Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 30, 1792, Page 456, Image 4

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May 30. —Dollars 100 Centscach.
ANCHORS 7c 8c Pitch, pr. bol ldj&td
Allam, Englilb, pr.c. 3d73c\d Pork, Burlington, lid lid 67c
Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 11c Lower county iod
Ashes, pot, per toe, god 100 d Carolina 9 d
• Pearl, Peas, Albany pr. bufli. 73 c
Arrack pr. gall. 1 d 33c id 67c Pepper, pr. lb. 50c
Brandy, common, id 26c Pimento i6c
Cogntac id 65c
Braziletto, pr. ton. 37^33M
Bricks, pr. M. 4d $d
Bread, ship, pr. cwt. id Bcc id
Ditto, pilot 3d67c
Ditto, small water 36c 40c
Beer, American, in j oc hot. incl. j 4
pr. bbl. 4d 67c
c/ 5 f Oak pr.M feet, qd iod
Q I Merch. pine ibd 17d
Sap, do. 8d 50 c 9d
O i N.£ng. nd
The above are the Shallop prices ;
Jot the Yard pr ices add id 33c
pr. M.
Brimstone rolls pr.cwt. 3d33c
Beef, Boston 8d
Country 6d -jd
Butter pr. lb. * 16c
in kegs 10c 12c
2 f S P er - pr. lb. 43c
5J I Wax 53 c 5 6 C
P Myrtle Wax 13c
j Mould,tallow nc
U L Dipped 10c
Cheese, Englifti, pr. lb. 19c
Country Bcioc
Chocolate 17c 18c
Cinnamon 2d 40c 2d 67c
Cloves id 33 c
Coal pr. bulhel 20c 22c
Cocoa pr. cwt. 33*
Coffee pr. Ib. 2cc
Copperas pr.cwt. id6jc
Cordage 7d6yc%d
Cotton pr. lb. 30c 42c
Currants 13c
Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece 1 it/ 33c
Ravens 8a 93c 9 J 67c
Feathers pr. lb- 40c 44c
Flax 10c
yiaxfeed pr. bush. 85c got
Flour, Super, pr. bbl. 4dSee 5d
Common, 4d 58c
Bur middlings,beft 4d
Meal, Indian 2d 67c
ditto Rye, yl
Ship-ftuff id
Fustic pr. ton, 20d
Gin, Holland,, \d
Do. pr. gals. Bo<
Glue, pr. cwt. 20d
Ginger, whiterace 7<
Ditto, common 7<
Ditto, ground pr. lb. 8,
Ginfcng, 2cc 24
Gunpowder, can-> , _
non, pr. q. c. )
Ditto, fine glazed
"Wheat pr. bust* 95c a
R >' c 5°^54
J, Oals 26
< Indian corn 44
fj. Barley go<.
BeO shelled pr. I'd. 3,
_ Buckwheat per bufb. 40,
Hemp, ton, X2od 146. 67
American, pr. lb. 4c 5
Herrings, pr.bbl.
Hides, raw pr. lb.
Hops 27
Hogshead hoops, pr. M 15
Indigo, French lb. idzee\d 33
Carolina 40c ic
Irons, fad pr. ton, 33
f Castings pr. cwt
j Bar pr.ton,
<2 4 P'g 24d 26d 67*
: Sheet *73^33'
tNai' * 90.
v Wa«. us 96.
ank, pr. cwt. $d $d
t-ard, hogs pr. lb. 9c ioc
Lead in pigs pr.c. 5^67*:
in bars jd
Lead, white iodiod6yc
red 6d 40c 6d 67 c
Leather, foal pr. lb. 14c 17c 20c
Lignum vitae pr. ton, §d 60c 6d
Mace pr. lb. 7^33f 67c
Mackarcl, bell pr. bbl. 9d
■ -ft cond quality 6d 67c
Madder, best pr. lb. t6c 20c
Marble,wrought, pr.f.
