Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, February 11, 1792, Page 332, Image 4

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THE Pennsylvania Society for the encourage
ment .of Manufactures and the ufeful Arts,
taking into their consideration the Premiums pro
per to be offered for the ensuing year, agreed
upon the following :
That the specimens 011 which the premiums
lhall be claimed, mull be the produce or nianu
fatfture of Pennsylvania, Jersey, or Delaware,
and that they be exhibited to the board on or be
fore the firft day of December i 7<;2. That those
who may become candidates, will be expelled to
prepare clear and fatisfavftory proofs, such as
their cases may require ; and that the Society
reserve to themselves the right to determine,not
only the comparative, but the absolute merit of
the specimens produced by the different candi
dates, and of giving or withholding their premi
ums accordingly.
1. To such person as shall exhibit the bed spe
cimen of Earthenware or Pottery, approaching
nearelt to Queen's Ware, or, the Nottingham or
Dels Ware, of the marketable value of fifty dol
lars—a Plate of the value of fifty dollars, or an
equivalent in money.
2. To such person as {hall exhibit the belt spe
cimen of Stone Ware, or , hat kind of Earthen
Ware which is glazed with fait, of the marketa
ble value of Jo dollars—a Plate of 50 dollars va
lue, or that sum in specie.
3. To such person as lhall exhibit the largest
quantity of Wool, not less than joolbs. wt. the
produce of one farm—a Plate of the value of Jo
dollars, or the amount in specie.
4. To such person as (hall produce the largest
quantity of bleached Wax, fit for candles, or ex
portation, not less than soolbs. wt.—a premium
of 50 dollars.
). To such person as /hall produce the great
eft quantity fit painters' colours, manufactured
from materials found in Pennsylvania, New-Jei
fey, or Delaware—a premium of jo dollars.
6. To such person as (hall make and exhibit
the largest number of Smiths' Anvils, not less
than 20 of ioolbs. wt. each, equal in quality to
those imported—a premium of jo dollars.
7. To such person as (hall make and exhibi
the best specimen of Stoves of call iron, at leal!
4aowt. approaching nearest to the quality of Bath
Stoves, in finoothnefsand evenness of the furface,
and relief and elegance of the figures—a premi
cm of 80 dollars.
8. For the best specimen produced of small hol
low iron Ware, three tons wt. approaching near
est in Jightnefs, elegance, &c. to the iniported —
a premium of 50 dollars.
9. For the bell: specimen of Stone or Marble
Slabs, not less than 2000 square feet, sawed by
machinery, moved by horses or water—a premi
um of 50 dollars.
10. To the person who (hall produce the next
gveateft quantity of Stone or Marble Slabs, not
less than 1000 square feet, sawed by machinery
moved by horses or water—a premium of 2c dol
ti. For the best fpeciinen of Stone or Marble
polished by machinery moved by horses or water,
not I'efs than 100 square feet—a premium of 50
12. For the bed fpeciinen of red leather, at
lead 100 skins, approaching nearest in finenefs of
colour and dressing to the Morocco leather—a
premium of 5:0 dollars.
Published by order of the Board,
Thomas M. Willing,Sec'ry
Philadelphia, Dec. 9, I 791.
T E • A S,
Oi the firft quality—by retail,
No 19,
Tnirrl-Sirect.between Chefnut and Market Streets
No. '6, Pear-St rest,
Scarce and Valuable
B O O K S,
Which may be fcen every day, until Jive o'clock, p. M .
Among '/ :m arc the following :
Folio. TTOMER, Xenophon, Plain. Piutaich, Eufebius, Sozo
-1 1 men, Theodoret, Virpil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Pater
eulus, Plmy, Concordanlia Ear. Concordanlia Gr. Thesaurus Ci
ceronis. Bibha Junii and Tiemtllii. Bible dc Martin,Wells'sMaps"
Scapula: Phavorim—Martini!— Hoffmani Lexica, Voflii Etymo'
lo'icon, An:-qu:t. Ecclcf. 3iii?nnice, & c .
