Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 14, 1792, Page 367, Image 3

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THE Legislatures of Tome of the States claim
a right toinftrurt their Senators in Congress.
But have thev well considered whether this claim
is warranted by the Conltitution, or compatible
■with the duty which their Senators owe to the
Union ? And if it is not, whether it is conli(lent
■with the public good, or their own dignitv, to
attempt to exercise it ?
The Constitution authorizes the State Legisla
tures to choole Senators forCongrefs—& this they
ought seasonably to do—but it gives them no au
thority to inftrurt them after they are chosen ;
and the nature of their trust feenis to forbid it:—
for it is their duty, on mature deliberation and
confutation, when afl'embled, to art what they
111 all judge 111 oft for the good of the United States
in general ; and their deliberations ought to be
free and unbiased. By the Constitution, each
House has authority to determine the rules of its
own proceedings; but they are required to pub
]i(h their journals, except such parts as in their
opinion require fecrefv, and this their conftitn
enrs have a right to expert ; —but whether their
debates (hall be public or private, is a matter of
expediency, of which they alone are the proper
j llcl g es - A CITIZEN.
"P HE . ,etrer " wnter in y° ur appears to
4 think that the portage on newspapers will
r'-ij-'--- lie circulation of those important vehicles
■ > laiion. That the portage proposed is too
ii . h, <■( mains to be proved—if it should have the
si r ,• ehended by this writer, it certainlyis;
but e eii with this charge, I conceive that the
probability is, that the circulation will be en
creafed—and surely thereby the business is put
on a better footing than it ever has been hereto
fore. The exchange papers of the printers are
to go free in the mail, and the printers may make
their contracts as usual—while by the law they
acquire bright to transmit them by the mail to
their fubl'cribers, they paying the portage, which
it is probable the subscribers will da with chear
fulnefs, if they can by that means receive their
papers with certainty and punctuality.—On the
present precarious footing of the business, it is
demonstrable that the circulation of newspapers
would very soon come to an end.—There is now
a bill before Congress for reducing the rate of
portage on newspapers—and nothing ftiort of a
convitfion that the reduction will defeat the ob
jetl which every member appears to have at
heart, viz. a rteady and puntfiual tranfmiflion and
reception of the papers, will prevent the dimi
nution. The poilnge rauli be adequate to de
fraying the expence—any thing ftiort of that,
will disappoint the public expectation. '
cause of truth and justice would be great
ly promoted were a hill to be pafled to pre
sent the rudeness and insolence with which many
barristers treat not only the witnefles but the
person against wliom they may be employed to
plead. How much would that judge deierve the
thanks of his country who Ihould attempt to re
pel such attacks upon diffidence and private cha
racter ?
On the trial of Borrett for counterfeiting the
stamp of the Goldsmith's Company, a ciicum
ftante happened which is worthy notice. Before
the jury were charged, his attorney conferred
with him for some time at the bar, and on his
return it appeared that the wife of Mr. Borrett
had the preceding evening been delivered of
Mr. Attorney General, who attended to con
du<fi the prosecution, upon being informed of
this fart, immediately addrefled himfelf to the
court, and with generous humanity as great, as
noble, as exalted as everglowed within the brea(t
of man, consented not only that the trial ihould
be deferred tUJ the next session, but that if the
prisoner could find such bail as the court should
be pleased to direift, he was willing that he should
be discharged, in order that he might go home
and afford'comfort to his wife.
Four gentlemen of fortune who were in court,
to whom the prisoner was known, iminediarely
offerer! to become his bail, and on their enterino
iiito a recognizance for his appearance, he vvaf
\\ oids would he vainly used in attempting* to
describe the »xq- ifire sensibility with which this
unparalleled liberality of Mr. Attorney General
seemed to touch every heart.
A new inftitotion among the Jews, on theplan
®f out Sunday schools, promiles much utility to
the lower clafles of that people ; as teaching on
their own sabbath is forbid, a certain number of
the male sex are to be inftru<fted gratis in Englifli
reading, writing and arithmetic, on a Sunday,
and a certain number to be apprenticed to trades.