Mart spars 33c 67c
Molasses pr.gall. 44c 50c
Mustard per. lb. 87^
Mahogany pr. foot, 10c
Nails, \od\?.d and 20d 10c
Nutmegs pr. lb,
' Lin feed, pr. gall, 50C54C
Olive 87c
Ditto pr. cafe, 2d 50c
, Best sweet in ) .
flafks, 10
® | —baflcets 12 bottles $d
Spermaceti pr. gall. 48c
I Train 24c i*;e
L Whale 22c 28c
Porter pr. cask, gd 33 c
London,pr.doz. id6oc
Porter, American } ,
pr.doz. bot.incl. \
Ry the Pujl-Ojficc Acl, after the farjl of June next, neufpapers
Jent by the mail are fubjed to poflage'of one cent each paper, for
,00 miles carnage, or lef—and for all tiflavcel more thai an hundred
miles, one cent and an half each paper. The poflage to be paid by the
Subscribers, at the office where the papers are delivered. As it
is optional with Subscribers to receive the.r papers through the medium
of the PoflOfhce, or to ctntrall with the Stage Proprietors, the patrons
of this Cautte,u;ll please tojigmfy thrmgh ahat medium they will
ckufi to receipt their papers.
Raisins, best, pr. keg ~,d
Ditto pr.jar 3^
Ditto pr. box 4<l
Rice pr. cwt. "id 67c
Rosin pr. bbl.
f Jamaica pr. gall. 112 c
I Antigua iooc
J Windward 86c 90c
i Barbadoes 77c
L Country, N. E. 67c
Salt petrc, pr. cwt.
Saffafras pr. ton 6d Sd
Shot 140 d
j gc
W j English, blistered cwtiotf
y American pr. ton ;
</5 ( Crowley's pr. fag 10d6yc
Snake root pr. Ib. 2cc 42c
Soap, Brown 6c
White 8c
Castile 11c
Starch y C
Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4d $d 60c
Spermaceti, rffined, 48c
Sailcloth, English,") .
No 1. jvr yard, J 28£
Boston, No. I. 30c
No. 11. 29c
Russia sheeting, pr.p. 12d
C Lump, pr. lb 22c
{ Loaf, Tingle refined 25c
<} Ditto, double do. 36c
Zz | Havannah, white 17c 18c
<*> } Ditto, brown, Isc
SpirifsTurpentine p. g. 33C37C
u s Allum pr. bu(h.24C27C
} Liverpool 29c
< 23c 24c
QLifbon 25c 27c
Shipbuild. W. 0.l , ,
frame? j 12 J^33
'p- , .
>0. J. O. 15d 33 c i6d6yc
30. red cedar, p. f. 40c
Shingles, fh. p. M. 2d33c 2d 67
Do. long dreCTed
Scantling,heart, 23^33
Sap 8d 8d 67^
f Pipe pr. 1000 2gd
2 J W. O. hogshead jg</ 33c
> R. O. do. igd 50c
< I Leogan
K Barrel io d
LHcading z6d 6jc
T Ouer, best pr. pie. qd6yc
Minks .._2OC4OC
Fox.grey ' 40c Boc
-red id 20c
Martins 24c id
« Filhers 33c 67c
M Bears '3,/
Racoons 27c 60c
Musk-rats jic2oc
I Beaver, pr. lb. 67c id 33c
l_ Deei, in hair 2cc 30c
"ar,N. Jersey, 24gal.p. bbl. id
-Carolina, 32 gall.
i rpentioe pr. bbl. id 67c 2d
. (" James R. best 3d 6o« 73c
*-S inferior 2d6yc 3d
o old 4d 67c
™ Rappahannock 2d 50c 3d
o J Colo.Maryland $d33c id
O Dark arf 40c
Long-leaf 2</40c
C 3 Eastern-shore 2d 2d 93c
0 I Carolina, new 2d yc 3d
H L old do.
