Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 24, 1792, Page 379, Image 3

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    THC3.SDAY, Marc- —.
TNe V.U front: ycitcr the
o? the Door.verpcrs oi bo:a n-u ts of Coe-Txfi, rrad i -.»« i.f.l
I® co avail tee the w>o'e or. the Rrpori of :hr Secretary ot the
xi P. r c Debt.—Mr. Seoc? the Cr.air.
IVscTtroit br ?r«d. Mr. F'.ttSwocs tcm in his p-jce n:ne
re lotions, w - rovkJed for ;at f\tri! ob«c6s spec n« in ik
rrpon :—<kfcie<ci en* being read by the C;rrk.
T e coar. iiec rofcr, icpcttec prtgrei, ami km to
sis atjia.
Oo n>o" on. h vis stdered (h t ir: copies of ihcf: r .'u; on;
w v - »:en - r the members.
Mr. Williamfareported a b:l! for afrerta tSe bounds of a
tr»cr o' -»n<J ourcbafrvl by jjvon Cteve Sy tames —* "l, anu
reined to a committee of the vdnie, to-morrow.
Reoorts oo the orsMion 01 TurofT, one o; the Judges of
the Weftero Territory— itu ** on p«iuon or Henry Laurens,
vtfc rnd *rw3 laid oo the tat>!e.
A !etrer ihc Socre:; \ ot Sate was c.-tmnunicated by the
S r .Ver. T:-rr:o? to a report puriujntlo older <jf the House, on
t'lf is r ;o3 of the commerce ot the L uiteJ Starrs, v. iih foreign na
-> . , - : -1* o : e H t'ue proanciv o: nis i'ufpendmg
that report ct! the next fcflion. Lai Jon trie lab.e.
In committee of the who.% on >l>e report of tne ftleft commit,
te-*. on the memorial of the D.redois of the Ohio Company of
Tr.r recvirt was read—which conclude* with a reiolutton to this
That a committee be aooointed to report a bill tor confirming
t» the d jcfioiso! -iij compiov t the lines pwehafed by tnem oi
the tur t Mi of Treaftrv. and 'to telioqutih, on the part of the
TJtvie-c 5: dtr'iar. :: .oft laid company, o- the ba
bncf r ~r from :-.em of 500,000 collars.
T- < re:"o!ui! in. after a lon-; c;D3ie, wasdifa»reed to.
M•. f • i i.s then proposed fuiioiyit^«uiianir—the fitß of
which «a$ agreed to, viz.
Tha: a T tie be granted to the Ohio Company for the Lands al
ready pa d tor.
Ti- econd was, to £rani to the Company a right of pie-emp
tion : ' /ears, to the residue ot their purchale, at the price
aiwh ; ch Congress may dispose of their vacant Lands.
Tr ; beins; opposed, the coro.nutee rose without deciding, and
Tepo ted f c:re(j.
W . If-ae" Smith,otthe committee on er.«>l!ed bills, reported
1. <d - Y enrolled—One. 4t An ast tor the relict ot ceriato
viccv ' r r.~ans, and other pcr-ons—the o r her, 4t An art for the
xel*;f " fur dry oerlons under particular circumjtkances, barred by
the -is heretofore eilablifhcd. The Speaker figntd the
above b 5.
V >n, of the committee of conference on the diiagreein^;
▼ote ; j and relpeding the Repicfentatton Bill,
reor'* : ' -committees ot the two Houses had met and con
fer»:: —" . i -ot agree.
A mefi\ ; > received fr#m the Senate by Mr. Secretary o«is,
jr.: >' e that the Senate iniift oa their amcndmenisto
the Re :: ;*:! 1 BiH.
The bil! For fixing the compeofauons of the door-keepers of th?
House and S*na?c, was read ihe fecund time, and referred to a
committee of the whole-House on Monday next.