/Vw e / P, i l r , V'-' emS f ° be the P nn 'liment for
, raurlukvt bankrupts in Scotland - were that the
' " f ' r . Wo " ld , be "eceflary to build a fcaffold
■ f , e (treecs, that gentlemen of that descrip
tion might not have far to go.
The rights of women are every day more and
rno.e invaded. A man who was acquitted at the
Old Bailey on Monday, was led out of the court
in violent kyjterics /
HA L I F A X, January' 10.
3n Sunday Jaflr failed, with a favorable wind,
» e Sterra Leon a fleet, consisting of fifteen fail,
Rot' \ the chnrgeof Lieut. John Clarkfon, of the
•Loyal Navy on board 1,200 free blacks,
iat have chosen to emigrate from this country
° (he hope of its being more conge
nial to their habits and constitutions, under the
IwTL "° f the Co,n P an y> ] ately incorporated
y Charter in Great-Britain, for the eltablifhment
of a free Colony there.
_ A NEW-YORK, March 9.
J he ttockholdeis of the Bank of Albany, have
p, e .p rr e fo'l owing gen tie 111 en as Directors , viz.
I nilip Schuyler, Abraham Ten Broeck, Stephen
Van Renflelaer, Goldfbrow Banyer, Jeremiah
t u" ' Cornelius Glen, Daniel Hale,
Jo n Maley, James Caldwell, John Stevenson,
Stephen Lnfh, Albert Pawling, and John Sanders.
c « hC 28th m ■ the House of Reprefentativts
of Mafiachufetts proceeded to the consideration
• / fi re P° rt tlle j°' nt committee on the fub
'ildi,,ga bric 'g e vver Charles-River, from
fiii- t0 Ca,,,brid ge—;and, after a free and
rull difcuflion, the question 011 the expediency of
the mealure was determined in the affirmative.
A bill was accordingly brought in.
The Hon. Genera] Aflembly of this state are
now in feffion.—lt is probable, that at this fefli
on, the following question will be agitated :
" Whether the Legi/lature will recommend to
the people of this State, the appointment of
members to form a Convention for the purpose
of forming a Conltitmion for this Hate ?"
Tle following Gentlemen were yesterday, defied Direa o rs for
.he Bank of Maryland.
William Patterlon
James Carey
Archibald Moncrirff
Simuel Smiih
Jeremiah Yellott
Robert Oliver,
Philadelphia, March 14.
Ry London papers as lale as the 10th of January, we learn
That all the German princes are declared enemies to France, who
lhould after the 15th of January countenance the aflembing and
arming of the French emigrants. An oath was preparing at Cob-
It ntz, to be taken by all the French emigrants, the substance of
which was, fidelity to the princes, and " an entire devotion to their
orders, for the glory and interest of France."—Great preparations
lor war were making throughout Francp.
The magistracy of Worms had written refpeftfully to the King
of France, that they had ever confidercd the reception of the emi
grants among them only as an ast of common hospitality but
! left his Majesty lhould take it in ill part, they had given orders'
to the Prince of Conde to quit Worms with all his retinue of dif
affected adherents. The Prince Biftiop of Liege is amongst the
most strenuous supporters of the Ex-Princes, supplying them with
every necessary foi war, and promising still more. The govern
ment of the Liegiois had forbid the sale of Montesquieu's Spirit of
laws, and Voltaire's questions on the Encyclopedia—Alltheemi- I
grants in that State were ordered to be equipped by the loih of
January. His Holiness the Pope has been very ill of an apoplec
tic fit, but was recovering—On the 26th of December, a letter
was received at Coblentz from the Emperor to the French Princes
" he allured them of his most ample assistance—and that he had'
given orders to Gen. Bender to line the frontier" ; the authenti
city of the letter was however fufpefted.
