Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 13, 1792, Page 12, Image 3

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    iiitifcs on the opposite fides of the
House of Commons, are botli equally
pledged to do every thing in then
power to elfetft a Parliamentary Re
formation. Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox
are united in this declared decermi-
It was well remarked, as is okferv
ed by an able and jadicious friend to
civil ami religious liberty, by Mr.
Fox, " that not only the established
church, but the constitution itfelf,
(lands materially indebted for a great
proportion of its rectitude, vigor,and
beatify, to rational itinovaiions. Im
provements may be grafted, without
tumults or diftiirbanees, 011 the forms
0 ',«ii excellent constitution ; where
a other countries, wanting those
'firms, and being under the necelfity
01 erecting a new constitution on the
ruins of an old one, cannot acquire
liberty without setting every thing
afloat, and making their escape from
slavery through the (hoals and quick
lands of anarchy."
A gold medal has been adjudged
by the Agricultural Society of Paris
to M. Morcan, of Brillon, near Bar
]<* Due, who though poor, and the
father of fix children, has bi ought up
a child which he found, on the high
way perilling with cold and dil'eafe
A correspondent informs, that j
Mefi'rs. Hallam and Kenry, of the'
New-York Theatre, are expe<fted
here fnottly, for the purpose of erect
ing a house -and exhibiting their per
formances the ensuing winter. Such
gentlemen, therefore, as wifli to fuh
fcribe to this company, which was
formerly Mr. Douglas's, will /hortly
have an opportunity of doing so.
General Jackson has declined ferv
ir,:r as a representative of the slate of
Georgia in Congtefs,
Extract of a letter from a gentleman in
Augujla, dated May 23.
" By a gentleman from Roek Land
ing, we have received advice of Ge
neral M'Gilli*ray's arrival
a number of the upper chiefs; but,
in consequence of two white wen be
ing irtUraeied fotne little time back,
they have all returned to the Creek
nation, in order to hold a grand coun
cil to decide this business, which will
in all probability detain the running
of the lim s for ihefe three months.''
Married, the 6:h inilant, the Hon.
Thomas Wadfworth, a senator of
Ninety-Six dilhitft, to the amiable
Miss Lamb, late of Bolton.
C O L U MBI A, May 8.
On Saturday tlie 28th of'lalt month,
as Cbm.nodore Gillon, in coinp.iny
with Major Butler, was returning to
his feat on the Congaree from Col.
Thornton's plantation, hishorfe took
fright and ran away with a chair.
The commodore jumped out and un
fortunately bvol<e his leg. He was
taken to the house of Mrs. Hart, who
lives ne«ar the place where the acci
dent happened, and attended by Dr.
Lent hold and two other gentlemen
cf the faculty. Several splinters were
extracted Both the bones were brolc
en and had forced their way through
the boot.
Sunday last one Gardner Williams
was ftiot dead by a person of the name
of Mafley, on his plantation about 16
miles from town., Mafley is n'jt yet
May rj. On Saturday last the fe
deral circuit court was held here,
when their honors judge Jredell and
judge Bee were present, The court
adjourned to Monday ten o'clock.
Wednesday last William Mafl'ev,
who killed Gardner Williams a fevy
days finee, surrendered himfelf to
Johi» Wilson, Klq. jultice of peace,
and was by him committed to Camden
gaol, in order to taking his trial the
next frifion.
AN N A.PO L I S, (M,).M 3 y 31.
ExtraQ ' dJ~ a tetter from Philadelphia,
j'.. j n,r .
