principal at the time of fublcription, bearing an interelt payable quarterly at the rate or" three per cent, per annum, UHtil the principal iuui or the laid ilock : : iall be .redeemed." Id fopport of" this motion, >lr. Mercer spoke aear an hour. Mr. Madison, in lieu of the proposed amend raent, offered the following: * " Provided, That, instead of the terms con rained in the a«ft making provision tor the public debt of the United States, the fuhferibers {halli e ceive certificates tor the joint amount of t tie prin cipal and arrears of iuteretl fubfoibed ; whicli certificates (hall bear an imereft equivalent toilie terms contained in the laid act." The fabjed injuries fuilained during the 3ate war, brought in a report which was read and laid on the table. After reading and refer ring sundry petitions—the House relolved itfelf into a committee of the whole on the report of the Secretary of the Treafurv, on the public debt—a proportion whichwasdebated ycfterday being withdrawn, Mr. Giles prop: V 3 a c!as<~e to be added to the firft propo£.ic>L, _finoc by Mr. Fuzlimons, the objett of wcics preclude the admiiQon of the irredeec.we p : ie in the debt hereafter to be fubfcr.:.rd to .Lt .in of the United States. Tbic mocioß after a leagthy debate, was uega #r«d—33 to 35. The £ ft 31.1 second proposition were then fe derally pot and agreed to. The third proportion being read, Mr. Key moved that it Ihoald be struck out—(his was fuc ceedtd by a motion to amend it, by inferring, a: their Itquidated value, after the words United Slates, this was agreed to. Another motion of amend ment was made and negatived—and then a mo tion for the committee to rife and report pro gress, being carried, a decision on the proposition as amended, was prevented. The committee on enrolled bills reported, as duly enrolled, a bill for finishing the light-honfe on Bald-Head, Cape-Fear River, and the Speaker iigued the fame. Adjourned. nUDAY, ItMci jo. Mr. fmktr at dt«p—imi w whw »« nfciiri the repon apnvkMfh i»a fepe*«wlwfcwas«ad w* bid on ike table. , TWtryil b»iwgjir in Mr. Vj—g icfpe&ag the IYrlM««u— ftniliw;, 111 mm 1 ilri■ mr rnfiiln u ipccd »1 iiwinn ipfii«iriitycfwtnditfnmML Sc*c. nl pcotwa* wae read and rcforaA, IrcDraiaeejf (kc»We« «he report of the Sccmuy of wTn«fanra*ikcfaHi(Ui. Mr. fcacy w the Chair. Thcthnd pmfobini wa* litrmncwWMiiM aw aaesd ncat n> propofod by Inkuf oml «bc Ml ikefc words. * wkhooc ofehgrd to tJrihiogr thsir crnjhcJtr*," tb» *- tie«J«cfcoo bcu»jp«* m «hepupofirioa,that wa*»Moargatived—*4 iocs. TWyii ymp»faloo bciag read, the word •* September" w» a ; W die n*r*in« 00 the prupefcioo with ihebbofc. be ing p«t «aoifitdi«iW itfKuc. ~ Tbtftt 1 ayfcti— a &«*» aOumioe •» (ho* read ; fc)inji>u an Mrmtk of Mr- K«|, }t*rjUad wn iatoiM. . , lit frtjifl was ik« drbmirf tia afcgj o'clock, the cwimr itfiafcuttwn dcntM,ai rrp»»Jed (xopA A wfn? ww rccrnrcd liom ibcinmt by Mr.fcatory Out, >«h*e Militia hill pjflfd the Strtt with ifHumi The canmua of asroikd btll*, iqnfUil that they had >hi* day laid before the PitXitUnt of ik Uaiud State*, (or hi* appro faWtaa, aad the bill Cor fim&mg ihe.Ligbt-Hoofc as Bald-Had, vAtaoikaf Cifc-futma. REPUBLICAN governments cost infinitely left than monarchies—and yet the expence ot the former is always a copious fubjee it anon ne h is. and me natuie of the trutt re posed in htm l y tbe public. Tlut iu cafe* where the Senate t.