* ADVERTISEMENT. p* (£3* TO comprize in the present volume cf this Gazette all the taws which are and may be enatted by Congref in the present fcfion, it will be necessary to extend the numbers to the lafl oj May. 7he fourth volume, therefore, will commence with the beginning of June— and w ill be printed on paper of larger dimenfons than the present, provided the Editor's receipts of arrearages shall enable him to do it—theprn e to con tinue at Three Dollars per annum. Three years are nearly expiredfince this publication frf I wide its ap. pearance; during which, fear eely a [ingle xnflance has occurred of re miffnefs in punctually dispatching the papers from thi Printing-Office— their failures in reaching the fubferibers, have been owing to causes which were entirely beyond the controul of the pubtfher. Lnder the new regulations of the Pofl-Office Department, the Subferibers Jor the Gazette of the United States may therefore promise tkemf elves the advantage of the flrielefl punctuality on the part oj the Editor which, aided by that energy we /raw the greatefi reafou to expeel will diflinguifh thefuperintendance of the Gentleman now at the head of the Pofl-Office Department, will erfure a fleady tranfmjfan of Neaf papers to all parts of the Union. Farms & Mills for Sale &Lea!e. TO BE SOLD, A VALUABLE FARM, (ituate on the Turnpike Rend lead ing from- Baltimore-Town to Rifter's-Town, about 6£ miles from the former ; containing about 430 or 440 acres of good farming land, 70 or for acies of which ai e excellent grass ground ; about 1 170 acres ate cleared, upwards of twenty whereof.arc made meadow; the residue abounding in good timber, and other trees for enclosure and fuel : There arc two apple-orchards thereon, and buildings that may do, tor the present, for an Overleer and his family. Also, a Tratt of LAND, containing about 600 arrc , within (wo miles of the fa-me road, and about 18 or 20 miles distant from Baltimore-Town ; about 700 acres whereof are cleared, well en closed and improved by culture and with valuable buildings, fomc ex-ellcnt meadow, near 20 acres, made. Also, a small FARM, on a public road leading to said town, about the famcdiftance therefrom as the last described land ; con tain! tg 103 acres, whereon is an excellent apple-orchard, but no other improvements of much value. The two fir ft above-mentioned Farms are furnifhed with (laves, stock of each kind, and all necefiary implements of husbandry, v hich may be had with them ; they are sown with wheat, which promises an abundant crop;—the business of the lalt of the two has been, for nine years, and is now, conducted by a fkilful in dustrious Manager, who may be continued in the management, on terms. TO RE LET, A FARM, on the said Turnpike Road, leading from Rifter's- Town to Winchester, Taney-Town, Frederick, and Hagcr'sTown; ■whereon is erected a large.commodious brick house, that has been used for some years part as a tavern, and, by a tenant qualified for that business, could be made an excellent fVage ; within a few rods of which, and on the main, Falls of Petapfco, is also ere&ed a GRIST-MILL, now in good oider for Merchant-Work, with a new SAW-MILL, and Land therewith. For the title and terms of sale, and the lcafc, of all or any part of the.above valuable property, apply to Baltimore County, March 7', 179?.. F O 11 S A L E, BLOOM SBURY, THAT elegant SEAT at the Falls ol I) .ware, in the vicinity of Trenton, in New-Jei fey, occupicd for many years past by the fubferiber.; containing upwards of 200 acres ot law], betides a tract ©f wood-land of aboqt 185 acre*, at the diftan-e of two miles. The farm is divided by the mam street leading fiom Trenton 10 Lamberton, and Philadelphia, into two parts, nearly equal in quantity; the eaftwardly part being.arable land, is laid off in convenient. (icJds, and in good fat min&order. The other part, bounded by the laid ftfeet