Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 10, 1792, Page 364, Image 4

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T . TREASURY DEPARi MEKr, March 6, 1792.
Oi is hereby given, that Piopofals will be received at
i- ine Othce.of Ihe Sevretary of the. Treasury, until 5 o'clock
111 tne afternoon of WedncfdAy the 21ft day of March iiulant, for
Che tup ply of the articles til Clothing tor the Troops
in tiic feivice of ,s ates, viz,
For t!:c It; , a :j r k y and Artillery.
4,608 hats 18,460 shirts
4,608 coats 7>&56 pairs of socks
4,608 velts 4,608 blankets
8,668 woolen overalls 4,608 flocks
Q/216 linen dmo 4<6bß flock clasps
18,376 pairs of (noes 4,608 pairs of buckle?.
For the Cavalry.
320 caps 640 do. of (lockings
320 coats 1,280 (huts
320 veffs 320 blankets
320 pairs leather brecches- 320 flocks
640 do. of boots 320 flock clasps.
* 320 do. of fpnrs
Also, 1,200 rifle shirts, to be made of Ruflia sheeting.
Of the above clothing, five hundred suits are to be delivered on*
the lj'.n day of April next ; one thousand suits on the 15th day
of May next; one thou fa nd five hundred luits on the 1 sth day of
June next; and the remainder on the 15th day of July next. —
The place of delivery may be either at NVw-York, Philadelphia
or Baltimoie, ar the option of the contra&or or contta&ors.
Propolals wil. be received for the whole of the above mentioned
clothing, or for any one component article fep-irately ; to be fur
nifhed agreeably to patterns or fpecimcns, which may be fcen at
the War Office.
Good fecuuty for the pun&ua) and faithful performance of the
con trad): will be required. The payments will be on the delivery
of the clothing; or, it necellary, fach reafouable advances will be
made as mav he desired.
Joseph Anthony, & Son,
At their Store, No. 5, on Chejhut-Street Wharf 9
A FEW puncheons choice old Jamaica Spirits,
Grenada, St. Kiti3 and Nevis Rum,
Port-au-Prince, Cape-Francois and Surinam MolafleS/
Coffee, Coton, and Pimento,
Myfon and Souchong Tea, of the firft quality,
Cloves, Caflia, and Bo ft on Chocolate,
Spermacaeti Candles and drained Oil,
Salmon and picked Mackarei,
Boston Beef and Burlington Pork,
Ruflia and Boston Canvas^
A few bales excellent Hops r
Myrtle Wax Candles,
St. Martin's Salt,
Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter calks,
And a few cases old Batavia Arrack,
February 8, 1 792
American Lead Manufactory.
HAVE just now opened their Lead-Warehouse, two doors
south of Walnul-Itreet Wharf, adjoining their New Factory—
where thev have now made, and ready for falc, a general allort
ment ot SHOTof all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the
production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a
number of experienced Engiifh workmen, they warrant it to be
equal in quality to any manufactured in Europe, and at a reduced
price from the cost of imported.
They also continue to manufacture all the above articles at
Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrefled to either of the
above Factories, will be thankfully received, and executed on the
lhorteft notice.
N. B. Wanted, indubious, fobcr, Labouring Men, at the said
Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and other encourage
ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and
houses for their reception.
For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Moses Austin & Co.
at their Fdtlory in Richmond, or as above,
December 3, 1791
Dismal Swamp Canal Company.
PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters of Elizabeth
River in Virginia, to those of Pafquotank in North-Caroiiiia,
or for condu&ing the work, will be leceived until the ninth day
of April next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamfburg ; Thomas
Newton, jun. and Daniel Bedinger, of Norfolk, in Virginia ; by
John Cowper, of Gates County ; and Benjamin Jones, of Cam
den County, in North-Carolina. The length of the Canal will be
abeut sixteen miles; the country through which it will pass, is
swampy, free from stones, and covered with heavy wood. The
Canal is to be thirty-two feet in width, and eight feet at least ia
depth, below the I'urface of the earth, and capable of being navi
gated in dry seasons, by vcffels drawing three feet water.
Good ficnrity will be required of contraflors; and persons
making application to be employed as managers, tnuft produce
certificates (from charaflers ot rcfpeflability; of their qualifications
for a business of this kind.
By oidctof the Prelidem and Directors,
( C P'9 A )
Norfolk, January 21, 1.792
Annapolis, ]<uiu.»ry 1, 1702.
AtaMeetingof theVifitors and Governors of St. John's College
in [he Stale of Maryland, on Thurtday the 10111 of Novcinl
ber last,
THAT this the quarterly meeting in May next, pro.
cred to deft a Vice-Principal of St. John's College.
