Jones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS, Sr at e-St k e et, BOSTON, BUY and fell every kind of the Stocks of tMe United Staffs, on Commiflion, by Pr.vate Contra#, and Pablic Those gentlemen who may be pleaied 10 favor them with cheir commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and difpatcb. Bojlon, March, 1792. ([ aw3m) FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Wednesday the nth dav of April next, * the House o John Thompson, in the City ot Perth-Amboy, or at privat' Sale before, A FARM, containing about four hundred acres of upland ant jT\. fait meadow, lying -within three quarters of a mile of fai< city; is a grfat part bounded on the found, and on a navigably creek, on which is a good mill leat. There are on the faim ffve ral eligible situations for building, with delightful profpe&s, ex cellent brooks and springs ; a lirge apple: orchard, and foijie frui trees of other kind*, and a fufticient quantity of fire-wood. Hi foil is good for grass and moll kmdsof grain, "and may at fmal expence, from the conveniency of the fait meadow, and other ad vantages of manure, be made equal to any farm in New-Jersey.— It will be» fold all together, or in two or three divisions, as lhal appear bell to suit those inclined to purchase. For further particulars, previous to or at the time of sale, appl to the fubferibers. JOHN HALSTIvD. and f 4 t) MATT"-" — FOR SALE, BLOOM SBURY, THAT elegant SEAT at the Falls ol Delaware, in,the vicinity of Trenton, in New-Jer fey, occupied for many years past by the fubferiber; containing upwards of 2GO acres of land, bcfiaes a tract of wood-land of about 185 acres, at the distance of two miles. The farm is divided by the main ftrert leading from Trenton to Lamberton, and Philadelphia, into two parts, nearlv equal in quantity; the eaftwardly part being arable land, is laid off in convenient fields, and in good farming order. The other part, bounded by ihe said street on the east, and by the nver on the weft, forms a square; which, from the combined effect of fiiu ation and improvement, is generally allowed to be oDe of the moll beautiful and desirable feats in the state. The mansion-house is a liandfome, well-finifbed brick building, 50 by 40, containing four rooms on each floor, with excellent cellars, and a two story brick kitchen ; and commanding a very extensive and pleating view of the rivr r, both above and below, as well as including the falls, and also of Trenton and ihe neighbouring feats and improvements on both fides of the river. Among the out-buildings are a new ftonr eoaeh-houfe and stables, fufficient to contain fix carriages and ten hoi fes, accommodated with a cutting and feeding room, and a ca pacious loft for hay ; adjoining these is a very complete granary, rat proof, and a (tone cow-house, upwards of 100 feet in length, containing thirty-one paved (tails, over which is a roomy loft for hay, &c. Adjoining the court-yard ol the minfion-houfe, is a gar den ot about two acres, extending towards the river, in the highest state of culture, and abounding with a r,ich collection ot the choicest fruits of almost every kind, and several targe asparagus beds, highly manured. At a convenient diftaoce from the man sion-house, and nearly in the centre of the square, is a new, well built, stone farm-houfe, accommodated with a large dheefc-room, spring-house, garden, &c. a complete flone ftnoke-houfe, corn cribs, waggon-house, a capacious ice-house, and every other nc cefTary out-building. The ground is properly divided into Jmall fields, all well watered, highly impioved, and thieflv undt r the mod approved grass. This square has produced annually, for se veral years past, upwards of sixty tons of the best hay, befidcs supporting through the summer season twenty to thirty horned cattle, and eight or ten horses. It contains also two bearing or chards ol good fruit. The river abounds, in the proper seasons, with great pis nty of all kinds of fi(h usually found in frefh water in this climate, and with a variety of wild-fowl ; both of which may afford a pleasing amusement to the fportfmin, as well as a convenient addition to the elegance and vai ietv of his table. The whole of the land, except the wood-land, is inclosed and divided by good fences, great part of which is formed of red cedar posts, and rails of chcfnut and white cedar. The purchaC r may havt the improved square fcparately, or the whole together, as may best suit him. There is an incxhauftible quantity of good build ing stone on the river (bore. The puichafe money, if well secured, and the interest punAually paid, will not be demanded for man\ years. Any peifondeflrous of viewing the piemifcs, may be gratifi. rl oh application to Samuil W. Stockton, Esq. of Tienion, •r Mr. Inalluan, who at present occupiu the laim-houlc and part of the lino —and may know the price on application to the iubferiber, a» No. 2J3, South Second-ftrcet, opposite to the New- Matket, in Philadelphia. JOHN COX. Pkilatttphta, March 7, t?9«. {cptf) SALES Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the Township of Benfelem, in the County of Bucks, Esquire, decealed, pursuant to the Directions of his last Will and Teftanient. ON' Til fday the 27th of March next will be expos d to Sale, by way df Public Vendue, on the premises- One exceed ingly valuable and highly improved Farin, containing about two hundred and tiinety.nine acres, situate on the rivei Delaware; 011 which is ertfled a handsome two-story brick house, with a new piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn.flables, hiy-houfe, and other convenient outhouf s. A good orchard of the best kind' of grafted iruit, now in its prime; a large garden well fenced in, and ingood order; and a (bad and herring fifhery btfore the door This place is remarkably well timbered, has a fufficicncy of meal dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the pod-road. One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; containing about.two hundred and feverr acres, the greatefl part of which is wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, stables, and other