Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 17, 1791, Page 268, Image 4

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    tOK [Hl oAZ.- lit. Ot I liu o'.V
MR. ftNSO,
HAVING (hewed my gooi y.i'Arir: by laughing
at the weak and idolatrous fl-utery Willi
which fume of your correl'pondents have beljj-c
---tered the Government of the United States, or
which the Government really stands in no ueeu,
and therefore h3S 110 rcafon to thank tlie.a
it—and my gull and vinegar in endeavoiing to
expose the arts made use of, from the brilliancy
and wisdom of the aduvniftiation, to draw oti
'the eye* of the people, from those defedts which
have been pointed hue in the Conltitutiun iii--Jl.
I (hall m;"« endeavor to {hew the true meaning
of a term, which one of your correfpondtfiits ac
cufcs us.of tiling improperly, to wit, the word
He fays that men of worth and talents arc cal
led Ari(tocr3ts—but I am sensible he does not in
this iintance do jntUce to the public opinion—
for although an Ariiiocrat may be a man o! ta
lents, he can never be a man of worth ; nor do I
believe there is one iaftance in a thoiifand ot a
man of real worth being niiitaken for* or called,
an Ariltocrat. But as your correlponslent lup
poles that niiltakes of this kind do happen, it
may not be aniifa to attempt to delineate this cha
racter in so plain a manner as to prevent Inch
mutates for the future.
Arirtocracy is a word of Greek derivation, and
fignifies the power of a few, or in the hands of a
few, in opposition to Democracy, which fignifies
the people, or in the hands of the people. An
Arijhcrat, therefore, rtiuft mean one who wishes,
qr has a difpoiiiion, to take the power as much
%s possible oat of the hands of the people, and
place it in the hands of tht few ; and in whomfo
e*er we can discover thardifpofition, 1 think we
cnnnot be roiftaken in calling him an Arijiocrat.
The only powers, in representative govern
ments, like ours, wjtiich the people can. with any
propriety retain in their hands, are those of
eJetfting their reprel'entatives, and that which
tbey exercise as jurors.
And if any one (hall by any means endeavor so
to modify the elertiens, as to out of the
power, ot the body ps the people !o exercise that
privilege with propriety and fufety, we may ve
ry.Cafe ly call him an Arijlocrat.
Whoever, therefore, in an extensive country
like this, (hall advocate large election diltricls,
which will oblige the b >dy of the people to vote
under the dirfctftion and guidance of a few, you
cannot be miltaken in feitijig him down for an
AriJitter at.
If any one shall oppose a numerons represen
tation in the. government of an extensive conn -
try, f'ou need not be afraid of a misnomer in cal
ling him an ArijSocrat.
If any man will support, upon any occasion, a
mode of election, whether such election is. to be
made by Congress, by a Legifluture, or the pen
pie, which will evidently pnt it in the power of
a minafiijf of the ele«siors to contronl a chuice,
«r prevent one, you may be sure that you call
him by a wrong name, if you give hiui any other
than that of an Arifiocrat.
If you hear any one speak lightly of the trial
by jury, or fee him consent to, or do any thing
■which will tend to vitiate or abridge that privi
'e y® u W >H not he liable to an aiftion of slan
der for calling him an Aristocrat.
If any one thai) hold that bills of rights, and
proper conftituiional reservations in favor of the
people, ate rather dangerous reftiictions on the
power of doing good, than salutary checks upon
the power of. doing harm, you may write after
hi* name, in capital letters, AN ARISTOCRAT.
If anj onefhonld attempt to perfuadetlie peo-
their rights and privileges are not f;\fe
while kept in their own hands, but that they
ought to give them up intirely into the hands
•fid custody of the great and [he well informed
I4on't know what else you could call him but an
/irifl ocrat.
_ If any one difcovijjprs a fondncfs for keeping up
titles and Hiftiniftions, which will have a tenden
cy to induce tliofe pofTefted of them to look upon
tViemfelres as exalted above the common claf's of
citizens, yqu may fafely conclude that he is in
clined ro be an 4(rijlocrat.
If any holds the opinion,' that government is
oefigned more to enrich and aggrandize rtie ru
lers than to promote (lie interests and happiness
9f the people, you may be very sure that he is
DO ctiieiny to an Jriflocrat.
