Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, February 15, 1792, Page 336, Image 4

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    Joseph Anthony, & Son,
At their Store, No. 5, on Lh-'jnut-Street WharJ t
A FEW puncheons choice old Jamaica Spirits,
Grenada, St. Kins and Nevii Rum,
POl t-au-Prince, Cape-Francois and Surinam Molalles,
Coffer, Coton, and Pimento,
Hyson and Souchong Tea, of the firft quality,
Cloves, Cassia, and Boston Chocolate,
Spermacsti Candies and {trained Oil,
Salmon and picked Mackarel,
Boston Beet and Burlington Pork,
Ruflia and Boston Canvas,
A few bales excellent Hops,
Myrtle Wax Candles,
St. Vlartin's Salt,
Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter caflcs,
And a tew cases pld Batavia Arrack.
February*B, 1792.
Of the firft quality—by retail,
No. 19,
Third-Street,between Chefnut and Market Streets.
American Lead Manufactory.
HAVE juflnow opened their Lead-War ehouse, two doors
south of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoining their New Factory—
where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general aflort
ment of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and EAR LEAD, the
production of the Mines in Virginia. As they hjve employed a
number of experienced Engliih workmen, they warrant it to be
equal in quality to any manufa&ured in Europe, and at a reduced
price from the cost of imported.
They also continue to maDufa&ure all the above articles at
Richmond, in Virginia'. All orders addrefled to either of the
above Fa&ories, will be thankfully received, and execntcd on the
shortest notice.
N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said
Mjnes, where constant employ, good wages, and other encourage
ments will be given, means of conveyance being piovided, and
houses for their reception.
For further particulars enquire ofMeffrs. Moses Austin & Co.
at their Fa&ory in Richmond, or as above.
Phi/adelfhia, December 3, 1791. tf
John Pintard,
PUBLIC DEBT of evcrydercription,onCoOT»i^7o«,
at the following raies:
ON the specie amount of all sales at au&ion, one eighth pei
On ditto at private faleor purchase, onc-haj per cent.
On remittances, ditto.
Receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the
amount of the interest
for makingtraosfers at ditto, feverty-five cents per transfer,
£3" Such persons as may incline to favor the fubfcnber with
their orders, may rely on their being executed with punctuality,
fidelity and~difpatch. His long experience and extcnfivc dealings
in the public (locks, together with a well eftablifticd correspon
dence throughout the Unued States, enable him to condutt his
operations with peculiar benefit ro his employer?.
New-York, No. 57, King-Street.
OBober 1.5, 1791
Dismal Swamp Canal Company.
PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters ot Elizabeth
River in Virginia, tothofe of Pafquotank. in North-Carolina,
or (or conducing the work, will be received until the ninth day
.of April next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamfburg ; Thomas
Newton, jun. and Daniel Bedingcr, of Norfolk, in Virginia ; bv
John Cowper, df Gates County ; and Benjamin Jones, of Cam
den County, in North-Carolina. The length of the Canal will be
about sixteen miles; the country through which it will pass. is
fwampv, free from stones, and covered with heavy wood. The
Canal is to be thirty-two feet in width, and eight feet at least in
depth, below the furface of the earth, and capable of being navi
gated in dry seasons, by vefiels drawing three feet water.
Good fecuriiv will be required of contra&ors; and persons
making application to be employed as managers, muffc produce
certificates (from characters of refpe&ability) of their qualifications
for a business of this kind.
By Older o( the President and Direfiors,
( C P : 9 A )
Korjolk, January 21,1792
Annapolis, January 1, 1792.
At a Meeting of the Visitors and Govcrnofs of St. John's College,
in the State of Maryland, on Thursday the 10th of Novem
ber last,
THAT this Board, at ihc quarterly meeting in May next, pro
ceed to elefl a Vice-Pi incioal of St. John's College.
" That it be the duty of the Principal and Vice-Principal, to
teach some of the higher Authors in Latin and Greek, certain
parts of the Mathematics, Logic, and Moral and Natural Philoso
phy ; and that ihe departments of the laid Principal and Vice-
Principal (hall heieafier be ascertained with preciflon, on confi
deralions of their mutual convenieneeand refpeffive qualifications.
