Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 28, 1792, Page 384, Image 4

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    WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia.
A Premium
value, at the option of the party, will be given by the Com
rmflioners of the Federal Buildings, to the per fori who, befoie the
fifteenth day of July next, {hall produce to them the moll ap
proved PLAN, it adopted by them, for a PRESIDENT'S HOUSE,
to be erefled in this Cuv. The (he of the building, il the art lit
will attend to it, will of coui fe influence the afpelfc and outline of
his plan ; and it's deftiriation will point out to him the number,
size, and distribution ol the apartments. It will be a recommen
dation of any plan, if the central part of it may be detached and
ere&ed for the present, with the appearance of a complete whole,
and be capable ot admitting the additional pans, in future, if thcyi
shall be wanting. Drawings will be expelled of the ground plats,
elevations of each front,and fe&iOris through the building, in luch
dire&ions as may be nectfiary to explain the internal ftru£ture *,
and an estimate ot the cubic feet oi brick-work coxnpofing the
whole mass of the walls.
March 14, i 792
WASHINGTON, in the Territory of Columbia
A Premium
OF a LOT in this City, to be designated by impartial juries,
value, at the option of the party ; will be given by the Commif.
fioners of the Federal Buildings, to the petlon who, before the
fifteenth dav of July, 1792, shall produre to them the moll ap
proved PLAN, if adopted by them, for a CAPITOL, to be ere£>< d
oV a MEDAL, for the Plan deemed next in merit to the one they
shall adopt The building to be of brick, and to contain the fol
lowing apartments, to wit
A ) fufßcient to ac-")
A Conference Room ( commodate 300 | tKefe rooms
A Room for ihe Rcprcfcntat.vcs pc - r(ons ! to he of
A Lobby or Antichamber to the' Utter j full eleva-
A Senate Room of 1200 square feet area | tion.
An Arftichamber or Lobby to the last J
ia Rooms of 600 square feet area each, for Committee Rooms and
Cleiks' Offices, to be of half the elevation of the former.
Drawings will he expetted of the ground plats, elevations of
each front, and feftions through the building in such directions
as may be neceflary to explain the internal ftru&ure; and anefti
mate of the cubic feet of bnck-work composing the whole maf6
of the walls.
Match 14, 1792,
On Wednesday the 11th day of April next, ;* the House of
John Thompson, in the City ot Perth- or at private
Sale ffefore,
A FARM, containing about four hundred acres df upland and
fait meadow, lying within three quarters of a mile cf said
city ; is a great part bounded on the found, and on a navigable
creek, on which is a good mill feat. There are on the farm fevr
ral eligible situations for building, with delightful profpetts, ex
cellent brooks and springs; a large apple oichard, and some fruit
trees of other kinds, and a fufficient quantity ol fire-wood. The
foil is good for grass and molt kinds of grain, and may at small
expence, from the conveniency of the fait meadow, and other ad
vantages of manure, be made equal to any farm in New-Jersey.—
It will be fold all together, or in two or three divisions, as (hall
appear belt to suit those inclined to purchase.
For further particulars, previous to or at the time of fale,apply
to the fubferibers. JOHN HALSTED, and
To be SOLD peremptorily, at Public Vendue,on Wednesday
the 1 ith day of April next,
r I ''HE SEAT of the late Docflor Lewis Johnflon,
-** deceased, in Perth-Amboy, containing TWO HUNDRED
This place is bounded southerly for near a mile on the river
Raritan, where it empties into the bay about 18 miles from Sandy-
Hook, and affords two most agreeable situations for Gentlemen*'
Seats. There arc now on it, two brick houses, with gardens, and
a good collection of fruit trees of the best kinds. The land is Very
fertile, and a great part of it very good meadow ; and from its situ
ation on the river, has the advantage of fifh of different kinds, in
their seasons, particularly of oysters and chicken clams, which may
be picked in great plenty on the flats before the doors. It is a
delightful, "healthy situation, capable of genteel and tafly improve
ments; and as Pcrth-Amboy is one of the best sea-ports in the
United States, and within 18 miles of the sea, the profpett of its
increasing in value from that circumstance, is by no means incon
There wiP also be fold, other Lots, within the bounds of the
city, and about Five Hundred Acres of Land on the opposite fide
of the river Raritan—part of which is improved by a farm—on
which there is a framed dwelling-house and bam, with an orchard
of grafted apple trees, and will contain about one hundred and
fifty acres ; the remainder will be fold in convenient lots, well
wooded and timbered, and very convenient for supplying New-
York and other markets with fire-wood, timber for Ihip build
ing, and other uses, the transportation by water being cafy and
fafe. The conditions will be made known at the day of sale,
and the requisite conveyances made by
JAMES PARKER and ) _ A t t r . JT . n
BOWES REED, $ rufteet to the said Eftalc.
