POST-OFFICE, PHILADELfBI*, JnnU*ry 9th, 1792- ESTABLISHMENT of thi MAILS/ ortht Tcuril^i. £3* IN my aduertifeme* of the gtb inft. I rpeot oqed-he precise lirr.c ot t.V mg the dsffertoi ma at tms office ; and ga»e, tha. lct.eis must Del*.. kJf mint«r:.-rr.«hi: : ,erem_;h be time to make up the numt iut mails. Far ah Ui.cs _ accMtt *} Hem attrtJi" * kji-md ej ■ -ff munti msdet, j..J t« the refiec:ioepJ-m:Jeri. Bui fom< wutiemen have not averted 10 mat notice and to prevent m. - UJtc* .0 future, I teqaeft thole wno ate potTelfed of my advert;.e ment of the aeltroy it,and attend tothc/Jm g, in wl^fc I marked iheuwei at whicn l-tina muftbe lejt it ;*.. «-l * | TbcViail fram New-York will be closed there on the fame 4ns, Hid at the bne tine in the aomiag ; aod Arrive at PmWelphit on T»*«-y 1 I ThuHdavs }• at one o'clock, P- V. Fridays and I • Satuidays 1 The SOUTHERN' MAIL will be dof;d on Mondavs ) at nine o'clock, A. M. (reaching Baltimore on Wed n efd ay sand > each succeeding day at 3 o'clock, P. M.J Fridays Arrive at Philadelphia oil Tuesdays } Thurfda\ s aud > at one o'clock, P. M. Saturdays ) The MAIL for the EASTERX' SHORE of M ARYLAND, a> far as CHESTER TOWN', wiU Peilofcd on •) -A hat' past Itm •'clock in "the morning. Wc4ncU»ysand> (reaching Chcfiotowa oa each Weeding Iridaya J day) and _ Arrive "at Philadelphia on TttcfHays "> at one o'clock, P. M. io lummer, aod at two Thursdays MC i o'clock, P. M. in winter. Saturday* ) The MAIL for CHESTER-MILLS and E ASTON. will leave Philadelphia every Monday wuh the otßer TMaiL jorthe Eaiiern Shore, and return win the fasre every S2 _ dav torn lft to Mav lft, and every Thurfdav x. e reft of the vear. The M AIL for DUCK-CREEK CROSS ROADS* DOVER, alio leave Philadelphia every Monday vi.h tlx Ealtci .iShoie Mail, and return with the faxne every Touriday throughout ihe year. The MAIL for PITTSBURG, will leave Philadelphia every Saturday at halt past nine o'clock, A. M. aud the trom Pittiburg will arrive at Philadelphia every I iiday at noon. As there are Several places of th; fame name io the Lu itd States., the merchants and oihers are reqoefted to be very par: cu lar in tfte direthon oi their letters ; and when letters a*e not tor a post town,the ueareit post town to the oi «ce ou*St to be rurt uied. ROBERT PAT TON, Pcit-Ma.ui. SALES Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the T own (hip of Beuielem, in the Count v ot Bucks. Esquire, deceased, pursuant to the Directions of his lalt Will and Testament. OX Tuitiiy the »7thoi March next will be eKpofed to Sale, by way of Public Vendue, or. the p—Ooe exceed ingly valuable and highly improved Farm, contain ng about two hundred and Diacty.r. IK actcs. iituate on the river I>e J .a>»are; on which is er«&ed a hand'ome two-dory hou-.e, wuh a new piaxxa in the «roi«t, two kucr.ins, a good barn,ftaDies. .1 y- use, 2nd coiivetiXQi ou'tiobf A good 01 char?eii a well accufto**ed tavern; and the tcny belonging to it, known by the name of Dunks%, is noted lor being \»e:J kept and wuch tre qacntcd. Sa:h the abev e places afford the heft