The report on the pe.ition of George Turner, one of the judges
of Western Territory, was Tead ihe second time, and retencd
to the cot. .ee brought iu the repoit, to briog in a bill
pnrfuani thereto.
On motion of Mr* V "iq, ihc report of rhe Secretary the
Treafuryo'; the oe;:tion > . TruftefS of Wilmiugton College,
state o?De was t ken i;i o confidcrafon, and referred 10 a
felett : »nrsm":«tee m examine and report to the House.
A me(Ta —':ct» the Senate, by M .Secretary O'. n, informed the
House tfc:: kv na% ep,iT a a bill for altei :ng the times ot holding
cerrain c r;u:t court, and for other puipoles ; in which ihey re
qutfttbeem rrenceof the H was read the firft lime.
Thtf petition of Auguit-.s C'nr«ll»an, George Eiholm, was pre
sented ar ~ ad—Refer.ed tothe Secre.ary of\Va«.
Another »r- sage ;rom the Senate, in termed the House that
they have i.ied a .dai ad "jpp'.emental to lac ast ma
king♦unherr aor. Tiare proviuon for toe defeuce ot the
frontiers of the Unrted States.
"A nyrffagr was received frou the President of the United States
bylfn Secretary Lear, informing the House thai ihe President
iMI tfcudvf- approved and signed a bil! providing for the ciaims
«f widows and orphan* barred by heretofore eOabtith
*d j«lioTega|ate the claims to invalid pensions.
. The from the Senate received yesterday, m which they
imtona the they in&ft on iheir amendments to the Re
prefcaoeioo bi'll, was taken into coofideratioo.
. Mr.Vtmm* moved that the House flioold their dif
sgrceoeat to the amendments ol the Senate— debate
caliiedaa a point of order, whether a subsequent qaeftion should
betake*, in cale the motion t.o foccde should be earned Mthe
afirmaiive—The Speaker gave it as- his opinion, that such ' wbfe
mttmt umioa jnight be made—Au appeal was made from this
4«bfio«ofihe chair, to the House determined, that
a qoeftioo would not be in order. !
After farther debate, the qacfitonoa receding was determined
ia the affirmative—ayes 31, noes 29-
Here aqoeftion wm ftaited, whether the vote just palled waaap ;
a general from the di&gKement of the Houle to all iw
amendments o£ the Senate.
The Speaker laid he confidcred the vote as referring to all the
amendments. An appeal be ng m2de to the Houfc, it was de
termined thai all the amendments were involved in the vote to
Ia committee of hole on the hill to ascertain the bouuds
•f a trz£t of land purchased by John Cieve Symmcs. Mr. Scney
in the Chair.
The committee reported the bill without amendments, and it
was ordered to be engrofled for a third leading.
The bill received froth the Senate was read the firft and second
time, and ordered to be committed to a committee ot the whole
Houfc to-morrow.
The bill authorizes the President to appoint such number of
Brig-.dier-Generals as the public service may require.
In committee of the whole on the bill lofiniih the Light-House
on Bald-Ht d. at the mouth of Cape Fear River.
The comibitiee reported the bill without amendments—and it
was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading to-morrow.
The report of a feleft committee on the petition of sundry mer
chants trading to India—which report proposes an extenlion of
the t ' allowed by law lor the p vment f the duties on teas
i"■ io»n India, was taken into consideration—agreed to ;
an<i c bill ordered to be brought in purfuaiu thereto.
I'i ' 'jir rrnttee of the wh' 1 « n the report of the Secretary of
th<. Tr< -fury on the petition ot ih executors to the eltaie of Ed
ward Carnt
I i, % irporl h'-ing icad, Mr. Goodhue offered a rcfolution pur
fuarjr rh-re o-~ihe luufimce of wh ch was, to empower the pro
per ofneer# of the trcafury to fci generally, accounts circum
stanced as he above. The committee rose without deciding—
ano ihr Houfc adjourned 'ill to-morrow.