dated May 30,
" From what I could learn, there
feetned to be a clivifior. among the re
publicans in favor of Clinton for tbe
office of vice-president. The present
incumbent, tis generally thought,
would think better of tlip people by
mixinga little \vi:h them. He would
find they were tnjld, amiable, and not
difpofeil to riot; that, in fa«ft, no
danger is to be- apprehended from
hem to any of the salutary objects of
'ociety. by being under the govern-
ment of the law, adminiflered by o
.hers, without the prolpccft of wield
ing any other IoJ of authority than
an ordinary walking cane, he might
gradually feel with them, and look
with an eye of jealouly toward thole
who live on public taxes, and defpile
the from whence they arc
ALBA NY, June 4
The pvelul'ent and directors of the
Brink ofNew-York have, in the poHr
elt terms, tendered the service* of
their Bank to the Bank of Albany,
offering to receive and exchange our
paper without any particular limita
tion— Hence the immediate advanta
ges and utility of our Bank, must be
obvious to every man of the fniallell
The warmed advocates for our
Sauk, la It winter, did not anticipate
such a close connection with the iiank
of New-York, before ours (hould be
in full operation
A convenient house for the Bank,
and all other mutters, being nearly
in readiness, it is supposed difcount
ng will commence by the mid tile oi
ext week.
By letters fiom New-York, it ap
pears thfU 1200 ihares are fubferibed
to-the northern and weiteni canals—
which added to the mighty exertions
of the'-whole northern
Schcncftady included, the aggregate
number of lhares fubferibed amount
to 1425 —whereas 1000 ihares would
have been fufficient to have fee the
whole of both canals in motion ;
which in their ultimate consequences.
will enrich and animate the whole
llate, and greatly benefit our new
As the choice of Directors for the
Sank will take place on Tuesday the
I2th inft. I have to recommend the
following gentlemen as Directors for
.lie year eni'uing—Stephen V. Renllel
laer, Philip Schuyler, Abraham Ten
Broeck, John iV':<iley, Daniel Hale,
Jaiiies Caldwell, Cornelius Glen, John
sievenfon, Jeremiah Van Renfieilaer
"Goldfbrow Bahyar, J'»hn Taylor,
Leonard Ganfevoort.
A Stockholder
Yesterday the District Court of the
United States was opened at the court
iioufe in this town, when a well a
dap-ed charge was delivered by the
Hon. Judge Paca to the jury, and
proceeded to bulinefs—after which
iliey adjourned till 10 o'clock this
Y O R K, (Pen.) June 6.
Yesterday arrived at this place, on
his way to the Westward, his Excel
lency Major General Anthony Wayne.
Oyez ! OY £ Z ! O Y E z !
Hear ! heai ! hear, and attend, !
ATTEND, ye.Eoglifrnnen, ye lufhmen, y<
Scotchmen! ve High-Dutch, ye Low-Dutch !
ye Middle-Dutch ! ve Frenchmen, ye Spaniards, ye
Portugucfc ! ye Ruffians, ye Piullians, ye Hessians !
ye Swiss, Savoyards, and Piemouu I'e ! Ealt-In
dians, Weft-Inciiar.s, and Wild-Indians! Tuiks,
Jews,and Algerines, attend ! —attend, ye foreigners,
'from every country, and from every clime ! at
tend to my words, if you wi(h to save ) our bacon.
You will be all hanged like rogues, if you d<
not pack oif, bag and baggage, and disappear fron
the tei ritorics of the United SLates, before the nex
meeting ot Congreis : lor—
Lo! and behold !
Here is John fenno conic a.I the way from Boston,
to lodge informations agan.ll yon. This veiv
morning, in the Gazette oj the United States, he
/War's—(and who Mans ciiibelieve' him when he
swears ?) —that you foreigners area set of rebel
lious turbulent dogb, a pack of run-away Jlav(S,
who arc come here to oveitutn the government! *
It is happy tot you, that Congress are uot now
fitting; or who knows, but John Fenno might
have influence endugh. to get you all tianfporccd
10 BoUuy-Bay, oi iomeot the defart islands in tiic
Southern Ocean ? Luckily |he Lcgiflaiure is now
in recess : make hay, therefore, while the fur
dhines : feam'per off as quick as you can, whiie
you are yet at liberty to choose the place of yout
future iroode : but be sure you write beforehand iv
all your ragged turbulent friends and acquaintance
in your relpcilive countries, to caution them a
gaiuft coming here, to diffurb the peace of Ame
rica, by willing agaiftd the government!
Saturday, June 9.
* His words are, " The abuftrs oj governmem
a majority of them are peiiotis from
other countries, ivho having lately e leaped from
bondage, know not hozv to enjoy liberty !"