Likewise to be SOLD, at lite Jame time avd place,
ELEVEN ACRES of LAND, adjoining the above, the pro
perty of the Proprietors of East New-Jersey, whereon the pro
prietary house lately flood. The elegant situation of this spot is
hardly to he equalled; it affords a grand profpett of Raritan
Bay, and of the Bay formed by the waters of Raritan and Hud
son's rivers, where they disembogue into the sea to the East and
a most delightfnl one of the serpentine courfeof the Raritan river
for several miles, through a tich trafl of meadow to the Weft.
The great quantity of stone neatly dressed, and brick, the remains
of the house lately burned, will be nearly fufficient for a new
building; and a large stone cistern, and well of excellent water,
•with a very convenient ftableand cach-houfe, will greatly leflen
the cxpence of pulling the place in order for the refidcnce of a
Gentleman.—There are tew situations so eligible, particularly in
the summer season—when the cool sea breezes, and the elevated
situations, render them placcs of pleasing retreat, from the confine
ment and sultry air of the southern states and neighbouring citics
Pcrth-Amboy, Feb. 1,5,1792. (ep6w)
NOTICE is hereby given 10 the Creditors of JohnCraice
Johnßilderback,Samuel Barber,Aquila Hutch'
ins, William Richardson, Gabriel Westlonc and
Hugh Gunning, infolrent debtors, confined in the gaol of the
County of Salem, in the State of New-jersey, that the Judges of
the inferior Court of Common Pleas, for the said County on ap
plication to ihem made, have appointed the sixth day of April
next lor the said Creditors to appear before any two or more of
the said Judges, at the town of Salem, to (hew cause, if snv thev
have, why an alignment of the said debtors efbte, rrfpcftivelv
Ihould not be made, and ihey be discharged from confinement'
puifuant to an ast of A {Terribly, patted 24th of November last, lor
the reliei of infolveot debtors then confincd. ( 3 ,)
Bank of the United States.-
March 21, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Stockholders be, and hereby art, au
thonfed to compleat then Shares by payment at any time
before the periods requited by the law of incorporation.
Resolved, That each Share so compleated, shall be entitled to
draw a dividend of the profits of the Ban*, from and after the firft
davofthe month next succeeding the day of com pleating fuoh
Resolved, That so much of the quarter's intereftupon the Pub
lie Debt transferred to compleat any Share as aforefaid, as (hall
have accrued belore the firft day ot the month next succeeding the
completion of such Share, (hall be received by the Bank, and paid
to the persons who Ilia 11 have transferred the tame.
By order of the Prcfident and Dire&ors,
(tpt'iftj) JOHN KEAN, Cijhier.
The Universal Tontine
IS opened this day at the office of HAZARD and
ADDOMS, at the corner of Third and Chefnut Streets, tor the
purpofc ot forming a Society, by a SubfciMption on Lives, to con
tinue alTociated for the petiod of 21 its principal obje£t is
to effect a Union ot public and private intcrefts, and the Terms of
Ad million are easy, being calculated particularly to favor the less
opulent citizens.
The Articles of AfTociation, in which the principles of the Ton
tine are detailed, may be had of Mr. Francis Bai ley, Printer,
in Market-Streel.
N. B. Subscriptions will he received from 10 10 1 o'clock,
daily, till the whole number is fubfr.ribcd, according to the ai
March 19, 1792
In the Commonwealth of Majfkckujktls,
Part 1. ONTAINING the duty and pra&ice of light field
Part 2. Containing the theory and practice of heavy artillery :
to which will be added, an extract of a Treatise on the origin and
principle of Courts-Martial, wrote by an experienced Officer in
the line, and who did duty as Judge-Advocate in America.
Part 3. Laboratory duty ; containing a great variety of direflions
for tompofition, and the method of making artifi ial fire-works,
and the formation of ammunition for the different kinds of ord
An Officer in the American Artillery through the whole t>f the
late revolution, and since in the Militia.
This woik to be printed on good paper with a handforrte type,
neatly bound and lettered, in three pocket volumes, Containing
upwards of one thousand pages; illustrated with a great variety
of explanatory plates, executed bv able artifls.
