Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 03, 1791, Page 252, Image 4
Ftvm a late Englift Paper. RETALIATION, ON THE BIRMINGHAM RIOTS. WHFX Reverend Prirfls do hourly preach, Those dottrincx which they should not teach, When crowd* are told 41 they might cafiitr 7 heir Kings" without or dread, or fear; That Lord» are vain and empty things, And Bishops vroife than even Kings : That fouls and bodies mix tog< ther, ]uft like two pieces ol neats leather: Wear out the lame—and when they're ended Answer the purpose—Hi ft intended. In short whin levelling spreads apace, And bourdUfs rights oj wen—take place. 'Til fit—wt\o poifon'd firjl the dart, Should be theJirJl to jeel theJmaft. PARIS, September 18 YESTERDAY, for the firft time since the journey to Varennes, the King took an air ing on liorfeback. Upon his Majerty's arrival at the drawbridge, avail concourse of people, who had been drawn together by the report of his defism to take anairintr, and a desire to fee him, • • • - ' hailed him with repeated and sincere fhours of Vive le Rot. An affecting joy was visible in his countenance at these marks of love and attach ment. A deputation from the community of Paris re paired to the Thuilleries. The Mayor who wa3 at its head, addrefled the following speeches to the King and Queen ? "Sirs, " The community presents to your Majesty the homage and refpecft of the city of Paris. It lays before you the joy and the benedictions of the people. Two years of labour, of evils, and of florins, are happily terminated by the com pletion of the Constitution, and by your Majes ty's acceptation of it. Henceforth resting upon this Constitution, Sire, and governed by immu table laws, you will promote the public pros perity. When every heart is devoted to you— when your's is devoted to the French—who will undertake to disturb that intimate agreement of tlie nation and its King ? The moment which at taches you anew to France, and it to you, will secure the tranquility of the city of Paris, which has been so long agitated. Peace and goodness, the justice and the virtues of your majesty are our trne friends. You will fix them among us, Sire : and you will be happy in the love of the French, as the French will be in your welfare. ANSWER. OF THE KING, " The welfare of the nation will ever be the wifli most dear to my heart. Its true welfare can only be attained by maintaining public order and tranquility. You are to avail yourfelfof all the means with which the law inverts you, to con cur with me in attaining that end." " M A D A M, " The community presents to your Majesty the refperts of the city of Paris, in the most me morable epoch—thejoy has been universal. The King has received the benedictions of the people —you have participated them, and the city of Paris joins the exprelfion of its sentiments to the voiceof the nation. May these fentimenitsprove pleasing to your Majesty—Deign frequently to recall them, and to recall them to the King. " Say, Madame, to the august Prince, brought up for France near your person, that these sen timents are destined for him, and that we will one day pay him all the welfare which his ten dernefs which his cares /hall have fiied upon the King and upon your Majesty." 1 ' le Q, uen answered, " That ilie coincided in every thing with the sentiments of the King ; and entreated the municipality to aflure the ci tizens of the capital, that ihe fliould daily inspire her for. with them, and that (lie would contri bute to the utmost of her power to the welfare of the nation." In the evening, by order of the King, the Thu illeries and the Champ Elyfles will be illumi nated." The day that is to terminate the labours of the memorable Legislature, is at length fix ed ; this important event is to take place 011 the 30th inflant. The new Afl'cmbly will then meet ; and after verifying their powers, will proceed to business. L I N T Z, September 3. As the Duke de Polignac has given orders to remove to Vienna all the furniture and effects which he had in Italy, and has hired a house for two years at Leopoldftadt, where he lives in a fort of retirement, it Teems highly probable that it is his intention to spend the reft of his days in Auuria, and endeavour to forget all the unea siness which he has experienced from his own nation. £3" Blank Powers to jwiV; wintered, anrffor the transftr c! the principal oj fubhc debt, agreeable to the Rules e/hblifhed in the Trca ih'Lda" tmCnl ABlank 'Jo ra y ira ® s tubefi/dh of the United States. Bank Phi i. ade lphi a, November 22, 1791. THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States are hereby informed, that according to the ftatatc of incor poration, a general eleOion sot twenty-live Di rectors will be held at inc Bank of the United Slates, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the (econd day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. And, pursuant to the eleventh fcftion of the Bye-Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified t<> ail mble in general meeting, at the fame place, on T-. Tday the third day ol January next, ai five o'clock in the evening. Bv order of dip President and Dire&ors, JOHN K E A N, La flier. Second fundamental Article of Statute of Incorporation. " Not more than three-fourths ol the Directors m oihce, excli five of the Piefident, (hall be eligible for the next fucceccling yeaj But the Dirt&or who (hall be Piefident at the time of sn eleftioi may always be rc-eleclcd." C c P l 0 Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negotiated; Merchandize ol all forts bought and fold on ( ommifjion, and all other Buiinef* in the line of a BroKer, iranfafted by WILLIAM C L E L A N D, At the Office next door to the Custom-House, State-Street, BOSTON. 