Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, February 22, 1792, Page 344, Image 4
PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA. FBR. QUANTITY February 20. —Dollars 100 Centseach, ANCHORS yc 8c Allum, Englilh, pr.c. 3<^73 c 4^ Dmo, Roch pr. lb. Nt Ashes, pot, per ton, 90J ioo<i Pearl, 14°^ Arrack pr. gall. 1 d 33c id 67c Brandy, common, id 1 ic Cogniac id 20c id 30c Braziletto, pr. ton. 33c qcd Bricks, pr. M. \d ijd Bread, (hip, pr. cwt. id 88c 2d Ditto, pilot 3^67c Ditto, small water 36c 40c Beer, American, in ") bot pr.doz. bot. incl. J pr. bbl. 4d 67c c/ 5 f Oak pr.M feet, iod Q | Merch. pine 16d 17d 2 4 Sap, do. Bd 50c yd O I N.Eng. Ud cq *4** The dbove are the Shallop prices; Jot the Yard prices add id 33c pr. M. Brimstone rolls pr.cwt. 3d u* ( Irish pr. bbl < Boston ca ( Country Butter pr. lb. in kegs £ f Sper. pr. lb. _! | Wax Q Myrtle Wax 2 | Mould,tallow 6 L Dipped Cheese, Englifli, pr. lb. 19c Country 8c 10c Chocolate l s c Cinnamon 2d 40c 2d 67c Cloves *d 33c Coal pr. bulhel 20c 22c Cocoa pr. cwt. 10d 67c 11 d 33c Coffee pr. lb. *7 C Copperas pr. cwt. \d67c Cordage ya6ycSJ Cotton pr. lb. 23c 34c 7 d 8d 6d 7 d 16c <-)/- 1 Of 10C 12C 43 c 52 c 5 6: '3 C 1 1 c Cuirants 1 3 c Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece Ravens 93 c 7 C Feathers pr. lb- 4 0c 44 c Flax Flaxfeec pr. bush. 85c 90c Flour, Super, pr. bbl. 5^ 2 5 c Common, 4^74 c 5^ • Bur middlings,beft 4d 13c Meal, Indian 2d 67c Ship-ftuff 1 d id 33c Fustic pr. ton, 20d Gin, Holland, pr.cafc, 4d\d33c Do. pr. gall. 80c Glue, pr. cwt. zod 2id 33c Ginger, whiterace 7^7^33 c Ditto, common 7d 20c Ditto, ground pr. lb. gc Ginseng, 2cc 24c Gunpovder, can- ) , d non, pr. q. c. $ 0 0 Ditto, fine glazed 4d f Wheat pr. buOi 90c 93c ! Rye 54c 60c 5 i Oats 26c 33c "K <( Indian corn 44 c 4&-' ! Barlcv 60c 66c j Bed fiielled pr. lb. 3c (_ Buckwheat per bufli. 28c Hemp, ton, 120 d 146. 67c Ameiican, pr. lb. 4c 5c Herrings, pr.bbl. zd6yc Hides, raw pr. lb. 9c 11c Hops 77c Hogthead hoops, pr. M Isd Indigo, French lb. ldzpc id 33c — Carolina 40c id Irons, fad pr. ton, 33c f Callings pr. cwt 3d 47c £ | Bar pr. ton, 82d O «> pig 26d 6yc £ | Sheet 173J 33c Nail rods 96d Junk, pr. cwt. 4d §d Lard, hogs pr. lb. 9c 10c Lead in pigs pr.c. 5^67c in bars 7d Lead, white iodiod6yc — red 6d/^oc6d6:c Leather, foal pr. lb. 14c 1 jczoc Lignum vitae pr. ton, §d 60c 6d Logwood 24^ Mace pr. lb. Mackarel, bell pr. bbl. gd - ftcond quality 6d 67c Madder, best pr. lb. t6c 20c Marble.wrought, pr.f. Mad spars 33c 67c MolalTes pr.gall. 41 c 45c Mustard per. lb. 87c Mahogany pr. foot, 10c Nails,tod\2.d and 20d toe Nutmegs pr. lb. Bi/ f Lmfeed, pr. gall. 50c 1 Olive 87c Ditto pr. cafe, 2d $cc I Beftfwecuin ) . - <j $ lod I —baskets 12 bottles $d I Spermaceti pr. gall. 48c I Train 24c 27c l_Whaie 22c 28c Porter pr. cask, 5d 33c London,pr. doz. id6oc Porter, American ) , , pr.doz. bouincl. \ idicul6oc IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, andBOHEA teas, REFINED SUGARS,COFFEE,&SPICES,&c.&c Of the firH quality—by retail No. 19, Third-Street,bet ween Chefnut and Market Streets Pitch, pr. bbl. id 7oc 2d Pork, Burlington, \od 33c Lower county 9d 33c Carolina Peas, Albany pr. bush, Pepper, pr. ib. Pimento Raisins, best, pr. keg " t d Sd 73 c 44c 47c 2 yc 20c Ditto pr.jar Ditto pr. box 4<i Rice pr. cwt. 2d 67c 2d93c Rosin pr. bbl. zd 33c 2d 67c I* Jamaica pr. gall | Antigua J Windward i Barbadoes 90c 87 c 73 c 77 c 73 c I,Country, N. E. Sjljt petre, pr. cwt. 13d 33 c 14d SaHafras pr. ton 6d 8d Shot 140^ j ( German 9c W )Englifh, blistered cwt\od H pr. ton <0 (Crowley's pr. fag 10d6jc Snake root pr. lb. tcc 42c Soap, Brown 6c & Castile lif Starch 7 c Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4d 5d 60c Spermaccti, refined, 48c Sail cloth, English,") n g c Whitq No i, per yard, J •Boston, No. I. . 30c No. 11. 