Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 02, 1792, Page 4, Image 4

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In the Ship Molly, Captain Pitt, from Ltibon,
A FEW pipes and quarter-calks of LISBON WINE, far
superior in quality to what is generally imported
And a few bales of the very best CORKS,
George MEADE,
Choice three and five years old Bill of Exchange MADEIRA
WINE, by the pipe or <j?arter-cafk.
London Market MADEIRA WINE, five years old, by the
pipe or quarter-cask.
Choice old SHERRY WINE, by the quarter-cafe.
MESS BEEF, of a superior quality, and luch as is fit for
an Ealt-India voyage, put up in this city.
Choich firft quality BEEF, do.
Ditto second ditto do.
BOSTON BEEF, equal to any from that country.
BURLINGTON PORK, of the firft quality, and
Jl4 Hhch. FLAX-SEED. he. &rc.
Philadelphia, May 16, 1792
Of the very fir ft quality, and latest importation from Canton, via
New-York, by retail, at
No 19,
Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets
Jones & Burroughs,
Stat e-St rje et, BOSTON,
BUY and fell every kind of the Stocks of the United States, on
Commiflion, by Private Contract, and Public Auction.—
Those gentlemen who may be pleased to favor them with their
commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and dispatch.
Bolton r March, 1792. (»a w 3"i)
House of Entertainment,
At the Sign of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES,
Xn that commodious House lately occupied by Thomaj Beale, Esq.
Mayor of this Town.
He has furnilhed himfelf with a (lock of the bed Liquors, and
■will use every exertion to give fatisfaflion by procuring, in their
ftaCali, the bed of every species of provision, and having the fame
served up in the most neat and elegant manner.
[lawiftjul.] GEORGE H. LEIGH.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 45, Great Dock-llreet, New-York,
TKE Subscriber' intending to confine himfelf entirely to the
Begs leave to offer hu services to his friends and others, in the
line of 3 Stock Broker. Those who may pleafc to favor him wiih
their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the ut
inoft fidelity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia Bofion, or any other part of the
United States will be ilridlly attended to.
May 2
_ April 27, 1702.
At any time between this date and the firft day of Jidy ensuing,
A very valuable FARM,
PLEASANTLY firuated, and bounded on the East by the river
Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; containing 209
acres, 40 whereof is firft rate Timothy Meadow, which may be
watered in a dry time ; 25 acres, a rich low bottom, may be made
very good meadow at an easy expence. The upland lays in the
Ja,p of about 5 o acres of rich out marfl), from which (by an easy
ascent to the cleared fields) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow
may be made, at a moderate expence ; 30 acres of woodland A
never failing stream of water runs through this tract, on which is
a feat for a mill, and in which is good sport with the net and
hook ; plenty of rabbits and small game ; and on the flats, abun.
dance of wild ducks in the season. A good mansion-house, gar.
den, and nectffary out-buildings; an orchard o! the best kind! of
apple, pear, peach and cherry trees, bearing; a crop of wheat and
xyein the ground, and a spring crop putting in. Apply to
«!m E j R , L u E - B4RBIER Du No. 86, Chelru.-ftrect,
Philadelphia; Mr. Humphrey Waterman, at the Wafhinc
ton, on the Bristol road ; or to Doctor Tomb, at Nelhamany
Ferry, Bucks Count) . The purchaser, paying one third ol the
price down, may have a term of years to pay the residue, pavins
May,;. ( PY 6
American Lead Manufactory.
TTAVE jull now opened their Lead-War e hovsi, i wo doors
' oul n of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoining their New Faftoiv
■where they have now made, and ready for lale. a general assort
mem of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD the
production ol the Mines in Virginia. As they have einpl.yed a
number of experienced Engl,fh workmen, they wa, rant it to be
equal in quality to any manufactured in Europe, and at a reduced
price from the cost of imported.
They also continue to manufafiure all the above articles at
Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrelTed to either of the
fcontft notice"' " a " d •«
N. B. Wanted, indubious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said
MinK'where confta.u employ g.„d wages, and other encoura Ke
meni.s will be given, means of conveyance being provided and
honfes for then reception. 8 r ' and
For further particulars enquire of MelTrs. Moses Aust. v A
at their Factory in Richmond, or as above & C °-
Philadelphia. December 3, 1791.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RUN AWAY f,om thr subs. riber. on Monday the qlh cnr
rent, a NEGRO MAN' named ROBIN' is « vearfof a
h°X'sVncEc l'"h a f 'T e ' ; nnCHf his much fwru//-
coloured cloth cniiS'fcort Tnen co"- p™' VrV P " rP ' e
l;;f a l A A old r hat, w ;,h moo' ftoc"k,n? an n d bTkl"'
»11 good Also, a young NEGRO BOY named SAM is ,o
SSS»Ss3tS?.Zft.'f' "" h " "' !h: ™
«. . „ pox , nad on v.hen nc went await •«
THIS DAY a't publijhed by ANdrf.w Crown, and Jold by the
principal BouhtelUrs in the city of Philadelphia,
T H £
Price One Quarter of a Dollar.
