house accepted the repnrt unanimoufl/, and appointed a commit tee to wait on the President, to enquire at what time and place he W nuld receive the address. The committee having waited on the Prefidenr, returned and informed the house, that to-morrow, at 12 the President would receive the address at his own house. FRIDAY, October 28, Sundry petitions for compeiifttions and pensions F6r services perforin'-'d and difabiiities incurred during the late war, wereprc f'ented by MefTrs. S'erret, Gerr/, and Ward ; —read, and referred to the Secretary at War. The petition of Benjamin Warren, presented to the late House of Rcprcfentativcs, on motion of Mr. Bourne (M.) was taken iuto consideration, read, and referred to the Secretary at War. The motion laid on the table by Mr.Lawrance, for the appoint ment of a ro.iimittee to bring in a bill or bills to provide tor the regiflering fhtps 01 veflcls, to regulate thofc employed in thecoaft iny trade and the fifherics, and tor oiher purposes, was taken into consideration. agreed to, and a committee appointed accordingly, confiding of MeilYs. Goodhue, Fitzfimons, and Ivawrance. At 12 o'clock, the Speaker, attended by the Members and the Clerk, and preceded by the Serjeant at Arms, waited on the Pre fidentof the United States, at his house, where the Speaker deli vered the following Addrrfs,in answer to his Speech to both Houses at the opening of the Seifion : — Si R, I\ T receiving your addrefsat the opening of the present feflion. the House of Rcprefentatives'have taken an ample share in the feel ings infpireJ by the a&ual prosperity, and flattering profpe&s of our country : And whiltt, with becoming gratitude to heaven, we ascribe this happtnefs to the true Iburce from which it flows, we behold with an animating pleasure, the degree in whtch the con- Jlitution and laws of the United States have been instrumental in dispensing it. It yields us particular fatisfaftion to learn the success with which the different important measures of the government have proceed ed; as well those specially provided for at the last feflion, as those of preceding date. The fafcty of our Western Frontiers, in which the lives and repose of so many of our fellow citizens are involved, being peculiarly interesting, your co nmunications on that fubjeft arc proportionally grateful to us. The gallantry and good conduit of the Militia, whole feivices were called for, arc an honorable confirmation of the efficacy of that precious icfource of a free State. And we anxiously wish that the confluences of their fuccefsiul enterprizes, and of the other proceedings to which you have referred, may leave the United States free to pursue the mo if benevolent policy towards the unhappy and deluded race of peo ple in our neighborhood. The ampunt of the population of the United States, determined by ihe returns of the tenfus, is a source of the mod pleasing re flexions, whether it be viewed in relation to our national fafcty and refpe&ability, or as a proof of that felicity in the situation of our country which favors so unexampled a rapidity in our growth. Nor ought any to be infcnfible to the additional motive suggested by this important fact, to perpetuate the tree government establish,- cd, with a wife adminiftiation of it, to a portion of the earth which promises such an increase of the number which is to enjoy these bleflings within the limits of the United States. We (hall proceed with all the rclpeft due to your patriotic re commendations, and with a deep sense of the trust committed to ils by our fellow citizens, to take into confideratioti the various and important niaiteis falling within the present session—and in difcufling and deciding each, we shall feel every disposition, whilst we are pursuing the public welfare, which must be the supreme objett with all our constituents, to accommodate as far as pofliblf, the means of attainining it to the sentiments and wishes of cveiy part of them. Signed by order, and in behalf of the House of Reprefentahves, JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker. Attefl. John Beckley, Clerk. To which the President was pleased to make the following Reply. Gentlemen, THE pleasure I derive from an aflurance of your attention to the obje&s I have recommended to you, is doubled by your con currence in the testimony I have borne to the prosperous condi tion of our public affairs. Relying on the (an&ions of your enlightened judgments and cn your patriotic aid, I (hall be the more encouraged in all my en deavors for the public weal; and particularly in those which may be required on my part for executing the salutary measures I an ticipate from your present deliberations. G. WASHINGTON. The Members then returned to their Hall, where the Prefidcnt's icply was read. A rneflage was received from the President of the United States by Mr. Secretary Lear, communicating a copy of the enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, agreeable to the Census taken pursuant to a law of the Union.—Also, sundry papers from the Governor of Pcnnfylvania, relpefting fevcral persons who have fled from jullice from this State, to the State of Virginia. The pa pers were read, and a motion laid on the table by Mr. Sedgwick, that a committee should be appointed to whom the papers ,re fpe&ing the persons fleeing from justice, should be referred ; with inftrufiions to report a bill or bills, making a general provision in cases of persons charged with felony, treason or other crimes, who IDay flee from a State having cognizance thereof, See. The schedule of the census was referred to a committee of the whole House, and made the order of the rfay sot Monday next. The other papers ictVrred to in the mefTdge of the President re ceived yeilcrday, were then read, viz. An ast of the State of North- Carolina, ceding a tra£l of land for the use of the United States, for the creftion of Light Houses —and the Reports of the Com manders on the expeditions against the Indians. On motion of Mr. Sedgwick a committee was appointed to bring in a bill to provide for the regulation of the Poft-Office and Post Roads, consisting of MelTrs. Livermore, Clark, Steele, Bouruc (R. I.] Thatcher. Mr. Williamfon's motion, for a committee to bring in a bill to amend the a£t for promoting the progress of the ufeful arts, was adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed, Messrs. Willi- Bmfon, Hillhoufe, and Sedgwick. Adjourned to Monday 11 o'clock. PITTSBURGH, October i 5, By gentlemen from Galliopolis, we are informed that four men, within a fliort distance of Marietta, and one at Bell Pre, 15 miles lower down the Ohio, have been killed by the Indians, within these twelve days past. They also inlorm, that the settlement at Galliopolis is in a very thriving way, and that they have not been piolefltd by the savages. BALTIMORE, Oflober 45. Jixtraft of a letter from a re[be ft able gentleman in Baltimore County, to his fii.