29c Ruflia fhecting, pr.p. 124? C Lump, pr. lb. 1 d { Loaf, Angle refined 25c J Ditto, double do. 33c S? I Havannah, white 16c 17c 00 Ditto, brown, 12c 14c \\d\sd33c Spirits Turpentine p. g. 33C37C f Allum pr. bufo.24c2;c j 29c < 25c 1/3 ( Lisbon 25c 27c Ship build. W. 0.1 J2d j frames p. ton, J o 00 Do. L O. 33c i6d 67c Do. red cedar, p. f. 33c 40c Shingles, fh. p. M. 2d 33c 2d 67 Do. long drefled Scantling, hearts 2 Sap 8J Sd 67 c f Pipe pr. 1000 • W. O. hog (head igd 33 c > j R.O. do. lgd 50c j Lcogan i6d Barrel 10 d L Heading 26d 6 c ' Otter, best pr. pie. 4d6yc Minks 20c 40c Fox, grey red Martins <J Fishers ~ Bears Racoons 40c B®c id 20c 24c id 33c 67c 3 d 27c 6cc 11 c 20c Mtifk-rats Beaver, pr. lb. 67c id 33c LDeci, in hair 2Cc 30c Tar,N. Jcrfcy, 24 gal. p. bbl. id —Carolina,32 gall, xdftgcidSjc Turpentine pi. bbl. id 67c 2d I' James R. best 3d 6ce 73c •-£J • inferior 2d67c 3 d o old Ad 67c Rappahannock 2d 50c 3d q Colo.Maryland $d 33c Sd O Dark 2<y 40c Long-leaf 2d 40c E3 Eastern-shore 2d id 93c O ! Carolina, new 2d jc 3d H L old do. f Hyson pr. lb. 93c id 28c <s) I Hyson fk n, 53 c 6 7 C <<; Souchong, s oc 93c H I Congo, 43c 50c 34c 36c Tallow, refined 9c Tin pr. box, 33 c C Vetdigreafe pr. lb. 47c 53c Vermillion Varnish, 33c 37c f Madeira, pr. p. 106 d 200 d • Lvibon 96^100^ j Teneriffe, pr. gal. $ic6cc [xj I Fa Y al 44 c 49 c 2 <J Port pr. p. io6d 6yc 12cd Do. in bottles,pr. doz. "* Claret 6d Sherry pr. gall. 90c id2oc Malaga 77c 80c Wax, Bees pr. lb. 25c 27c Whale-bone,long 13C30C COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, 90 davs 60 days 2pr.cent. prem 30 Oays Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, gg c 90 days 38c Government bills, drawn at to days per 11 guilders, 41/ 44c France, 60 davs 80c TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, ALL the landed cftate of GEORGE W ANER, deccaled, c0 "~ fitting of a valuable Plantation and tract of Timber Land, supposed >ocontain between four hundred and 4.50 acres, about qo of which is plow-land and 15 of drained meadow. I here is on the farm a dwelling-hrtufe and kitchen, a cooper's (nop and a large barn ; a well of water at the door, a good apple orchard. The house (lands close 011 a good landing belonging to the (aid premises; the reft of the land is well timbered and lies within one mile ot said landing, and an equal diltance from a saw- nill and grift-mill and also of Quinton's Biidge, bounding on the Main, Allaway's Creek, 111 ttie county of Salem, five miles trom Salem Court-Houlc. Any perlon that is disposed to view or purchase the said pre mises, may fee the place and know the terms, by applying to the fubferibers near the fame. MARK MILLER and J sxecutors . ANDREW MILLER, > * SaUm County, 2d mo. 13M, 1792. N. B. There' is likewise a lot of Meadow ground of about 25 acres, adjoining lands of Al.bolt Sayres, and others, the propeity of said deceased, to be fold in manner as above, by the said exe cutors. [' P4 W J Joseph Anthony, & Son, HAVE FOR SALE, At their Store, No. 5, on Cliefnut-Street Wharf, AFKW puncheons choice old Jamaica Spirits, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis Rum, Port-au-Prince, Cape-Francois and Surinam Molafles, Coffee, Colon, and Pimento, Hyson and Souchong Tea, of the fit ft quality, Cloves, CafTia, and Boston Chocolate, Spermaceti Candles and drained Oil, Salmon and picked Mackarel, Boston Bee! and Burlington Pork, Ruflia and Bolton Canvas, A few bales excellent Hops, Myrtle Wax Candles, St. Martin's Salt, • Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogftieads and quarter ca(ks, And a tew cafcs old Batavia Arrack, February 8, 1 792 A LOTTERY, TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of New-Brunfwick, agreeable to an a£l of the Legislature ot the State of New-Jersey, palTcd November 1791. SC H E 1 P 1 2 5 10 3° go ' >675 Prize of 1814 Prizes. 3520 Blanks. 5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls. (£IT This Lottery is composed of ,5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubjett to a deduttion of twelve and an half per cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lottery vet offered to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the mod liberal support. The drawing will commence on the second Monday in April, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New- Brunfwick, under the infpe£lion of Col. John Bayard, President of said city; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city of Amboy; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Manufactur ing Society of New- Jerfcy. Tickets to be had of the following persons, who are duly ap pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given security for the faithful performance of their dutv. