THE CONSPIRACY OF KINGS. Bv JOEL BARLOW, ESSUIRE. (CONC L UDID.) A NDdidftihou hope, by thy infuriate quill JTx. To rouse mankind the bloo 1 ot realms 10 spill ? Then to restore, on death devoted plains, Their scourge to tyrants, arid to man his chains ? To swell their fouls with thy own bigot rage, And blot the glories of so bright an age ? Firll stretch thy arm, and, with lels impious might, Wipe out the itars, and quench the solar light : " For hcav'n and earth" the voice of God ordains, " Shallpafs andpcri/h, but my word remains." Th' eternal Word, which gave, iu spite of thee, Re ason to man, that bids the man be free. Thou couldfl not hope : 'twas Heav'n's returning grace, In kind compaflion toourinjur'd race, Which ftript that loul, ere it fliould flee trora hence, Of the last garb of decency or sense, Left thee us own foul honors to display, In all the blackness of its native day, To fink at last, from earth's glad futface hurl'd, 7 he fordid iov'reign of the ietter'd world. n some fad hour, ere death's dim t rrors spread, Ere leas of dark oblivion whelm thy head, Rvflcft, 101 l man,— II thole, thy kindred knaves, O'er the broad Rhine whose il ''T ° rders - S! "« »»d Kings, »?.,?■? an ' ! r »v heart rebounding fpr.n-5 cho d tl, afcendtng bhfs lhat waits your call ° Heav'n s own bequest, lhe hcrit of > a| , Awake to wisdom, f e i zc the prizc . from dude to light, from gticf to glory rife' jr" n 7" V last > w ' lh R"f„n in her train, W ll"'?" h " cve reign ; See Gallia s sons, so late the tyrant's (port W " a " d fyC °P hants « court, Start into men ex p and lhcir wcll . t ht mind Lords ofthemfclve, and leaders of mankind. ' On equal rightstheir base of empire lies, On wal s of Wisdom fee the ftruftu.enfe ; ALo^IM/ 51 ? 8 WO ' ld " low " s A mode I d form for each Wounding clnnc To ufeful to,ls they bend their noblefUirT patllot Vlev>s iDs ! mor»l views the fame, -.01 Her Majesty has decorated Major-General Ri bas with the Order of St. Alexander, and Lieu tenant Generals Prince de Wolkcnikoi, and M. de Kutufchow, with that of St. George ofithe second class—All the officers who diitinguffhed themselves at the taking of Maczin have been promoted, or have obtained other marks of tlif tindHon. The officers who exerted themselves at the capture of Ifmail will also (hortly be re compensed by their sovereign. The fuccefsful negociations of Major-General de Pahlen at the court of Stockholm have been rewarded with the government of Riga. M. de Subow, who was Aid-de-Camp to the Empress, has been created Aid-de-Camp General, with the rank of Lieute nant General. M. de Trofizinlky, who aifted as Secretary to Count Befborodko, has been creat ed a knight of St. Woldimir of the third class. As to foreign affairs, our Court, without doubt, has a private interest in tbe state of affairs, both of trance and Poland, but has not yet evinced a disposition to take an adtive part in them, except by a supply of money, of which the French Prin ces at Coblentz have been furnifhed with the se veral considerable funis from Banking houses an Amsterdam. M A T H E \V CAREY, No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia. 1. AMERICAN MUSEUM, f,om it, commencement in Tanu a i dry 1787, to December 1791, in ten vols. Puce, ncatiy bound and lettered, sixteen dollars. This work, which is now conduaed on an imDrovcd plan, con taining the bed pieces publilhcd for and against the proceeding of government, will be found to contain at lea a as great a vanciv o, agricultural, and miscellaneous effa) s, as any ever pub li hed in America. Perhaps in no one work are io many valuable documents jefpefting the history of this country, coUeftcd tu»e. ther. His Excellency the President of the United States, has de clared o( it, that » a more ufclul literary plan has never been un dertaken in America, nor one more defervingof public encou ragement." The f.ibfcription is two dollar, fnd Gentlemen in the country who with 10 be fupphed with this Thf rv e' and lo S ,c ln 'he Mar.'iehal Collet r ,c perUous, or delphia • IllSim ' odUCCd ,nlo thc in Phiia- 6. liiuii's Sermons, containing the wholr of i Ot the Bii,.n, in two—Price two dollar! " Vo ' UmeS Pnce sou," nPO,UnCe °' Opinions. 