THE paragraph alluded to in the above, which
apuean d in our last, is a literal tranfeript from the
Newark Gazette, and is marked as a quotation in
the Gazette of the United States. The Editor
hefcof knows not the author,and therefore theaf
ferrion'ihat ihey are " his words " is a vrffake.
tipm a fulj conviction that rhe insinuation is*
wel i. founded, and that it isulcful and impor-"
Unt thft people should bedifabuled in rcfpeCl
to the authojsol many of thofc publications which
hold up ihe adminiiirators of our government as a
knot of knaves; and exhibit the people o» the
United States to the world, as the mifciffble
dupes ol the worst characters among them—the
ifei lion wa"S made.
rheioi cgoiugjiiom the National Gazette, is a fpe
citnen ot tin; polue and candid manner in which
the hditor ol ihis papei has had the honor of be
ing repeatedly rum in that Gazette, and in Jvme
h?is, condufcLd on equally tolerant principle
I he writer has evidently two obje£U in vijew —
>ne is', to ftigtnatize 11 Joh n Ft nn o" ps inimical
to foreigners ; the other, to checK. ihe ireedom of
the prcis. With refpeft to the fir It, " John
Ff n no*' conlidcrs no man as a tofergnc'r who ha-s
"cliofeh this for his rounrry, and is interfiled in its
'ate ; and as to the second, ihe attempt IhaM-noi suc
ceed. The author ot the Newark paragraph may be
fatisfied by i 4 the roaring, that ho has hit right."
N. B. None but mutilated extrafls jrom the Gazette
ot the United Slates, have hitherto appealed in \he
National Gazette.
EXTRACT Jrom " Notes on the State oj Virginia."
44 IT is for the happiness ot thoi'e united in so"
ciety. to harmonize as much as poflibld in ma<tcr 6
whveft they mull of neccfiity traulaft together.
Civil government being the sole ofoje6l of forming
locieties, its adm'niftration must be conduced by
ommon content. Every foecies ol government
has its fpccific principles. Ours perhaps are more
peculiar than those of any other in the uruverfe.
li is a tompofition of the fie<ft principles in the
t.nglirti Constitution, with others derived trOm na
tural light and natural icalbn. To thele, nothing
can be more opposed than the maxims ot ablo'.ute
monarchies. Yet, from such we arc to ex jjcdt the
number of emigrants. They will bnng
with them the principles of the governments they
leave, inibibed in their ly youth ;or it able lo
ihiow them off, it will be in exchangejor an un
bounded liccntioufr.ef s, as is ujualjrom one ex
treme' to another. It uould be a miracle were they to
fiop precisely at the point oj temperate liberty
Philadelphia, June 13.
The oldest inhabitant of Pennsylvania does
not remember weather in the month of June
equally unseasonable. Monday morning at
fix o'clock, the Mercury in the thermometer
stood at S J decrees, within 18 degrees of the
freezing and 43 degrees colder than it
was in this city on the 3 1 it of May, at three
o'clock, P. M.
We are sorry to learn, that Capt. Montfort,
and a fo'.dier of the firft regiment,- being lately
a (hort distance from Fort Jeiierfon, were killed
and scalped by the Indians, parties of whom are
constantly hovering rcyjnd that post, so that it is
dangerous to venture out of fight of it.
This happened at the fame place where Capt.
Shaylor's lbn was killed lalt February.
Now is a favorable occasion for the occupiers
of fugar-maplc lands, to make an univrrfal ittort.
The present is the fealon. The ensuing fix weeks
ought to be made the best use of. Let every fami
ly make a hogfheaa, a barrel, a keg ; according to
its ability. There seems to be little doubt that
the price of sugars will be more than two fix
teeruhs, probably near three sixteenths of a dollar
per pound, according to the quantity ar<d quality,
through the ensuing year.
Col. Edwaid Wigglefworth, is appointed Col
lector of the Customs, for the port of Newbury
port, in the room of Stephen Cross, Elq.