on the east, and by- the rivpr on the weft, forms a square; winch, from the combined effect of situ ation and improvement, is generally, allowed to be one ot the moil beautiful and deferable feats in the Hate. The mansion-house is a liandfome,' well-fmiihcd brick building, 50 by'4o, containing tour rooms on each floor, with excellent cellais, and a two story brick kitchen ; and commanding 3 very extenCive and pleating view ot the river, both above and below, as well as including the falls, and also of Trenton and tiremriglrtrmirirrg feats and improvements on bc)th tides of the river. Amdng the out-buildings are a new (Vone coach-house and stables, fufHcicnt to contain fix carriages and ten horses, accommodated with a cutting and feeding room, and a ca pacious loft for hay ; adjoining theft is a very complete granary, rat proof, and a stone cow-houle, upwards of 100 feet in length, containing t hirty~one paved ftalis, over which is a roomy loft for hay, &c. Adjoining, the conrt-yard ol the manfion-houte, is a gar den of about two acres, extending towards the river, in the highest slate of culture, and abounding with a rich collcftion ot the choicest fruits ot nlmoft every kind, and fevcral large asparagus beds, highly manured. At a convenient diflancc troiri the man sion-house, and nearly in the centre of the square, is a new, well built, rtone tarm-houfe, accommodated with a large cheel't-room, spring-house, garden, &c. a complete stone fmoke-houl'e, corn cribs, waggou-honfe, a capacious ice-house, and every other ne cessary out-building. The ground is properly divided into [mail fields, all well watered, highly improved, and chiefly under the mofl approved grass. This square has pioduced amniallv, for se veral years part, upwards of fjxty tons of the best hay,' besides supporting through the fummtr season twemv to thirty hoi'ned cattlt;, and eight or ten horfos. It contains alio two bearing or. chards of good fruit. The rrver abounds, in the proper seasons, with great pi nty of all kinds of filh usually Sound in Irefli water in this climate, aud with a variety of wild-fowl; both of which may affhrd a plcaiing amusement to the fporifman, as well as a convenient addition to the elegance and variety ot his table. The •whole of the land, exceptthe wood-land, isinclofed and divided by good fences, great part of. which is formed of red cedar polls, and rails of cli friut and white'cedar. The purchal'cr may have the improved square separately, or the whole together, as may best suit him. There is an ine'xhauftihle quantity of good build ing stone on the river (hore. The.purchase money, if well I'ecured, and the iritercft punflually paid, will not be demanded tor many years. Any pctfondefirous of viewing the premises, may be gratified on application to Samuel W. Stockton, Kfq. of Trenton, or Mr. Inallman, who at present occupies the larm-houleand' part of the land—and may know the price on application to the subscriber, at No. 213, South Second-fireet, opposite to the New- Market, in Philadelphia. JOHN CO\ TO BE SOLD BY THE EDITOR, A TABLE (or receiving and paving Gold at thr Bank of the United States, shewing the Value of Gold in Dollars and Gems, fi«m One to a Thousand Pennyweights— according to the Att of Conjrcft, ascertaining the Standard and Value of Gold. Macch SI, i7ge. RESOLVED, Tlia»t.he SiockKoJiecs br, jMd hereby are, au thonfed to compleat their Shares. b,y payment at any time before the periods required;by the law of incorporation. t Resolved, That <-ach Share so compltated, (hall be entitled to dra* a dividend of the profits of the Ban*, t'om after iheftrft davofthc month next fucoeeding the day of compleatiiig such Shares. , Resolved, That, so much of the quarter's intcreft upon the Pub lic Debt transicrrcd to compleat any Wiaro as aforefaid, as {ball bave'accrued belore the fir A (lay ot the month next fuccecding the completion