profpctls ou .he liver, and are rema-kablv nea.thv. One other fmaU Farm, containing aSoufc fixty-thwt acrrs. iiiu a;e m ihe town.'V. Ip of .mp;on, in the cob.i \ afore.aid 5 011 h are ettfled two k»£- s uics. Fbere »> a fnsj!. orchard, aao a -vat fuSc»ency of wood-lind and meadow gound. X>ue bot 9 four acre*, fauate • a ibcg'Nt post-road Jeac ag ficm Phil.ddpn a to New-York, and te*i miici rrom the foemcr. On it is a g-wxi lo; dwelling-house, and woik &op ad loanin-;, v» 1 well ot exce..eru \*aicr at the d» or ; in th. icnsre of the Widow \\ arc. Also, ii t .ie fame time and olace, v Se lo d all the remaning Stock. Ft.ming Ut<; acd Wheat in the ground. X. B. The of file »ill V, ooe-ihird of the parchife money to he paid down, and the rtnu.a .a iu two yea.iv pay menu vitb ia&mJL rvtrr r - THAT briu- A and clc§am !i:cs: ton the Ka k» oi i v .c Pv>- toxnack, tKr lovaof A'txandm;>, tVr f«S fcnber now rcadrt; a Sou* 55 ot 30 atrrs v • • •_*' .nipr"ifrtr's, jti iwat and twnwodww two it >ry houic, coa: cat ni "bed trora the ceT.a* to the garret. a kacixm. Im»> dry, ®«i-ba«tr, dun-, :v m Sam, and ice :i-xiic,. .. naithcd inibe bcil trwan.*ogje«*>e* wnft icvrraJ mhe- •eeefiarf hrwki. the wd ud garden r»tatl> pa»ed, and ask ful cardner now cm j.»o\t'jO£i ot exctiicot m atw—-..V pro{pe& is rquaUed by lew, aad excelled by none ia Amenoa— iesc*~.' n - Alexandria, liae Federal T ">wn, and Georps Town, haw £ * Sne and fnii view oi each f>i»ce. smft render it in Iff veal's o« fT m x a.iiej dirctt»i *a a hwi of CMwwiau a» Akxar... ..Id a f.: ch, _t nstr Wlo»e tae rol Feb:vary n.xt, a c>eap baica n may be t*ac. Ar« iaa.ipi.ubtf wle,flfitol ail abraoctj,*; btoiaii W tk itti 'c 1 wiQ alto fell ¥ :ii rsoh.t, tto Acres o Wood laad, about 3 ciiei o iart, which will fcak ad) 10 Sap p. : -1 '* ■' ' • Dtcemkr 34. 170*- American Apollo. SVBSCRIPTIONS -o» t» « AMERICAN APOLLO, A iitw .c*L.-oa ; u# cownntncfd i» BMion. JOHN' SWIFT. ) JOHN" W. NEJ-iIT. v Extcoiotv S..MUI: BEN. . iT. ■> TO 8E iOLD, BALDWIN' PADF A LOTTERY, TO raifr the Cam of £. 75° for ,be P uro v ot Pra.cX..,i Ep.l Jf' Cfturcb .o thccnyof New-br^f.-*, ji.ku November 1 -91 CHE i Prue of 9° «®75 1814 Pri«. jjto Bianki. 5 J34 T ckels, at 3 Dollars eacb, is i6oct Dj s. (VT Tbu Lottery is comoofed of 5334 Tickets. not two Blanks to one Pnte, and fubje& 10 a dedufiiou of twiloc J*t « *>*] t cr cctU. which is raorc favorable to adventurers than anv Lottery ye offertd to the public—and it being o» fiich evident ""'"TjJ 1 " ' can not bedoubtia but the undertaking wtii meet with the moS liberal fupporu , . The drawing will commence on the second Monday in Apn.. r. tooner if the Tickets ate disposed of, in the city o: B.unfwtck, ■ndcr the lofptfiioo of Col. John Bayard, Prefidoit of (aid city ; lames Parker, Esq. Mayor of the j-.ty o a,.d Arch,bale Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of Ok Manufactur injr Society of New-Jersey. 'Ticket* to be bad of ihe following perfooft, who are dulv ap pointed Mat a.eis, are under oath, and have given security for me :d'.lhful performance of their duty. , , A lift of the fortunate numbers wi 1 be fu' lifhrd. and tie prizes paid immediate!