-nd in this tovin, dated the 19th inji. 44 I have a remarkable breed of (beep, which haih been pro cured bv adding to my flock a Persian ram. 44 Theotherday I (epaiated from the reft twelve wethers; these I intend to kill this Winter: They appeared so oncommoalv fat and large, that I was induced to weigh them alive; the particular *vri<»ht o f each fhetp was as follows :—154. i77> 1 ® l » *68, 157, '68, 188, 174, 174, i 52l 169—Total, sci^lb." Bennington oa. 17. By a gentleman from Dover in the State of New-York, we are informed, t»ac a merchant of that place, a few days since, ent his clerk to receive a sum of money : the ilerk, on his re turn, was observed by loine nun in a field to meet a traveller, the men in the fiell soon heard tlie cry of murder, and at the fain< inltant observed one of the men to fall ; they iumediately ran to his ;ifli(tance : on their arriva they found the clerk (tabbed, of which wound he expired in a few hours : he was robbed of his watch, money, arid hnt, and rhe perpetrator ied to art adjacent wood : they immediately raised a number of men, fiirroutided the wood, and secured the vil lain. He owned he had robbed the person kill ed, and notwithstanding a dagger was found in his pofleHion, he denied he had ever itabbed him. —He is lodged in Poughkeepfie gaol to await his j trial. Adjourned. LITCHFIELD, October 19. We learn from Albany, that a few days iince, a Negro servant was wantonly fliot through the neck, and killed, by direction of his inhuman matter, at Jhe glass works near Albany. Our informant affirms, that the Negro had been late ly purchased by a proprietor in the works, and was represented as ijifane : His diSorder was, however, imputed to a vicious difpoficion ; and having given Specimens of his obstinacy and fulk inefi to his new matter, one of the workmen was directed to shoot him : who inadvertently com plied, the (hot patting through his neck ; which riot proving fatal, and the Negro becoming out rageous in consequence of the wound, a Second shot was discharged, which penetrated the neck, and finifhed his existence. An .inquett was im mediately Summoned, whose verdilt was wi/Jui murdet. The deluded parfbn having consulted an Attorney relative to the tranSa presented to the King of the French—who observed to the committee, on its being put into his hands— " I now receive the Conftitutinn presented to me by the Na tional Assembly. 1 shall inform them of my rsfolution, after the fhortefl poflible delay which the examination of such an impor tant object demands.—l am resolved to remain in Paris—l ihall give the necessary orders to the Commandant-General of the Na tional Parisian troops rel'pefting my Guards." The Thuilleries were opened, and the ceotinels ported to pre vent the entrance of strangers removed. The repeated instances of fire's breaking oat in various parts of the city, have excited strong suspicions- of a treacherous and infer nal design to make a general conflagration—that, in the confufion, the property ot the citizens may be plundered. Says a Coirefpondent—Public opinion governs every thing—* and therefore every thing Ihould be done to enlighten it. The Newfpapets have been flopped or have palled with confiderablc difficulty through the Poft-Offices. This ought not to be so. Transmitting the Newspapers from one end of the Continent to the other, need not cost the public a farthing. A light charge upon the carriage would defray the expence, and insure the deli, very. They ought to pass under the protedion of law at fafely as letters. Arrived intown since our laftthe Hon. Mr.HAMMOND,deputed from the Court of London to the United States of America. Copy of a letter from the Consul of the United States in London, to the Secretary of State. London, Aiigufl. 10, 1791. Sir, I BEG that you will be pleated to make it pub lickly known to the citizens of the United States, that all American /hipping carrying tobaccoes,&c. to the ports of Guernsey and Jersey, are fubjec'l to seizure, under an a& of parliament, in the reign of Charles the second, that they may go vern theinfclves accordingly. I have the honor to be, &c. From PELOSI's MARINE LIST. ARRIVALS tt the PORT of PHILADELPHIA. Ship Jamaica, Sparki, London Sloop Ann, Gardner, Nantucket Nancy, Moffet, Virginia Brothers, Grof>. Ditto PRICE CURRENT.—PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. 22/ pr. / . .2/6 »3/4 6 pr. Cents : 3 pr. Cents Defercd 6 pr. Cents UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl. and other Certificates 16/8 17J 85 do. Indents 10/6 52J do. Bank Subfctiptions, Dollars. SENATE. Delaware. Richard BalFet George Read Maryland. John Henry Charles Carroll Virginia. Richard Henry Lee James Munroe North-Carolina. Samuel J oh 11 ft on Benjamin Hawkins Suuth-Ca?olina. Pierce Butler Ralph Izard Georgia* William Few James Gunn. VermonL Delaware, Hon. John Vining Maryland. Jofliua Seney Samuel Sterret* Upton Sheredine* Philip Key* William Vans Murray* Virginia. John Brown William B. Giles Samuel Griffin Richard Bland Lee James Madison Andrew Moore John Page Alexander White Jofiah Parker Abraham Venable* Not th-Carolina. John Baptist Alhe John Steele Hugh Williamfon William Barry Groves* Nathaniel Macon* South-Carolina. Daniel Huger William Smith Thomas Sampler "1 homas Tudor Tucker Robert Barnewell* Georgia. Abraham Baldwin Fiancis Willis* Anthony Wavnc Vtrmon't. Kentucky, comes into the Union in June, 1792. 110 pr. ceat. 62$ do. 66§ do.