Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 19, 1791, Page 236, Image 4

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Lite Mayor oj Nojioh—a loss much felt and lamented.
44 Ehru ) f agate* labuntur Anni /"
44 L ineucnuMf Tcllus & Domus £3 p lac ens."
44 Uxor."
AGAIN mild comfort, ary cheering maid,
» Again defrend ! Thy votary claims lhy aid.
Thou art my onlv muse—girl of the fun-beam eye !
Oh bend effulgent from thy cloudleft (ky,
To where yon fair, young widow, wild and fad,
Is led, half frantic, to her lonely beo.
Soft dews exhal'd from hcav'nly fl >w'rets hring,
And (hake them gently from thy lilken wing :
With time's dull pencil, every griet efface,
And lull the horror of the last embrace.
Then wide around, sweet maid, thy finite# extend —
He whom (he mourns, was every good man's iriend ;
The poor, the rich, the bondmen and the free,
In this dull, daik'ning hour have need as thee !
BOUSH, had a mind, where merry would refute
As at her home—an eye unrais'd bv pride,
A heart—friend (hip within and pr. ee was at its door,
A hand—that ponr'd its bounties on the poor.
His was a face, whence goodness threw around
Her sweetest Imiles—where " joy serene" was found,
And where raild virtue lent its {tarry ray
To light his friends, along life's thoiny way.
SPIRIT so good, why woyld'ft thou bade away,
Whv leave thy ftniling friends, the chearfut day ?
Why leave thy Fanny in the world alone,
And thy own body in tlie mould'ring tomb ?
Was it to ride upon the fleeting wind ?
Could'ft thou in Ether purer blcfungs find ?
Was it to fail upon the curling cloud,
Where fancied forms, in airy figures crow'd ?
Or would'il thou soar to where the fix'd (lars fninc,
Nearer to view, how vast, a hand divine
Shap'd. their bright orbs ? Or in that mournful hour,
Had'A. Thou a mandate from Almighty pow'r,
To leave far off, the earth, the seas, the air,
And brin-r before him, every poor man's prayer ?
Dazzled you'll stand, where every Saint has (food,
But veil thee, with the bleflings of the good ;
And while around celestial breezes fan,
Pe as thou haft been, dill the friend olMan.
Norfolky Oft. 20,1701.
LITCHFIELD, (Con.) Nov. 9.
Last Friday the Gcnei al Afl'embly of this (late
closed the Ortober session.
In the course of the session, many important
matters came before the afl'embly, which were
referred for further confederation to the aflenibly
to be holden in May next. Among others, were
the report of a committee on the petiiion of the
fufrerers in the feaport-tnwns, by the inroads and
depredations of the British daring the late war ;
stating their fiJStrings by loss of property to a.
mount of nearly three hundred thousand pounds;
and an offer of three hundred and fifry thousand
dollars for n quit-claim of the territory claimed
by this fVate, south of Lake Erie ; an atft regu
lating the militia of this state; with others of
less consequence. The bill for dividing tlifc state
in (even diftridis, each to choose one member of
Congress, was taken back after conliderable dis
Extrxft of a letter from Warfavi, dated Augi/ft 17.
Transactions, exhibiting an inHance of niolt
abominable fanaticifm, which happened lately
in the city of Ilawa, about 12 leagues from this
A reputable woman, widow of an apothecary,
named Wilke, a protestant, and an old inhabi
tant of that place, having Tome business to tranf
a<fl at Warsaw, was prelented by a friend with a
doll for the amusement of her children ; the old
est of which was a girl of 8 years old.
The children on receiving this doli, without
any offenfive intention, decorated the fame by
hanging a small effigy of the (so called) Mother
Mary around its neck, which had been given
them by a Monk.
A fanatic and enemy to the family, who was a
ftvbaltern in the grenadier regiment of Kalzinf
ki, gave information of this innocent diversion
and complaining thereof to the board of civil
and military commiflioners, as being facreligious,
who caused a criminal process to be ifliied against
the poor widow, mother of the children, by
which 4he was condemned, and sentenced to be
Providentially Mr. Krapinfki, a member ofthe
Consistory of Diflenters at Warsaw, hearing of
this unnatural proceeding, iiiimediately present
ed a petition ia favor of this unhappy woman,
to the King and Sovereigti Council ; in confe
queneeof which, a Salvus was granted
to the poor widow, and orders given to the judge
to Hay the execution : Privilege was also granted
her to appeal-to- the-mixed Aifefibrial Court, to
determine refpetfing her unhappy situation.
