BOSTON, October i By Cape. Prince,from Aux-Cayes,we learn,that information bad there been received of au insur rection of the Negroes in that quarter of the Cape ; but that no particulars had come to hand prior to his failing, two polls which were due had been detained. A letter of a lace date, from a gentleman on the coast of Africa, to his friend in this town, fays, " That Mr. John Ormond, (a famous chief and factor) of the Rio Pengus, is no more. His white people are all maflacred by the natives, and his property became a prey to his own slaves. Numbers of people are fufferers, unfortunately lam one. 1 his event has caused such tumult and confufion, that the trade is almost at a stand." HARTFORD, October 3 The woolen manufacture in Hartford, after ftruwling with every obstacle, begins to flou rifh'and bids fair to be advantageous to the pro prietors as well as to the public. The quality of the cloths,more especially the coarser, is acknow ledged on all hands to be superior to that of the EiMilh of the fame finenefs*. It is an undeni able fad; that the coatings made here, are more durable than the English. The great objection formerly made to the colouring and finifhing the cloths is now removed—it being agreed by the best judges that the difference between the belt finifhed English cloths and those of this manufac ture are hardly perceivable. And the writer of this paragraph, a few days ago, saw a tayiormif take cloth from the Hartford manufactory for English. This being the fa read " Surveyor-General oj the State New-YorA.'* Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negociated; Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on Lommijfton, and all other Business in the line of a Brojccr, tianfattcd by WILLIAM CLELAND, Jit the Office next door to tht Custom-House, Utate-Street, BOSTON. Lectures on Government & Law. THE Honorable JAMES WILSON, L L. D. ProfcflTor of Laws in the College and Academy of Philadelphia, proposes to deliver, nexi Winter, two Courses of Leflures. One Course to begin on the Second Monday, the other on the Second Tuesday of December. WILLIAM ROGERS, Philadelphia, October 12, 1791 lC 3i P r - cent 57 d°- 62 do. Secretary to the Board ol Faculty.