son, Macon, Mercer, Moore, Niles, Parker, Se ney, Sheredine, J. Smith, Sturges, Venable, Willis.—22. Meflrs. Ames, Barnwell, Benfon, Boudinot, S. Bourne, B. Bourne, Fitzfimons, Gerry, Gilman, Goodhue, Gordon, Grove, Hartley, Hillhoufe, Huger, Kittera, Lavvrance, Learned, Muhlen burg, Murray, Page, Sedgwick, W. Smith,Steele, Sylvester, Thatcher, Tucker, Wad(woiih,Ward, White.—30. Ayes and noes on the resolution for nfluming the residue of the (late debts, which had been a greed to in the committee of the whole — 331025. MefTrs. Ames, Barnwell, Benfon, Boudinot, S. Bourne, B. Bourne, Fitzfimons, Gerry, Good hue, Gordon, Grove, Hartley, Huger, Key, Law ranee, Learned, Macon, Muhlenburg, Sedgwick, W. Smith, Steele, Sylvelter, Thatcher, Tucker, Wadfworth, Ward.—26. MefTrs. Afhe, Baldwin, Brown, Clark, Find ley, Giles, Gilman, Gregg, Heifter, Hillhoule, Jacobs, Kitchell, Kittera, Lee, Livermore, Ma ion, Mercer, Moore, Murray, Niles, Page, Parker, Seney, Sheredine, J. Smith, Sturges, Venable, White, Willis.— 29. WEDNESDAY, April 4. Mr. Muhlenberg presented a memorial from sundry merchants of Philadelphia, importers of Ironmongery and Hardware, petitioning againlt an encieafe in the duties on those articles. The House resumed the consideration of the xefolutions reported by the committee of the whole on the public debt. The fixih resolution was rejected. The 7th, Bth and 9th, were agreed to. A committee was appointed 10 bring in a bill conformable to the said resolutions. . Mr. Key laid on the table the following reso lution : " That the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Aitorney-General of the United States, be appointed a board of commif iioners, with authority to fell any part of the lands, the property of the United States, not specially appropriated, lying between the Great Miami the Wabafli and Ohio rivers." Mr. Sedgwick moved the following resolution : " That the committee, to whom are referred the refoluttons of the House on the fubjetft of the public debt, be inftrusfted to report a provjfion for a loan of the remaining debts of the indivi dual states." This motion being declared to be out of order, nn appeal was made from the chair ; but the House confirmed the decision of the chair, by a . Jarge majority. A me flag e from the Senate, was delivered by Mr. Secretary Otis, notifying that they had palled {with amendments) the bill for ascertaining the boundaries of a travft of land purchased by'j, C. Symmes. Mr. Firzfimons, of the committee of enquiry, moved the following resolution : " That the Prefulent of the United States be requeued to cause the proper officers to lay be fore the House such papers of a public nature in the executive department, as may be necefiary to the investigation of the causes of the failure of the late expedition under Major Gen. St.Clair." The relolution being agreed to, a committee ■was appointed to wait on the Pi efident therewith. 1 he committee having performed this duty, re ported the President's answer, viz. " That the order of the Houle should be imniediately com plied with. The report of the committee of the whole, on the petition of Catharine Greene, was taken up, and agreed to —yeas 29, nays 26. A meflage from the Senate was delivered by Mr. Secretary Otis, with a bill which they had Ptlfed for the relief of persons imprisoned for < ebt. [By this bill, debtors, confined under the authority of the United States, are to be on the e footing, with 1 efpetft to the liberty of the yard & c . asthofe confined undei (lateauthority.] J he bill received a firft reading. Nr. Seney, from the committee 011 the motion relative to a certain claim of the slate of Mary land, reported a resolution, which was read a firft time, directing the proper officer of the realury to adjult a'id fettle the Paid claim. In committee of the whole—( Mr. B. Bourne in t he chnir) —on the bill to indemnify the T rulfees 0 VV ilmi ngton A cade my. The bill was reported without amendment, and ordered tobeenorofled lor » third reading. Mr. Boudinot, from the felecft committee, to whom was referred << a bill ( from the Se nate) for regulating procefles in the Courts of t le Uniied States," reported (everal amendments to (aid bill, which were read and ordered to be P r ">"d. Adjourned. THURSDAY, April 5. The bill for the relief of the Trustees of Wil mington Academy, &c. was read the third time and pafled. NOES A Y F. S NOES A bill tor there!,.