the 3 per cents and the deferred debt, and to lubftirute the words public debt—This amendment was agreed to, and the reflation adopted, as thus amended. The ninth resolution was alio agreed to. The resolutions being gone through with, the committee rose and reported the fame with the amendments The House took the report of the Committee into consideration. The firft resolution being read, Mr. Giles re newed his motion to add the following ciaufe, as an amendment, viz. Except that condition in the act, which ren ders the debt, so far subscribed, fubjei! on the resolution was put and carried. Adjourned. TUESDAY, April 3. Mr. T.ivermrre, of the committee to whom was referred the memorial of the Illinois and Wabafh Land Companies, brought in a report, which was read, and laid on the table. A letter was read from the Secretary of War, enclosing sundry petitions which had been referred to him, returned, pursuant to the orders of the House. The House resumed the consideration of the report of the com mittee of the whole on the public debt. The fifth rcfolution prececding cdlumn, under Saturday's head] was read. Mr. Key said he should vote for the resolution, but should con sider himfelf at liberty to withhold his final alfent in cafe the sub sequent arrangements of the buiinefa should not appear compati ble with the interest of his conllituents. Mr. Sheredirre moved an amendment in thrfe words, " whether d'ifcharged by said states refpe&wely, or undifcharged"-'-thts mo tion was not seconded. Mr. Siurges moved that the blanks should be filled up—this motion being seconded, occasioned some debate, and was nega tived, 32 to 26. Mr. Mercer then renewed the motion offered by Mr. Sheredine. This mo ion gave rife to a long debate ; in the course of wh:ch Mr. Madison moved an amendment, by adding after " respec tively," thrfe words, f< since the treaty of peace." The motion, as amended, was further debated, and at length negatived—ayes 22. noes 30. The question on the original propofuion being then put, that was also negatived—29 to 26. Adjourned. NEW-LONDON, March 15 ExtraQ of a letter from Aux-Cayts, dated Feb. 14, " Since my last there has been several planta tion!) wholly burned, and a number that have had part of their buildings and part of their canes destroyed ; we are not able to fay the ex adi number, as the Mulattoes have the entire possession of the plain, except the white encamp ment which is about two miles out of town. Sa turday last arri-ved from France, via the Cape, a transport (hip and schooner' with three hundred • infantry and about thirty artillery men ; who ■with about three hundred militia of this place, we expedl will march to-morrow or next day to the plains, in order to attack the Mulartoes. There was an attack on Tiberoon the 24th of 'lift nioiy h, wherein the Mulattoes were defeated -—they c;ime on very determined, in two divifi . ons, till they were within pistol (hot, when the ■firft volley offmall arms was fired from the Fort, • which threw them into d'iforder, and they re treated with gre3t precipitation, leaving 25dead near the Fort. This is the only place on this • fide of the island which they-have not attacked. More troop* are daily but the few they ba*e now, together with tfie inhabitants, makes the town perfectly fafe—as they have two French ami one English Frigate in the harbor, and the town Well fortified." , tOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. MR. FEN NO, Please to injert theJoVotoing fines in your next Gazette, rohich zoere ocoafioned by reading qn extraEi of a letter in your laji, and you will oblige your humblefervanty A. R. HIGH pay —long speeches—and long feflions, Provoke complaints, with harsh expreflions ! Should Congress serve for smaller pay, Who would compose that body, ptay ? Would the y be men of real merit, Of talents prov'ri—of manly spirit ? Or poor and cringing tools for Kings ? Or rich, and lord-like strutting things ? Could men, whose talents at the bar Exceed the pay of Congress, far; Do&ors and merchants leave their As delegates to make parack: ? Can honor keep a man from starving ? Must he not now and then be carving ? Will he so honest be, and nice, As not to cut a single slice ? From Government not take a fop ? When thirsting, not receive a drop ? Britain pays not a firtgle (Killing— Her menders are forever swilling. Royal fops her boroughs swallow, And minifteria) taxes follow ! The labourer is worth his hire, To due rewaids let each aspire ! And let freemen pay their friends As well as Kings—on this depends Whether the freedom they have got, Shall last to endless time, or not : Or starved, look out for royal bounty, And be forgotten in each county ! Long speeches may long feflions yield ; But 'gainst great errors they may shield. Long feflions may much money coil— In short on s, freedom may be loft! Whoever values free debate, 'Gainst long speeches fbould not prate : Whoever views with real glee, Cash coming from the treasury, Which, circulating round the land, Returns into that very hand Which paid it there, for the excise, Or impost duty, is not wife; If with great pleasure he don't view The (urns which thence the Congress drew— But