Quarto. Pindar, Cyropardia, Benrley's Horace, Terence and
Phidrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronis op. om Caesar Su
etonius, Julius Pollux, Hedcrici Lexicon, Voflii Ars Gram Cluve"
rii Geographia, Justinian Code, Sec.
OClaco « infra Homer, Anacreon, Aristophanes. Lon g i nus ,
Theopl.raftus Hefiod, Poeis minores Gr. liberates. Phalans la
nous edition, of Horace, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus Plau
tus, Lucan, Mama!, Claudiao, Val. Flaccus, Aufonius, Buchanan,
■ Sailult. Curtms, Flomis, Juftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gellm. Hill
August. Scnptores, and French Translation, of tome of the
Van " y o1 Gr " k 2,, d Utin Grammars, &c & c
C ' ,,l °K ußf faY b « MclT.s. Ricc & C-,. Bonkfeller.
Market street. or of JOHN CAREY '
Oflobtr 31. (
Joseph Anthony, 8c Son,
At their Store, No. 5, on CheJ'iuL-Strcct WharJ,
A FEW puncheons choice oitl Jamaica Spirits,
Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis P*um,
P rrt-:;!j-Prince, Cape-Francois and Surinam MolafFes,
Coflee, Colon, and Pimento,
Hyson and Souchong Tea, of the firft quality,
Cloves, C<-.llia, and Boston Chocolate,
Spermatasii Candles and (trained Oil,
Salmon dud picked Mackarel,
Boston Beet and Burlington Pork,
RuGia and Boston Canvas,
A tew bales excellent Hops,
Myrtle Wax Candiis,
St. Martin's Salt,
Madeira Wine, in pip 's, hogsheads and ouartcr caiks,
And a itv. cafcs oi 1 Batavia Ariack,
February 8, 1792
Public Securities,
Bol'cht and Sold, on COMMISSION,by
Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97,
American Lead Manufactory.
HAVE jull now opened their Lead-War ehouse, two doors
south of WaVnut-ilreet Wharf, adjoining their New Factory—
where they have now made, and ready for (ale, a general assort
ment of SHOT of all lizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the
production oi the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a
number of experienced English workmen, they warrant it to be
qual 111 quality to any manufactured in Europe, and at a reduced
price from the cost of imported.
They also continue to manufacture all the above articles at
Richmond, in Virginia. Ail orders addrtfitd to either of the
above Fa6tories, will be thankfully received, and execnied on the
fhortcft notice.
N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said
Mines, where constant employ, good w ages, and other encourage*,
nents will be given, means of conve) ance being provided, and
louses for their reception.
"*Fo- further particulars enquire of Messrs. Moses Austin & Co.
•t their Fa&ory in Richmond, or as above.
Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. tf
John Pintard,
PUBLIC DEBT of everydelcription,on Commifiou,
at the following ratts:
the fpecieamount of all sales at auction, one eighth pei
On ditto at private faleor purchase, onc-haj per cent
On remittances, ditto.
Receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the
amount of the interest.
For makingtransfers at A\\lo,feventy-Jive cents pertransfer.
(Kf Such pcrfons as may incline to favor the subscriber with
their orders, may relv on their being executed with punctuality,
'iielity and dispatch. His long experience and extensive dealings'
a the public llocks, together with a well eftablilhed correfpon.
lence throughout the United States, enable him to conduil his
iperations with peculiar benefit 10 his employers.
Neui-Yoik, No. 57, Kivg-Strtct.
0 Sober 15, 1791
TO raise the sum of £. 7,50 for the purpose ot rcDairing the
Proteftart Episcopal Church in the city of New-Brunfyi ick
jgreeable to an ast of the J-egiflature of the State of New-Tetfey'
palled November 1 791. J n
1814 Prizes.
3520 Blanks.
O This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks
to one Prize, and fubjea to a deduction ot twelve and an half f, e r
cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotlei v vet
offered to the public—and it being ol Inch evident utility, that it
cannot be doubted but me undertaking will meet with the moil
liberal lupporr.