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be publifiied, and the prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery. JOHN PARKER, ) PETER KEENON, C Managers. ANTHONY W. WHITE, ) N. B. Those prizes which are not demanded within fix months a.fter the drawing of the Lottery, will be confidcitd as a generous donation to the Cburch. New-firuvfwicl, January 20, 1792 American Lead Manufactory. STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co. TTAVE juftnow opened their L f. ad-War ehous e, two doors louth of Walnui-ftreet Wharf, adjoining their New Fa£)ory_ where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general affort mem of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced Engliih woitiwn, they warrant it to be equal in quality to any manufactured m Europe, and at a reduced price from the cost of imported. 1 hey also continue to manufaflure all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrcfTed to either of the above Factories, will be thankfully received, and execntcd on the lnortelt notice. N. B. Wanted induftriouj, sober, Labouring Men, at the said : lines, where constant employ, good wages, and othci encourage ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and houses for their reception. at ' jart ' c ' lla " cn( l» i " of MeflVt. Moses Aust , n & Co. at their Factory in Richmond, or as above. Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. Dismal Swamp Canal Company. PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters ot Elizabeth or fn RIVCr ,' n A V "S'ma,toth„fc of Pafquotank in N'orth-Ca.olina, or so, conducing the work, will be .eceived until the nin.h day of April next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamlburg ; Thomas lohTr"' Jl,n ' arld «a n ' e ' Bcdtngcr, of Norfolk, in Virginia ;by J hn Cowper, of Gates County ; and Benjamin Jones, of Cam den County, ,n North-Carolina. The length of the Canal vHI be bout fixtcen miles ; the country through which it will pass ,s swampy, free: from (lones, and covered with heavy wood The Canal ,s to be thirty-two feet in width, and etght feet at ieaft in depth, below the furface of the carib, and capable of heirm gated in dry seasons by veiTels drawing th S water g "..k£ application' By order of the Pref.dem ar.d Directors WILLIAM A. BAYLEY, Cletk. Norfolk* January i>i, •• B '^f^raa s ojcLA?"<:s% 344 [cp4 w] M E, Dollars is 2000 200© 1000 s°° 200 1000 1000 1000 100 50 20 4 1000 1530 1800 6700 16000 [ep 3 m] (epJ 9A ) Prfi l adelfhi a, February 16, i-jo? NOTICE. ' npi-IF. Officers of the Militia Battalions of the City, the Northern JL Liberties, and Southern Dillrift of Philadelphia, arerequefted to aflemble at the Srate-Houfe, properly uniformed, at half p a )t 2 o'clock, on Wednefdav next, the 226 instant. The Volunteer Corps of Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, will parade at said place at 11 o'clock, to take orders for the firings and exercise r.f the day. It is also p.irticulaily requested, that such Officers of the Army of the United States as may be in this City on that day will join the Procession of their fellow Officers and Citizens above, at half part 2 o'clock. TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, A VALUABLE PLANTATION, the title ind>fputable, in Tl the county of Glouceftei, fijppofeJ t« conr.n 11 five hundred and forty acres of Meadow Land and Cedar Swamp, fitnatc on 4 b-anch of Little Egg-Harbour River, in the townfhipol Galloway. There is on said piemifis a frame house and kitchen, a imall hay house and stable. About sixty acres of the land clearcd, and about bne hundred and ninety of woodland, and a cedar swamp, chief ly well timbered, and about 300 acres of meadow (intn iperfed wi'.h I Y< Hi water flowing ilreams) fufficient to supply one hundred head of cattlc.—The situation is. allowed by judges, to be capital for railing flock.— Any per foil to purchase said Planta tion, may have pofTeflion from the 25th of March ensuing. The terms may be known by applying to the fubferiber, living ec Quinton's Bridge, in the county of Salem ; or a further defcrip. tion may be had, by applying to Richard Wood, senior, in Greenwich ; or Joseph Sloan, Surveyor, near Hattonfield ; or of James Scull, adjoining; said lands.