" That it be the duty of the Principal and Vice-Principal, to
teacli Come of the higher Authors in Latin and Greek, ctrtain
parts of the Mathematics, Logic, and Moral and Natural Philoso
phy; and that the departments of the said Principal and Vice-
Principal shall hereafter be alcertained with precision, on consi
derations ot their mutual convenience and refpe&ive qualifications.
That the Vicc-Principal (hall be entitled to receive, for his ter
vices, a salary of three hundred and fifty pounds, current money
rating dollars at 7/6 each, to be paid quarterly.
lhat pcrlons delirous of, and qualified (or the appointment of
V ice-Pnucipal,be,by public advcilifement rtqueftrd to make ap
plication to Mr. Charles WaPace, Mr. Chai les Carroll of Carroll
ion, and Mr. Alexander Contee Hanfon, all of the city of Anna
polis. By order of the Board,
*1 n Ti r J JOHN IHOMAS, I'refident.
N. B. Ihe fundamental Laws ol St. John's College prohibit all
preferenceon account ol religious teneis or opinions.
As the appointment of a Vice-Principal is alone wanted to
complcat the plan of this rising seminary, Board will certai'nlv
proceed tothe e left ion at the Hated time; provided a person qua
i.hcd, in their judgment, for this important Itation, can be pro
cured, lhe perfonaf attendance of the candidates, although not
polittvcly required, will be nbvioufly proper.
It may be ufcful to remaik, that the falariesof all the profeffors
alio leachcrs have hitherto been paid with entire punfluaiity ; and
that the kinds of St John's College produce a certain annual in
come, iupeiior to all ihc appropriations, which have bceu, or D.o
liably will be made. • I
O'f the firft quality—by fetail*, -
No 19,
Third-Street,between ChHinit and Market Streets
Of ihe real Ellate of JOHN KIDD, late of the
Town (hip of Benfelem, in the County of Bucks,
Esquire, deceased, purfuAnc to the Directions
of his 1 ali: Will and Testament.
O>J Tutfday the 27th ot March next will be exposed to Sale,
by way of Public Vendue, on the piemifes—One exceed
ing! v valuable ai>d highly unproved Farm, containing about two
hundred.and ninety-nine acres, fuuate on the river Delaware; on
which ii ere&ed a handsome two-story brick houfc, with a new
piazza m the lront, two kitchens, a good barn,(lables, hay-house,
and other convenient out houfi s. A good orchard of Ihe belt kind
of grafted i ruit, now iu iis pri me ; a large garden well fenced in,
and in good order; and a shad and herring fifliery before the cfoor.
This place is remarkably well timbered, has a fufficienev of mea
dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the pott-road.
One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; containing
about two hundred and seven acres, the greatest part of which is
wood-land. There are 011 this farm a good houfc, barn, stables,
and other outhouses, with a young thriving orchard of the belt
grafted fruit, and a ibad and herring fiftiery. It has long been a
well accullomed tavern; and the ferry belongingto it, known by
the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre
quented. Both the above places afford the bell profpe&s on the
river, and are remarkably healthy.
One other small Farm, containing about sixty-three acrcs, situ
ate in the township of Southampton, in the sounty aforefaul ; on
which are erected two log-houses. There is a small orchard, and
a great fuflFiciency of wood-land and meadow ground.
One Lot, containing four acres, situate on the great pofl-road
leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the
former. On it is a good log d welling-houfe, and work-shop ad
joining, with a well of excellent water at the door: now in the
tenure of the Widow Ward.
Also, at the fame time and place, will be fold all the remaining
Stock, Houfhold-Furniture, Farming Utensils, and Wheat in the
N. B. The conditions of sale will be, one-third of the purchase
money to be paid down, and the remainder in two yearly pay
ments with interest.
/\ VALUABLE PLANTATION, the title indisputable, in
ihe county of Gloucefler, supposed to contain five hundred
and forty acres of Meadow Land and Cedar Swamp, situate on a
branch of Little Egg-Harbour River, in the township ol Galloway.
There is on fa id premises a frame house and kitchen, a small hay
house and stable. About sixty acres of the land cleared, and about
one hundred and ninety of woodland, and a cedar swamp, chief
ly well timbered, and about 300 acrcs of meadow (intei fper fed
wiih frefb water flowing streams) fufficient to supply one hundred
head of cattle.—The situation is allowed by judges, to be capital
for raising flock.—Any pcrfon inclining to purchase said Planta
tion, may have pofleffion from the 25th of March ensuing. The
terms may be known by applying to the fubferiber, livinc at
Quinton's Bridge, m the county of Salem; or a further descrip
tion may be had, by applying to Richard Wood, senior, 111
Greenwich; or Joseph Sloan, Surveyor, near Hattonfield ; or of
James Scull, adjoining said lands.—The place above mentioned,
is a pleasant healthy country, within two miles of three grift and
saw-mills : And three houses appropriated to divine worship, are
about the fame diflance» Terms of payment made eafv, bv
[e P4 w
Quinton's Salem County,
2d mo. 13 th t i 792. <
* if
TO raise the Cam of £. 750 for the purpose ot repairing the
Protefta-nt Episcopal Church in the city of New-Brunfwick,
agreeable to an a£l of the Legislature of the State of New-Jerfey|
parted November 1791.