This court, although it preserved the life
of the woii'an, nevertheless, pronounced the
following inhuman sentence, viz. •' That the
unhappy mother (hould be compelled to chastise
her own children in the presence ofthe initia;a
rorwith a rod, so long, and until the blood Ihould
follow the rod !"—Of which piiniihment one of
the children now lies dangeroiifiy ill. After the
above sentence was executed, the doll was pub
lickly burned on the 9 fh day of AuguO:, by the
hand of the common executioner.
George Mea d e
Has for SALE, at bis Stores on Walnut-Street Wharf,
A FEW pipe?: ol" 3 snd 4 years old bills of exchange Madeira
l\ WINE, which he will diipofe ol by the pipe, hog (head or
quarter caik.
Lcndon market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old.
Old Sherry WINE of the fufl quality, by the hogfcead or
quarter cask.
Three and 4 vears old I,ifoon WINE, of a fuprrior quality to
what is generally imported, by the pipe, quarter cask, or larger
Choice old Conine BRANDY, by the pipe, tierce, or larger
A few quarter e hefts of fufl quality Hyson TEA.
Me has just received by the Pigou, Lrixjey, msfter, from London,
a few quarter calks of old Madeira WINE—And
Jiy the brifr Mercury, Capt. Steven?, from Dublin, a few boxes
of Irish LINEN'S, low priced and well aflbrted ; a few bales of
red and white FLANNELS, and some CLUE.
A few boxes of Spermaceti CANDLES of the fir ft quality, and
Burlington PORK ot prime quality.
He has also to dispose of, a quantity of dreffcd White Oak
Me means to kfcp a constant supply of First Onality Madeira
and Lisbon WINES, and whoever is plea Ted to favor him with
their custom, may be aflured of being well served.
He will, through the Winter and Spring, buy undreflVd HAND
SPIKES. He 5s purchafmg FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX, and
will give the highefl pri'cc for them.
N. B. A few hampers of excellent London PORTER and
Taunton ALE, jufl received, and to be difpoled of.
Philadelphia, November t6, 1791
No. 26, Pear-Street,
and Valuable
Which may be Teen every day, until five o'clock, p. m.
Among them are the following :
Folio. TTOMER, Xenophon, Plato, Plutarch, Eufebius, Soze
jlJL men, Thcodoref, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Pater
culus, Pliny, Concord ant ia Lai. Concordaotia Gr. Thesaurus Ci
ceronis. Biblia Tunii and Tremellii, Bible de Martin,Wells's Maps,
Scapulas—Phavorini—Martinii —HofFmani Lexica, Voflii Etymo
log vcon, Aniiquit. Erclef. Sritannicae, &c.
Quarto. Pindar, Cyropaedia, Bcntley's Horace, Terence and
Phecdrtis, Ovid, jnvenal, Manilius, Cicerorus op. om. Ciefar, Su
ctonius, Julius Pollux, Hederici Lexicon, Voflii Ars Gram. Cluve
rii Geographic, Justinian Code, See.
Offavo el infra. Homer, Anacreon, Ariftopbancs, Longinus,
Theophrartus, HcTiod, Pocta: minores Gr. Ifocratcsy Phalaris, va
rious editions of Horace, Virgil, Terenre, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau
tus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus. Aufonius, Buchanan,
Salluft, Curtius, Floras, juftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gellius, Hdl.
Autnift. Scriptorcs, Fnglifh and French Tranjlations of some of the
'daffies, a great varict\ ok Greek and L.atin Grammars, See. See.
$3" Catalogues may be had of Messrs. Rice & Co. Book fell rs,
Market-street, or of JOHN' CAREY.
O&ober 31. (cp tf.)
The Firfl and Second Volumes of the
(To which is prefixed an accurate Map of the State)
By the Rev. Jeremy Belknap,
Are ready for Delivery to Subscribers—who may receive their
Books on application to HAZARD & ADDOMS, at lite
Corner of Chcfnul and Thud Street?.