—The place above mentioned, is a pleafani healthy country, within two miles of three grift and saw-mills : And three houses appropriated to divine woi ihip, are about the fame distance* Terms of payment made easy, by Quinton's Bridge, Salem County, 2d mo. 1 otA, 1792. SALES Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of th® Townfhipof Benfelem, intheCountyofßucks, Esquire, decealed, pursuant to the Directions of his last Will and Testament. Tuesday the 27th of March next will be cxpofed to Sale, by wav of Public Vendue, on the premises—One exceed ingly valuable and highly improved Farm, containing about two hundred and ninety-nine acres, situate on the river Delaware; on which is ere&ed a handsome two-story brick house, with a new piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn, (tables, hay-house, and other convenient outhoufc s. A good orchard of the best kind of grafted iruit,now in its prime; a large garden well fenced in, and in good order; and a shad and herring fifhery before the door. This place is remarkably well timhei ed, has a fufficiency of mea dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the post-road. One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; containing about two hundred and seven acres, the greatest part of which is wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, stables, and other outhoufrs, with a young thriving orchard of the best grafted fruit, and a shad and herring fifhery. It has long been a well accnftomed tavern ; and the ferry belongingto it, known by the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre quented. Both the above places afford the best profpe£ts on the river, and are remarkably healthy. One other small Farm, containing about fixty-thrre acrcs, situ ate in the township of Southampton, in the sounty afotefaid ; 011 which are ere&ed two log-houses. There is a small orchard, and a great fufficiency of wood-land and meadow ground. One Lor. containing four acres, situate on the great poQ-road leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the former. On it is a good log dwelling-house, and work-shop ad joining, with a well of excellent water at the door : now in the tenure of the Widow Ward. Also, at the fame time and place, will be fold all the remaining Stock, Houfhold-Furniture, Farming Utensils, and Wheat in the ground. N. B. The conditions of sale will be, one-third of the purchafc money to be paid down, and the remainder in two yearly pay ments with interest. JOHN SWIFT, ) JOHN M. NESBIT, [ Executors. SAMUEL BENEZET, ) (eptwj) War Department. January 2, 1792. INFORMATION is hereby g»ven to all the military invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitlcd tor fix months of their annual pension, hom the 4th day of Sep tember, 1791, and which will become due on the sth day of March, 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commifiioners of the Loans within the dates refpeflively, under the usual regu lations, VI z. Every application for payment muil be accompanied by the foil owing vouchers. lft. The certificate given by the (late, fpecifying that the per son poffefiing the fame is in fa£l an invalid, and ascertaining '.he sum to which as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B. came before me, one of the Jufticesof ihe county of in the state of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pofieflion was given, of which the following is a copy (the certificate given by the itate to be re cited) That he feTved (regiment, corps or vessel) at the time he was difablcd, and that he now resides in the and county of and has redded there for the last resided in I n cafe an invalid fliould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to the following form: I, A. B. of county of ilate of do hereby consti tute and appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pcnfion for fix months, as an invalid of the Lif ted States, from the fourth day of September, one thousand fcveii -hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Signed and fcalcd in the prefenceof Witnefles. Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and admirtiftratovs must be accompa nied with legal evidence of their refpe£live offices, and also ol ih c time the invalids died, whose pension they may claim. By command of the President of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. The Printers in the refpeflive tatcs are requeued to publifl* the above in their newspapers, for the space of two months. Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on COM MISS TO N T , by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97. THOMAS PROCTER, Lieut, of the City and Liberiics. ANDREW MILLER. [cp4w] years, previous to winch he