The drawing will commence on the second Monday in April
or looner if the T,cke„ are disposed of, the oty of New!
B.unfw, k, under .he mfpeftion of Col. John Bayard, PrefHem
a d A lV' Efq ' Mayorof the "tv of Ambov ■
ing of New. j"; f e?- G ° VerD ° r °' ,he
nnmipil^iw' ° bc haQ ° f th . C fo,lowin K persons, who are duly ap
po nted Managers, are under oath, and have given security ,h c
faithful performance of their duty.
A lift of the.fortunate numbers will be publilhed, and the
prizes paid immediately alter the drawing Q f lhe Lottery
!v™ KEI NON '' > Managers.
after'the 7r,° pnz " w t" ch " e not demanded within fix months
tia.'o„t R Cburch e . LOtler> '' * CO " fid - d »» 6—
Acw-Brunfwick y January 20, 1792
ID t N AWA\ from the Subscriber, living i n Elfenboronoh
XV n arlyoppofue Rcedy-Mand, on the n%ht of the
, v"' 1 '9 1 * an Apprentice Lad, named JOHN MORRIS
[uppofed he went nn board Come vessel a, he w,? S
Reed'"-^^"" 5 Whlf "T'k ' >ing " the
A United St«« reC !v."""® '"t P " Vi " S G °' d at thf Bink °f <he
Cents, from One TWand Peln''' "\ GM and
Ast »f Congrefl, * ,n "? w "«»'M-«ccordin* to the
b »> aicer.ainujg the Siandaid and Value of Gold.
i Prize of 200®
i rri
5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls,
[cp 4 w]
M E.
Dollar* is 2000
[cp 3 m]
Dismal Swamp Canal Company.
PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters ot Elizabeth
River in Virginu,to those of Pafquotank in North-Carolina
or for conducting the work, will be leceived until the ninth dav
of April next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamfburg ; Thomas
Newton, jun: and Daniel Bedinger, of Norfolk, in Virginia ; by
John Cowper, of Gatrt County; and Benjamin Jones, of Cam.
den County, in North-Carolina. The length of the Canal will be
about fixieen miles; the country through which it will pass. i s
swampy, free from (tones, and covered with heavy wood. The
Canal ii to be thirt)-two feet in width, and eight feet at least iu
depth, below the furface of the earih, and capable of being navi
gated in dry seasons, by vtfTels drawing three feet water.
Good fecuiiiy will be required of contraftois; and pfrfnns
making application to be employed as managers, mutt produce
certificates (from characters of refptlability] of their qualification!
for a bufintts of this kind.
By oidcr of the President and Director®,
( c P I 9 A )
Norfolk, January 21, 1792
Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the
Townfhipof Benfelem, in the County of Bucks
Esquire, deceased, porfuant to the Diretfious
of his last Will and Testament.
ON 7 Tuc fday the 27th of Marco next will be exposed to Sale,
by way of Public Vendue, on the premises—One exceed
ingly valuable and highly improved Farqi, containing about two
hundred and ninety-nine acres, situate on the river Delaware; 011
which is ere&ed a handsome two-story brick house, with a new
piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn,(tables, hay-house
and other convenient outhoufrs. A good orchard of the oeft kind
of grafted fruit, now in its prime; a large garden well fenced in,
and in good order; and a shad and herring ftfhery before the door.
This place is remarkably well timbered, has a fufficicncy of mea
dow, a large front on the river, and runs back to the post-road.