A southern paper informs that the bulk of the
materials, f6r t*he public buildings of the interidtd
Fcdeial City have been contra£l<:d for and are pre
paring, and that the walls of the si: ft story of both
the Congress house and the Prefidcnt's house will,
certainly, be completed in the present fummcr and
ensuing fall.
His Excellency John Hancock, is /e-eltfted Go
vernor, and the Hon. Samuel Adams, Lieut. Go
vernor df the State ot Maflachufctts.
Pafftngefs 111 tiie from
Mr. Hazlehurft & family, Mr. Davis,
Mr. Dj&Sauflure&family, Dr. Rush,
Mrs. Heyrne,
Mils Sproat,
Mi. Mitchell,
Mr. Warrington,
" 1 here is a morning of reason rising upon
man on the fubjeft of government, that has not ap
peared before. As the barbarism of the present
old governments expires, the moral condition of
nations with refpedt to each other will be changed.
Man will not be brought up with a savage idea
of considering his species as hiscntmv, because the
accident of birth gave the individuals exiflence in
countries diftinguifbed by difFerent names ; and as
conilitutions have always some relation to cxter-*
rial as well as to domelhc ctr'cumUances, the means
of benefiting by every change, foreign or domellic,
(hould be a pait of ev«ry conllitution."
" I do not believe that the peopie of England
have ever been fairly and candidly dealt by.—
They have'been imposed upon by parties, and
by men uflTuming the character of leaders. It is
time that the nation Ihou'd rife above tri
jlcs. It i; time to dismiss that inattention
which has so long been the encouraging caule of
stretching taxation to excess. It is time todil
mifs all those fangs and toasts which are calcu
lated to enslave, and operate to fufTocate re
flection. On ail such fubjefts man have but to
think, and they will neither ast wrong nor be
milled. To fay that any people are not fit for
1 freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and
to fiv they had rather be loaded with taxes than'
not. If such a cafe could be proved, it would
equally prove that those who govern are not fit
to govern them, for they are a part of the fame
national mass." Paint's Fights oj Man.
By the Sand ".rich Packet, Capt. Dillon, de-
rived at Ncw-York, account > are received from
Europe to the 26th of April—-they itats that
the National Allembly has accorded with the
general anticipation, by palling a decree in the
fitting of Friday antecedent to the 26th oi April,
which fanftions the hcfftilities ot Fiance with
the king of Bohemia and Hungary —and thac a
j deputation of twenty-four members Ihould carry
| the Decree to -the King for his fanCtion.
A correspondent informs uthat at a late
meeting of thfe fubicfibei/s to the Universal 1 on- 4
tine, the principles of the inft'-tution were fully
ancj fairly difculied ; and it appeared t : it, not
withstanding the late pecuniary dtii»culcies,'near
ten thousand /hares had been fubiCribed in-t.ri*
city, exclusively of a number ot fiiafes disposed
of by one of the agents in other states; and that
there was a reafonabie pro<~pe& that the society
u<6uld be loon eftabliflied upon an exteniive, a
permanent, and benefichl foundation. The
aftiount of ihe depofitshad been velteri in fix per
cent, frock, at an advantageous price ; and the
agent employed to chfpole of ihare; in other
rftates, had given ample security for the iaithtul
ciifcharge of his trult. It is to be expected, that
a very rapid fubfeription will take place bet jre
the Ift of July next, as after that day, the de
polit is encrcafed ten cents in each share.
Those who are acquainted with the principles
and objects of this Tontine, cannot but recom
mend it to all persons who are Wefirous ot lecur
ing an independence for thcrnfeives, or their
children. The state of the fubferiptions is for
tunately such, as to preclude the idea of its be
ing a fabjeft of speculation, the fubferibers in
general meaning to retain their interests in the
society; and as the articles declare that, at all
events, the number of {hares fubicribed on the
Ift of January next, fnall constitute tie capital
of the Tontine, there can be no pollibility of a
premature diifolution of the Company.
Dunlup's Dai. Adv.
Extraß of a Utter from St. Georges r Grenada, to 4
: \i - vr- ' * in New-York, May 16.