outhouses, with a young thriving orchard of the bell grafted fruit, and a shad and herring fiflierv? It has long been a well accußomed tavern; and the ferry belonging to it, known by the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre quented. Both the above places afford the belt profpefts on the liver, and are remarkably healthy. One other small Firm, containing about sixty-three acres situ ate in the township of Southampton, in the sounty aforefaid' • on which are crested two log-hou(es. There is a small orchard,'and a great futficicncy of wood-land and meadow ground. One Lor, conrmnmg four acres, situate on the great pofl-road leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the former. On it is a good log, and work-Oiop ad joining, with a well ot excellent water at the door: now in the tenure of the Widow Ward. Alio, at the fame time and clace, will be fold all the remaining Stock, Houlhold-Furniture, Farming Utensils, and Wheat in the ground. N. B. The conditions of Tale will be, one-third of the purchase money to be paid down, and the remainder in two yearly pay ments with interest. * IOHN' SWIFT, ) JOHN M. NESBTT, f Executor, (eptSAMUEL BENEZET, ) JATTHIAS HALSTED. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BV SUBSCRIPTION, In the Commonwealth of MjJfachuJetts, A SYSTEM for the DISCIPLINE #/the ARTILLERY mthc UNITED STATES AMERICA ;• ». OK, THE yOUNO ARTILLERISTS POCKET COMPANION. IN THMIfi PARTS. P*rf 1./"CONTAINING the duty and pra&ice of light field artillery. Part 2. Containing the theory and practice of heavy artillery : to which will be ad,>i; B , or for conflufting the Work, will be received omil the'nimli dav of A-pril next, by Robert Andrews, of WrUvamfborg; Thomii Newton, jus. and Daniel Bedinger, of Norfolk, in Virginia • by John Cowper, of Gates County ; and Berrjamid Jones; of Can/ den County, in North-Carolina. The length oftlie Canal wiHfe ah«ut sixteen miics ; the country through which it will past, i a fwampv, free from flones, and covered with hesvy wond The Canal is to be thirty-two feet in width, and eight feet at Icaft i n depth, below the furface of the earth, and capable of being navi. gated in dry feafaps, by veflels drawiftg three Irct water. Good fceuritv will be required of contraftorj; and persons makinK application to be employed as manager*, must product certificates (from charaftersot refpeftability) of their qualifications for > business of this kind. WJt, Janvsry' it, t*Q? THF- Colleflors «f Militi# Fines in the Citv and liberties of Philadelphia,»nd thediftrifisof Moyamenfingaud Paffyuok, are heieby required to collrfl and pav into the County Treafurvj all arrearages of fines, and to fettle and deposit their books ini vouchers in my Office, at No. 61, Walnut-street, on or beforetha filft day of April next. Wherefore Notice it giyen, Th»t im. mediately from the said firft day of April, all C6lleQors %J)n (hall fail in complying with this requifmon, will b< procetiM against according to law. Philid. Feb. 25, *.792. To be SOLD peremptory, at Pup i. i c Ve nd u E,on IVednefday the nth day of April next, 'T'HE SEAT of ihe late Doiftor Levis John/!tn, dreeafed, in Perth-Amboy, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND. Thu place it bounded southerly for near a mile OA theriv*t Raman, where it empties into tho bay about *8 miles from-Sandy. Hook, and affords two mod agreeable fituationj for GerttltmeiH' Seats. There nre mrw on it, two brick houses, with g»rdrni, and a good collcffion of fruit trees of the best kinds. The land «»ery fertile, and a great partnf it very good meadow; ami from its fitli. ation on the i iver, has the advantage of fi(h of different kinds, ia th<.-irfeafons, particularly ol oyftcrs tnd chicken clams, which miy he picked in great plenty on the flats before the doors, Ji its delightlul, healthy fituation,capable of genteeland tasty improve ment!; and as Perth-Ambov is one of the brft fea-porrs in the United States, and within t8 miles of the sea, the prot'peft ot in increasing in v-lue from that circumllance, is by n« means inCoik ftriei able. There wiP also be fold, other Lots, within the bounds of the city, and about Five Hundred Acres of Land on the opposite fide of the river Raritan—part of which is improved by a farm—on which there is a framed dwelling-house and barn, with an orchard of grafted apple trees, and will contain about one hundred and fifty acres ; the remainder will be fold in convenient lots, well wooded and timbered, and verv convenient for supplying New- York and other markets with fire-wood, timber for (hip build ing. and other uses, the transportation by water being easy and fafe, The conditions will be made known at the day of sale, and the Tcquifite conveyances made by JAMES PARKER and)— A , . ~. r . BOWES REED, Trudeeitoihe said Eflilf. Likewise to be SOLD, at the Jame tine and place, ELEVtN ACRES of LAND, adjoining the above, the pro perty of the Proprietors of Eifl New-Jersey, wheie n the pro piietary house lately flood. The elegant situation of this spot is hardly to be equalled ; it affords a grand profpe6l of 3 v, and of the Bay formed by the waters of Raritan and Hud son's rivers, where they disembogue into the sea to the East—and a mod delightfnl one the ferpentme course of the Raritan river, for fCveral milrs, through a lich tract of meadow to the Weft. The great quantity of (lone neatly dressed, and brick, the remains of the houfc lately binned, will be nearly fuPficient for a new >u'lding; and a large itone cistern, and well of excellent water, w'th a very convenient ftabie and c»ath-houfc, will greatly lefTcn the cxpence of putting the place in O'dei for the rcfidence of * Gentleman.—There are few situations f<> eligible, particularly in •he summer season—when the cool fra brt OAnhcrjt. [cp 3m] (£*• ///." 7 OCR "Ale; the 7 'hRD SESSION of *e SEN fit f{ the UNITED STA'i ES, 'may be hud of the Editor hercej. By order o£tt)j Prcfidrm Dirrftnrj, WILLIAM A. BAYLEY, Cle*. (■•.p'W Militia Fines. THOMAS PROCTER, Lieut, of the City and Liberties. *A DVKRTISEMENT. TO Bt SOLD. BY JOHN CAREY, No. f>, Pe a r-St re et, BOOKS,