why should he (hew discontent, Who never paid one (ingle cent ; Yet oft, for any trifling trafli, Receiv'd a (hare of this fame cash ? Cease to complain without a reason, I'll tell you when to cry out-4-Trcafon! ! ! PITTSBURGH, March 24. Capt. Cafs, of the 2d United States regiment, marched f'om this place on Tuesday last, with a detachment of men for Fort Ft nk.lin : this detachment will augment that garrison to 120 men, and of which Capt. Cafs is to take the command. Capt. Hughes, with a fine company of men, arrived here on Sa turday last from the Eastward. Philadelphia, April 4. By the sHip William Penn, from London, European accounts are received to the 9th of February. They state that a fire has consumed nearly one third of the city of BrufTcls. The business if M. Talleyrand de Perigoid, the new Minister to the Court of London, it is said, is to confer with the Bnttlh Ministry on the fubjeft of a standard foi weights and measures. The people ol England and Scotland are taking measures in the fev.ral towns to piocure petitions to Parliament against the slave trade. The Emperor is come to a resolution to bring the dates of Bra bant to reason. The monument ot Mr. Howard, the benevolent, i« t» be a fuU length figure of the man—lo be placed along-side of Dofior johiifton's, and is to colt thirteen hundred guineas. The fubjeft of the trial of Mr. Hastings was mentioned in Parliament the 6th February—lome difficulty having occurred, a bill for foftening the rigour of several acts, particularly of a and 28 of George 111. and for regulating the mode of deciding contested rleflions, wss brought in by Mr. Burke, and read the firft and se cond time. Mr. Fox moved for leave to bring in a bill for removing any doubts refpe£ling the fun&ions of juries in cases ot libels—this motion was carried vcm. con. The Protellants of Ireland appear to be alarmed at the ftcps nurfuing by the Catholics to recover the rights of men, of which they conceive thcmfelvcs to have been long deprived in that coun try. Meetings have been held in various places to prepare and (ign addiefli s ro the King, the prayer of which that he would " maintain unimpaired ihe Pioieltant ascendancy in Ireland." Oilier meetings are held, in which unanimous resolutions are adopted to infttuft their representatives in Parliament to support the repeal of fnch laws as militate againit the interrft and freedom of the Roman Catholics. The new Conllitution ol France is pub licly fold in V enna. By the latest returns it appears that France cmtains 150,000,000 acres of land, and 27,190,000 inhabitants. The Spamlh troops are said to desert in great numbers. Paiis is under no apprehensions from a want ot grain ; and tho' money is fcatce, the manufacturers of that city are lull of employ. The Emperor of Germany is making timely alterations for the better in the condition of his fubje&s, particularly that of the lower clafTes : he fees that the empiie ol lupcrftiuon is decaying and going to ruin—and that the surest way ol preventing dangerous innovations is a timely reform of aucient and obvious abuses. The whole sum of aflignats cancelled amounts to 398 millions. The Britilh army is to be reduced 2,0c0 men j 50 men from each regiment; the number of the regiments is to continue the fame. Negociations lor peace bitween Spain and Morocco, are said to be renewed. The Dutchefs of Yoik is to be naturalized ; in order to which, (he mull /wear that (he will never be a member oj Parliament. In a message from the King of the French to the Na tional Affemblv, on the 28.h January, he informs them that he has demanded an explanation of the Emperor within 15 days. Marlhal Rochambtau. in an addiclsto the Alfcmbly, infoi med them that the French army would be riady to take the fieid be fore their enemies—that ihe troops of the line are completely re flored to order and discipline — that the National Guards poflefs the greatest ardor, but are not so well difciphned as llic former, owing to their recent arrival on the Frontiers—that he was of opi nion that the command in the field to be given to otfccers of the line—and that the fo|dicis (hould he paid in money. His speech contained the waimeft piofeffions ot attachment to ihe Conllitution, and was received with applause. Jan. 31. A re port from the military committee, relative 10 the w;(h cxprcded by M. Roch«mbeau, that Mellrs. d'Aubcterre, d'Averhoult, and Dumas, might serve under him—it was rclolved in the negative. Of ihe French emigrants, those of them who arc embodied are llatiored at Cappel, Reochen, Obeikircti, Oppenan ; tlufcaiiKMUt 391 A REPUBLICAN. 3,000 ; in Hie town of Ofcerkirch are 300 foMlers of the regi me"t.o{ Berwick. M. Conde is lodged in the Abbey, from which he lias expelled the Monks; he has with him abou. 200 horses. Two Imperial regiments, commanded by M. xic Co hourg, are arrived, and four more are exptfcted. With relpett to the war in India, it ispiobablc '.h it the orders sent horn fcugland to make peace, will arrive in fcafou to prevent much more flout ing in that country. ■Bntifh papers, by the last vcflels, mention the refufal of the queen ot Portugal to interfere 111 the i.ffaus of France, in conle- quence of overtures of that nature from the Court ol Ruili..