That the Vice-Principal (hall be entitled to receive, lor his ler
vices, a falaryof three hundred and fifty pounds, current money,
rating dollars at 7/6 each, to be paid quarterly.
That peifons dehrous of, and qualified tor the appointment of by public advertisement rcqurfl d to make ap
plication to Mr. Charles Wallace, Mr. Charles Carroll of Carroll
ton, and Mr. Alexander Contee Hanfon. all of the city of Anna
polis. By orderof the Board,
JOHN THOMAS, Piefident.
N.B. The fundamental Laws ot St. John's College prohibit all
preference on account of r ligious tenets or opinions.
As the appointment of a Vice-Principal is alone wanted, to
compleat the plan of this rifir.g seminary, the Board will certainly
proceed 10 the eleaion at the dated time; provided a person qua
lified, in their judgment, for this important (lation, can be pro
cured. The personal attendance of the candidates, although not
pofitivelv required, will be obviously proper.
It may be ufeful to remaik, that the falariesof all the profelTots
and teachers have hitherto been paid withentire punfluality ; and
that the funds ot St. John's College produce a certain annual in
come, superior to all the appropriations, which have been, or pio
bably will be made.
G-j The Pnntr-sof newspapers throughout the United Sta'c
are earoeftly requeliertto tnlert the above resolve and re ma -k,-
and to repeat the publication aj often as convenicncc will pcrmi
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold,on COMMISSIO.N, by
Chefnut-Street,next door to the Bank, Xo. 97.
TO r-sife the sum of {. 750 for the purpose of repairing the
Proieftant Episcopal Church in the city of New-Brunfwick,
agreeable 10 an ast of the Legifiature of the Stale of New-Jetfey,
palled November 1791.
1 Pri
' 90
[cp4 w ]
1814 Prizes.
3520 Blanks.
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls.
fcT This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks
to one Prire, and fubjett to a deduction of twelve and an hulf per
cent, which is mare favorable to adventurers than any Lotteiy yet
offered to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it
cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the molt
liberal support.
The drawing will commence on the second Monday in April,
or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New-
Brunfwick, under the infpe£tion of Col. John Bayard, President
of said city ; Tames Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city of Ainboy;
and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Manufactur
ing Society of New- J'erfey.
Tickets to be had of the following persons, who are duly ap
pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given security for the
faithful performance of their duty.
A lift of the fortunate numbers will be published, and the
prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery.
PETER KEENON, > Managers.
N. B. Those prizes which are not demanded within fix months
after the drawing of the Lotteiy, will be considered as a generous
donation to the Church. 1
New-Brunfwick, January 20, 1792,
Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the
Township of Benfelem, in the County of Bucks,
Esquire, deceased, pursuant to the Diretslions
of liis last Will and Testament.
OX Tuesday the 27th of March next wiil be exposed to Sale,
by way of Public Vendue, on the premises — One exceed
ingly valuable and highly improved Farm, containing about two
hundred and ninety-nine acres, situate on the river Delaware : on
which is erected a handsome two-story brick house, with a new
piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn, (tables, hay-house,
and other convenient outhouft s. A good orchard of the best kind
of grafted iruit, now in its prime; a large garden well fenced in,
and in good order; and a Ihad and herring firtiery before the door.
This place is remarkably well timbered, has a fufficieucy of mea
dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the post-road.
One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; containing
about two bundled and seven acres, the greatcft part of which is
wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, stables,
and other outhouses, with a young thriving orchard of the best
grafted fruit, and a ihad and herring fifhery. Ic has long been a
well accuftonaed tavern; and the feriy belonging to it, known by
the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre
quented. Both the above places afford the best profpe£ls on the
river, and are remarkably healthy.
One other small Farm, containing about sixty-three acres, situ
ate in the township of Southampton, in the jounty aforcfaid ; on
which are ere&ed two log-houses. There is a small orchard, and
a great fufnciency of wood-land and meadow ground.