Thole c inclined to become tubferibers to the Soutk-Caro-
I'na Tontine Bank, will please to meet at William'/* coffee house
on TJiurfday evening, at seven o'clock, for the purpose of appoint
ing a committee tc icyori a plan for ihe inlliiution.
and he* dat the cit vol Po ■ .ad?*. . i«i the State «>f Peno
f\'.\an;a, Monday the tw nr, -:o.:rth ct one
teven hundred *»id nine;\-onr.
AN ACT declaring the con sent of Congress to a
certain A<ft of the State of Maryland, and to
continue for a longer time, an A<ft declaring
the assent of Congress to certain Adls of the
States of Maryland, Georgia and Rhode-lfland
and Providence Plantations, so far as the fame
respects the States of Georgia and Rhode-lfland
and Providence Plantations.
Section : it enacted bv the Senate ?nd House of Repre-
X) fentatives of the United Statts of America, in
Congress afTemoled, That the consent of Congress be, and is here
by granted and declared to the operation of an ast of the General
Assembly of Maryland, made and palled at a feflion begun and
held at the citv ot Annapolis, on the firft Monday in November
I-'ft, intituled, " An ast empowering the wardens of the oort of
Baltimore to levy and collect the dutv therein mentioned."
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the ast intituled " An
ast declar the aiTent of Concrefs to certain acts of the States of
Maryland, Georgia and Rhodt-IfUud and Providence Planta
tions,'' ibaii be continued, and ,is hereby declared to be in full
torce, so far as the lame refpefts the Statesot Georgia and Rhode-
Wand and Providence Plantations.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this ast ftiall be and
continue in force for the term of three years, and from thence to
the end of the next feflion of Congress, and no longer.
ff the Hovfc of ReprefenUtives.
JOHN ADAMS, Viu-Prejident 0/the United Safes,
and Prefideht of the Senate.
President of tkc United States.
WHEN Dick, was iiv'd unknown—
But now, a man of fortune grown,
With all the Nab%bsin the tcwu )
He's hand and glove—the palling smile—
And compliments as smooth as oil—
And cards—in truth it raak's one laugh—
Dick scarce has time to read one ha:#.
No puppies now contrast their noses.
Nor fleer Dick with their sage supposes.
Nor call his wit and part? m question,
Nor stab his fame by falfe suggestion :
For granting Dick " a man of dollars,*
Birth, wit and sense, and learning follows.
And what is worse than all the reft,
Dick don't appear to smoke the jest;
Reciptocatcs the palling gnn,
And true mechanic fall of chin ;
Foigets that fortune is a jilt,
Who vet may give his coach a ttlt;
• For (hould the beldame, in a paflion,
Reduce Dtck to his former station,
Place him again in ftatu<juo.
And is there one will know him r—No.
Those who have eat his bread and cheese,
His hams, his venison, fowls and geese—
As rats from falling houses fly,
Will leave Dick in a ditch to die.
Philadelphia, March 24.
There is a natural propensity in mankind to extravagance—every
obje& of pursuit, whether of pleasure or profit, however mode,
rarely it may engage our attention atfirft, is ultimately over-rated ;
the consequence is difappoi.umentand vexation.
It is difficult to reltrain an ardent disposition ; when
extraordinary luccefs appears to crown the enterprizes of daring
adventurers—and hence we may observe, thai while but few have
wisdom and prudence fufficient to withftaod the treacherous but
fafcinating faults of fortune—the greater part of the world are
either drawn into her deftru&tve vortex of fpeculatton, or fuffer
at least a temporary chagrin from the apparent luccefs of her har
dy votaries.— Wha an nftru&ive fchoo] is that of experience ! —
Happy are those who profit by the fuffeiings of others—and re
p-effing the risings of envy, enjoy in peace and gratitude the solid
and substantial fruits of patient and pcrfevering mduftry.