or such Share, lhall be received by the &mk, and. paid to ilie persons who lhall have transfet red the fame. By order of the Prtlident and Directors, (eptifij) JOHN KEAN, Cojkier. At A M**TIKC Of THE O'lUfcCtOKS OP THE the United States, March 30, 1792. RESOLVED, That the Offices ot DifcoQul and Dspoilt be »ntl,orifcd 10 reccivc ot Stockholders the 3 d and 4 ih Specie Payments on their Shares in the Capital Slock of the 15mk, and that Ihe CafhietS of the laid offices give duplicate receiptsfor filch paVTnent% onrot which receipts, accompanied wilh cvidciice of a transfer of pub.ic debt fufheiem to complete said lliares, upon be injr produced at the Bank, (hall entitle such Stockholdri s to cer tificates for full shares, and to all ihe benefits of the Resolutions ol the Board of Divots patted thcjilt instant, relative to com pleting (hares bv payment at any timebclorc the periods requned by the law ofnocorppration. Bv order of the Prcddent and DircQors. JOHN KKAN, Cajhrtr. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, MARCH 31,1792. NOTICE U herebv given, That the iniercft for the quarter, ending this d»v,an the FUN D EB IXnit'ed'Staies, (landing on tlie books of theTreafury, and of the Commiflioner ol Loans for this Stale, will be paid at the Bank of the United Stales. 1. Miss More's EflTavs 5. Swift's Letter to a new mar 2. Gregory's Legacy r ' ( d Lndy 3. Lady Pennington's Advice 6. Miss Chapone on command 4. Marchioness of Lambert's ot Temper Advice 7* Mt>re's Fables for she Ladies THE editor of this publication hopes, from the eltabhfhed re nutation ot the several tracts of which it is composed, that ir will be found a more complete fyftfem for the inftru&ion of the female world, than perhaps ar.v other extant. A voUime, under the prcfent title, was lately published in Eng land and Ireland, and had a mod rapid sale. having been niiichafed bv almost every lady of taste in those kingdoms. To this volume the editor has added Miss More's-Eifays—Mrs. Chapone's letters on the government of the temper—and Swift's letter to a young ladv newly married. Thcfe have confidcrably enhanced its value, and he: doubts not, the ladies on this fide of the Atlantic will be as generous in their encouragement of a work intended for their ad vantage as-thofe in Engiand and Ireland have been. * # * SETS OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM. AS frcrral gentlemen in difirent parts of the United have been heretofore disappointed in their application t for complete Jets of the A m eric a n M u s'fi um, the printer informs the public, that he is en gaged in reprinting the deficient numbers of the work, and ha < now and will henceforward have a conjiant fupph °f Jet* 6n hand',-—fuck gentle men, therefore, a\ hleafe, may be Jurnifhed with Jets neatly bound, in ten j volumes, at sixteen dollars. This work will be found to contain at leafl as great a vari-ts• of f->lr tical. agricultural, and mijccllanews ejjays, as any ever pubiijkfd in America^ THOMAS JONES, [&1 Said Carey has lately pnhlifkcd, 1. Beauties,of Poeirv, British and American, 6*. 2. KcattVe's Elements of Moral Science, ss. 3. M'Fingal, an-cpic poem, 2/9^ 4. Blair's Sermons, complete in 2 vols. 15s. 5. Neckei's Treanfeon Religious Opinions, 6*. 6. kx-amination of Sheffield's Observations, 4^B 7. American Constitutions, 4^B 8. Dow.av Bible—near, 6 dolls.—elegant, 50/2 9. Vade.Mecum, i/io£ 10. Charles Grandiion, abridged. 