The price to fubferibers, One Dollar each volume—to non-sub
scribers, One French Crown each volume : and those who fubferibe
for fix setts, shall have a feventhgratis.
This work (Kail be published as soon at five hundred copies are
fublcribed for.
Subscription papers will be lodged with the principal Printers
and Booksellers in the United Slates of America.
TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing the
Protestant Episcopal Chur#h in the city of New-Brunfwick,
agreeable »o an afi of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey,
passed November 1791.
1 P
Prize of
1814 Prizes.
3520 Blanks.
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls,
This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks
to one Prize, and fubjefk to a dedufhon of twelve and an half per
cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotteiy yet
oifefed to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it
cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the mod
liberal ftipport.
The drawing will commence on the second Monday in April,
or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New-
Brunfwick, under the infpe&ion of Col. John Bayard, President
offaid city; Tames Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city of Amboy ;
and Archibald Mercer, Efq, Deputy Governor of the Manufactur
ing Society of New- Jerfcy.
Tickets to be had of the following persons, who are duly ap
pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given security for the
faithful performance of their duty.
A lift of the fortunate numbers will be published, and the
prizes paid immediately after the drawing #f the Lottery.
PETER ICEENON, i Managers.
N. B. Those which are not demanded within fix months
after the drawing of the Lottery, will be confideied as a generous
donation to the Church.
S3" Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more
than 3 per cent, per month for their money. To accommodate
all those who may be difpoled to purchase Tickets, letters direct
ed to p. Keenon, Manager, and Post-Master, at New-Brunf.
wick, and cnclofing good bills will be attended to—and Tickets
forwarded on receipt of such letters.
Ncw-firunfivick, January 20, 1792
THE Editor of the Gazette of the United States, mtfl
earneflly requeflt that thofc of hi, fib/enters, whose arrearages have
teen accumulating for more than twelve months, would make payment as
soon as possible at farthefi, before the frfl day of June next.
Thofeferfons whoJhaU be dffiofed to patronize this Gazette after
the Pod. Officc hivfhallgo into operation, willpteaje toJgnifi thrir
intention to the Deputy Post-Masters in the United States /who are
requefled to forwardJuchfubfcripttens as may be received, to the Ed itor,
previous to the faidfrfi of June The terms offibferiftion ere
Three Dollars per annum, exclufve of poJlige—Or.chalftobe paid at
the time of Mfcribmg, the ether half to be advanced at the expiration of
the frjl fix months.
O R,
M E.
Dollars is 2f?o©
200* D'
5 00
Of the firft quality—by retail,
No 19,
Third-Street,between Chefnut andMarkelStrerts.
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on C O M M IS S I O N by
Chefnut-Street,nrxt doorto the Bank, No. 97,
THE Collc&ors of Militia Fines in the City and Liberties of
Philadelphia,and the diftritts of Moyamenfingaud Paifyunk,
are hereby required to colle£l aTid pay into the County Tirafvry,
all arrearages of fines, and to feitle and deposit their hooks ancL
vouchers in my Office, at N". 61, Walnut-ltrcet, on or beforethc
fiift day of April next.- Wherefore Notice is given, That im
mediately from the said firft day of April, all Collet)ors who
(hall fail in complying with this requisition, will be proceeded
against according to law,
Phitad. Feb. 25, 1792
Dismal Swamp Canal Company.
PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters of Elizabeth
River in Virginia, to those of Pafquotank in North-Carolina,
or for conducing the work, will be received until the ninth-(lay
of April next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamfburg; Thomaj
Newton, jun. and Daniel Bcdinger, of Norfolk, in Virginia; h.y
John Cowper, of Gates County ; and Benjamin Jones, of Cam
den County, in North-Carolina. The length of the Canal will he
atoeut sixteen miles; the country through which it wi-ll pass, is
swampy, free from stones, and covered with heavy wood. The
Canal is to be thirty-two feet i« width, and eight feet at lcaft m
depth, below the furface of the earth, and capable of being navi
gated in dry seasons. by vessels drawing three feet water.
Good fecuritv will be required of contraftora; and persons
making apolication to be employed as managers, mud produce
certificates (from eharaflersot refpeftability) of then qualification*
for a bufmefs of this kind.
Ntirjslhy jarytary 21-, 1-795.