" J ifl • I clofcd my later o: yxikr.iay, a
dieadful fire bioke out in tlie Carcnage ot chis
in the course of three h >urs every houle
there was burnt to afhrs except three. The fire !S
not yei tot aH y extinguished but 1c Ingot under as
to relieve the people in the bay irorn the dreadful
apprehension of sharing the (ate of the Cdrenage.
| The loss is eftimatcd at, at Icaft 100,0001. ftcrlmg."
Opinions on government, c!pecia 11 y thofc which
are novel, (hould be scrutinized belore they are
receivrd as truths ; if on examination they turn
out to be merely dogmatiftns, uniupporied by fa£U
or cxpericnce—nor justly deciucible from tuhcr
the positive or relative iUuatioO of lociety manners
or things under any foi m at government whatever,
I it is to be prefumcd that the) will not be jwallow
| cd like a quack rioftium, left we thereby take poi
son tnllead of wholcfome medicine.
There are opinions fpoi ted now a days which
are lo extremely right, thai they are attended with
all the pernicious confluences of the levcrie.
]uft and equal laws have been coufidered ss the
only competent guardians el T'ght and liberty \ but
an opinion has I een lately Jet up, that any dcjiti'lt
ideas of liberty, tho fanttioned by the or the
people, whether contained in written laws, or any
other inflrumeni, are not so lafe a depofuum, as
that general feufe of the rights of man which is
impri iTed on human nature—and which iuper
cedes the use 01 riecelfuy of all expielTcd {octal
agreements, covenants or charters whatever.
fXT In the Price Current of this day, are forty va
riations from the lafl published in this Ga/dtte.
%* Advertifemeriti of onefquare, or less, will be
pubhfhed in this papa once for 50 Cents, and eachfub
fequevt insertion at 20 (rut
6 per Cents,
3 per Cents,
Final Settlements,
Half (bares Bank U. S. 65 per cent. prcm.
Shares Bank North-America, 17 dirto.
Ship, Delaware, Art, Ckarleflon
Brig Hannah, Latimer, Cape-Francois
St. George, Be Cofla, Oporto
Poil\, London
Sloop Commerce, Belcher, Cape-Franco: i
Lively, A7t?£-, New-York
By accounts from London, brig Polly, Captain
Reed, rut learn that a verbal account arrived in London
on Sunday morning 1 April, brought by the Purser of
the Gen. (oote Indiaman, from Bengal, /Aaf JiJ poo
Saib was surrounded on all quarters, his army deserting
in great numbers, a// rejourcei cut off from him.—
From these circumflances, there is little doubt but that
he will be captured.
lhefhip Birmingham Packet, Simmons, for
Brijhl, cleared the Capes of Delaware (with a Jine
breeze) lafi ThurJday morning.
The brig Peace and Plenty, /frnr? fohnfon, mafler,
of Newbury-Port, has arrived in London from dt. Mi
chaels ; /A* vcjfe,l was so bad, and so totally decayed,
thatfhe was condemned, m*?^Jorfervice.
CharUflon, 23. Yejlerday arrived the brig
Benjamin, Broohhoufe, Salem. Mew-England, 12 days ;
schooner Betsey, Dunrey, Wilmington, NX.
Mr. Roe,
Mr. P. Prioleau,
Mr. I. Prioleau.
Philadelphia, June 6, 1792.
TH F« Printers o.f Newfpapeis in the United
States are desired to take Notice* That Mr.
Francis. Bti/ey, Mr. Daniel Humphreys, and Meff»s.
SpotfwQod and Carey, of this Cny, have, ceased to
print Newfpapcrs, and of course can receive none
from the other Printers tree of Pofhge. The
Printers of Newfpapcrs are therefore desired to dis
continue fending their Papers to those Gentlemen,
unless they fliould become Subfcribcrs, on the toot
ing of other Citizens.
As divers Printers, in other Places may havedif
conrinued their printing of Newfpapcrs, the Post
masters in those places are desired to give Notice
thereof in the Newfpapcrs in which they usually
Advertise; that the Newspapers Tent to such for
mer Primers may be discontinued, and the Pub
lic Mails be relieved from useless liurthena.
■ay s