11. Humphrey's Poems, bound 2/"6, in blue paper i/ic£ le. American Jest Book, in two parts, bound, 4/6 13. Scles Poems, 1/3 14. Think well on't, i/vO§ 15. The Christian Economy, 1/10^ Of/aid Carey may be had, Bibles, Tejlaments, Spelling. Boofis, Primers, Quilts, Ink-Powd.tr, Writing-Paper of i>arious kind*. Hon net ■ Piper, Pocket-Boohs, Scales and Dividers, Ink-Stands } Mejfavi and ' Plavwg Cardr, ■ ' WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia. A Premium OF a LOT in 'His Citv, to he dctignated by impartial judges, and FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS; or a MEDAL of that I value, at the option of the party* will be given by th« Commit'-- 1 fioners of the Federal JJuildings, to the perlon who, before the ; fifteenth day of July, 1792, shall produce to them the mod ap proved PLAN,,if adopted br them, for a CAPI TOL, tobe «.'re&ea , in this City; and TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, 1 or a MEDAL, tor the Plan deemed next in merit to the one they f thall adopt The building to be of biick, and to contain the sol ! lowing apartments, to wit: ! A Conference Room } fufficicnt to a..-"J ; A Room f... ihe RcprefcnUtive. ( c "»>" loda " theferoom. ) perlons each. ! to be of « A Lobby or Autichambcr to the latter .' full eleva- A Senate Room of 1200 fqaare feet area j tion. An Amichamber or Lobby to the last J 12 Rooms ot 600 fquate feet area each, for Committee Rooms and Clerks' Offices, to be of half the elevation of the former. Drawings will be expected of the"ground plats, elevations of each front, and fe6lions through the building in such directions as may be necetlaiy to explain the internal ftru&ure; an 3 an esti mate of the cubic feet of brick-work, compoting the whole mass of the walls. March 14, 1792. State-Strert, BOSTON, BUY and fell every kind ot the Stocks of the United on Commiflion, by Private Comratt, and Public Auction.— Thofc gentlemen who may be pleased to favor them with their commands may rely on fidelity, secrecy and dispatch. Bofion, March i 1792. (1 av/3 m) 416 Bank of the United States. THISDAY IS PUBLISHED, (price 6/6.) By M A T H E W CAREY, No. 118, Market-Street, near Fourth-Street, The Ladies' Library; CONTAIN I NG, tf THE COMMISSIONERS. Jones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS, WASHINGTON, in the Tcn-Un-y -J Columbia A Premium OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or a MEDAL of thit value, at tie option of the party, will be given by the Com* miJlionei sol the Federal to the ptrfon who, heloretln; fifteenth day of July next, (hall produce to them the most *p. proved PLAN,it adopted bvthem, for a PRESIDENT'S HODSr', to be erected in this City. The fire of t'hr building, if the artiit will attend to it, will of courl'e influence the afp»e£t and outline of his plan ; and it's destination will point out to him the number, fiz.e, and distribution of the apartments. It wiil he a recommen dation of any plan, if the ccntral part of it may be detached and ere£>ed for the present, with the appcarance of a complete whole, and be capable of admitting the additional pans, in future, it they shall be wanting. Drawings will b'e ex petted ol the ground plau, elevations of each front, and fe£lions through the building, in such direction* as may be nec< iTary to explain the internal tbuflure, and an rltimate of the cubic teet ot forick-work. computing the whole mass of the walls. ANK' or March-14, 1702 American Lead Manufadtory. STEPHEN AUSTIN, 4Cb; HAVE juftnow opened their Lead-War e house, two doors south of Wataut-ll reel Wharf, adjoin-ing their New Factory— where they have now made, and leadv for falc, a general a {fort tnent of SHOT of all fires, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a munhevof experienced Engtifh workmen, they warrant it to he equal in quality to any manufactured 111 Europe, and at a rcduccd price from the colt of imported. They aifo continue to manufacture all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. Ail eiders addrelfed to either of the above FaCt-ories, will be thankfully received, and execnced on the flio'tcft notice. N. B. Wanted, industrious, fobciyLabouring Men, at the said Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and other encoarage im nts will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and houses for their reception. For