Reports of an invasion are induflrioufly circu lated, by the friends of freedom, in every part of France, in order to support the cause of free dom. Every frefh alarm adds friends to the cause, and induces the Revolutionills to unite with more warmth, for their general support and protection. The force of l lie Turks oil I he Black Sea is i'u perior to chat of Russia, confiding of j8 line of battle lhips, 31 frigates, and upwards of 60 gun ihallops. It failed on the sth of May. The Poliili monarch, in the godlike triumph of his heart, makes kings of citizens: and in imitation of that great authority, which (aid— k Let there be light, and there was light"—:his king lays to his f'ubjecls, enjoy the light of rea fou—bcjree. June 21. As Chronicleers we (hould notice the extreme coldnels of the season. Sharp frolls have ap peared every morning for fonie days pall ; by. which all tender plains have been greatly hurr, and the farmers, we learn, are apprehensive, as the wheat is now in bloom, that ic will greatly (offer. We may fay with Shakelpeare, 44 Hoary-head d troll " Dwells in the irefli lap the crimson i-ofe." Accounts from various partsof the country, in form us that on the mornings of Monday, i uef day and Wednesday in the last week, the frolls were verv severe, and did much damage to gar dens lituated near rivers or moid vallies. We hear of ice half an inch thick, and hailliones an inch in diameter. The Thermometer was on thole davs many degrees lower than we liave of ten known it in December. Let the Philofophei s account for such phcenomena in the middle of June. COMMEMO RAT IO N OF HANDEL The fir It performance in Weftniinfter Abbey, was yesterday attended by about fourteen hun dred persons : Their Majcfties, and the tmee Princelies were present, attended by the Dune of Montrofe, Lord Amherft, &c. &c. The King was dreficd in scarlet and gold ; tlie Queen in a green and silk tiflue. The Princelies were all in striped silks ; their head-dre(l'es, as usual, ve ry plain, with a final! bunch of flowers in their caps. The king looked extremely well, and in high spirits. ' The grand Coronation Anthem was performed in a molt exact and capital manner. Signor David diffilayed his altoriiiliing powers to great advantage in " Fell rage and black del' pair." Their Majelties, before whom this was David's firft appearance, exprelled altonifhment mixed with the moit lively pleaftne. The chorus of •' Hail Stones," had fucli ai cffect as co draw tears from the Queen. The c!u et, " The Lord is my strength," was never bet ter sung, than by BignoraSiorace,and Mrs.Crouch The performance was ended about a quarter be foi e iour o'clock. PRICES OF STOCKS, „■ Bank Stock, 3 Per Cent, Reduced, g Her Cent. Confolidaied, 4 Per Cent. I 777, Bank Long Annuities, English Lotierj Tickets, 1 riill Tickets London Exchange on Dublin, PORTSMOUTH, The whole of tlie grand fleet at Spithead is 60 fail : there are 7 flags fiying, which make a very formidable appearance. The ships are manned with good Teamen in general, as no landsmen have been pretled d uring the w hole ofthebuflle. N E W 13 K R N, August 6. Extract oj a letter frotn an officer of th. United States in France, ItiJrch 201. " Yon have heard 1 have been appointed by Congress Vice-Consul of ciie United Stales a: this port. The conimilOons of die American Consuls in this kingdom, though since four months in the hands of the French IN'iniltry at Paris, are Itill detained there (1 know not from what mo tive) to receive the liecefliuj exequatur-, mean while tliefe officers cannot be recognized by the Executive l'ower in their respective didrieis. 1 hope, however, %ve (liall fuon receive them : until then I will not wear the uniform, and the arms of the United States will not be fixed 011 the door of my house." N E\V-YO 11 K, August 18. F.xtrafl of a litter from Mr. Obadiah Herbert, of Mount Pleafunt (in Middietovju At w-Jtrfy) to his friend in Nov- Tot k. " I have fin i (lied my WHEEL, and it answers all the pttrpofes I told yon of. It f'pins, doubles, twills and reels off"the thread at the fame time. The machinery is fiich that it does not impair the of the rim in the lead ; and ii is al- lowed by a number who have leeu ic, to be a ' ompleie piece of machinery. boincof the LelV spinners fay it runs as easy as they can with, and atifwcrs the purpofc extremely \»eli." By a gentleman who left Cadiz the 12th July, we learn, that it was currently reported and universally believed at that place, that the King, Queen and Dauphin of France having left Paris, had got to a dill,mce of 30 leagues —iWhfn they were discovered, ar lcfled and carried back. By the July Packet, arrived at New-Yotk, English papers are received to the 6th July—We have been favored by a brother Typo, with the perusal of ievcral numbers of the Morning Chro nicle, from which we have time to collect only a few particulars of the above intei elting