( Hyson pi. lb. 93c id 28c
• I Hyson flcin, s3 r 67c
w-s Souchong, 5 0C 93c
(_ | Congo, 43c s oc
L Bohca, 30c 34c
Tallow, refined gc
Tin pr. box, , 3 d 33c 67c
Verdigreafe pr. lb. 47{ 5 3c
Vermillion J^33fn4s7f
Varnilb, 33c qj c
J" Madeira, pr. p. io6dzoor'
I » r- w r m
Lilbon g6diood
TenerifFe, pr. gal. 51C60C
w Fa Y al 44 c 49 c
2 Port pr. p. \c6d6"jc ltod
Do. in doz.
r " Claret 6d
Sherry pr.gall, goc\d2oc
Malaga 77c 80c
Wax, Bees pr. lb. 25c 27c
Whale-bone, 13C30C
-id 8d
Bills of Exchange, London,
95 days 3} pr.ct. under par.
60 days > par.
30 aays J) pr.ct. above par
Anfterdam, 60 days,
pr. guilder, 37 i c
90 days 3 6jc
Government bills, drawn al 10
Cays per 11 guilders, 44c
Fr?ncc, 60 davs 80c
In the S'aip Molly, Captain Pitt, from Lisbon-,
A FEW pipes and quarter-calks of LISBON WINE, far
superior in quality to what is generally imported
And a few bales of the very belt CORKS,
George Meade,
Choice three and five years old Bill of Exchange MADEIRA
WINE, by the pipe or quarter-cask.
London Market MADEIRA WINE, five year: old, by the
pipe or quarter-cask.
Choice old SHERRY WINE, by the quarter-cslk.
MESS BEEF, of a superior quality, and fuel as is fit for
an Ealt-India voyage, put up in this city.
Choich firft quality BEEF, do.
Ditto second ditto do.
BOSTON BEEF, equal to any from that courtry.
BURLINGTON PORK, of the Hrft quality, and
114. Hhds. FLAX-SEED. &c. Sec.
Philadelphia, May 1792
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 45, Great Dock-street, New-York,
THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf enti-ely to the
Begs leave to offer his services to his friends and othrrs, in the
line of a Stock Broker. Those who may p'.eafe to fav«r him with
their bufmefs, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed vith the ut
most fidelity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of jhe
United States will be ftri&ly attended to.
May 2.
Artl L 8% 17Q2.
At any time between this date and the firft day of Jul) ensuing,
A very valuable FARM,
PLEASANTLY situated, and bounded on the East by the river
Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; confining 203
acres, 40 whereof is firft rate Timothy Meadow, whi:h may be
watered in a dry time ; 25 acres, a rich low bottom, map be made
very good meadow at an easy expeoce. The upland ays in the
lap of about 50 acres of rich out marih, from which (>y an easy
ascent to the cleared fields) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow
may be made, at a moderate expence j 30 acres of wooiland. A
never failing, dream of water runs through this trafi, or which is
a feat for a mill, and in which is good sport with tie net and
hook ; plenty of rabbits and small game; and on the fats, abun
dance of wild ducks in the season. A good manGon-h>ufe, gar
den, and necelTary out-buil4ings; an orchard of the bet kinds of
apple, pear, peach and cherrv trees, bearing; a crop of wheat and
rye in the ground, and a spring crop patting in. Apply to
Peter Le Barbie* Do Plessis, Esq. No. 86, Chefout-ftreet,
Philadelphia; Mr. Humphrey Waterman, at the Wafliing
ton, on the Briflol road; or to Doctor Tomb, at (felhamany
Ferry, Bucks County. The purchaser, paying one thrd of the
price down, may have a term of years to pay the refidie, paying
interest. May 5. (
TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repiiring ehe
Proteftanf Episcopal Church in the city of New-B unfwick,
agrrrable to an ast of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey,
palled November 1791.
1 &75
Prize of 2000
1814 Prizes.
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Drills.
This Lottery iscompoledof 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks
to one Prize, and fubjeft to a deduSion of twelve anil an ka)J per
cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotterv vet
offered to the public—and it being ot such evident utility, that it
cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with tile mod
liberal support.