THE ACTS of this felliou, agrcertbly to the plan of this edi
tion of the laws of the United States, will be considered as th®
mrst part of the second volume; so that the a£ts of each
Congress (the duration of which is limited by the conltuuiion to
Ihe term of two years) will becomprifed in one volume.
To the a6ls of this feflion will be annexed the ratifications of
the amendments to the Constitution ; the confederation between
the United States and the Delaware nation of Indians ; the treaty
between the United States and the Wyandot, Delaware, Ottawa,
Chippewa, I'attawatimi and Sac Nations; the treaty between
the United States and the Cherokee Nation; and the armistice,
declaring a cessation of hostilities between the United States and
Great-Britain: Thcfe, with those in the firft volume of the laws
are all the existing treaties.
A copious index will accompany the feeond volume—when
completed,at the end of the next session of Congress.
" As it is desirable that copies of the laws should be so multi
plied throughout the States, and in such cheap forms,as that every
citizen of the United States may be able to procure them," it has
been thought advifeable, in this.addition, to omit the signatures
of the President of the United States, the Prelident of the Senate,
and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Their signa
tures would have increased the fi*e of the volume, and eonfequrnt
ly have rendered it more expensive, without adding to its ufefuf
nefs or authenticity, inasmuch as the Secretaryof State's certificaie
is to be prefixed to the volume.
This edition of the Laws of the United States is aJfo to be So/d by
Messrs. Thomas and Andrews, Bojlon ; John Carter, Esq. Providence,
Rhode- IJland ; Meffrt, Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford ; Mr. Thomas
Green/easy New-York ; Messrs. Goddard and Ange'l, Baltimore ; Au
gujiine Davis, l[q. Richmond, and Mr. W. / J . Young, Charfeflcn,
Bank of the United States,
May 8, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the specie proportion of the third pay
ment due on the firft Monday of July next, on each (hare of
the Bank of the United States, may be made at the Bank, or at
any of the offices of discount and deposit; and that transfers of
public debt on account of Inch payment, may be made on the
books ot the Treasury of the United States, or in the office of any
of the Commiflioners of Loans in any of the States, certificates of
which transfers to be deposited in the office in which the specie
proportion of such payment (hall be made.
Resolved, That the transfer books be closed fourteen days pre
vious to the firft days of July and January of each year.
By Order, JOHN KEAN, Cashier.
At a meeting of the Directors of the Bank ot
the United States, March 30, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Offices of Discount and Deposit be
authorised to receive ot Stockholders the 3d and 4th Specie
Payments on their Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank, and
that the Cafhiets of the said offices give duplicate receiptsfor such
payments, oneof which receipts,accompanied with evidence of a
transfer of public debt fufficient to complete said shares, upon be
ing produced at the Bank, (hall entitle such Stockholders to cer
tificates for full fharrs, and to all the benefits of the Resolutions
of the Board of Dire£ors palled the 21ft instant, relative to com
pleting (hares by payment at any time before the periods required
by the law of incorporation.
By order of the President & Directors, JOHN KEAN % Cafhier,
TO raiie the furn of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing ehe
Prottftant Episcopal Church in the city of New-B»unfwick,
agrreable to an ast of the JLegifhture of the Siatc of New-Jerfcy,
palled November 1791.
l Prize of 2000
1814 Prizes.
3520 Blanks,
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls,
to ™ ™is Lottery '* coropofed of 5334 Tickets. not two Blanks
to one Prize, and fubjeft to a deduaion ol twelve and an half her
cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lottery vet
ottered to the public— and it being ot such evident utility, thai it
cannot be doubled but the undertaking will meet wi.h the most
liberal support.
1 ne drawing will positively commence on the second Mondav
in July, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of
New-Br unfwick, under the infpeflion ol Col. John BayarJ p re
fident of said city ; James Parker, Esq. Mayo, of,he city of Am.
boy; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Via
nufatturing Society ot New-Jerfty.