A drift look-out was kept in the channel for the (Britifhl Swal
low packet, from India, which il was supposed would bring the
moll important accounts ever received from that country ; it be
ing expe&ed in England the preferit campaign would determine
the fate ol Seringapatam and the Mysore country, Lord Cornwal
l's army, and the whole ol the Englilh tertitoty on Coromandel
coalt The French emigrants at Coblenn weie • preparing to re
t ire toHanau and the Maigi aviate of Anfpach but that the emperor's
notification totheeleftor, " That he co.ifidered even the threat
of invading that ele&orate as an hoftiliiy on the part of the French "
had lufpended I heir resolution. *
A. Z
That the circumstances of the United States have been amelio
rated by the operation of the general government, is so abun
dantly evident, that it mud be pcrfeftly astonishing to those who"
compare the past with the present fnuation of our country to hear
any complaints of its admir.iftrafion ; fads are continually occur
ing in relpeft to particular States to prove the truth of the above
remark, and with refpett to the union there is a perfe£l renova
tion. The State ol Maflachufetts from being grievoudy oppressed
with taxes, is now so relieved from public burthens as to fupercede
for the current year, any imposition whatever: before the late
war, the finances of that State were in so eligible a si. nation, that
the government commanded the money of its citizens at a much
lower, than the the legal and current rate of intercil ; from pre
<ctu appearances it is very probable that their public credit will
very shortly be equally favorably circumstanced. The fituaiion
ot other States admits of similar observations.
Can it be poilibiy conceived then that a government which in
its operations has produced such effects fliould be unpopular ? All
our fenus contradict the fuppofitiori— and he that hath eves to
ec, ears to hear, an heaitto feel, and an head to undei stand, hath
all tnefe teftifying continually in favor of the general government
May the State governments be for ever dear to the people • bnt
may they n; ver be gu.ilty of such ingratitude to heaven, as to de
ny the merits of the general government.
Robert Gilmor
Charles Garis
Alexander M'Kinn
Richard Cayton
John Holl ins
John O'Donnell.
to ree "" ,ohe fnatc!ic '' -p"»
knock an adverfarv down. So much is said about. 11 L,
would naturally ruppofe that a good deal is done Yet do we
fee that our declatmers with to make tife of the word beyond the
people °thr they come forward and honelHy lay to the
on H ■ h , R l! Cat is th « difference ot eduoti
and if Lf k "? 5 m " Ch 'hose who know ltttle j
and Who know much j- c few, and those *[,0 know little
Romany an anftocracv exilh, which nothing but theTeS
difrnfion of knowledge can remedy.
th r fe mcn prOVe lheir re P u blicanism bv palling law,
to .free schools. Let the eduction ot children bCtrtH
common charge. It a man has property and no children, 11,11 he
The more k \°l°'"t °' mU mcn ' s children.
Ihe more knowledge the fater his property. It i> a better p, O .
lecrion than armies-
• r"7f V , C th,S work ,s be e<">. is time loft. It i, „| ant
ing feed which will cqntmue to oear lor ages. All other fecur,
ties of liberty without this are trifling. Let every fiate then di
vide its territory into proper diflnfls, and eftablilh at lead one
school in each Make a beginning, and afterwards carry on the
good work as fact and as tar as polfible. Let the diftnft'b- made
liable toafTeffment for neglect, and let it be made the duty of eve
ry gtand juror, on his oath, to present the breaches of the law"
In this wealthy ano flourifhing city, the experiment could not
tail ; and a beginning made here, would Ihew what might be
one elsewhere. The Philolophers, the Patriots, the friends of
Liberty ought to rouse, and make a common cause against ,„no
be n m,d K V 'l CC ' 'r" eve, y P art of un,ted America provif.on shall
be made by law for educating the children at the common charge
Every good man rejoices in the progress of light and liberty—
ome preach up liberty for the fake of popularity, others preach
in the love of it— whatever the motives may be, dill there is
season to rejoice—for genuine liberty, whatever the medium is
an acquilition to the world. '
The Prcfident of the United States, by a„d with the advice and
cers of the t enatc ' appointed the following gentlemen Offi
ce.s of the t we've companies of Rhle-mek, to beraifod a»reea-
We to an Ast passed the s th inft. for the more effcaual Defence of
Ed ward Butler, of Allegany Win. Faulkner, Walhin»toi.
