employed in coUe£tiag the dutle:, Zee—T adopted. Mr. \V. Smith ca'led the attention of the Huufe to a report of the Secretary of State, on t'ie fubjeft of procuring frefti f.otn fait water —md proposed a refutation purl'uant to the Secretary's report, authorizing him to cause the several col- Jeftors to be provided with blank clearances, on the back of which ihall be printed directions for the process. This refu tation was agreed to. Mr. Heifter moved the f>llowing refutation in substance That the Secretary of the Treasury be requeued to report to this House at their next fitting,—The quantities, kinds and values of foreign merchandize imported intu the several dif trift; of the United States, since the operation of the Laws — r pecifying the ports at which l'uch importations were made and the laws under which the duties were paid ; this resolution was not agreed to. Mr. Fitzfimons of the committee appointed to enquire into the causes of the failure of tho late expedition under General St. Clair, brought in a report, which was read—after a detail of facts; the report contains the following result in substance, That the failure of the expedition was principally to be attri buted to the deficiency of the neceiTarv articles of military stores, fee. the failure >. the quarter-masters' department, failure of the contractors and the want of experience and dij - cipline in t'ie army. The commander in chief, General St. Clair, is fully exone rated from all blame or imputation whatever. This report was ordered to be printed. It was then moved bv Mr. W. Smith that tie Hou*e fliould resolve that they would take the said report into conlideration early in t'.ie next fefiion ; this resolution was agreed to. A message from the Trelident of the United States by Mr. Secretary Lear, informed the House that the President has approved and signed the following acts : An ast relative to the compensations of certain officers em ployed in the collection of t!.c duties of impost and tonnage: An ast concerningfpirits distilled within theUnitedStates; and An ast providing more effectually for the national defence, by eftablilhing an uniform militia throughout the United States. A qaeffage from the Senate informed the that the President had notified the Senate that he hid approved and figriedan ast for the relief ofperfons imprisoned for debt—and an ast to continue in force an ast: providing for mitigating or remitting certain forfeitures and penalties arifmg under breaches of the revenue laws—and to provide for the payment of invalid pensions. The committee on enrolled bills., reported as truly enrolled a bill to compensate the services of the late Col. George Gib- son—which was signed by the Speaker. In committee of the whole on the bill entitled an ast, in ad dition to the ast to provide for the Territory North Weft of the River Ohio. The committee difcufled the several feftions, ar.d made sundry amendments, which were reported to the Houfc—The Hoafe adopted these amendments, and then the bill was or dered to be engrolfed for a third reading. A resolution was offered for indemnifying the officers who have attended the committee of enquiry for their extra necdlary expencej, also for compensating the clcrk employed by the com jnitfee on this oecafion—laid on the table. A mcfiage from the Senate informed the House. that they con cur in the resolution authorizing the Secretaiy of State to provide the printed clearances, agreeably to his report. Mr. Wiliiamlon called up a rrpcrt of a feleft committee on the petition of sundry inhabitants ot the flute of North-Carolina, praying Congrtfs to authorize that state to pass a law impofmg a duty on tonnage, to be appropriated to defraying the expence of cleaiing obftrudions in the navigation of a particular part ot that state— the report is in fdvoi of the petitioners, and was agreed to. Mr. Parker moved the following resolution : That the Secre tary of the Trcafury cause Aich returns to be made as will shew the quantities and qualities of the exports from one state to ano ther ioaftwife—to report the next fefiion—-laid on the table. An engroflcd bill, entitled, " An ast in addition to an ast to provide for the territory north-weft of the river Ohio," was read the third time, the blanks filled up, and the bill patted. A mcfiage from the Serrate, by Mr. Secretary Otis, informed the House that they have palled the bill making certain appropri ations therein fpecified, with an amendment—also, that they hare patted the bill relative to the claim of J, B. Cutting, against the United States. The amendment to the appropriation bill, appropriates the lum of 50,000 dollars, for the purpose of car rying on and facilitating the intercourfe-with foreign nations. This amendment was concurred in by the House. The remainder ojyeflerday l s proceedings are unavoidably pojlponed till our next. DUBLIN, February aS. The popery bill received a firft reading on Friday in the House of Lords, and was ordered to be printed. March t. Yeflerday the Members of the House of Commons a(Te»flb]ed in the Coffee- Rooms, as the House had been entirely destroyed by fire the day before. The Speaker said, he was happy in being able to inform the House, that not withstanding the dreadful accident which had happened, none of the records or journals of the House were de stroyed, except the roll which contained the fig natures of the Members, which had been burnt with the table upon the floor, in a drawer of which it lay. A committee of the House met in the Speaker's Chamber, which escaped the conflagration. They fat a wry considerable time, for the purpose of enquiring into the cnufe of the late dreadful fire which consumed the House of Commons. None but Members admitted into the Cham ber. We tinderftand, however, that though se veral evidences were examined before the com mittee, nothing fatiafa almost every thing that was wanting. But at length time that cools all strong emotions, and adverle fortune exhaulted the powers of I paper money. The illustrious General in his farewel letter, Congress in their jaddrefles to the people, the attempt to prevail on the (tates to grant the five per cent, import, and the general sense of America, shewed the necellity of a go vernment adequate to the support of national credit. Accordingly, Congress in the 2d feflion made provision for the public debt, and induing it, they have not been unmindful of the other common obje fa&ion. Some complain of the administration of the new go vernment, while they acknowledge the conditution to be excel lent : Others conlider the system «s eirentiaily defective, and fav that there is the greaieft danger of its imperfpttions being over looked, in the wisdom and Iplendor ot its administration. SHIP NEWS. ARRIVALS AT THE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Ship Adriana, JLouifa, Brig Molly, Sch. Sally, Dolphin, Sloop N. Y. Packet, Carlton, Rainbow, Betfev, Speidwell, Ranger, Lively, Roba, Dolphin, §0= Price of Stocks as in our lap. Bank of the United States, May 8, 1792. RESOLVED, That the specie proportion of the third pay ment due on the firft Monday of July next, on each share of the Bank of the United States, may be made at the Rank, or at any of the offices of difcouut and deposit; and that transfers of public debt on account of Inch payment, may be made on the books of the Trealury of the United States, or in ehe office of any of the Comtnifiioners of Lo«jns in any of the States, certificates of which transfers to be oepofued in the office in which the specie proportion of such payment (hall be made. Rrfolved, That the transfer books be closed fourteen days pre vious >0 the firft days of July and January of each year. Robcrlfon, Birckhead, Rafer, RufTcl, Smith, Dunbar, Bdilcy, Wilton, Mackie, Lewis, Smith, Liverpool Marseilles Havre de Grace Port an Princc Ncw-Y ork N. Carolina New-York Hifpaniola N. Carolina Aux Cayes New-York Story, Bunker, Eafterbrook, Car-hart, Savannah Rhode-Island N. Carolina Virginia Bv Order, JOHN KEAN, Cashier.