One Lot. containing four acres, situate on the great post-road
leading from Philadelphia to tfew-York, and ten miles from the
former. On it is a good log d welling-houfe, and work-fliop ad
joining, with a well of excellent water at the door: now in the
tenure of the Widow Ward.
Also, at the fame time and place, will be fold all the remaining
Stock, Houlhold-Furniture, Farming Utcnfils, and Wheat in the
N. B. The conditions of sale will be, one-third of the purchase
money to be paid down, and the remainder in two yearly pay
ments with interest.
JOHN M. NESBIT, C Executors.
'fptrT>o ? l SAMUEL BEXEZET, )
THAT beautiful and elegant situation on the banks of the Po
tomack, adjoining the town of Alexandria, whereon the fnb
fenber now resides; about 25 or 30 acres will be fold with the
improvements, which area neat and commodious two (lory house,
compleatly finifhed from the cellar to the garret, a kitchen, launl
dry, meat-house, dairy, two story barn, and ice house, all finifhed
in the best mauner, together with'feveral other neceliarv outhouses,
the yard and garden neatly paled, and a fkillful gaidner now em
ployed inputting it in fine order; the land well enclosed with a
po(t and rail fence ; a well, and fprinjs of excellent water the
prospect is equalled by few, and excelled by none in America
its contiguity to Alexandria, the Federal Town, and George-
Town, having a fine and full view of each place, mud render it in
a few vearsof great value, being diredlj in a lint of communica
tion from Alexandria to the other two towns. Should a pm chafer
offer befoie the , s th of February next, a cheap bargain may be
had. An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be made
bv the fuofcnbei. I will also fell with this place, 220 Acres of
U ood Land, about 3 miles dlftant, which will suit well to | ut) .
poit the above in wood and timber.
Drccwter 14, 1
T? AWAY l.oin the Subfcnbcr, l.v.n* tlknbo-ouah,
W,X y ° PP ,hc *eht of ,he *o.h ß o i
' an Apprentice Lad, named JOHN MORRIS
cloth T : ° ok J wUh him * "»l<k ha,, homespun
doth coat and breechcs, corduroy peket, two pa,r ftockmgs t,o
homespun touts, two pa,r (hoes, and some fummercloaths ' It Is
supposed he went on board fomc veffe!, as he was f tcn K oi'„» i„ a
RdTZdw'r' vcfft L s ih « were ,ying st ihe Ki»r™»r
American Apollo.
A new Publication,juft commenced in Boston.
Dollars is 2CCO
Prize of
January 2, 170*.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all rhe military invalids
of rhe United States, that the sums to which they are intr.lcd
lor fix months of their annual pension, iiom the 4th day of Sen
tember, 179*, and which will become due on the sth day of
March, 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commissioners
of the Loans within the states refpe&ively, under the usual regu-
[ep 3 ir.]
War Department.
lations, v 2.
Every application for payment must be accompanied by the
following vouchers.
lft. The certificate given by the Rate, fpecifying that the per
son pofleffing the fame is in fact an invalid, and ascertaining :he
sum to which as such he is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form :
A. B. came before me, one o* the Jufticesof the countvof
is the state of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to
whom the original ceitificate in hispoffeflion was given, of which
the following is a copy (the certificate given by the state to be re
cited) That he served (regiment, cot ps or veftifl) at the time he
was disabled, and that he now resides in the arid countv of
and has refidcd there for the last years, previous to which he
resided in
In cafe an invalid should apply for payment bv an attorney,tfc e
said attorney, btfidesthe certificate and oath bejife recited, must
prod uce a special letter of attorney agreeably to the following form:
I, A. B. of county of state of do hereby consti
tute and appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my
behalf of my pension for fix months, as an invalid of the Uni
ted States, from the fourth day of September, one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of March, one
thousand seven hundred and ninetv-two.
Signed and sealed
in the pretence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and ad mini ftrators mud be accompa
nied with Irgal evidence of their refpedive offices, and also ot the
time the invalids died, whose pension they may claim.