8. Examination ot the Obfervaiions of Lord Sheffield on A-r,,. deal Constitution, &c. Prlc< "" ** three:e"h^ S o a s , ; d n o e i r a , T CpOCtn ' 3 "< w < d —"> —.-Price dollar. Ul ' lor> C ' la, ' cs Grandifon,abridged— Price a sixth of a £ S°l C cS^oc,n^ e "cfl v ? h / e5 ' 1 -- Pr!ce 3 lhifd " f 2 doi '"- Said Carjv has tor ia e Amcnca "— Pr '« a fixih of a doibr pean as vvtli as Amrr? j ge afTortmcn ' of Books, fcuro tnott icafonable terms""^" o"*'0"*' W '"i Ch h ° W '" dil P ole of on ">e commands, mav depend r" j Wh ° ' aV ° r '" m wlth lory manner. A 1,1 the moik facUfac for public l.branes. or L 3^^", 10 " PUld '^ Renounce war, bid conqucft cease, luvkc r. - ji. upiiu l> and pcac. , 1 ■' • - I '' luitice rear the youthful race, With ftrcpgth exalt them «ind with science grace, Till Truth's b.left banners, o'er the regions hurl'd, Shake tyrants from their thrones, and cheer the waking worlc In northern climes, where feudal shades of late Cl'ill'd every heait artd jvlfied every State, Behold, illumin'd by th' inftru£live age, That great phenomenon, a Sceptred Sage. There Stanislaus ui» o!ds his prudent plan, Tears the iirong bandage from the eyes of man, Points thr progreilive march, and fhapesthe way That leads a realm from darkneis into day. And deign, for once, to turn a iranfient eye To that wide world that fkii ts'the western sky; Hail the mild morning, where the dawn began, The full fruition of the hopes of man ; Where sage Expericncc fealsthe sacred cause, And that rare union, Liberty and Laws, Speaks to the reas'ning race, 41 to freedom rife, Like them be equal, and like them be wife." PETERSBURGH, April 6. HER Majesty the Empress has never enjoyed so good a state of health as Ihe does at pre sent. Tranquility and content now reign through out the Rufiian Empire, and the glorious peace concluded with the Ottoman (Porte has occalion ed an universal joy, BOOKS, PRINTED AND SOLD BY 52 'NEW TEAS. Ofthe "J f f YSO N an d SOUCHONG, • q between Chefnu 9 .'nd Market Str«,s. American Lead Manufaftorv STEPHEN AUSTIN V r TLTAVt jult now opened their Lead W\r ' °* X 1 00 '' y hav * »ow made, and ready t-,r fair , men, of SHOT of all fi«s, w„h SHEF r and BAR LFAn T' production ot .he in V.rgini, As .hrv * , D> "* number ot experienced Englifl, w0,km,,,, ,h ey w"™7 ' equal m quality to any manufacture a. .Lurupc aB(i " T ? pi ice from the cost of impoiud. P " ' educ «l I hey alio continue to manufacture all thr =1, • , : Richmoiid, in V rginia. All orders addr.ffed toenhVr f'l" ' above Fabrics, will be thankfully received and . lhe , Ihorteft notice. ' ' cxecnicd on the N. B. Wanted industrious, rftber, Labouring Men ,ttl,,r A Mines, whereconilant employ, good tea >es tll,cfil(l ments will be given, houles for their reception. ° ov,aca > ant for further particulars enquire of Messrs. MoiisAc.ti«ac at their Faft.vry ,n Richmond., or as above. °' Philadelphia, December o i-qi J ■ j ' .f PROPOSALS " " ; fOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, In the Commonwealth of Ma ITachv felts A SYSTEM far the DISCIPLINE ij «» the UNITED STATES oj AMERICA; ' THE YOUNG ARTILLERIST'S POCKET COMPANION. IN THK£I PARTS, 1 * rt, -C°"™ NG the duty a,,d P r ' ai « of light w , "VV "he theory »»d pr.Sice of heavy artillery to which will be added, an extraftof a Treatil'e on the origin ud pi