-: of ijerfons confined for < e t received from tile Semite, was read the se cond time, and refered to a committee of the wlioJe. A bill tor the indemnification of the estate of the late Greene, reported by Mr. Livermore, was read the firft time. The repol tof the Secret..l yof War, on the petition r lt Col. A. W. White, was read, and tak -5-! " iro confide, atioli —and a committee appoint ed t= . -■eport a bill or bills pursuant thereto if they th,iik proper, confuting of Mefl'rs. Buudi nor, Moore, and-Sunipier. in committee of the whole, on the bill to grant a tr,a O. tratfts of land to the Ohio Company of llociates—Mr. iuhleiiburgh in the chair. A •""ion for a., amendment, by striking out the lafl section which has a blank for the price, in ordertd introduce a fubflitute, providing that | he pi ice fliall not be greater than shall be by i.iw ellnblifhed for other lands in the Western- Territory, being negatived— the committee rose and reported the bill with one small amendment I he House made further amendments—and then the bill was ordered to be engrofled for a 1 htrd reading. In committee of the whole on the report of the Secretary of the Treasury 011 the ways and means for railing the additional supplies necef farv for the exigencies of the prefentyear Mr. B. Bourne in the Chair. The coniniitte difcufied the report and agreed to fun dry amendments—they then rose and re ported progress. The following tneffage was received from rhe Prefidenc of the United States by Mr. Secretary Lear ; Centhmen of the House of Representatives, I have maturely considered the an as sembled the 9th January—They have unanimutif- Jy agreed to an address of thanks to the Empe ror for the energy of his negociations with b ranee. 'I he prevalent opinion how ever is that Leopold feeing the critical ft:Ue of his own do minions will agree to the demands made by the National Aff'embly of France. A cotton mill in the vicinity of Sheffield has lately been burnt, the loss is eilimated at 45,000k sterling.— The Pantheon in London was also burnt in January, it cofl 76,000k Upwards of 25 thousand families it is conjectured have given up the use of fugarand rum in England, in order to promote the abolition of the Have trade. A house in Geneva has failed for near a million sterling—it is said they had loaned large sums to the emigrant Princes. General O'Haia is appointed kieurenatit Governor of Gibraltar, in the room of Sir Henry Calder, deceased. The Duke de Richelieu, is gone to Peterf burgh, 10 negociate in favor of the Princes. The following were the prices of American flock in London, the beginning of January :— 6 per cents, 23f. 3 per cents, lif Deferred, 14^ Died in London the 7th February, Sir John Eardley Wilmot, late Lord Chief Jultice of the Court of Common Pleas. M. de Seguir, of the late Parliament of Paris, is dead ; so is M. de Cice, the late Biihop of Bor deaux. The Statue of Dr. Fr ankli n, intended to ornament the prin cipal front of the new Library Hall in Fifth dreet, is arrived from Italy, via New-York. This elegant piece of fculuture is executed in Uie fineft white iiarble, and is the donation of William Bingham, tfq. of this cty, tothe Library Company. A bill has been read in the House of Reprefcntatives of this State, to appropriate / .300 for the use of the Indians now in this city. A bill authorising the State Treasurer to fubferibe, in the name of this Commonwealth, to the loan propoled by tho United States, has passed both Houses. The House of Representatives of the State of New-York, have agreed, in committee of the whole, *to appropriate the sum of Jixteen thoujandpounds for building bridges, repairing roads. &c. Petitions are coming in to Congress from the Merchants, in va rious places, again ft an encreafe in the Duties of Iropoft. Some Jetteis from Ireland, of a late date, fay, that gieat appre* henfions are there entertained of a commotion, in c'onfequence of the meafnres pursuing by the Catholics to obtain redress of their ; grievances. Lieutenant Turner, who was captured by the Indians in the late engagement under Gen. St. Clair, is, we hear, arrived ia town. Being closely purlued in the engagement by two Indians, and feeing death inevitable it he attempted further to fly or to re fill, he turned about and offered his hand. The Indians not only spared his life, but prottftcd it from the vwdiftive madness of their companions. After the engagement, they thought of con veying him to the scene where the savages were revelling over their spoils; but firft, one of them took the precaution of paying a visit to the camp to the victors, and feeing them much intoxi cated, took him to the tents of their particular tribe. Thence he was lent to Detroit, where a private Englilh Gentleman paid his ransom, released him, and took his note for the amount. SHIP NEIVS. AR-RII'ALS at the PORT of PHILADELPHIA. Barque Neptune, Earl, East-Indies, ShipAftire, Blair, St.Andero, Brig Kmv, Mooir, Schooner Harriot, Smith, N. Carolina, Two Friends, Baker, Georgia, Sloop Alexander, Monroe,, 'rice of Stocks as in our lajt SC7*