" In the sweat of thy brow (halt th#u eat bread."—What a per
petual itruggle is maintained to obviate this ancient declaration !
What a numerous generation of mendicants has it given life to!
and how many millions, the produce of haid industry, arc year Iy
extorted from the hand of diligence by the cunning and unprin
cipled disciples of idlenels ! The charity that is bellowed on un
woithy obje&s, if properly applied, would alleviate, and a I molt
annihilate the miseries of the truly untoriunate sons and daughters
of affliction. The mod competent charity is that which guarci>
the avenues of dillrefs. Inttitutions, therefore, which place the
human mind in a capacity to acquire ufeful knowledge, are justly
to be conhdered as the result of the moll sublime policy and be
nevolence. On these principles wc may determine, chat a people
are enlightened in proportion to the provision which they make
for the u.ftfnfclion ot lhe whole body of the people, in such
branches of education as arc essential Co constitute a free, an inde
pendent and happy community.
A letter [torn the American Academy oj Aits and Sciences.
Cambridge, sth Match 1792
S 1 R,
YOUR late communications were presented to the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, and I am dir. £ted to return you
the thanks of the Academy for the fame. With regard to the
truth of your theory, and the probability ot determining longitude
from the variation oi the needle, the Academy can at prefem ex-
P-'e.s no f n imeot : Sat I "r»ve to ifcrt veil tU
> *!C v»s pit". :v» v. *• • ■ *ao: >:» lo ;bcfcS v f r*. i;..; '
* ii»orotCi v •ar vnry of.:;;; at ur.j;: L»ia£ ra«^.a:c<;;-
Convincfd of the inportanc; of ifcf»uin - \kiih accuracy uie
rt»; - cvar:- »i> ;n :re»>« pr so" ir.- £L>i>c t it
wiihti vou iucctf} in > "ir pr ->olcd vo. sod >i umv CvMu
attis jo ovci\ h i. > A tv> huurum
\Vui> fciitimems ofdur r I am, Sir,
Y.">ur orcCi'ut \'iva«;.
John Cbukcuuan, ET.J
Yfftcrday Indian Warno >, u-'v arr ved in th.s c;;v,
an audience of the Prciident ot the U
Died, in this cit\. on Monday last, Mr. Peter Jaquettf,
one of ihe principal Sachems of the One., a Xat:on c : i -
This was educated in Fraoce; lie itiui M
de la Fayette to that country on his from I'ie I' .-.ted
On WVdnefdav last his funeral was attended from Oe '»s" Hotel
to the Pieibvtenan burying grouud in Mulberry-itioct, w heie r. .s
remains w ere intened.
The corpse was preceded by detachments of the Ins *ntrv
of the city, with arms reversed—drums muffled—inuiic playing a
solemn di»«e. The corpse was followed by fix ot tne Cniefs as
mourners, fuceeeded by all the Waruors now sn this city—the
reverend Clergy of all denominations*—the Secretary ot War, and
the Gentlemen ot the War Department—Officets ot the Federal
Armv, and of the Militia—-and a number of Ciiura.
The concourfc affrrabled on ibis occasion, is supposed feo have
amounted to more than 10,000 perfoD*.
On Thurfdav arrived the (hip Three Brothers, Capt. John
Cathcart, 141 days from the Isle of France, with a ca; ot fu
gar>. Capt Cathcart made the vovage m one year exiCt»\ .
Ship President Walhington, Cape. Sailey, arrived at I lie of
France, from New-York, ad Auguil, and failed the nee for
India the 28th—Ship Aitrea, Captain Chebo, from Salt m, arri
ved thare s'h Sept. and tailed f;om thence for India the 27th.
Left there Capt. Smith.arrived ?th Oft »^er,
6 pr. Cents atfe ?*•£•
3 pr. Cents i«f
Defered 6 pr. Cents - nj(
Final Sett), and other Certificates 18/6 Sij dt.
Indents i%J 6o do.