further particulars enquire of Meffr?. Moses Austin & Co. at their Factory in Richmond, or as above. Philadelphia, December 3, 1791 Public Securities, Bought and So i d, on C O M M I S S I O N, bjr SAMUEL ANDERSON, CheCnut-Strert, next door to the Hank. Nn. qy. JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO RE SOLD BY THOMAS DOB SON, Book/el/er,- At the Stone Houfc *n Seconri-Strtct, HISTORICJL COLLECTIONS-. Confiding ot state papers, and other authentic documents, intended as materials for an History of the Unit£4) States of America, By EBENEZER HAZARD, a. M. Member of the American Philqfophicai Society, held at Philadel phia for promoting ufeful knowledge; and Fellow of the Ame rican Academy of Arts and Sciences. The defiap of this compilation being,to prefe;rve ml cxliib:ta regular ierit.s of the molt important and authentic documents re lating to the hillory of Amcrica, from its discovery by Columbus to the present time, it mud be peculiary lntcreftnig to-all who wife to acquire a thorough knowledge ol this fubjedi, April 4, PROPOSALS I*OR PUBLISHING BY SUBS CK I PTIO N , In ihe Common wealth us MaJfuhuJeUs t A SYSTEM for the DISCIPLINE of the ARTILLERY in Ihe UNITED STATICS of AMERICA; O K, THE YOUNG ARTILLERIST'S POCKET COMPANION IN TIIR-E* r-ARTS. Par/i./"CONTAINING the duty and pra&ice of light fold artillery. Part 2. Containing the theory and practice of heavy artillery :■ to which will be added, an extra# of a Treatise on the 01 igin and principle of Courts-Marti-al, wrote by an experienced Officer in the liiv, and who did duty as Judge-Advocate in America. Part 3. Laboratory duty ; containing a great variety of direction* for composition, and the method of making artitvia! fire-works, and the formation of ammunition for the different kinds of ord nance. WILLIAM STEVENS, Iso An Officer in the American Artillery through the whole of the late revolutionj and fincc in the Militia. CONDITIONS. This work to br printed on good paper with a handfomc typf, neatly bound and lettered, in ihree pocket volumes, contain" 1 ;; upwards of one thousand pages; illuflrated with a great variety of explanatory plates, executexl by able artills. The prir.e'to-ftibfcribers, One Dollar each volume—loHon'iub fcribers, One Trench Crown each volume : and tlm/e who nibfcuoc for fix setts, Ihail hove a fevemh^r^ffj. This vfork flaal'l be published as (oon as five hundred copies are fubferibed for. Subscription papers will be lodged with the principal Printer and BooUf«llers in ihc United State? of Afitrrir?. _ TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street, Scarce BOOKS, Which may be fecn every day* untilfwco'clock, t. M. Among them are the following : Folio. T TOMER, Xeuophon, Plato, Plutarch, Eufebius, So!"- irl men, Theodores, Virgil, Horace*, Livy, Tacitus, cuius, Pliriv, Concordantia I.at. Concordantia Gr. Thefautus ceronis. U Mia Junii and Tremellii. Bible de Martin, Wells sN ap 9 ? Scjpule—Pliavotiiii—Martinii—Hoftmani Lexica, VofiiiEtym°- logicon, Antiouit. Ecclef. Britannic®. See. , Quarto. Pindar, Cyroptedia, Bentley's Horcce, """"J*" ' Phacdrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Cictronisop. om. ' etoniot, lulms Pol lax, Hedt rici Lexicon, Voffii Art Gram. uv rii Geographia, Justinian Code, &c. . Octavo el infra. Homer, Anacrcor, Aristophanes. Long ' Theophrattus, Hcftod, Pocijc minores Gr. liberates, rious edition,o/Tloracc, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, TibtilMSi »5, Lucan, Martial. Claudian, VaI.'FI.CCUS, Aufontus, BucM™-. Sallull, Curtius, Florus, ]uftiir, Val. Maximum, A. Gclhus,, i • August. Scriptores, English and hrench Tranjlations or ' Claflics, a great variety of Greek. ~d Latin Gramm^j* o * (£3T Catalogue? may be had of MeflVs. Rice Sc Co. h>" _ _ Markr'-flrect, or of JOHN ; Of..ber 3 ,. f'P'"' THE COMMISSIONERS. The First Volume of A COLLECTION OF and Valuable I * (fo.vm)