* aiier the Jnwin;of the Lottery. r " IOHN PARKER. / PETER KEE NOV, .Managers. ANTHONY W. WHITE, ) X. B. Those prties which ate not deniinaeti within lix month? a ter* he dra« u[ of the Lottery, will be cocideied as a generous | donatic nto t*-.t Cr * c-. AVtu-BrvJuici, to, 179 X. TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. *6, Fi*«-St»"t, A COLLECTION OF Scarce and \ aluable BOOKS, Which may be fen nay day, u*ulf*e fdtk, r. m. Jin; ikemMre AejiHttamg : ftlu. TJOMER, Xruophon, Pl«o, Plutarch, Eofcbius, Som>- IX men, Tbeodorci, Virgil, Horace, Livy.Taciiut, Pater cuius, Plmv, CoocordaMiaLat.ConcordamiaGr. Thcboiiu Ci ceronis. B:i>lia Junii aqd Tranellii, Bible de Maiun,WelU'i Map», Scapnl*—Phworini—Maitnui—Hoß»a«i Lexica,.VolEi Etymo |o#icoa, Antiqaiu EcdcC Srtjanir*, Ac. Owtr. Piadjr, Cyrop*di», Bcmley'i Hrnace, Temtcc aad Pturdnn, Ovid, J«**d,Maaili»s»Ci«roaKop. om. C*iar, Su etonius, Juliut Pollux, Hederici Lexicon,Voffii An Gram. Ciure ni Geographia, Jultaaiam Codc,See. 03m a ia/ra. Homer, Aaacreoo, Arifefluaes, London. Ttieophrattoi, Poeut mimes Gr. m rtJUuntfUoncr, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibu'luv Plao lui, Lucan, Martial,Clandiaa, Val. Flaccos, Auionius. Buchanan, Saitofl,Ci ot cn«ivc\aMOe rein* plotted, aa.:. houiu tor iheii rcccpijon. Fot tfur.her i'tctxj. Jt ofXivurs. Mosii A _ iti x i Ccciea».>u®t ot all fairs « acfiian. cxt J>ei Cfttt. Om duto n private fa3c or p«ii chafe, per errn, Oa icaimucs. *- io. Receiving r. r ctt it the Lcvan-05cc, mi pei ctat, o» |K* ar > ot tl« i«: ltft. For making trammers at cut©, turret, gy Such V :c > «.i wav r*c»*ac to iivo- i.-.r •- -' - - -<• * tku O'irrs ay rflv or ;lxn bt!nj;cvtvMfu v>uk .. . -Ju.'if* c: > ii i ]cmt»4J c\tvr '.c Xf a. C cx:cri\c «« ? la the public dock*, together vuh a «r»:c t v - .-c'"" - -- —C V v ;rc Sui rrrV. ; s. JON PIXTARD, 324 M E. DolUi* is tooo IOCO xooe 1000 « 1000 ItXlO 1000 s°° SCO 100 o° 20 4 , >s°° ilfao 6700 16000 ' War Department. r iioi. IKEOttMAXIOM-U M m?*a>y Uriid. < of *be yjnledfcae*, lb* to wkici tfcry arc intitled [us Bx'mamhi of their pefc&Oß, tidka the4th day of Sep tmbmi J»«> wfckk wiUtfecom* d^ yh day of March, 179*, Will be M on tlx said-day by the CommiOiooert ot the Uan wiihui the date* ccfpcdivcly, under the ulual regu lations vt, Lvery application (or payment mall be accom paoicd by thf following foocatn. til. TVctitiSote pienkr the ftite. foecifvine t!\at the prr fou poGrffiog >be (war u in fat* aa invalid, aut afccnaining we Turn to which it Mi he i« annually muled. 