The drawing will positively commence on the second Monday
in July, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of
New-Brunfwick, under the infpeflion of Col. John Baya d, Pre
sident of fa id city ; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the eity o't Am.
boy; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Ma
nufafluring Society of New-Jersey.
Tickcis to be had ot the following pelfons, who are d«ly ap
pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given fccurity for tlie
faithful performance of their duty.
A lift of the fortunate numbers will he publifhrd, and the
prizes paid immediatelv after the drawing of the Lottery
N. B. Those piizes which arc not demanded within fix months
after the drawing of the Lottery, will be confidercd as a i-enerous
donation to the Church.
%* Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more
than 3 per cent, per month for their money. To accommodate
all those who may he disposed to purchase Tickets, letters direa.
Ed to P. Keenon, Manager, and Postmaster, at New-Brunfwick
and enclosing good bills, will be attended to, and Tickets for'
warded on receipt of such letters.
New-Brunfwick, April 20, 1792
T H AT la : gC - clf S' nt and HOUSE, in which the
■i subscriber now live», situate in Elizabeth-Town, in the ftatc
of, wuhin 16 miles of the city of New-York It is
finilhed in the very best manner, and peculiarly convenient for a
gentleman with a l,rge family. The Lot contains about four
acres of land—the Garden is large, well laid out, and flocked
with a good assortment of fruit. For further particulars, enquire
If \V A " BR , ADro «».Efq. in Phikdelphia, John Pin tard,
L,q. in New-York, or the Subscriber, on the Premiss.
(£3" WANTED, the First Volume of the Gazette of the
United States—for which Si kDo .lars will be paid In
ihc Editor. * '
Dollars is
New vll ""P^ 13 " 00 from Canton. ,i,
isew-York, by retail at
No , 9 ,
Third, between Chefnut and Market Streetj.
Bank of the United States.
R ESOLVED. That the Stockholder, be/ % !nd h.Vbv I?9''1 ?9 ''
IV thorifed to compleat their Shares by payment at anvV"
B7 I , per ' ods rc <! ul " d by the law ot incorporation '
Resolved, That each Share so comDleated nTali 1- •i ,
draw a dividend of the profits of the BanK.ftom and affile fi'ft
Share. fue « edi °6 ■ e day of compleatui, fth
I I n f t l . V . ed ' T hat fomuch °f the quarter', interest upon the Pub
lie Debt transferred to compleat any Share as aforefaiJ hall
' CCrued c b ;'° re ' hf si, ? d '> r °' lhe moruh facccect ine th*
completion of such Share, shall be received bv the Bank ard n= J
to the persons w' n o lhall have transferred the fame ' P
By order of the PreGdent and DireSors
(ep " ftj > JOHN KEAN, ajkin.
Bank of the United States,
( e P9')
P ESOLVED, That the specie proportion of the thirdly.
XV ment due on the firft Monday of July next, on each fhate of
the Ban* of the Lnited State., may be made at the Bank, or at
any of the offices of discount and depofn j and that transfers of
public debt on account of Inch payment, may be made on the
books of the Treasury of the United States, or in the office of any
of the Commimoners of Loans in any of the States, certificates of
which transfer, to be deposited in the office in which the specie
proportion of such payment (hall be made.
Resolved, That the transfer books be closed fourteen days pre
vious to the firft days of July and January of each year.
By Order, JOHN KEAN, Cafhi'er
At a meeting of the Diiectoks of the Bank oi
THE United States, Mauch 30, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Offices of Discount and Deposit be
authorised to receive of Stockholders the 3d and 4th Specie
Payments on their Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank, and
that the Cafhiets of the said oifices give duplicate receipisforfuch
payments, one of which receipts, Iccompanied with evidence ot a
transfer of public debt fufficient to complete said-(hares, upon be
ing produced at the Bank, [hall entitle fach Stockholders to ccr.
tificates for full O.ares, and to all the benefits of the Resolutions
of the Board of Directors pasTed the 21ft instant, relative 10 com
pleting (hares by paymentat any time before the periods requi-tj
by the law of incorporation.