— that the King of Sweden has at last accepted the uot.fiv a .ion IroiA Louis the XVlth that he had accepted the conliitutiou. It is extremely difficult to form definite ideas on European af fairs. from the accounts presented in the papers —particular ly re fpe&ing the difpolition.of foreign powers in regard to France. The French nation appear determined to piepare ior tlie woift ; indeed they can, having nothing to fear from external attack — and, united among themfeives, they will be equally kcure inter nally. On Saturday lad it was determined in the bouse of Repiefenta tives of the State Legiftature, by a majority of two only, that the members to represent this St Ate in the Lower lioufe ot Congrcli, should be chosen, not in diftri&s, but by the State at large. A letter from Knoxville, in Cumberland county (territory south of the Ohio) mentious the completion o? a Carding-Machine in that place, which will card an hundred weight of cotton per day, with only the attendance of one hand. Six hundred weight ot clean cotton had been produced on half an acre of land, in that country, but upon a moderate calculation, an acre would produce one thou sand weight. Some accounts are mentioned in London papers of the celebn." ted French circumnavigator Peyroufe being still alive with lome ot his crew on a defart Island in the Indian occan. The King of Pruflia (fays a London has declared that Loins the XVlth having accepted the conftituiion, prevents his adfcing in favor of the emig» ants. The African society in England (or aftaciatiori for promoting discoveries in the interior parts of Africa) have at present 111 their employ, Major Houghton, successor to the celebrated LedyarJ, in exploring those inhospitable climes. This gentleman, in a letter to rhe focietv, informs them that he h*s penetrated one thousand mi'es up the river Senrgambia. He has also tranlmitted an accu rate account of the dtftances, bearings, latitude's, and iongiludcs of the fevera] places he has visited. SHIP NEWS, ARRIVALS at the PORT of PHILADELPHIA. Ship William Penn, Harmony, Sally, Earque Prudence, Tobias, Minerva, Brig Munton, LitileSarah, Schooner Polly, Prifcilla, Nancy, Sloop Clara, Maiia, Richmond, New-York Packet, (£3H Sen ex is rcceivcd, ami fnall appear as loon as pofliMe. PRICE CURRENT.—PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. ««/" P r -Z lif 12/6 6 pr. Cents 3 pr. Cents Defcred 6 pr. Cents % UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl. and other Certificates igf 95 do. Indents 12J' 60 do. Halt (hares Bank Stock—so per cent, premium. Bank of the United States. At a meeting of the Directors op the Bask or the United States, March 30, 1792. RESOLVED, That the Offices of DifctJunt ana Dcpofit be aulhorifcd to receive ot Stockholdeis the 3d and 4th Specie Payments on their Shares ill the Capital Stock ot the Bank, and that the Cafhieis of the laid offices give duplicate receipts tor luca payments, one ot which receipts, accompanied with evidence oi a transfer of pub ic debt fufficvnt to complete laid (hares, upon be ing produced at the Bank, (hall entitle such Stockholdei s to cer tificates for full (hares, and to all the benefits of the Refolutiont of the Board of Dire&rirs pa (Ted the 21ft relative to com pleting (hares by payment at any time before the periods required by the law of incorporation. By order of the Prcfident and Direttors. JOHN KEAN, Cajkier. TREASURY DEPARTMENT,] March 31, 1 792. J XTOyiCE is hereby given, That the intereii for the qu-irter, l\ ending this day,onthe FUNDED DEBT ot the United States, (landing on the books of the Treasury, and of the Commiflioner ot" Loans fox this State, will be paid at the Bank of he United States. ( JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Boek/sller, At the Stone House 10 Sccond-Strcet, The Ftr ft Volume of HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS-. Confiding of state papers,'and other authentic documents, intend, a as mateijaU for an History of the United States of Amek IC a, By EBENEZER HAZARD, a. m, Member of the American Pliilofophica) .Society, held at Philadel phia foi promoting ufeful knowledge; and Fellow of the Ame rican Academy of Arts and Sciences. The dcfign of this compilation being to preserve and exhibit a regular series of the most important and authentic documents re la; ing to the history of America, from us difcovcry by Columbus to the prcfent time, it mull be peculiary intercfting to all who with, (o ■ qui re a thorough knowledge of this fubjett. April 4. INFORMATION. A NEGRO MAN by the name ot CATO VERNON, en- Itftcd in Co). Greene's Regiment of Blacks, early in the late War. He fui vivetl the War, and fettled as fuppoled, in or near Philadelphia.- If he will apply to the Editor hereof, he will be irtloimed of fotncihing contidcrabJy io his advantage. April 4. (ep-V) Jofiah, Olman, Kins, Miller, Welch, Here, Parker, Lowr/, Davis, Smith, Wallacr, M 'Williams, Johrifion, Block, Baylev, London, do. Bourdeaux, St. A'idero, Cadiz, SVtrlburnc, S'.. Vincents, Jamaica, N. Ca'iolma, Virginia, do. do. Aux-Cayes, Virginia, New-York, 105 pr. cent. 60 do. do. (cp.\m)