One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; containing
about two hundred and seven acres, the greatest part of which iJ
wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, (tables
and other outhouses, with a young thriving orchard Of the best
grafted fruit, and a shad and herring fiftiery. It has long been a
well accustomed tavern; and the feny belonging to it, known by
the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much frr
quented. Both the above places afford the best profpt&s on the
liver, and aie remarkably healthv.
One other small Farm, containing about sixty-three acres, fili
ate in the township of Southampton, in the aoumy aforefaui; oil
which are ere£led two log-houses. There is a small orchard, and
a great fufficiency of wood-land and meadow ground.
One Lot. containing four acres, situate on the great pod-road
leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the
former. On it is a good log dwelling-house, and Work-Ihop ad
iotning, with a well of excellent water at the doer: now in the
tenure of the Widow Ward.
Also, at the fame time and olace, will be fold all the remaining
Stock, Houfhold-Furniture, Farming Utensils, and Wheat in the
N. B. The conditions of sale will be, one-third of the purchase
monev to be paid down, and the remainder iu two yearly pay
ments with interest.
JOHN M. NESBIT, £ Executors.
f-ptm27) SAMUEL BENEZET, )
THAT beautiful and elegant situation on the banks of the Po
tomack, adjoining thetown of Alexandria, whereon thefub
fcriber now resides; about 25 or 30 acres will be fold with the
improvement s, which are a neat and commodious two story house,
coropleatly finilhed from the cellar to the garret, a kitchen, laun
dry, meat-house, dairy, two story barn, and ice house, all finilhed
in the best manner, together with several other neceflarv outhouses,
the yard and garden neatly paled, and a fkillful garaner now em
ployed in porting it in fine order; the land well enclosed with a
post and rail fence ; a well, and springs of excellent water—the
profpeA is equalled by few, and excelled by none in America
ns contiguity to Alexandria, the Federal Town, and Georgr
-1 own, having a fine and full view of each place, mud render it in
a few years ot groat value, being in a line of communica
tion from Alexandria to the other two towns. Should a purchaler
offer befoiethe 15th ot February next, a cheap bargain may bp
had. An mdilputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be made
bv the lubferiber. I will also fell with this place, 220 Acres of
Wood Land, about 3 miles distant, which will suit well to sup
port the above in wood and timber.
December 14, 1791. (tf)
War Department.
January 2, 1792.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military invalids
of the United S.otes, that the sums to which they are lptitled
for fix months of their annual pension, iiom the 4th day of Sep
tember, 1791, and which will become due on the sth day of
March, 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commiflioners
of the Loans within the dates refpe£hvely, under the usual regu
lations, v z.
Every application for payment mufl be accompanied by the
following vouch-rs.
lft. Ihe certificate given by the ilate, fpecify'tng that the per
son poffefHng the fame is in fatt an invalid, and afcertaiuing the
sum to which as such he is annudliy entitled.
2ci. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form ;
A. 15. came before me, one of the Jufticesof the county of
in the (tare of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to
whom the original ceitificate in his oofieflion was given, of which
the following is a* copy (the certificate given by the state to be re
cited T hat he served (regiment, corps or vessel) at the time he
was disabled, and that he now reiides in the and county of
and has resided there for the last years, previous to which he
resided in
la cafe an invalid should apply for payment by an attorney,the
said attorney, befidesthe certificate artd oath before recited, must
produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to the following form:
I, A. B. of county of itate of do hereby consti
tute and appoint C. D. of my law.'ul attorney, to receive in my
behalf of my pen (ion for fix months, as an invalid of the Uni
ted States, from the tourth day of September, one thouland (even
hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of March, one
thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.
Signed and sealed
in the prcfetice of
Acknowledged before me,
* P^' lcat ' ons executors and administrators must be aceompa
nie C K®l evidence of their refpe&ive offices, and alio oi the
time t e invalids died., whose pen (ion they may claim.
By command of the. President of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary of War.
The Printers in the refpe&ive states are requested to publift
t jc above in their ucwfpaper*, foi the fpacc of two months.