. It any one looks upon the word Democrat as a
term of reproach, and ventures to-make nfe ot it
.as facb, he must undoubtedly bepleafed with be
ing tailed an Ariflocrat.
And I think that you cannot poflibly be mif
faken in letting him down for one, who (hall tell
you that in this country there is no such thing as
an Arijloerat. 6
i If any one ihnuld take offence at this publica-
Oon so benevolently intended to prevent the
public from f.rfmingwron S and unfavorableopi-
Jnons of men <»f wonh and talents, 1 (hall leave
tne people to determine whether they will or will
not-cajl lyra aw drijlccrat. a Respondent.
Bank of the United State:..
December 3, 1791.
NOTICE is hereby i;iven that the Bank of b'rtjSttl States
•Mill i*c o;)cn( d 0:1 Monday the h inftjftt,
Tiof the i'jM'cnpisons to mc ifcock of ETui-Hank ma)
then Ie 'ii.i ic
Oil vi'.noay the :2ih inflant, deposits wi'l be received, and on
TuM'.ijy vhc 20:h initdiir, dit. >uitts may be made.
By order ot the piciidcni and Directors,
JOHN K.EAN, Cajhicr.
All Bilfsor Nites offered for Dit~ouiil (hall be delivered into
the on or W«dtiefda\ , the D'.fcount Hull be {ti
tled on Ttiefdays aad Thufrdays, and thail be wade kuown the
ncxi fucccediw< days. , 1
At a MEETING ok the DI HECTORS or the
TMA i iie paynexit of the port on of the Capital Stork of ihc
e.t the Umted States, ccmfiftinjj of Specie whtch will bp
due on the fev< ral .Sbar .« on ihe firlt M uidav of January next,
may be made at the rcip< Ct-vc Hsfnksof Majfuchufetti and Azw-Yoik.
ProviufJy T.acai v Siorkho!. crclam Mig in benefit of (urn
paymt-u , Ihall, f>u or before the fiiit Monday in January nex',
exhibif 10 t t C.ilh' rot the Bnk of the United States, a Cemfi
eate limned by the CaiHicr of the Bank. into which such pdyment
shall h ve f.< cn made— any thing in the regulations hcretofote
eltabl'lhed toll' contrary noiwitbltauding
By order of the P efid nt and Dirc&ors,
JOHN K.EAN, Cajhicr.
1 1 ■■ ■" ■■■' " Mi » ■ ■ ■ ■
of the United States.
Philadelphia, November 22, 1791.
E Stockholders ol the Bawk of the United stati s
JL arc Ik 1 mi! /lined, that to che flatute ot; incor
oration, a htiionfoi twervty-five Directors will bi
1 I<l at th»- Bank ol the United Stales, in the city of Philadelphia,
on M nday tne fecund'day of January at ten o'clock in the
An I, 'juHusot to the tleventh f<£lioa of the Bye-Laws, th
Sto khoiders of the fa id Bank are hereby notified to airembk i
jjt neral meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday tKc
January next, ai five o'clock in the evening.
By order ot the President and Directors,
JOHN K E A N, Cafnicr.
StcoT!.!fundamental Article cj Statute of Incorporation.
" Not m rf th *n three-'ourihsot th' Dire&ors in office, excUi
'iv of the P.eiident, .idll be eligible for the next iucceeding yt-ar
Bat the Durftofwoo flulLbc Piefident at the lime of anelt :iot
pnay always be rc-eie&cd." fepilj
An exienfivc Ass < r tmern, of very fupeiior texture, suitable f
every branch of the business, just imported from Amsterdam,
and for b by
Where Mill r s a-d o-htrs may 2] ways be fupolied with the best
Cloths, and Ij: • allowance made to those who purchafc in cuan to fell avain.
Alf f'>r Sale, a Quantity of Particular
M A D ii I R A
Of t hr fin} On 1 :v. fit for immediate ufc, in Pi its,
Philadelphia > December 6. 1791. IV'witp"]
George M e a d e
Has for SALE,at hii S;or es on VT a l nut-Street Wharf
A FEW pipes "f 3 4 years old bills of exchange Madei'*
WINE, winch he wifl difpofi of by the pipe, hogshead or
London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old.
Old Sherry WINE of the fiift quality, by the hogshead or
quarter cast.