Half (hares .Bank Stock—6o per cent. ptemium.
WASHINGTON, in tie Ttrritorj of Columbia.
A Premium
value, at the option of the party, will be given by the Gorty
mi (Goners of the Federal Buildings, to the person who, before the
fifteenth day of July next, shall produce to them the mo;t ap
proved PLAN, f adort d by them, for a PRESIDENT'S HOUSi",
to be ere&ed in this Ci v. The site of the building, it the auift
will attend to it, will of course influence the alp & and outline of
his plan ; and t's destination will point out to him the number,
fire, and distribution of the apartments. It will be a recommen
dation of any plan, if the central part of it nny be detached and
ere&ed for the present, with the appearance qf a complete whole,
and be of admitting the additional pans, in future, it they
thall be wanting. Drawings will be expe&ed of the ground plat*,
elevations of each front,and fe&tons through the building, in such
dire&ions as may be necessary to explain the internal ft-uclure;
aud an eft i mate of the cubic feet of brick-work com poling the
whole mass of the walls.
March 14, 1792.
WASHINGTON, in tKe Territory of Columbi a.
A Premium
OF a LOT in this City, to be designated by impartial judges,
value, at the option of the party ; will be given by the Commsf
fioners of the Federal Buildings, to the perion who, before the
fifteenth day of July, 1792, (ball produce to them the moil ap
proved PLAN, it adopted by them, tor a C API TOL, to be c reft era
or a MEDAL, for the Plan deemed next in merit to the one they
(hall adopt The building to be of bi ick, and to coutain the tol
owing apartments, to wit:
. n r n ) fufficient to ac-
A ( onference Room ( ,
V Room for the Representatives commoi dU j3 oc
) pcrfons each. \ to be ot
i Lobby or Antichnmber to the latter j full eleva-
A Senate Room of 1200 fquarc feet aiea J tion.
An Antichamber or Lobby to the last J
12 Rooms ot 600 fqmre feet area each, for Committee Rooms and
Clerks' Offices, to be of half the elevation of the former.
Drawings will be expc&ed of the ground plats, elevations of
each fiwnr, and fe&ions though the building in such dire&ious
as may beneceffaiy to explain the internal ltiu£ture; andaneili
mate of the cubic feet of buck-work composing the whole mass
of the walls.
March 14, 1792.
Bank of the United States.
March 21, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Stockholders be, and hereby are, au
thou fed to compleat their Shares by payment at any time
before the periods required by the law of incorporation.
Resolved, That each Share so complcated, ffiall be entitled to
draw a dividend of the profits of the BanK, from and after the firft
day of the month next fuccceding the day of compleatiug such
Resolved, That so much of the quarter's interest upon the Pub
lic Debt transferred to compleat any Share as afercfaid, as ihall
have accrued before the'fiift day of the month next fucceedmgthc
completion of such Share, ihall be received by the Bank, and paid
o the persona who (hall have transferred the fame.
By order of the Picfident and Dire&ors,
(eptiftj) JOHN KKAN, Cajhicr.
The Universal Tontine
IS opened this pay at the office of MefTrs. HAZARD and
ADDOMS, at the corner of Third and Chcfnut Streets, lor the
purpofc ot t. rming a Society, by a Subscription on Lives, 10 Con
nue aflociated lor the peiiod of 21 >ears; its principal obje£t is
toefirtt a Union of public and private interetts, and the Tt-imsof
Admiflion arc easy, being calculated particularly to favor the less
opulent citizens.
The Articles of AfTociation, in which the principles of the Ton
tine are detailed, may be had of Mr. Francis Bai j. ly, Printer,
in Market-Street.
N. B. Subfcnptions will be received from 10 to t pVlock*
daily, nil the whole number is fabferibed, according to the ar«
ticks. •
Matcfi >9, ijgt.
Boston, March 10.
106} pr.cett
60 do.
6«J do.
theft roeun*
{») ,