John Guthrie, WeOmoreland Uriah Springer, Fayette"
Richard Sparks, Allegany J oh „ Cook, Northumberland
....... „ . lieutenants.
VIII i am Smith, Washington Nathaniel Hufton, Wafliineton
John Cumm,ng s ,Weftmoreland Willi.™ Steedman, North" mb
Samuel Vance, Fayette Dan,el T. jennUer/ Allegany
Musk" M '^ m Steele, Cumberland
Rnb,f T ' ?, ai: P i David H- 11 . Wellinoreland
Robert Lee, Northumberland Keafon Beall, Walhington
Benjamin Bigqs. of Ohio
John Crawford, Ohio
Thomas Lewis, Botetourt
James Glenn, Berkeley
Robert Craig, Rutfel '
Wm. Clark, Louisville, Kent.
Patrick Shirkcy, Botetourt
Archibald Gray, Grecnbriar
Stephen Trigg, Keutuckey
1 he late moderate weather having lendered the Delaware atraiit
navigable, a wind on Sunday last brought into
his port the (e,eral vessels wlucl. had been detained at Marcus
Hook, by the ice.
pn Thursday even.ngiaft, Mr. Thomas Akthovy,
this city daughter ot Mr. John Stille, of
.hip Peggy, Flemminfc, Cadi*
_ cres ' , Marsh, Liverpool,
Conception, Stevens, Cadiz
Delaware, Art, Charleston
. J a " us ' Moulton, Newburyporc
Brig Sally, Willi., Qiadaloupc
Hetty, Davls> Cape-Francoi.
Georg.a Packet, Burrows, Savannah
Charleflon, German, Chatlefton
Janus, Rowe, Capc-Francoi»
°"V* . Edgar, do.
F '« i. -f'PP". Bo (lon
fair Hebe, Feinour, Cadiz
mTu"' Hawkins, St. Croix
Norfolk, Shane, Norfolk
Sch. Commerce, Foulk, Aux-Cayc«
Delaware, Knox, Sl . Croix
y Jn.- Veneman, St. Thomas
Friendflup, Welsh, CharU-fton
Sloop Union, Watson, New-York
Two Sifters, Forte, Virginia.
Adventure, B.ihop, Sinipuxent
Illinois, Story, Cape-Francois
Newbern Packet, R.dgeway, Turks-Island
Sa,l y- £ves, St. Kilts
Brig Swallow, Cheefeman, from Boston, is alhore at Nieman's
Schooner Two Sifters, Lownfbury, is afliore on Tinicum
A (hip on shore near Egg-Harbour.
6 pr. Cents 22f pr. J.
3 pr. Cents " jg
Defered 6 pr. Cents 13J6
Final Settl. and other Certificates 20/6 102* do.
Indents ,gy , g * j 0 "
Half (bares Bank Stock—77 per cent, premium.
| THE Editor of the Gazette of the United Statu, most
earnejlly requefls that those of his fubferibers, whose arrearages have,
ken accumulating for more than twelve months, would make payment as
fotm as possible at farthefl, bef ore thefrfl day of June next.
Those per/or, s who/hall be'dfpofed topatronize this Gazette after
the Pofl. Office Liwfhallgo into operation, willpleafe toJignify their
intent,on to the Deputy Polt-MafWs in the United States, who are
requefled to forwardJuchfubfcription's as may be received, to the Editor,
previous to the faidfirfl of June. The terms of fubfeription tre
Three Dollars per annum, exduftve of poflage—One ha! Fto be paid at'
the time offubferibing, the it her half to be advanced at tit erpirttitn tf
the frjl fx months.
William Lewis, Wythe
Hugh Caperton, Greenbriar
James Stevenson, Berkeley
I John Boyer, Boretourt
Benjamin Lockwood, Ohio
Benjamin Stiother, Culpepper
"• N S.
James Hawkins, Botetourt
Baker Davidfon, Bath •
Hugh Brady, Ohio
tio pr. cent,
66 do.
67J do.