1814 prizes.
3520 Blanks.
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls.
(M Tins Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks
to one Prize, and fubjett to a dedu&ion of twelve and an half per
cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotteiy yet
offered to the public—and it being of l'uch evident utility, that it
cannot be doubted bui the undertaking will meet with the mofl
liberal support.
The drawing will commence on the second Monday in April
or looner it the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New-
Brunfwick, under the infpe&ion of Col. John Bayard, President
of laid city; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city of Amboy •
and Archibald Mcrcer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Manufactur
ing Society ot New. Jerfcy.
1 ickets to be had of the following persons, who arc duly ap
pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given security for the
1 al lnrul performance of their duty.
A ha of the fortunate numbers will be publifhcd, and the
prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery
PETER kEENON, < Managers.
N. B. Those prizes which are not demanded within fix months
after the drawing ol the Lottery, will be confidercd as a generous
donation to the Church.
Ncw-Brunfwfcky January p.o, 1792
Thirty Dollars Reward.
OTOLEN on 1 hurfday the 26th ult. a bright Bay HORSE
1 T'n h "t Saticlle d Br,rfie : about 14 hands and ail half hipti'
a dai k'lh imp reaching down his lacc to Lhe end of his nose a'
little on two of h,s feet, * ith a while spot under ins left eve
about the fizc of an English shilling, hi. hind sect turn in. round
made, five vears old.tro.s and canters well. Whoever takes up
laid horse, lo that the owner may get him again, (hall receive Fif
teen Dollars ; or the above rewaid tor lhe horse and thief, pa,d by
the lubfcnber, living in Pifcatawav. about q miles fro,,, \> w _
Brunfwick, New-Jerfry. BARZILLAI E. RANDOLPH
revruary 22, 1 ;g2. / »
E ' A
JOHN M. NESBIT, C Executors.
M E.
Dollars is 2000
Prize of 200®
AO. >6, i'EAR .St jui '
Scarce and Valuable
Wh:ch may be fcen every day, uvti! five o'clock p
Ft!,J. TTO\IER,XeiM,pI„,n, Pl a ,«„ Pluta,: i,, Enfebius, Son,
IX men, fhcodoret, ViVpil, Horace, Livy Ticiu p
cuius, Pl'riy, Concurdantia I a,. Concordaillia G,'. Tntfmm'r'
ceroim. Biblia Junu and Tremtllii. Bible dc Manin,WrlK\y "
Scapula— Phavoritii—Mai tinii—Hoffmani Lcxica V, 111 •
10gic.,.., Ai.tigui. Ecclet ' " tl >" no -
gaar/o. Pindar, CyropKdia, Bentley's Horace, Termc , J
Phffidrus, Ovid, Juvcrial, Mamlius, C.ceron,sop. om C*far k"
etomus, Julius Pollux, Hcderici Lexicon, Voffii Ars Gram C\
ri. Geo S raphU, Julfc.iiar. Code, &c. ' Cluvc "
OHavo et injra. Homer, Anacreon, Ariftoohanes,
Theophraftus, Hefiod, Poelae minores Gr, liberates, Philari? *
rims editions as Horace, Virgil, Terence,and Ovid Tibullin Pi"*"
t U ': L ? C Z a ' Mar, . ial » Claudian, Val. Flatus. Aufonins, Buch,n*T
Sailuit, Curtius, Howas, juftin, Val; Majtimus, A Geiltus Hft' l
Ausuft. Scriptores. Engfi/h and French Tranjlati> m u s f„ me ' o(
Clafucs, a great variety of Greek and I-atin Grammars, & c
£3" Catalogue.- may be had of Mdfis. Rice & Co.'Bonkfrlit,.
Market-street, or °f JOHN CAREY '
Oft" 1 "" 1 - 3'- ; (ro'f.)
Militia Fines. *
THE Collectors of Militia Fines in the Citv and Liberties of
Philadelphia,and thediftriflsol Movamenfmgand Pjflyuok
are hereby required to colleS and pay into the County Treasury'
all arrearages of fines, and to fettle and depnlit their bnoks afid
vouchers in my Office, at JJo. 6t, Walnut-ftrcet, on or beforethe
fiift day of April next. Wherefore Notice is given, Thai im
mediately from fie said firft day of ApriJ, all Colleflors whn
(hall tail in complying with this requiGtion, will be pnweedtd
against according to law. •
Phibd. Feb. 25, *.792.
