Mr I awrance moved the following resolution, That'it would be inexpedient to repeal that part f the law on which the pension to John Young- W was founded. Some discussion of the fubjetf: k place in consequence of this mondn* which was eventually fupeiceded by a motion offered bv'Mr.' enfon, to this effect—l liac the prayer Jthe petition of sundry perlbns in the fta.c of New-York, that lb much of a law ot the United States as grants a pension to John Yonnglovc, may be repealed, cannot be granted. This motion was laid on the table, and the fur ther confuleration of the lubjeift poUponed. On motion of Mr. Thatcher, the report of the Secretary of War made to the fir it Congress on the petition of.Jofeph Tucker and others, piay i,l(r compensation as agents to certain regimen.s, last war, was taken into conftderation. This re port was again It the petition. The fame being read Mr. Thatcher moved that the report be re iet'ted by the house—and that there be allowed lathe Paid Joseph Tucker and others, the Juni of one per cent, on the amount received and paid by them re('penn for the reduction ot the public deot, were lead—dca icc copits ordeicd 10 be printed, frT It fViouJd have been noted »n the proceedings Fi.d lhai Mr. iiiiilcu lock his fcai day. BOSTON Oltober a 6. Liberty fans cost blood—but it is worth more than the purchase. ' The nation which maintains it longest will be mod eminent at ri*r r H E ART IS i. lo it. The effe6l is to raifethe condition of the great body of the [We feel much plea Cure in being able to givethe American pub- pcoo i e# They will learn the talents which arc brought into de lic, the following articles refpefting the abovegentleman, extract- ; and it is gaining a point against barbarism to prefer the ed from late In fh papers. They contain testimonials of applaule understanding to the pa (lions. Perhaps no nation has done so honourable to the American A-itifl, and to the generous Nation in much f or [he general mai >of the people as America ; and all seems which they are given.] to be done with a design, and with a tendency to enable them to London-Dcrry, July 19. Lad week, Mr. Cox concluded his but bufc, FLATTERER. There are a/6 574 do. Bank SuUfcriptioul, 140 to m Dollars. 3 pr. Cents Deleted 6 pr. Certs Second Regiment FUNDED DEBT, si f6 pr. I©7\ pr. cent. 6i£ do. 65 do.