By order of the President & DireSors, JOHN' KEAN. lt
Twenty Dollars Rewire
RUN AWAY from the fubferiber, on Monday . cur
rent, a NEGRO MAN named ROBIN, • 55 v sos age,
stout made, and bred a farmer ; oneof his thunbs much fv filed;
is 5 feet 6 inches high ; had on when he went away a purple
coloured cloth coat, a Ihort linen coat, a pairo* f* r
a ruffled shirt. an old beaver hat, with fhoes,ftockingsand buckles,
all good. Also, a young NEGRO SOY named SAM, is 19
years of age, stout and well nrade, 5 feet 9 inches high, roach
marked with the small-pox ; had on when he went away, a bi?
blue coat, a brown short coat, overalls of a mix cloti .1. :d
(lockings, z new wool hat, new shoes and buckle — V .00 r
will secure said Negroes in any gaol, or bring t .0 to - sub
scriber, £hall receive the above reward, and all reasonable cfc*
Morris-Town, April 17,1792.
WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia
A Premium
value, at the option of the party, will be given by the Com
miflioners of the Federal Buildings, to the perfoo who, before the
fifteenth day of July next, shall produce to them the mofl ap
proved PL AN, if adopted bythem, for a PRESIDENT'sHOCSE,
to be ere&ed in this £itv. The fiteof the building, if the artist
will attend to it, will of course influence the afpeft and outline of
his plan ; and it'* destination will point out to him the number,
size, and distribution of the apartments. It will be a recommen
dation of any plan, if the central part of it may be detached and
erected for the present, with the appearance of a complete whole,
and be capable of admitting the additional paits, in future, if they
(hall be wanting. Drawings will be expected of the ground plats,
elevations of each front,and fe&ions through the building, in such
dire&ion* as may be neceflary to explain the internal ftru&ure ;
and an estimate of the cubic feet of brick-work composing the
whole wafs of the walla.
March 14, 1792
WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia.
A Premium
OF a LOT in this Citv, to be designated by impartial judgfs,
value, at the option of the party ; will be given by the Commis
sioners of the Federal Buildings, to the person who, before the
fifteenth day of July, 1792, shall produce to them the most ap
proved PLAN, if adopted by them, for a CAPITOL, tobe erected
or a MEDAL, for the Plan deemed next in merit to the one they
(hall adopt, The building to be of brick, and to contain thefol
owing apartments, to wit:
v ~ r r, ) fufficient to ac-1
V Conference Room ( commodate3oo | these room
Room for the persons cach . 1 to be o
A Lobby or Antichamber to the latter
A Senate Room of 1200 square feet area I t ,on »
An Ahtichamber or Lobby to the last J .
1 2 Rooms of 600 square feet area each, for Committee Rooms an
Clerks' Offices, to be of half the elevation of the former.
Drawings will be expefled of the ground plais, elevations 0
each front, and fc&ions through the building in such di«c<-tion
as may be necefTary to explain the internal ftrufture; and ane 1
mate of the cubic feet of brick-work composing the whole ma
of the walls.
March 14, \ 792.
Tickets in the new-brunswick lottery, arc t»
be had at the following placcs, viz.—Samuel
Ferry; at Burlington, of R. Pierfon, Esq. Bordentown, of M •
John Van £mburgh ; Mount Holly, of J. Read, ,e " 0 •
of John Singer, Esq. Am boy. of James Parker. I-' " e
Town, of R.Gray; Powles Hook, of Col. nd of
Hunt; Cranburv. of William Throckmorton SpoT>M9od ;
the Managers in Brunfwick. __
%T The -fOURNALofthc TH/HD SESSIONof tit-SE^ T£
of the UNITED STATES, may be hiiof the Eiitcr htreoj.