Jt NATIONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO. No. 69, HIGH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA [No. 7, of Vol. IV.] Thirty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the fubferiber in February lart,a■■NEGßO LAD, named PHtL, about ao years of agr; had on when he went away, a round jacket, a paii homespun and a i«»w fh»rt ; ihe fellow has a ytllowiftn complexion, his hrtghth about live feet fix or seven inches, very (quare made ; has a mark along tide of his no'e, ana one of his insteps has been burnt, which caufcs the sinews to draw. Whoever takes up said Negro, and fecurrs him in any jaij, so that I may get him again, (Vail re ceive the above reward, and have all reasonable charges paid. ROBERT PEARC-E, Head Sajjafras, June 16, 1792. (*epim) RUN AWAY from fubfcviber, living m Kent County, and State of Maryland, oh Sunday the 2*»th May last, a NEGRO MA N. named Hark ; about 40 years of age, about feet nine inches, high, has a fear over one of hjs eye-brows, and when talking, hangs his head on ofie fide, and looks up—had on ami took with him the followingcloaths, viz. a fearnought coat, a black and white kersey coat, cut round, a white, kersey jacket and breeches, two pair of yai n stock ings, the one pair lately footed, and the other not, x .a oznaburgh fhLrts, each pieced on one fuse, twu pair of tow-linen trowfers, one pair patched h new tow-linen down the fore parts, 2nd an oiii felt hat. Whoever takes up (aid Negro, out of this Sta'o,and ferures him in gaol, fh:ll receive FOUR TEKX DOLLARS reward—and if taken within tHis Stair, and secured as aforefaid, (hall receive EIGHT DOLLARS reward ; and it brought, borne, reasonable expences will be paid by PEREGRINE LETHRBURY Ch-ftcr-Town, June 4, 1791. (ep 8w ) THE following fecttons of the a& entitled, u An art fpr raising a further sum of money *br the protection of the frontiers, and for other purposes therein mentioned, are repub lifhed for the information of all perfons,who, on the 29th day of June next (1792) shall be polfeifed of WINES. u Se&. io. A ND be it further ena&ed, That xjL all Wines which after the said last day of June next, shall be imported into the United States, shall be landed under the care of the infpertor of the port where the fame shall be landed, and for that purpose, every permit for landing any Wines, which shall be granted by a Colle&or, shall, prior to such landing, be pro duced to the said infpeftor, who, by endorsement thereupon under his hand, shall fignify the pro duction thereof to him, and the time when, af ter which, and not otherwise, on pain of forfei ture, it shall be lawful to land the said Wines. And the said i;;fped:or ihall make an entry of all such permits, and of the contents thereof, and each pipe, butt, hogshead, calk, cafe, box or package whatsoever, containing such Wines, shall be marked by the officer under whose im mediate infpeed by inland navigation, without a Angle lock, all the boats (some of 200 tons) are drawn over the dams by machinery ; their inland navigation is of older date and in more nniverfal ufethan has exifled in any oth'-r nation, and I think the long prafticeof these ingenious people exhibits an example, which we may fafely imitate. On the whole matter, 1 suppose about 3®e tend to comprehend ail its extent, but such thoughts as have occurred tome, I offer to the company, to be adopted, improved, or rejetted as they may firtd expedient. A CITIZEN OF PHILADELPHIA Philad. June 13-, tyqz FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, April 24. THE iollowing most singular acci dent happened at Cardiff, a few days since : As the son of Mr. Jones, school-master at that place, was at tempting to pull some hair out of the tail of a young horse, he entangled his finger in such a manner, that in his endeavors to extricate himlelf he pricked the animal by some means, which caused him to leap over a wall near which he was (landing and drag ged the boy after him, by which means the poor fellow's brains were dashed out, and otherwise rendered a (hocking fpedtacle. Mr. Wilbcrforce has been present ed with a beautiful pidlurereprefent ing a (lave in the temple of liberty trampling on his chains. This pic ture was executed and presented by a Birmingham artist, as a small token of his efteera for that gentleman, who has Co arduously endeavoured to ef fedi an abolition of the slave trade. Letter from Earl St aKH ope t* M, Condorcet, member of the ty for the city of Paris. London, April 3. " IT is with extreme pleasure that I have the honor to inform you, that the House of Commons,' where I part ed the whole night, have determined that the Slave Trade shall be abolish ed. " The friends of the Blacks, with Mr. Fox, Mr. Pitt, and Mr. Wilber force at their head, prefled for the immediate abolition, but they loft this motion by a majority of 193 a gainst 125 —and the House postponed to another day the question for fixing the period of the abolition ; but the great question, that the trade shall be abolished, was carried by a very great majority, 230 against 8;. You will *