To be SOLD peremptorily, at Purlic Vendue,on Wednesday
the 11th day of April next,
SEAT of the lare Docftor Lewis Johnflfo,
A deceased, in Perth-Amboy, containing TWO HUNDRED
1 his place is bounded southerly for near a mile on the river
Rantan, where ir empties into the bay about \ 8 miles from-Sandy-
Hook, and affords two raoft agreeable (itudtions for Gcntlemcns'
Seats. There are now on it, two brick houses, with gardens, and
a good colle&ion of fruit trees of the best kinds. The land is'very
fertile, and a great part of it very good meadow ; and from its fili
ation on the river, has the advantage of fifh of different kinds, in
their seasons, particularly of oysters and chicken clams, which tnav
he pickcd in great plenty on the flits before the doors. It is a
delightful, healthy situation, capable of genteel and tasty improve
ments ; and as Perth-Amboy is one of the best sea-ports in the
United Slates, and within 18 miles of the sea, the prospect of its
increasing in value from that circumstance, is by no means lucon
1 heie wil' also be (old, other Lots, within the bounds of the
city, and about Five Hundred Acres of Land on the opposite fide
of the river Raritan—part of which is unmoved bv a farm—on
which there is a framed dwelling-house and barn, with an orchard
of grafted apple trees, and will contain about one hundred and
fifty acres ; the remainder will be fold in convenient lots, well
wooded and timbeied, and very convenient for supplying Ncw-
York-and other markets with fire-wood, timber for Ihip build
ing, and other uses, the transportation by water being easy and
fafe. The conditions will be made known at the day of fa!e,
and the icquifite conveyances made by
Likewise to be SOLD, at the fame time and place,
ELEVEN ACRES of LAND, adjoining the above, the pro
perty of the Proprietors of East New-Jersey, whereon the pro
prietary ho life lately flood. The elegant situation of this spot is
hardly to be equalled ; it affords a grand profpeft of Raritan
Bay, and of t lie Bay foi med by the waters of Raritan and Hud
son's rivers, where they disembogue into the sea to the £afl—and
a mod delightful one of the feipeutine courle of the Raritan river,
for several miles, through a rich tra£fc of meadow to the Weft.
The great quantity of {lone neatly drefled, and brick, the remains
of the house lately burned, will be nearly fufficient for a new
building; and a large stone cistern, and well of excellent watrr,
with a very convenient ftableand coach-hpufe, will greatly lelTen
the expence of putting the place in order for the residence of a
Gentleman.— There are tew situation;, so eligible, particularly in
the summer feafoti—when the cool sea breezes, 2nd the elevated
(ituatioris, render them places of pleasing retreat, from the confine
ment and sultry air of the louthern dates and neighbouring ci'ies.
Perth-Ambox, Feb. 15, •1792. (ep6w) ,
ALL the lauded estate of GEORGE WARNER.Heceafed, con
fining of a valuable Plantation and tratt of Timber La"d>
supposed >.o contain between four hundred and 450 acres, about
90 of which is plow-land and 15 of drained meadow. 1 here is
on the farm a dwelling-house and kitchen, a cooper's (bop and a
large barn ; a well of water at the door, a good apple orchar .
The house Hands close on a good landing belonging to the fai
ptemifes ; the reft of the land is well timbered and lies wit nj
one mile of laid landing, and an equal distance from a saw-mi
and grift.mill and alio of Quinton's Bridge, bounding on t c
Main, Allawav's Creek, in the county of Salem, five miles 10m
Salem Court-Houfe.
Any person that is disposed to view or purchale the fa' P
mifes, may fee the place and know the terms, by apply ul S 10
the fubfciibcrs near the fame.
MARK MILLER and ) £ XCC utors.
Salem County, 2d mo. 13th, 1792.
N. B. There is likewise a lot of Meadow ground or a •
acres, adjoining lands of Abbott Sayres, and others,
of said dcceafed, to be fold in manner as above, by the 31 c
' r pu-' 1
cutors. —-
Public Securities,
Bought arid Sold, on COMMISSION', by
A TABLE lor receiving and pavmg Gold at the B'nk o.
United States, fbewino; the Value of Gold,in D-> 1 ar s 3
Cents, from One to a Thousand Penny weights—accord ing i" 1
A6l of Congress, aiceitaming theStaiulaid and Ydiueot G<"
(fT B/at,i Power, t„ reave
[nine pal of hnblic J?r(. agreeable to the Rules fjl>ibhjittd int t
'urx Department: *4'Jq Ul.mks fJ *
of the City and Liberties.
JAMES PARKER and > „ „ . .. ~. r „ ,
BOWES REED, Trufteestothc said Eftalf.
Che^fnnt-Street,nnct doo r to th* Bank. N T <>. 01-