market house in Georgetown, and one mile irom the President's fquaie, in the city of WaPn ington—on tide water, navigable for veflels of se veral hundred buftiels burthen.—The stream is fufficient,the year round,to turn four pair of stones, and the tall may be made from 25 to 30 feet. It is unnectfTary to dwell on the advantages of such a situation. The purchaser raay be accommodated with a few hundred acrGS of land adjoining the Mill-Seat, if that should be an objefh (epsra i 4 Jul) TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. June 28. 1792. PURSUANT to the last Will and Tettamentof the late Rev. Alexander Wil 1.1 am son, deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl day, the 1 ith of October next, at G eor g etow n, on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved security, to bear intereftfrom the date—That valuable Seat of Land. in ,Montgo mery county, called Hayss; the late dwelling plantation ol the dcccafed, containing between fix and seven hundred acies, the greatefl. part of which is rich, heavy umbered land, extremely well wa tered, and capable of affording a very considerable quantity c! fine meadow ; —Situated about 6 miles irom the Federal City,and the fame diflance from George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a remarkable healthy part of the country. The improvements aie, a very elegant two story Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a pafTage, or entrv. on a floor) and the necefTary oul houfes. HENRY TOWN&END,) BENJ. STODDERT, J> Executors. (eptO) THOMAS JOHNS,. ) Stock Brokers Office, Great Dock-ftrcet, New-York, THE bubferiber intending to confine himfell, entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to offer his Services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor him with their bafinefs, may depend upon hdving it tranfa&ed with the utmost fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States will be ftri&ly attend ed 10. LEONARD BLEECKER. Jfcj » THE Partnerfhipof HAZARD & ADDOMS. is diifolvcd ; — All persons having demands on that FIRM, are delircd to call for fettJeincnt, upon EBENEZER HAZARD, at No. 128, North Second-Street—ard those indebted to it are ic queited to make immediate payment to him. EBENEZER HAZARD, JONAS ADPOMS. Philadelphia, July 10, 1792. (tf) THE UNIVERSAL HYMN BOOK. Now in the Prcfs, and will be ready for Sale in ten days, by THOMAS DOBSON, and A Selection of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI xl. RITUAL SONGS ; taken from different Au thors, for the Use of those who believe in the Reftorationof all Men. Publifned by Order of the Convention holding said Faith, met in Phila delphia, Mav, 1791. * # * As this is an Universal Hymn Book, the favor of the Printers indifferent parts, in inserting the above advertisement, will be acknowledged. July ii. eptf. BANK of the UNITED STATES, July 2fl, 1792. NOTICE is hereby given, That there will be paid at the Bank, after the 10th instant, to ihe Stockholders, or their representatives duly au thorized, the following sums, being the dividend declared from the commencement of the institu tion to the firft instant, viz. For each share compieated in the month of March, Twelve Dollars. For each share compleared in the month of April Ten Dollars, Sixty-seven Cents. For each share compieated in the month of May, Nine Dollars, Thirty-three Cents. For each hals-share, Eight Dollars. By order of the President and Dtre&ors, (aw.) JOHN KEAN, Calhier. Thirty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from in February last, a N'KGRO LAD, named PHIL, about so years of age; had on when he went away, a round jacket, a pail homespun brceches, and a low shirt ; "(he fellow has a yellowish complexion, his heighth about five feet fix or seven inches, very fouare made ; has a mark along fide of his nose. and one of his infieps has been burnt, which causes th? sinews to draw. Whoever takes up said Negro, and fecurrs him in any jail, so that I may get him again, (ball re ceive the above reward, and have al! reasonable charges oaid. ROBERT PH.ARCE. Head Safafras, June 16. 1792. (*epim) RUN AWAY from the fubferiber, living in Kent County, and State of Maryland, on Sunday the 2*7 th May last, a NEGRO M A N. Darned Hark; about 40 years about five feet nil* inches high, has a fear over one of his eye-brows, and when talking, hangs his head on one fide, and looks up—had on and took with him the followingcloaths, viz. a fearnought coat, a black and white kersey coat, cut round, a white kersey jacket and breeches, two pair of yarn stock ings, the one pair lately footed, and the other not, two oznaburgh lhirts, each piectd on one fide, two pair of tow-linen trowfers, one pair patched with new tow-linen down the fore parts, and an old felt hat. Whoever takes up said Negro, if out of this State,and secures him in gaol, fnall receive FOUR TEEN DOLLARS reward—and if taken within this State, and secured as aforefaid, (hull receive EIGHT DOLLARS reward; and il brought home, reasonable cxpences will be paid bv PEREGRINE LETHRBURY. Ck'.flcr-Tourn, June 4, 179'- ( C P 8w ) ' B. STODDERT. Containing a geographical description of the St aie —wirh ficetches of its natural history, pio du&ions, improvements, and present (late ot 10- ciety and manneis, laws and government. This volume complcats the history, and is pe.uliarly interesting. Subfcribcrs arc delired to call for their books. Tones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS, STATE-Street, BOSTON, BUY and fell every kind of the Stocks of the United States, on Commission, by Private Contract, and Public Auftton.—Thofe gentlemen who may be pleased to iavor them with their commands, jnay rely on fidelity, fccrecy and di.- patch. x Boflon. March, 1792. ( ,aw 3 m ) WAITED—TO RENT, (£f" A convenient Hovfe, in or near the centre