inutile of Courts-Martial, wrote by an experienced Officer in p °i , W dld J dul r as Judge-Advocate in America. Pure 3. Laboratory duty ; containing a great variety of direaionj for L.mipoinion, and the method of making artificial fire-works alid the formation of ammunition for the dificieut kinds us ord'* nance. By WILLIAM STEVENS, isa ) A%Officcr in the American Artillery through the who], of the* ; late revolution, and since in the Militia. CONDITIONS. This work to he primed on good paper with a handsome typ<» » neatly t,ou.,d ,nd lettered, in three pocket volumes, containing 4 upwards ot one thousand pages; iUufttated wiih a great varieiy*'! ot explanatory plates, executed bv able ar'.iils. j The price to I'ubfcribers, One Dollar each volume-to non-sub- ' fcril.ers, One Frentk Crotvn each volume : and those who (übfcribt for fiv fctis, (hail have a fevenib rrati}. ■Jit's work. Hull be pubiilhedlis iooa as five hundred copiti art fuofcribcd for. SublcrifHioa papers will be lodged with the priDcipal Printers * ookfeliers in the United States of America. SOCIETY FOR ESTABLISHING USEFUL MANUFACTURES. At a meeting of ihe Directors of the Society for eitablilhing ufeful manufactures, held atfjletv- ; ark, 011 Friday the eighteenth day of May, 1 1792, at which time was palled the following. Supplement to an ordinance, entitled, " An or- '-y dinaiace for fecuringjhe punctual payment of t-he monies due on the subscriptions to the so- I' ciety for establishing ufeful manufactures." ■ « WHEK.EAS by the third fedion of the ordh . nance entitled, " An ordinance for fecur iwg the punrtaal payment of the monies due on the subscriptions to the society for establishing . Jlfeful manufactures," it is ordained, that it'any Jubfcriber or his assigns, shall negledto pay the { second, third or fourth payment of his, her or their refpedtive fnbfcriptious, for the space of three days after the expiration of the time limit ed by the law of incorporation for the said pay ments, that is to fay, the second payment, on ihe 13th day of July, 1792 : that then and in that caje, all and every lhare or {hares, offuchperfon oi&perfons, so negletfting to make such payment* ( as aforefaid, and the monies by them previously paid, (hall be forfeited, and forever thereafter veiled in the said directors and their faccefTtfts for the common benefit of the laid society. And whereas circumitances render it inexpe dient to exact full payment of tlie second inftal nient on the said thirteenth day of July nest, or within three days thereafter. Be it therefore ordained, by the deputy gover nor and directors of the fotieiy for eftablKhing ufeful manufactures, that if the faiii second pay ment (hall be made in manner following, that is to fay, one equal third part ihereof, 011 orbefoie the thirteenth day of August next, one otlie. e qual third part thereof, 011 or before the thir teenth day of September next, and one otbei e qual third part thereof, on or before the thir teenth day of October next, with lawful inteielt computed thereon from the said thirteenth day of July next, that then and in such cale, the penalty mentioned in the said feiftion, fii ;l " !lCt be exacted, any thing in the said ordinance to the contraiy notwithlfanding. A. MERCER, Dep. Oov. Extract from the ininutes, , JAMES GRIFFITHS, Clerk. GEORGETOWN (POTOWMAC.) THE SUBSCRIBER HATH OPENED A House of Entertainment, At the Sign of the PRESIDENT of ihc UNITED STATES. In that commodious House lately occupied by Thomas B;a e t s Mayor of this Town. . He has furnifhed himfell with a flock ot the bed Liqu° rs » will use every exertion to give falisfa&ioii by procuiiug» 1 teafon, the befl ot every fptcitsof provision, and hiving 11L J j served up in the moil neat and elegant manner. GLORGE H. LEIGH- ■V*