Tickets to be had ol the following peifons, who are duly aD
pointed Manageis, are under oath, and have given fccurity for the
faithful perlormance ot their duty.
A lift of the fortunate numbers will he publiftied and the
prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lotteiv
ER KEENON, C Managers.
J,',h J P" Z / S u wV ; Kh arcn °' within fix months
after the drawing of the Lottery, will be conftdered as a generous
donation to the Church. generous
V Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more
than 3 per cent, per month for their money. To accomm date
ed to°P K may m d ' fp ° fcd P u,chare Tlckt ->s, letters d,.e£U
A , Keendn . Manager, and Poltmafter, at New-Brunfwick
*nd enclosing good bills, will be attended to, and Tickets 0/
warded on of such letters.
New-Brunfwick, April 20, 1792.
i. be h.d at the following places, viz....Samuel Coope,',
lohV K U, K ng T\°/ R ' P, " IOn ' "q. Bo,den,own, ot Mr
John Van fcmburgh ; Mount Hollv, ot J. Read, Esq. Trenton
of John Singer, Elq. Amboy, of James Pa, ker, Ef q 9
lown, of R.Gray; Powles-Hook, of Col. Smut, and ]~d,.e
Hunt; Cranburyot Will, am Throckmorton Spocfwoud ; «nd of
the Managers in Brunfwick.
C-J WANTED, the First Volume of the Gazettf of the
Dollars is
i. A merican museum. -j
h„ H '7> ,78 ':i\ De " mb ? r,7 9 1 ''»»
bound and lettered, fytteen dollars./ I * , <f'?T e * '-.i
This work, which it now conducted cm an rmrinai J' II '
taming the befl pieces publithed for and •ilSeVtel, ' <Sm " '
of government, will he found i Q rtiiiai B at lfaft w iLTi
of pol'tica!, agricultural,and mifcellaneouseffay, ' ,int| lP j
liflu-d in America, perhaps in no one worlt are so pah " '
documents refpedmg the hist->r V of this country ,dLA.J - 1- '
ther. His Excellency the President of rhe United Sir t S '"
clared of it, that " a moreufeful literary plan ha^u..'-j. "*•
dertaken in America, nor one more deferring o7#«!r B,u '*
ragement." The fibfcription i» two dollars and I &¥'■"**'
Gentlemen in the country who wi(h to be (implied
work, are requested lo give commiflion to friendf u, if
fubferibe for and receive it- Any of the back „„„l C > llyJu
be had in orHci to complete sets. nu »Ws m. T
2. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mjf, MoreC Eir,
Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penningien's Advice,
Lambert's Advice, Swift's Letter to a newly married Li. »fc
Chapnne on command ol Temper, More's Fables for tht>L.i!"'
Price 6/6.
3. Smith's History of New-York, from fettle-eM « •
the year 1732. To which is annexed, a description of ihe c «'
try, with a (hort account of the inhabitants, their rcli.iou.ilr
political (late, and the constitution of'the coorts of jultice. »
a dollar and a quarter.
4. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beattie, l. i n n,
feffof of moral philosophy and logic m the Marifchil CoUt
Aberdeen — Price three-fourths of a dollar. Ot this bool " !
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : " We have frcnnoih,"'
on these subjects more plain, moie perspicuous, or more gn. uIU
ufeful."——N. B. It is introduced into the Univerfrty i„ p ~1,
.5 Beauties of Poetry, British and American, containing felt#
produSion* of the most eminent Britifli and American i*ieti_
Price four-filths of a dollar. " f
6. Blair's Sermons, containing thf whole of the tkrce vpluan
of ihe Britffh edition, in two-i-Pirice two dollars.
J. Nccker'sTreitirfe on (he imponance of Religious Opuionl.
Price four-fifihsof a dollar.
8. Examination of the Observations of Lord Sheffield on Atne.
rican Commerce—Price, on very fine paper, 5 B".hsofa dollar *
9. The Constitutions of the fcveral United States, wiih the fe
deial Conftitulion, &c. Price five-eighths of a dollar.
to. M'Fingal, an epic poem, a new edition la i«mo Price
three-eighths of a dollar.
11. American jell Book, in two parts, with two very neat
graving. —Price, bound, threcfilths of a dollar.
12 Garden of the Soul, by Bilhop Chalenor—Price, bound it
calf and letiered, three quaricrs of a dollar—plain, half 1 dollar.
13 The Doway Tranflaiion of the Vulgate Bible, in quano~>
Price, elegantly bound and lettered, 50/2—plain, fix dollars.