Three and 4 vears old Lisbon WINE, of a superior quality to
what is s; nerally imported, by the pipe, quarter calk, or largei
Choice old Coniac BRANDY, by the pipe, tierce, or larger
quantity. 0
A It w quarter che[b o! si. ft. quality Hyson TEA.
He !>*sjult iccnvedbvih.- Pigm, L-xiev, mast r, from London,
a few quaiur 1 -(ks <>t old M(d< ira WINE—And
Bv in L'l'n Mtrruiy, Cant. Suv.m, Iroin Dublin, a few boxes
if 11 ii>i LINENS, i>w priced and well afToricd ; a few bales of
red and white FLANNELS, and fume GLUE.
A few boxes oi Spermaceti CANDLES of the firft qualit\, and
Run I'ORK of pi irne quality.
He has also to dtfpofe of, a quantitv of drefied White O,k
He means to keep a constant supply of First Quality Madeira
vid L tbon WINES, and whoever is pleafcd to favor him with
u1 r cultom, may be ass iled of being well served.
H.- will, through the Wuitc and Spring, buyundre!T;d HAND
SPIKES. He is purchasing FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX, and
will give the hightft price for them.
N.B. A few hampers of excellent London PORTER and
Taunton ALE. just received, and to be difpoJed ol
Philadelphia, November 16, 1791
Public Securities,
Boicht and Sold, on COMMISSION by
Chefnut-Sireet, nexi door to the Bank, No. 97.
To be had at the fame place.
In the Prcfs, and fperrl'K- will he piiMifhcd,
Confift.ngof State Papers, and othir authentic Documents
lending to elucidate the History of America, 2nd '
particularly nl ihe United States
, The price to Sublcribcrs will he a Dollar for each Number
containing ,6o large quarto pa,rs ; or Four Dollars and a Quarter'
Id fT 7 d ' I,Q bc f 3,d as lo "ow». ''I "he firft
X 1% ca i hTiT; T VnU 10 bc paid for on deliv "y ° !
deh.ery" fluent one (exefpt the last) at the time of
Jf S.bfcriptionswiUhc recefved, in this city, by Thomas
Do_°N, a „d Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit fpccimens
,h', r work ) a "d mother places by the principal Bookfcllcrs
rrr'adeiphia, Nci'mccr 5, 17Q1.
01 th \ TI ", RD S£SSW " of tii SEMTF.
o ■, 1.. UNn_3 Kayte Udof t!.t Editor UnoJ
DtCXMBiR 1791
W I xN E,
(Cp 6w.)
American Ivead Manufa&ory
HAVE jud now opened the;r Lead-Wa k ehousje, two don,
louthof Walnut-ftreel Wharf, adjoiniogtheir New Factor • '
>#Heic they have now made, and ready for sale, a general >ir/""
men. of !»;iOTof all fis-.s, with SHEET a.,J BAR LEAD "T
production ol the Mir.cs i„ Virginia. As they have er„ p | 0 ' !f?
number of expert-need Eitglilh wotkmen, (hey wr.rantit to k
quai :n qudltiy to any manufaduicd in Europe, ana at a red' '
pure from the "piime coHuf iinuo«ed. '
They alfi> msoufaflurc all the above articles at
iichmonrl, in Virginia>\All'ordcis adriniT.'d to either of
above Factories, will be received, and cx -crucd on t ;'!
Ino tcit notice.
Wanted, induftrinus, M .n, at the fjid
M;u< wiiere cohllant emplov. good wage*, Vjd* other «.coum««.
menttwill be g.ven, meaus of uuiveyaiica btin> ," ld
houtes tor iheir reception.
For i t.riher particular* enquire of Mcffr*. Moses Co
.at their h-ttloiy in or as above. \
Pbiiadslbnia, December 3, 1791. r
T E A S,
Of the firft quality—by retail,
No 19,
Third-Street,het wetChefnut and MarketSt'reets
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds ofihe Public Dtbi of the Union, bought, fold ore*
rhanijed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange ncmcu-cd ■"
\Unhaniize <>l all lons i, ought and fold on Comniijjton, and <r//oihc'r
iiLifiiicij uj ihc line of a Broxcr, tianfc&cd by
At the Office rlext door to tht Custom-House
B 0 ST 0 N. 2m
John Pintard,
RUJinC DEBT of eery clefcnpuon.onCoww,^
£! ihc following ratts: '
0 V f P ccieainou, »t Of ail;.,*. at aaftioD, „nt eighth pc
On diito at private sale or purchafcv one-hall per cent
On remittances, diito.