2 m George MEADE Hayfor SALE, at his Stores on Wa l n ut-St reet Wh ar f, A FEW pipes of 3 and 4 years old bills of exchange Madeira WINE, which he will dilpofe of by ihe pipe, hogftiead or quarter cask. London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old. Old Sherry WINE of ihe firft quality, by the hogshead or quarter cask. Three and 4 vears old Lisbon WINE, of a superior quality to what is generally imported, by the pipe, quarter cask, or larger quantity. Choiee old Coniac BRANDY, by the pipe, tierce, or larger quantity; A few quarter chests of firft quality Ilyfon TF^A. He hasjgft received by the Pigou, Loxley, master. from London, a few quarter caiks of old Madeira WlNE—Arid By the brig Mercury, Capt. Stevens, from Dublin, a few boxes of Irish LINENS, low priced and well aborted ; a tew bales of red and white FLANNELS, and fomc GLUE. A few boxes of Spermaceti CANDLES cf the firft quality, and Burlington PORK of prime quality. He has also to dispose of, a quantity of drcllcd White Oak STAVES. He means to keep a constant supply of First Quality Madeira and Lifbrtn WINES, and whoever is pleased to favor him with their custom, tnay be adit red of being well served. Hr will, through the Winter and Spring, buv undrefTcd HAND SPIKES. He is purchasing FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX, and will give the highest price for them. N.B. A few hampers of excellent London PORTER and Taunton ALF, jufl received, and to be disposed of. Philadelphia, November 16, 1791 TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street, A COLLECTION OF and Valuable Scarce B O O K TS, Which may be leen every day, until Jive o'clock, p. m. Among them are the following : Folio. TJOMER, Xeuophon, Plato, Plutarch, Enfebius, Sozo m men, Theodoret, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Taciius, Pater culus, Pliny. Concordantia Lat. Concordantia Gr. Thesaurus Ci ceronis. Biblia Junii and TremelHi. Bible dc Martin,Wells's Maps, Scapula:—Phavorini—Martinii—Hoffmani Lexica, Voflii Etymo logicon, Antiquit. Ecclef. Britannicas, &c. Quarto. Pindar, Cyropaedia, Bentley's Horace, Terence and Phicdrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronis op. om. Caesar, Su etonius, Julius Pollux, Hederici Lexicon, Voflii Ars Gram. Cluve rii Geographia, Juftiniari Code, See . OElavo et infra. Homer, Anacreon, Aristophanes, Longinus, Theophraftus, Hefiod, Poetje minores Gr. Ifocrates, Phalaris, va rious editions of Horace, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau tus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus, Aufomus, Buchanan, Salluft, Curtius, Florus, Juftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gellius, Hilt. August. Scriptores, Engfi/h and French Translations of some of the Claflics, a great variety of Greek and Latin Grammars, &c. &c. fldf" Catalogue? may be had of Messrs. Rice & Co. Booksellers, Market-dreet, or of JOHN CAREY. O&ober 31. (pptf.) IV. M'D ou GALL'S DANCING SCHOOL, Is now opened at his School-Room, No. 28, Carter's Alley. HE returns his finccre thanks for the great encouragement he has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the leputation of his school lor decorum and good order, as well as the perform ance of his scholars, will flill ensure him a refpe£Uble (hare of the public favor. A number of new Cotillions and Country Dances will be taught during the season. Those who please to honor him with the tuition of their chil dren, may be alTured, they will be taught in the moll approv. d (tile, and that proper attention will be paid to their carnage and manners. A general pra&ifinpj for the improvement of the scholars, will be held at the New Rooms, every other Wednesday ; when the employers, and ftrangersof genteel deportment, will be admitted. These pra£tifmgs will be attended with no ex pence. N. B. An EVENING SCHOOL will be opened for grown Gentlemen, as soon as a fufficierit number offer. Philadelphia, September 14, 1791 The Fnft and Second Volumes of the HISTORY OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE, (To which is prefixed an accurate Hap of the State) By the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, Are ready for Delivery to Subfcnbcrs—who may receive their Books on application to HAZARD & ADDOMS, at the Corner of Chefnutand Thiid Streets. PT The above two volumes contain the political history of the State, from ,ts firft fettle ment to the adopt,on of the p,« sent Con st. .t.on of thel.nne<i States the thud, containing a geograph,- in the press' of its natural history, &c is %* A few copies of the firil two volumes !or falc—price -of November § 5 1791. r •*' 252 (ep 6w.) it. r.) John Pinr au d, SWORN BROKF. R& AUCTIONEER PURCHASES, and SELLS ' PUBLIC DEBTofevery aefcriprion,onCommito,, d{ the following rates: 9 OX 1 lie specie amount ot all lale"s at auction, cn' „ cent. 6 4 ' P CI On ditto at private falc or purchase, one-ha/J pcr cent On remittances, ditto. Receiving iniereft at the Loan-Office, cr.e pcr ccnt. on th amount of the interest. " For making transfers at ditto,/airn/v-yStr cents per transfer C 3" Such pcrfons as may incline to favor the fubfcriiier with their orders mav relv 011 [heir being executed with p, : ., 7 M /„ fidelity ar.d dispatch. His long experience and extenfivc de.lmo,' n the public flocks, tr-'thcr with a well cftablilhcd correfpon dence throughout the United States, enable him 10 condutl h;i operations with peculiar benefit to his employers. October 15, 1 791 Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION by SAMUEL ANDERSON, ' Cliefnut-Strect, next door to the Bank, No. 97. MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY TICKETS, ' To be had at the fame place. IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, and BOHEA REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE, & SPICES,&c.