14. Devout Christian's Vade Mecum—Price a quarter
15. Think well on't, or reflections for every day of the raooth.
Price a quarter dollar.
16. Christian Economy, tranfiated from t Greek minolcript,
found in the island of Pannos, where St. John wrote the Apoca
lypse — Price a fifth of a dollar.
17. Hiitory of Charles Grand ifon, abridged—Pi ice a sixth of a
iB. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a third qf adoHjr,,
19. S-led Poems, chiefly Atnei lean—F- ice a sixth of a dollav
Said Carey has for faie, a large iifTortnient of Books, Euro
pean as well as American editions, which he willdifpofeof on the
mod icafonable terms. Co<imry gentlemen, whotavor him witr>
commands, may depend upon being; fupphed 10 the most fat
tory manner. A liberal allowance fo-tuch as purcftaL quautiaes
for public libraries, or to fell agjin.
THAT elegant SEAT at the Falls of Delaware, in the vicinity
of Trenton, in New-Jersey, occupied for many vcars paftbv
the fubferiber; containing upwards of £00 acres of lan®, befidej
a tra& of wood-land of about 185 acres, at the distance of two
miles. The farm is divided by the main ftrect leading from
Trenton to Lamberton. and Philadelphia, into two parts, nearly
equal in quantity ; the eaftwardly pait bring arable land, is laid
off in convenient fields, and in good farming order. The other
part, bounded by the (aid street on the east, and by the liver ot:
the weft, forms a fquaie; which, from the combined eflfett of filu
ation and improvement, is generally allowed to be one of the tnoft
beautiful and desirable feats in the The mansion-house is a
handsome, well-finifhed brick building, 50 by 40, containing four
rooms on each floor, with excellent cellars, and a two story brick
kitchen ; and commanding a very cxtenfive and pleasing view of
the river, both above and below, as well as including the falls, and
also of Trenton and the neighbouring feats and improvements on
both (ides of the river. Among the out-buildings are a new (tone
coach-house and stables, fufiheient to contain fix carriages and ten
horses, accommodated with a cutting and feeding room, and a ca
pacious loft for hay ;• adjoining these is a very complete granary,
rat proof, and a stone cow-house, upwards of 100 feet in length,
containing thirty-one paved stalls, over which is a roomy loft for
hay, See. Adjoining the court-yard of the mansion-house, is a gar
den of about two acres, extending towards the river, in the highelt
state of culture, and abounding with a rich colltflion ol the
choicefl fruits of almofl every kind, and several large c.paragus
beds, highly manured At a convenient distance from the man
sion-house, and nearly in the centre of the square, is a new, wcl -
built, ftcme farm-houfe, accommodated with a largecheefc-room,
spring-house, garden, Sec. a complete ftonc fmoke-hou'f, corn
cribs, waggon-bouse, a capacious ice-house, and every other nc
reffary out-building. The ground is properly divided \n\.oJua
fields, all well watered, highly imptoved, and chiefly urn ' 1 c
mod approved grass. This square has produced annually, or c
veraj years past, upwards of sixty tons .of the belt ha), les
supporting through the summer season twenty to thirty mine
cattle, and eight or ten horses. If contains also two bearing or
chards of good fruit. The river abounds, in the proper tons,
with great plenty of all kinds of fifh usually found in t re 1 watei
in this climate, and with a variety of wild-fowl; both 0 w ic 1
may afford a pleasing amusement to the fponfman, as wC ' 5 4
convenient addition to the elegance and varirty of his (able. e
whole of the land, except the wood-land, is inclosed an divi a
by good fences, great part of which is formed of red ce ar po
and rails of chefnut and white cedar. The purchafcrmay ave
the improved square fepararely, or the whole together, as may
best suit him. There is an inexhaustible quantity of good bund
ing stone on the river snore. The purchase money, if we ecure ,
and the iutereft pun£lua*?y paid, will not be demanded for man*
years. _ . si *
Any peifon desirous of viewing the premises, way be C rat
on application to Samuel W. Stockton, F.fq. o f ,e . ni °j
or Mr. Inallhan, who at present occupies the f aim- ou ean
part of the land—and may know the price on application '
fubferiber, a* No. 213, South Second-ftrcet, opposite to te• . '
Market, in Philadelphia. JOHN - •
A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold at tn _ ,r * ° ,
Cnred St.tu, <Win g .hr V.,U, C of Gold ...
Cents, frara One to a Thonfanri Pennyweights -accoinne;
Ast of Coogre r *. afcertaming the Standaid and \auc o ">•
books, i