Receiving :ntercft at the Loan-O.'fice, tr.c percent, on the
mount ot the intetcft.
For making transfers at ditto, feverty-Jiic cents per transfer
lp3* Such pcrfons as inay incline to favor the fublcnber with
their order*. may rely on their being executed with punQualili
■idelityMudtJpaUn. His long experience and extensive dealing
n the public IWks, together with a well cdablifhed correfpon
lonce inwughcut the United States, enable him to coaduft bit
iterations with peculiar benefit to his employers.
John; pintard,
Nea-Yoii, No. 57, King-Street.
October 15, 1791
And pofleflion given immediately,
That pleasantly situated Farm
■ Whereon the iubferiber now lives.
IT lies on the road trom Princeton to Brunfwick, about a mi!e
and a half from the formcT. It contains 213 acres, whereof
17 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more may he
iade. Aifo a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety
f peach and cherry -trees, and a large garden; the whole under
-'"O" fencc - There are on the premises a two (lory stone house
ma kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ied and
nnifjhed. Aifo, a smoke-house, woik.&op, granary, waggon
noufe; barrack cow-houses, two stories high and 90 feci long, and
a good bain, with stabling. From the buildings there are charm
ing views of Princeton, t!ie neighbouring farms, and Monmouth
hills. Any person inclining to purchase, may know the terms 1-,f
•pplving to the fubfenber on the premises, or to IsaacSkowdcn,
No. 141, South Second-ftieet, Philadelphia.
Princeton, Oflober to, 1701. [rp2mj
Thirty Dollars Reward.
RU>J AWAY, some time in August 1789, a yellow NEGRO
MAN, named Abraham, laie the pioptrty of Nath&nitt
Wickhjfi dcceafcd—about forty-five years of age, about five feet
eight or nine inches high, preitv well Tel. a-large woolly head
and large beard, walks with his knees bens, often complains of
pa ins in his feetand ancles—by iradc a bricklayer, stone mdfon and
pi a Here r. iHeis a very handy fellow as a house-waiter, and is fond
of fi:ch bu'mcfs. He is a great diflTembler, and no doubt pretends
h■is a freeman. He has been eloped 1o long that no description of
h s prcf ut clothing can be given. Ii is supposed that he went to
the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there.-—
Twenty D >llars reward will be given to any person that will se
cure said Negro in any jail, so that the fubferiber may get him
igoin; and reasonable charges will i e paid—or Thirty Dollars
will be given if he is brought to Prince William County, Virginia,
to Mr. John Kinchrlor, by
CHARLES WICKLIFF, Administrator.
October i«?, 1791
Forty Dollars Reward.
LAST night was broke open the Store of the fubferiber. at Bcr
dentown, and ikolen from ihe fame the followingaiticlts, viz.
« ):ie hair trunk, containing v/omens' wearing apparel; 1 finail
bux, containing four stocks and one dozen uftaments; j ditto
containing one bottle grtcn cloth coat, one fliipcd veil and
breeches, two shuts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to
30s. jersey cfeopers; 1 keg containing a Urge bible, with other
iaiali books ; 1 box containing 447 real ostrich feathers, some or
: hem large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels rye
meal, branded Stout and linlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper, and
1 oz , c , r ' P*^ e -b° ar ds. Stoleu at the kmc time, a laige Batteau,
with black fides.
A reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the fecurityof
the above property,fo that the owners may have thearticies again,
or in proportion for pai t thereof; also a further reward of Twenty
Dollars will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe
triors, so that they may be biought 10 justice, by
Bordentown, Jejfev, Sept. 1. 1701.
A Young Gentleman, of Americin birth and education (being
/ Jl a graduate) would for a liberal compensation engage as
Tutor in a familv, or take charge of an Academy, to teach the
Latin and Englift* Languages. He has had some experience ia
teaching, and trusts he ccn exhibit fatitfadory recommendations.
Any letters upon this fubjedt, poll paid, addreffad to A— S—,
and the o! the ILci or hsieof, prior to the 851b December, will
be punctually attended to.
Oflcbcr 22,1791 [* av ]