THAT elegant S£AT at the Falls of Delaware, in the vicinity
of Trenton, in Nfew-Jerfey, occupied for many years paftby
the fubferiber; containing upwards of 200 acres of land, befidvi
a tract of wood-laVid of about 185 acres, at the diftattce of two
miles. The farm is divided by the main ftieet leading,from
Trenton to Lambeuon. and Philadelphia, into two parts, nearly
equal in quantity ; the eaftwardly pan being arable land, is Idid
off in convenient fields, and in good farming order. The other
part, bounded by the said street on the east, and by the river 11
the weft, forms a square; which, from the combined effect of fili
ation and improvement, is generally allowed to be one of the moH
beautiful and desirable feats in the (late. The manlion-houfe is a
handsome, well-finifhed brick building, 50 by 40, containing four
rooms on each floor, with excellent cellars, and a two/fory brick
kitchen ; and commanding a very extensive and pieafing view of
the river, both above and below, as well as including the falls, and
al-fo of Trenton and the neighbouring feats and improvements oa
both (ides of the river. Among the out-buildings are a new stone
coach-house and ftablcs, fufficient to contain fix carriages and teti
horses, accommodated with a cutting and feeding room, and a ca
pacious loft for hay ; adjoining these is a very complete granary,
rat prfoj, and a stone cow-house, upwards of 100 feet in length,
containing thirty-one paved stalls, over which is a roomy loft for
hay, Btc. Adjoining the court-yard ol the manhon-lioufe, isagar
| den of about two acres, extendingtowards the river, in the highest
state of culture, and abounding with a rich colle&ion of the
choicest fruits of almost every kind, and levcral large asparagus
beds, highly manured. At a convenient d'ftance Irom lite man
sion-house, and nearly in the centre of the square, is a new, weiW
built, stone farm-houfe, accommodated with a largecheefe-room,
spring-house, garden, See. a complete florUe smoke-house, corn
cribs, waggon-house, a capacious ice-house, and every ot ' lcr .
ceflary out-building. The ground is properly divided into final
fields, all well watered, highly improved, and chiefly under the
molt approved grass. This Iqnare has produced annual!), for *-
vera! years past, upwards of lixty tons of the best hay, bf •
supporting through the summer season twenty to thiriy horn
cattle, and eight or ten horses. It contains also two bearing or
chards of good fruit. The river abounds, in the proper (en jus,
with great plenty of all kinds of fifh usually found in Irein water
in this climate, and with a variety of wild-fowl; both of wn.i»
may afford a pieafing amufemenlto the sportsman, as wei 2s a
convenient addition to the elegance and variety of hi& tab c. *
whole of the land, except the wood-land, is inclosed and ivi <
bv good fences, great part of which is formed of red ceaar po %
and rails of chefnut and white cedar. The purchaser may a<■
the improved square separately, or the whole t«geth« r , a* '"'Y
best suit him. There is an inexhaustible quantity of good buno
ing stone on the river shore. The putchafe money, if we ccurc '
and the interest punctually paid, will not be demanded toi ma
Any pei son desirous of viewing the piemifes, may be z T3
on application to Samuel W. Stockton, Esq. <> ,e " '
or Mr. Inallman, who at prefentoccupus the farm- ou e
oart of the lana—and may know the price on application
fubferiber, ai No. 213, South Second-street, oppofrte to the
Market, in Philadelphia.
P hi/addphi 17, March 7, 1792.
American Lead Manufactory-
HAVE iuftnow opened their Lead-Warehouse, <•"
fouthof Walnut-fired.Wharf,adjoiningtheir NewF«aV
where they have now made, and ready for sale. a S c " rra „
ment of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BA _; o vedi
production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have etnp
number of experienced English workmen, they watran
equal in quality to any manufa£tured in Europe, and a a
price from the cost of imported. „,; f |ts it
They also continue to nianufaflure all the > ov
Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addreffedto eith:
above Faflories, will be thankfully received, and execn
(hortcft notice. the Tai<l
N. B. Wanted, induttrious, sober, Laboring Men,
Mines, where conllant employ, good wages, an ot c . . 3fl( i
mcnts will be given, means of conveyance being pro
houses for their reception. iillT , N &0
For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Moses A
at their Factory in Richmond, or as above.
[ f P 3 1 * 1 ]
Philadelphia, December 3. 17Q*-
$3" Blank Poucrsto receive
principal tfpublic debt, agreeable tot < R " les 'ft a Lf. ' te le/ildU
fury Department: Also BUnks_forabfira£t S UUJ
the Editor.
Militia Fines.
of thr City and Lihfriies,
By oiciffr of the Prefidmt and D : re&®rs,