The above two volurties contain the political history of the
State, from its firft settlement to the adoption of the present Con
stitution of the United States ; —the third, containing a geographi
cal description of the Stale, (ketches of its natural hiltory, &c. is
in the press. '
*** A few copies of the firft two volumes for fale«—price 20J]
November 5, 1791.
In the Press, and fpeedilv will be publilhed,
Confilling of State Papers, and other authentic Documents,
tending to elucidate the History of America, and
particularly of the United States.
*** The price to Subscribers will be a Dollar for each Number,
containing 160 large quarto ; or Four Dollars and a Quarter
for each Volume in Boards ; to be paid as follows, viz. uie firft
and second Numbers, or Volumes, to be paid for on delivery of
the firft ; and each subsequent one (except the last) at the time of
£3" Subfciiptions will be recefved, in this city, by Thomas
Dobson, and Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit specimens
of the work) and mother places by the principal Bookfellcrs
there. Philadelphia, November 5, 1791.
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds of live Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex
changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negotiated;
Mcrchandizf ol all forts bought and fold on Commission, and all other
Bufincfs in the'lioe of a BroKcr, tranfaflcd by
At the O.ffice 'next door to the Cuftoni-Holife,
State-Street, BOSTON. 2
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION by
Clirfnut-Strcet, next door to the Bank, No 07
To be had at the fame place.
Le&uresonGovernment&: Law.
r "PHE Honorable JAMES WILSON, L 1,. D. ProfcflW of Laws
JL 1,1 the College and Academy of Philadelphia, propofes-to
deliver, next Winter, two Courts of Lr£h,r c s. One Course fc,
iiegm <jn the Second Monday, the other 011 the Second Tuesday ot
Secretary to the Board ol Faculty.'.flnhia. Oaober lg , i 79 1. feptD)
A omi" Uemleman, ot American birth and education (being
i. X a gradual") would for a liberal compcnfation engage as
I utor in a family, or take charge of an Academy, to teach the
Latin and Language*. He ha., had some experience in
teaching, and trusts he can exhibit recommendations.
Any letters upon this fubjett, pod paid, addrelT<-d to A— S
and the care of the Editor hereof, prior to the a s th December, will
be punctually attended to.
October 22,1791
(cp 6w.)
T iaw
WHERE AS it-appears by the, in a etrtain
row depending it-, the Hi£h Cow: of Chancery i„ v"
land, wherin William H'cbb'n the tiiain::?,and Jdn /•«,{ tr '' "
ciitor of Thomai Bradly, deceased) is ihc defoidant, that'Hr,r
Webb was put out an apprentice toihe Tea trade by thc'cr-en Ji c k
school, in or about the year 1775, and who was then ot the 2 - f
14 years, or thereabouts,ana failed from England in the \ , *-~°-
tofomepartof North-America, in the Chip or veffel Art ' '/
Capt. Lewellyt?, formerly aSpaoilh trader, and at that time o.„ '
vi£luallcror transport in hi« Majcfty's fe> \ ce—and wheu-: ; sVn7
pears that the said Henry Webbd cferted and ran away from f rt id 0,.'"
or veflTel, ?nd entered on board 0 certain piiv d reer call~d th- ftj
venge, or Vengeance Privateer, of which one John Dean wa» mail r
or commander, then at New-York, Nofth-Artnrica •
that the said Venge -re Privateer, 00 or about the 5 htff
1779, failed from New-York aforefaid to Savannah, and ?r.:v r rf *
such lafl mentioned port in or about th? month of March
and on the month ot April following, to some port or place m
America, but to what port or place i«t n«t known; and i n the
month of May, 1780, the said Ihipor ve'T' 1 was fecn at liarbado<s
in the Weft-ladies, but the fa:d Henry tt'ebk has not fincebcen h aid
o', and is ftippofed to be dead ; it having been reporied that ih"
tender belonging to the said ship or v<ffcl called the Vengeance
which ship was then commanded by Capt. KnowUs % with a' ru n
ber of her men, 10 the amount of 20, or thereabouts, (and amon*
whom the said Henry Webb is supposed to have been one) were ta
ken by the enemy, and carried into Philadelphia. >J o w i n
pursuance of an order made in the said cause, bearing date the M
of December, 1790, any person or persons who can give »ny ac
count or information touching thr said Hem v Webb, or of the fa>d
ship Vengeance, or whether the said Henry Webb be living or dead
and if dead, when or wheresoever he diet!, arc requeued to <j\vc
such information to William Wetter Pepys, E'q. one of the Maftrrs
of said Court, at his Chambers in Symonds'-lnn, Chauccrv-l.anr
London ; and such person or persons will be rewarded for thn
trouble by applying to Samuel Nay/or, Esq. the Solicitor in said
cause. No. 4, Great Newport-street, London; or 10 the Rev. Jghn
Stanfofd. No. .33, John-Greet, New-Yoik; or to John Prett\john %
Esq. Bridgetown, Barbadoes. W. W. PEPYS.