-iou d be equally divided.upon a bill which had palfed tneHeul'e ot Reprefenta: v j, he would vote tor tne biU. This deter mma t- >n was thought wife and just, bec«ther. And the peculiarity of his rike, hein»; the i rvant ot the union, suggested the neceilry ot me ruic, ior other wife his feelings might occauonai.v bus his judgment, and in the of contending iatercib, m >ke him " 'generate m*o the representative of lome ttatc, aud thus cveu.u a. \ become the mere creature of a party. The pubhc would be gr*rfied by information from that ho : arable gentleman, whether such rule was ever adopted; and if so, uoon what principle he juilifics us violation, on the repreien »a:ton bill; tor by the the Senate which have been p»:hhfhed, it arpcars thjt upon leveral diviGoos 00 that intereffiug qoeftton, he nvaiiablv departed from it, voting upon all occalions a»ainft the Houfeot Reprelematives. As 'us of irrportance that :he ccrnucf of an officer :n this high ftauoo, lbould appear irre pro>chab:e before the public, it i> hoped such explanation may be given, as will faiisty even the raoit fcrupuious, of the purity o: hts motives. \\ niMcvcr objn of three millions of guilders for account of the United Slates, has occu ejected at four per cent, inierett, in ihe cuy of Amitcrdam. A treaty of commerce has been concluded between the Turks and ihe kingdom ot Poland, in which the Polanders are al.owcd ihe free navigation ot the Black Sea. The French frieate, La Mofelie, lhat arrived hereon Friday lad con mardca by Cap.. Ferrarie, Lieutenant in ihe navy of France left the Cape the 6 ( .h of March. Six thousand troops had then a< r:ved,l)ut these were judged inefficient to recover the island fpeedili. The national civil coramiffioners had lent an urgent demand to France for fourteen thousand moie, which, in addition to tbe 6co© already arrived, it was thought would oe fully (u ra cier! t to reduce ihe rcvohcrs to inftdnt lubmiflion. Farther Ext'cZs cf a letter from Columbia, dated Feb. 14 * " Commandant Wilkinfon beingappointed Lieuienaut-Coionel to the fccond Un.ted States regiment, about the rnicaie of Janu ary, the firing of cannon, at Fort-Walhington, announced io ihe inhabitants bis arrival. His appointment as Lieuienaut-Colonei, gave him the command of the Federal Trooos. '■ Our winter has uncommonly severe ; we have had snow on the ground upwards of fix weeks, mcft of the time 18 or 20 inches deep, and the 1 iver Ohio being do fed, the ice at Cincinnati, lor near a fortnight, afforoed a bridge to the Kcntuckey Ihore. Lieut. Col. Wilkinfan, perhaps concluding business would be 10 be cone early in the fpnng, improved the advantage of the snow to transport forage for the cavalry to Fort-Jelferfon, and engaged all the teams and sleds tnat could be procured in the different fet tlemfr.ts ; and having ceternvned upon an imm; d:ate enterprize, addreired himfeif to the militia at the different fettiements in the Kon. Judge Symmes' Purchase ; and on the 20th uit. vilited Co lumbia, where he met the militia at Capt. Gano's; he made his 2opearance in an old hunting frock—he them very feelingly, telling them he had tome thoughts, it it Ibould be found pra&icable, of viiiting one of the Indian towns; and noted to them the expediency and neceffitv of bringing the canoon from the place of tbe fatal defeat of the 4th November last, as there was a probability that, uniefs that were done, they might be brought againtt us the approaching campaign ; and dwell a little upon the melancholy theme ot their countrymen lying in the field of battle, calling noon them for the rights of sepulchre. Theie nin s were fufficient—they rtruck the fouls of the ioiid boys." * By m fiake dated the 4tk 1* our lajt. Extracl of a letter from Ecjlcm, March 17. " I 3m not much more pleased with the pro J rejs of Congrets this fcfiioa, than with the laic expedition. The tr ding and waftc of lime in unimportant bills, has been intolerable I wifli ihe scribblers againtl good charaELcrs were employed in fpurr ng their delays, and the longftecchifiers. Bat Congress conduci like other national Governments; and the world is, and will continue 10 be like the old zuoHd—nor listen to the voice of wisdom, till "the waters of the flood come and drown them." 1 don't find one member crvmg aloud against this waste of public time and cxpencc. I wonder Come don't do 't for the fake of popularity." ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. " Government depends on is happy for man kind, lhat in proportion as the people have been enlightened and civilized, their opinioo has always been in favor o! government. Liberty, ?ena*ne eqnal liberty, has no other retreat now left, but in the arms of government — governmeui founded on the prin ciples of iuftice and right. Liberty ha« been repeatedly tempted to take refuge In anarchy ; hot this has aimoft always, in the iOue, bound her in the chains of despotism. Un J er the Romans, Liberty tried AriJiocracy—which artfully stripped her of all her charms, and left her nothing but a name. In the time of the r volution Ihe tried Democracy ; but Cromwell r ole the hearts of the people—he dubbrd the Pat hament-Houfe a den of thieves, and accordingly turned the members our, and locked up ihe doors. Liberty has now taken up hei residence in • e Uo-ted States, under our happy Republican Government—this we ray pronounce is ber Jafl retreat. The people are in a state of probation ; if we are wife ?o secure the privileges we en : t oy, by {■. sporting the fabric we have r*ifed, Liberty will refic/ in t\t 1 highly favoied lane, 'ill the final consolidation of all govern ment in the divine—but if we (hould be so unwise asto fuffcr the *-c sice to be defaced by th*- untcmpered dauoings of pretended. ' ■it ignorant arcbiic&t, we (hall rue our lolly when it will be too IMC. Tk erf is m mtnkmd m almofl oatverfs! propensity to cgotifm— to this l««fcc we may iracc the variety of systems which aift is philofepby lod po|itict; aod if it went no further, it be from thisaifo proceeds the (pint ot in tolerance and fofa of the liberty of ipeecb, and the freedom of the~prd». What property at * pctfo* he (aid 10 his pofleffiom, ifhe ciasot retff* (iMi ii fecurtty, with then at ploftne ? Of what advantage to the w»t Id, or «o hnfllelf, is a prtfou'iihcn (al stock, U be caossoi jflipsrtbb ideas wnhfjecdoin ? 387 XATIOXAL GAZETTE, VALERIUS. Tnere i« a peifecurion of opinion extant at the present day which is fee ret ly undermining the firft principles of civil liberty' and if coutinued, will preclude all mor«l aud political improve* liienr. r We frequently hear of tc political heresies" now a days let t >c it>odarri of political orthodoxy De once reared, and von (hail loon hrar po -ileal anathemas thundering rooi do meal co&ors. " ot hmk what they plrafe. and to speak ti*c!- fcotim nts," is the unalienable right of free Ameri- ass, for the juii cacrcife of which they are amrnab.r only »o the laws —and be that s the cry of •• mad cn;" only, to foi:d o: checking free difauilition, :s a tyrant iu gr«;u, Justice is the hrigh'dl luminry :n th' cooftellaiion of republi can virtues—The influence of rhi? divine pnnctpie leads the Tr.rnds of genuine freedom to treat at. mankind a* members of one common family. IK SENATE OF THE UMTLD STATES, MONDAY, MAKCH 26. The following Resolution wa» moved RESOLVED, That it be a ltanding rule. :hat tht d x>»s of she Senate Cr.amber remain open whiift the Senate thu.i be iiiting in their leg fiitive capacity, except oo Inch occaiimis as, ia tneir judgment, may require secrecy ; and that this rule Ihall commence and be in on the firli dav of th** next fcffioa ot Congrels. It Difled in the negative—Yeas 8, Nays j 7. The Yea j and Navs being required by one fitih of the Senators present, thole who voted in the affirmative, are, M ifri. fiutier, Carioll, Foi ter, Hawkins, j jnufton, King, Lee, and Monroe. TSofc who voted in the negative, are, Meff'S. BaiTet-, Bradley. Cabot, Dickmfon, Ellfworth, Few, Gunn, Henry, liard, Langdon, Read, KoDinfon, Rutncriura, Snerraan, Stanton, Strong, and Wsn^ate. £T In our last it was fa:d that the majority on the above confilled ot fraxtccn. Taking