By command cf the President of the United States,
H. Secretary of War.
The Printers in the refpe£live dates are requested to publifti
the above in their newspapers, for the space of two months.
Philadelphia, Jjnu&ry 1792.
ESTABLISHMENT 6f the MAILS for the Ysantyi,
£-3 IN mv ad vertifement of the 9?h inft. I mentioned the
precise lime of elo/ing the different mails, at this office; and
notice, that letters inuft be left hats av hour earlier y that there might
be time to make up the numerous mails. For all letter* are to
marked—account sos them entered in a book—and transcripts of those
accounts made out, to fend to the refpeffive poft-maflers. But as feme
gentlemen have not adverted to tin t notice, and to prevent mil
takes in future, I request those who are pofTefTed of my adven.fe
ment of the gth,todeftrov it, and attend to \v'r ich
I have marked the times at which 1 iters mull be Ujt at the ojic
to evfure their going in the mail of the day.
The EASTERN MAIL will be dosed on
1 v
Tuesdays I at eight o'clock in the morning, and rcich
Wednrfdavs New-York at two o'clock, P. M. pneach
Thursdays and | succeeding day.
Fridays J
The Msll from New-York will be closed there on the fame
days, and at the fame time in the morning; and
Arrive at Philadelphia on
Tuefdavs "J
Wednesdays i
Thursdays }■ at one o'clock, P. M.
Fridavsand I
Saturdays J
The SOUTHERN MAIL will he elofed on
Mondays at nine o'clock, A. \I. (reaching Baltimore
Wednesdays and each succeeding day at 3 o'clock, P. M.)
Fridays and
Arrive at Philadelphia on
Tuesdays )
Thursdays and > at one o'clock, P. M.
Saturdays )
as far as CHESTERTOWN, will be closed 011
Mondays ") at half past (even o'clock in the morning
Wednefdaysand > (reaching Chellertown on each fuccfctam;
Fridays ) day) and
Arrive at Philadelphia on
TuefHavs ) , , _ ,
Thursdays and Cat onc oc^ P- M- summer, andatiWO
Saturdays " ) °' clock > p - M - in winter.
The MAIL for CHESTER-MILLS and EASTON, willlwc
Philadelphia every Monday with the other Mails tor the Eaftera
Shore, and return with the fame every Saturday from November
lft to May lft, and every Tnurfdav the reft of the year.
will also leave Philadelphia every Monday with the EafternShore
Mail, and return with the fame every Thursday throughout the
The MAIL for PITTSBURG, will leave Philadelphia every
Saturday at half pad nine o'clock, A. M. and the Mail from
Pittfburrr w iU arrive at Philadelphia every Friday at noon.
As there are fever a 1 places of the fame name in the United
States, the merchants and others are requcfted to be very particu
lar in the direction of their letters ; and when letters are oot tor a
poll town,the ncarell poll town to the place ought to be mentioned.
ROBERT PaTTON, Post-Master.
Holy Bible.—Royal Quarto.
MR. THOMAS, of Worcester, Malfachufctts, most refpefl
fully informs the public, that he has this day completed
OKI and New Testaments of his Royal Quarto Edition of the
HOLY BIBLE. The Apocrypha and Index, See. will be
ed with all the dispatch the nature of the work will admit.
Such Gentlemen as hold Subsc ri ft ion Par**s, he be£ s W1
rctumthem to him at Worccjlcr, or to him and Company'at Bop
by the laflday of November next, and as much sooner as they coo
- can.
He is happy to inform the public, that the work has been ex l *
mined by many gentlemen, clergymen and others, and 3S
with their highest approbation; both as to the execution of t
printing, its corre&nels, and its cheapnels compared with £"o"
copies ol the lame size and quality.
As this very laborious and exceedingly expensive
is carricd on solely at his own cost, he is led to hope that aii c
who wish to pofTefs a large Family Bible, willfo far encouragc l
laudaUle undertaking of their couutiyman, as to add their nafff*
to the fubfeription
H'prccJlcr, Sept. 29. 1791
IC7" The price of this Papcris 3 Dollars ptr W--
One half to b: paid at Strb/cribiug•