John Pintard,
PU BLIC DEBT of every description ,onC ommifficK,
at the following rates:
ON the specie amount of all falcs at auction, one eighth pet
On ditto at private sale or purchase, one-lalj per cent.
On remittances, ditto.
Receiving mtereft at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the
amount of the intereii.
For making transfers ac ditto, feventy-jivc cents per transfer.
(£3T Such persons as may incline tb favor the fubferiber with
their order?:, may relv on their being executed with punctuality,
fidelity and dispatch. His long experience and extensive dealings
ui the public Hocks, together with a well edablilhed correfpon
deuce throughout the United States, enable him to conduit his
operations with peculiar benefit to his employers.
O&oher 15, i7Qt
And pofleflion given immediately,
That pleasantly situated Farm
Whereon the lubferiber now lives.
IT l*es on the.road from Princeton to Brunfwick, about
and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof
47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more maybe
made. Also a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety
of peach and cherry trees, and a large garden; the whole under
good fence. There are on the prcmifes a two (lory stone houfc
and kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and
finifhed. Also, a smoke-house, work-fliop, granary, waggon
houfe; barrack cow-houses, two stories high and go feet long, and
a good barn, with {tabling. From the buildings there are charm
ing views of Princeton, the neighbouring farms, and Monmouth
hills. Any person inclining to purchase, may know the terms by
applying to the fubferiber on the premises, or to Isaac Snowden,
No. 141, South Second-ftieet, Philadelphia.
Princeton, 06tober io, 1791
W. M'D 0 UG A L L'S
Is now opened at his School-Rooro,
No. 28, Carter's Alley.
HE returns his fwcere thanks for the great encouragement he
has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the reputation
ol his school for decorum and good order, as well as the perform
ance of his scholars, will (till en lure him a refpefctablc (hare ot the
public favor.
A number of new Cotillions and Country Dances will be taught
during ihe season.
Those who please to honor him with the tuition of their chil
dren, may be a (lured, they will he taught in the most approved
(tile, and that proper attention will be paid to their carriage and
A gentral pra£lifing for the improvement of thefcholars, will
beheld at the New Rooms, every other Wednesday ; when the
employers, and ftrangersot genteel deportment, will be admitted.
These praftifings will be attended with no expencc.
N. B. An EVENING SCHOOL will be opened for grown
Gentlemen, as loon as a fufficient number offer.
Philadelphia, September 14, 1791
Forty Dollars Reward.
LAST night was broke open the Store of the subscriber, at Bor*
dentown, and stolen from the fame the following articles, viz.
One hair trunk, containing' womens' wearing apparel; 1 small
box, containing four clocks and one dozen tcflamcnts; 1 ditto
containing one bottle green cloth coat, one striped veil and
breeches, two shirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to
30s. Jersey coppers; 1 keg containing a large bible, with other
fmali books ; 1 box containing 447 real ostrich feathers, some of
them large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels rye
meal, branded Stout and Imlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper r and
l dozen paste-boards. Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau,
with black fides.
A reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the security ot
the above property, so that the owners may have the articles again,
or in proportion for part thereof ; also a further reward o:
Dollars will be given for the fecu.ritv of the perpetrator or perpe
trators, so that they may be brought to justice. bv
Bordentown, New- Terfev, Sent. t. 1701. C e P t * J
(£3" Bhnk Powers to receive M«lniere(t, andjor the transjir of the
principal of public 'debt, agreeable to the Rules eftabljhed in the l rta
firy Department: A!jo Blanks for abjlraEts of Certificates, to be fold *
the Editor.
gCT* 'The pries oj this Papsr is ; Dollars per tun*
New-York, No. 57, King-Street.
ft. f.)