PITTSBURGH, April 21. Saturday last failed from this place, with a de tachment of men to protect the fertlement at Galliopolis, Lieutenant Demler.of the 2d United States regiment* Thursday last arrived here from Fort Frank lin, Lieut. Jeffers of the lit United States regi ment, with a party of Seneca Indians, to scout on oar frontiers with the spies & 6 months levies. We are happy to contradisft, in part, the pa ragraph under the Pittlburgh head, in our last, giving an account of the murder of 20 persons by the Indians, as from well authenticated ac counts it appears, that only one woman and Mr. Edgar were killed. We are enabled to inform our readers from good authority that Capt. Paul, who is stationed on the south-west frontier of Walhington county, Pennsylvania, has eredted a very strong ,block house on the Ounkard branch of Whelen creek, a little above Mr. Ryerfon's mills, from whence he makes almost daily excurfionsover the neigh bouring grounds ; by his vigilance, and the co operation of his subaltern officers, who have near ly completed two other block houses, one on his left, the other on his right, each at a few miles distance, it is expedted he will completely thwart the designs of any small parties of the savages that may approach that part of our frontier. Besides those Indians which carried off and scalped the two boys mentioned in our laft,there are evident signs of several small parties having prowled along the south-west frontier of Walh ington and Ohio counties, particularly on Whe len, weft of the Pennsylvania boundary. Friday the 13th inft. arrived here the Western Experiment, Capt. Nicholfon. She is bound to New-Orleans, from thence with a cargo to Phi ladelphia was built about thirty miles up the Monongahela, burthen about 60 tons, and draws eight feet water. This is the firft veflel con ftru&ed on this branch of the Ohio intended to navigate the ocean. NEWARK, April 26. At a Meeting of the Direfiors of the Society jor ejla blijhing ufeful Manufactures, held at Pawles Hook, in the jiate oj New-Jersey, on Friday, the twentieth day of April, 1792. The committee appointed to examine and re port to the board, the state of the funds of the l'ociety, report as follows That the sum of jo,ooo dollars appropriated by their board at their meeting in January last for the purpose of procuring the neceflary arti cles from Europe, has been remitted, and the several articles ordered may be expetfted to ar rive in the months of June and July. That the sum of 5000 dollars has been appro priated for the pay of workmen and for other contingent expences of the society and is nearly expended. And the said committee further re port, that they have examined the different per sons employed in preparing the machinery for the society, and report that the several branches are in great forwardnefs, some of which are ready to be put up as soon as the neceflary buildings are prepared. That the sum of 10,000 dollars, which the board appropriated for procuring workmen and materials under the direction of the Governor, has been paid him for that purpose, and that he lias given alTurances that the society may reft .fa tisfied in the security as well as the faithful ap plication of this fund. That the sum of sixty-three thousand dollars has been inverted in the deferred stock of the United States, which stock is entered in the name of the society in the books of John Coch ran, Commilfioner of loans in the state of New- York. That the residue of the monies received on the firft payments still remain in the banks where they were originally deposited. Ordered that the foregoing report be pub lished. A true extrad: from tlie minutes ELISHA BOUDINOT, Seer. P. T. We hear that a special meeting of the Direc. tors is called to meet at Newark on Tuesday the i jth day of May next, for fixing upon the permanent feat of the said faflory. N E W-Y O R K, April 27. In consequence of the rife of flocks and a check to failures, our profpe L on Thurfay next. The bill relative to the compensations of certain olm