2d. An aifiilav't, agreeably to the following form : A. Bl tJ«»e before me, dne of the Jaifticcssfi he county of in the Sale of and made oath that he'is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in hisooffeffion was given, of which the following is a copy cenibrate given by 'he ua-c to Be re. cited) That he fenrrd (rc*ime«t, corpa orveffel) at the time he wu dibbled, and that be now re&ics m the , and county of ami has idviai uicrc iuf the uit years, previous to which h; itfwicd in la cafe a* ianlM flioald apo'.y for payment by an attaroe/.thr fiid attorney, beside* the crm- ate and oath before recited, 801 l produce a fprcV i: tier of attorney agrerably to the following form; f, A- 3. of cwoTof Eiteof do hereby coobi- Dm and unjoin: C D. of lawtul attorney, to receive mm/ behalf of my or fix months, as an invalid of the Da', ted State*, from the tourrkd »y olSeptembcr, one thousand iarrn hundred and nroetj-ooe, »o? 3 m 3 The Pnatm ia (Vrcfprfli* Eulctue trqurflcd totuiil < tht alum w ihrracwfaiiini, (or the fpitt of i«o ooak * < Ak'»roLi(, Jomyi.ijjL At a Meeting of ihe Vifcoreand C—ci»ataof St in the Siale of ktuylxxi, an Tarn Way the Jiorai ber last. RESOLVED, ._#''• 'T'HAT ttw R ekfl a Vict-M«cipl «f St Jolm'i Colrp: « Thai it lie ike doty of the Priadjnl aad Vtcr-Pniicip^,» ndi fan of ike jobber Ambon ia laWaid Gre*fc cAiii pnu of the IfaW—ia, Upt. and ItoJ itJ Snail PVibfe pby; and ibiikdrpaincauaf the bid hiacifal aadfia. Principal Stall hereafter be akmained with proifian, on aiafr of ibcu mutual convenient* and ttlpwhte<||iiiiciflit That ih* Vw-Priacipl (hall be entitled to i«ui< fcr hiifa. *ice*. a fabry of iVfee bandied awl fifty poimda, cma iumq, iMing doiUx at -Jb oatft, lo be paid ll of Carrofi ton, and Ur. Alrrandrr Cantec Hurfon, all of the cily of JUaa- Bolii. ly oadtrof thajhnad, JOH3l*llO»IAS, Fn&int. N.B. Tlic!udaaßiUwi«(SL j prcfcTTOCT on accoaM of niuun ram or - csitd. T* peifcaal mndiacc of ike cadito. "> pgiunh iromti, will be ofci-mcflv proper. It n»T bc tHul to irt*»ik, ihat «W- rjanesof alllVprokflore and icichcn uk hubotobcai paid wMßraoti panfl—Wy; i>4 that ibr Mso) Sr. Jctf-a - * CoUrge pi«i«e «cnto»>»i cotk, fuprnor »iutie apprapncucas, wfcci km beta, or pio b«biy be curar. f|" THe Pri*tr»of nrwfpafcn the Smo. »sr ciTsrfdT rrtjwrftrd to inlcrt iWr above irioW and it®ark>- wi ,o repeat the publication « often js oocixnitoce »>'j pnß' ; . Holy Bible.—Royal Quarto. MS. THOMAS, o; W ;-«* it.-r.-r.: .->r.:' :•;•:» »* to tl* ««««•-;>"• « p. -;. r£ ... . ramzr: s, »ac .» dwafa-ds co»p«««l wubrEnijii* *aTi t'vCTvlihono^—n cicrcdi<«> ofrit uodt.O««. u c«r;«. or. foMv ts h» m cat, ci»-« >e f.»J* ">« »« u °* hCo p -i ! Fi«ii : b4e,»i3 - " cit c«ai »to aoa u«" " Pjbl.iK-.-. *-3 !•.- >'~ bv tSr t-t-cx i>-h of •Do 3". TWENTY- SIX LETTERS, Otj TSyr wrl Rct'pco ; r,g !M KtVOH TION .<1 AMERICA. \V-.::;.-i r is the vr« irSa. J, iU V:tt-P«n;.->I»T tit V*&* SteUf- TO *1 S«l» I". TSI i»iro». bl \ TABLE fer««r< » sod Gc 3at tfcr B— AVw f-c v-*:rs, > - * **' V«iae ot Go-3 •" Cn», f*%«n ti TV - PtaMT* ' rMs—jrccicm. . -• - • "' advertisement. . *y *!r c-:?£..* *-m /V#**?. ft* U*rr *" rtto TlLi* iV. iC u V- /-A** :r>.,'iCa<, r.j + vtacka**** -Cr i * itfoxß.wcE N*i ,wA * •=* ' . • \&r iml art rrf , # *>■« f - «t K>*t '». T*. .*r i x tL >r r lt>s 7P T ffc-' />♦ rr^rr yu..-. :icr*•??•."At i **irvui(Y. «r* frt f*r*&***** rir* f % *tr.\ •!».. ta rw }jh?*+ tf :tu Gtzdßt. | . arr« J» . r .fR Ar £3* •••..x. }V<'. i 'p*M9C er/c, i • before roe, Srts,