it lor granted inat the cxcefs a!o«e conlt-.tutes the majority, that ftalcineut v»as erroneous —lue majority beui£ only 9. SHIP NEWS. ARRfi'ALS at the PORT C J PHILADELPHIA. Ship Arid, Dolphin, Brig Bet fey. S.oop Dolphin, Swallow. Quandrill, Schooner Wind field, Cox, Letters received by t~»e Ariel, inform that there was a great storm 111 the Bay oi Bi'cay on Chrirtmas-Day, in which thirty five (hips were loft, and that the towns of St. Andero, Si. SeDaiti an and B iboa, w ere for a lime nearly mundated. POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, March 30, 179 - Letters for the Briiiih Packet Prince William Henr>, Captain Peters, for Falmouth, w:ii be received at this Oftice unul Tueiday morning the 3d of Apni, ai 8 o'clock. PRICE CURRENT.—PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. 6 pr. Cents 3 pr. Cents Detered 6 pr. Cents UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl. and other Certificates igj" 95 do. Indents 12\J 60 do. Halt thares Bank Stock—6s per cent, premium. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, (PRICE 6/6.) By M A T H E W So. 118, Msrket-Street, near Fourth-Street, The Ladies'Libraryj CONTAINING, 1. Miss More'sEflays a. Gregory's Legacy . 3. Lady Pcno'ngion's Advice 4. Marchioucfs of Laic ben's 7- More's Fables for the Ladies THE editor of this publication hopes, from the eltabl:(hed re putation ot the several tracts ot wnifh it is composed, that it will be found a more complete system tor the indtuCtion ot the female world, than p rhaps any other extant. A volume, under the present title, was lately published in Eng land and Ireland, and had a molt rapid sale, having been uuich- ied bv almost every l§dy of taste in thoie kingdoms. To this voiumc the editor has added Mils More's ElTavs—Mrs. Chapone's letters on the government of ihe temper —and Swift's letter to a young lady newly married. These h*ve coofidei ably enhanced us value, and he doubts not, the ladies on this fide of the Ailantic will be as generous 'n their encouragement of a work intended tor their ad* vantage as those in England and Ireland have been. Advice %* SETS OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM. AS several gentlemen in different parts of the United States, hive been heretofore drfjppGir ted in ferr applications for complete sets oj the American Museum, the printer mjrrtns tie puchc, that he is en gaged in reprinting the deficient Timbers of the aml has now and will henceforward hav; a conjiant fupplr of sets §1 hand;—fttch gentle men, therefore, as please, may beJurr.ijheU with sets neatly bound, in te\ mlumei, at fxteen dotlars. This zlct k will be found to contain at leafi as great a verity of poli tical. and mijccllaneous cjfays, as any ever fmiiJKed 11 America. Said Carey has lately publifhtd, l. Beauties of Poetrv, British and American. 6<. i. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, 75. 3. M'Fingal, an epic poem, 2J91 4. Blair's Sermons, complete in 2 vols. 15s. 5. Ntcker's Treaufe on Religious Opinions, 6«. 6. Examination of Sheffield's Obfervatious, 4/8 7. American Confbiutions. 4^B 8 Dowav Bible—n?at, 6 aoiis.—elegant, 50/* 9. Vade Mfcum, 1/1 oj 10. Charles Grandson, abridged. \fo 11. Humphrey's Poems, bound 2/"6. in blue paper j 2. American Jest Book, in two bound, 4^6 13. Scleft Poems, 1/3 14. Thiok well on'i, i/io§ 15. The Chriftsaa Economy, i/io| OJfrid Carey wtjy Bib'cs, Tenements, Spelling-Btokj, P'i"icrs, Q'irfs, lak-Pozvd'r y Wnti*.?-Paper of various kinds. Bonnet- Piprr, Pocket-Books, Sc&ics and Duidsrs, Ink~£ian-i t Mejfsge und Plajntg-Qtrdsy j3c.&c. :ur ti»c purpoie D:catur, Dnfco, Ei.ifon, D'tcow, St. Andero, Portfmouih, X. H. Port-so- Prince, Ncw-Hainpihirt, Fayal, North-Carolina. "so v-£- i»J6 io6£ pr. cent. 6c do. do. CAREY, 5. Swift's Letter to m new mar ried Lady 6. Mtfs Chapooe on command of Temper