FROM A LATE LONDON PAPER. The fo/lowivg SONG, bi Piter Pjmdar, prepared for[ the alluded to, and humoioi'Jly given as the production of t.5000 Tickets. (Jlj* TICKETS in the above C lass may be had of the fevcral Ma nackr s, vtho will p.i\ the prizes />n demand; of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth; of Jame 8. Whi te, at his Book-store, Franklin's Head, Court-llrcet—and', at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun.*) DAVID COBB'., I SAMUEL COOPER. GEORGE R. Ml NOT, I JOHN KNEELAJs'D, J 80/lon, April 14, 1791. («. f.) IF THOMAS FRANKS, lately of JLittle York, in Virginia, (but originally of Scarboiough, in Yorkshire, Great-Biitaiu] will make himfelf known, together with his prcfent place of re sidence, <-if her to his brother Joh n Franks, who is nowintbi* Port, or to the fubferiber, he will hear oi fomethino greatlyt«> In® advantage. THOMAS ROBINSON. Portland, (Diftrift ofMainr) dugufl *79 1 - P. S. In cafe of the decease of Mr. Franks, his legal heir or heirs are requeftcd to forward their names and places ot abode t» Mr. Ron 1 \son, as above. Pubhlhed, and to be fold by the Edito-i, price £th of a Dollar, TWENTY-SIX LETTERS, On the mod important Subje&s, Kefpe&ing the REVOLUTION of AMERICA. Written in Holland in the year By the Vice-President of the United States. (tT BY late arrivals from France, tic Editor hit received frm No. 10/031, both incl'jfive, of a Publication which coma out twtti * neck it Paris, entitled. " Corres pondancJ. Nation ale. — From No. i to No. in, have been /hipped, but are not ut com to to". ■Any p rjon who may incline to fubjeribe for this work, which appear* » be ingenious, impartial and patriotic* may be fvmijhed with tie nun tT if they arrive by applying to the Editor of this Gazette. f£F Blank Powers to receive the Imereft, and for the "ansjir tj «J» orinc'Dal ff public'-deht, agreeable to the Rules eflabhjhed rn tie 1 Turw Department : Also Blanks for abJlraSs of CertiJUatci, toh JfU" Ihe Editor. ftr The JOURNAL of the TUIRD SESSION of At SENATE of the UNITED STATES, mv he h-dofthe Editor hereoj. copies of the CONSTITUTION■ofth United States, printed noith Notes, way <> £ " a *' Editor. gC The price of this Papi ris 3 Dollars pet *" r and NEW-HAVEN Thomas Johnson, ") David Stuart, \ Commiflioners, Daniel Carroll,^ Do L LARS* ADVERTISEMa'T. Pol lars.