&c. Of the firft quality—by retail, No 19, Third-Street, between Chefnut and MarkrtStreetj. TO B E SOLD, And poffeflion given immediately, That pleasantly situated Farm Whereon the fubferiber now lives. IT lies on the road Ironi Princeton to Brunfwick, about a mile and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof 47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more may Le made. Alio a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety of peach and cherry trees, and a large garden ; the. whole under good fence. There are on the premises a two llory ttone houfc and kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and finifhed. Also, a smoke-house, work-shop, granary, wagoor houle; barrack cow-houses, two stories high and go feel long, and a good bam, with stabling. From the buildings there arechaim ing views of Princeton, the neighbouring farms, and Monmouth hills. Any pcrfon inclining to purcliafe, may know the terms by applying 10 the fubferiber on the nremifes, or to Isaac Skowden, No. 141, South Sccond-llieet, Philadelphia. Princeton, October 10, 1791 In the Press, and fpeedilv will be publilhed, HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS; ConiUling of State Papers, and other authentic Documents, tending to elucidate the History of America, and particulai Iv of the United States. By EBENEZER HAZARD, A.M. *** The price to Subscribers will be a Dollar for each Number, containing 160 large quarto pages; or Four Dollars and a Quarter for each Volume in Boards; to be paid as follows, viz. the firft and second Numbers, or Volumes, to be paid for on delivery of the firft ; and each fublcquent one (except the last) at the time of delivery. will be received, in this city, by Thomas DoßsoN,and Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit fpecimcns of the work) and in other places by the principal Bookfrllers there. Philadelphia, November 1791. Forty Dollars Reward. LAST night was broke open the Store of the fubferiber, at Bor dentown, and (lolen from the fame the following articles, viz. One hair trunk, containing womens* wearing apparel; 1 small box, containing four clocks and one dozen testaments; 1 ditto containing one bottle green cloth coat, one ftiipcd vest and breeches, two shirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to 30s. Jeifey coppers; 1 keg containing a large bible, with other lma'l books ; 1 box containing 447 real ostrich feathers, some of them large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels rye meal, branded Stout and Imlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper, and 1 dozen paste-boards. Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau. with black fides. A reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the security of the above property,lo that the owners may have the articles again, or in proportion for part thereof; alio a further reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe trators, so that they may be brought to justice, by „ , JOHN VAN EMBURGH. Bordentown, New-Jersey, Sept. 1, 1791. [eptfj Holy Bible.—Royal Quarto. THOMAS, of Worcester, Mafiachiifetts, most refpe£l lull v informs the public, that he has this day completed the Old and New Testaments of his Royal Quarto Edition of the HOLY BIBLE. The Apocrypha and Index, &c. will be finifh ed with all the dispatch the nature of the work will ad rnit. Such Gentlemen as hold Su bscr i tt ion Pa f e r.s, he begs will return them to him at Ji orcejlcr, or to him and Company at Bojion, by the lad day of November next, and as much sooner as they con veniently can. Ht is happy to inform the public, that the work has been exa mined by many gentlemen, clergymen and others, and has met with their highest approbation; both as to the execution of the printing, its correftnefs, and its chcapnefs compared with English copies of the fame size and quality. As this verv laborious and exceedingly expensive undertaking, is carried on solely at his own cost, he is led to hope that all those who wifii to polFefs a large Family Bible, will so far encourage this laudable undertaking of their countryman, as to add their names to the fubfeription. Worcester, Sept. 20. 1701 ADVERTISEMENT. BY late arrivals from France, the Editor has received from Ao. 10/031, both inclusive, of a Publication which comes out twiien week in Paris, entitled. " Correspondance Nationale." — From Ao. 1 to No. 10, have been fliipped y but are not yet come to hand. Any person who may incline to fubjeribe for this work, which appears t» be ingenious, impartial and patriotic, may befurnifhed with the numbers as they arrive bx applying to the Editor of this Gazette. The JOURNAL of the THIRD SESSION of the SENATE of the UNITED STATES, may be had of the Editor hereof. JOHN PINTARD, New-York, N0.57, Ki«g.Sir eet , ' S, ISAAC SNOWDEN, Junior. [ep amj ISAIAH THOMAS.