event: The King, Queen and Dauphin with ieveral ladies of the Queers bed. choinoer, accompanied by several of tne guards in carriages, left the pa lace ot the 1 huiilcries on the morning ot the 21ft. June —-and had proceeded as far as Varennes (in Lorraine) without interruption ;at this place they were recognized by a Dragoon of the name ot Drouet, who in concert with a comrade, by the name of William —took their measures with such address as to secure the persons of the Royal Family, without injury or confufion. News of the King's being overtaken having reached the Na- tional Afiembly, Coramiflioners were immediately appointed to superintend efcqrtjnc him back- tp Paris, which was ctfe&ecl with out tumult. Sepjrate guards were appointed for the security of the King, Queen, and Dauphin—their atiendants were all com mitted to c'tofe confinement. The National Afiembly conduced with great ealmncfs, dignity and propriety, on the occasion. Many important Decrees, providing for the immediate security of the kingdom from external and internal attacks, were patted with great promptitude and decision. But with refpe£t to the King and family, the Afiembly had rcfolved not to take any measures but such as were the rcfult of a full and deliberate enquiry into all circumftanccs attending this extraordinary business. M. Mont moriu had been examined before the Afiembly, refpe&ing the paflport with which the Royal Family had been furniftied, when his innocence of being privy to their flight fully appeared. M. La Fayette having had Come refl ftions call upon him also, the Afiembly investigated the fubjeft fully, and rcfolved that no grounds of suspicion existed ; and that full confidence fbould be reposed in his orders as Commander in Chief.——[ln our next we shall endeavor to narrate tiie interfiling particulars of this event.J Accounts in letters received by the Packet inform, that the Empress has concluded a peace with the Porte—That great com motions had taken place in Spain, in which Come lives were loft. Yellerday the Legiilature of this Common weal th afl'einliled at the Suue-lloufe, purfuaiu to adjuurninciu, T UNK. 21 186 1-8 Ss 7-8 81 18 80 7-8 82 ioi 1-4 1-8 23 ? 4 161. 6d. 61. 16s. 6d. o -j-O June 19 Philadelphia, August 24. Tliurfdav lad the French and Spanifli Minis ters, together with several other distinguished personages, dined with the Pr'efulent of the Uni ted States, and in the evening there was a dlfplay of fire-works exhibited nearly oppolite the Presi dent's bouse, by foine citizens, in compliment to the company. East India intelligence received by tbe latest arrival from Europe, is to the 29ih January lalt. A letter from Lord Cornwallis, of 28th De cember, derails his future plan of operations— the tiate of the army, the magazines and military (lores, be observes, is fjch as to give him great fatisfaiftion. A letter from General Abercrombie, of Dec. 22, to Lord Cornwallis, informs him of the cap ture of C'annanore, and of Firicackabad, the ca pital of Tippoo on that coalt, by Col. Hartley.— Thele fuccefles, he adds, liaverompletely cleared the Malabar coalt.—The la It accounts from (.Jen. Meadows left him in pursuit of Tippoo near Trichinopoly. Some ittdi rect overtures of a treaty had been 1 eceived by him from Tippoo's Minister. 'J he fort and garrifoii of Daraporam having been taken by the enemy, Tippoo's en gagement \Vith Caj)t. Evans, the commander, were fcrupuioufly adhered to on the pare of the Conqueror. A letter of h January informs, that Lord Cornwallis, having taken the com in and of the army, expects to begin his march for the Mysore Country in a few days. In a late debate in the National Aflembly of France, one of those denominated Ariitocrats complained molt bitterly of the tyranny of the majority in not being permitted to fin i 111 a de clamation which he was uttering againit the le port of a committee 011 a particular fubjecl. It is reported that a motion has been made in the National Aflembly to divide the members by lot, into two houses—this tlivifion to take place at the commencement of every new Aflembly— this mode ot division to be adopted that the mo(l pcrfeift equality may be preserved what the result was, does not appear. It is the constant and uniform language of the Patriots of France that tlie law isfnpi eine ; —this idea, it is presumed, includes both the law and the conflitution, and is certainly jttit. How little do thefc Patriots know of Liberty, compared to a lare wiirer in one of the Ealtern papers, who has aliened that " every ous has a conltitutional l ight to attempt to alter it [that is, the Constitu tion ot the United States] wljen he chooses to do it." A late Boston paper informs, tliat 011 the re presentations ot the niunicipaliries and others to the of France, againil the decree granting to the si ee people of colour in the i (lands, the fame privileges which the t-nv>y, lie had refofed to sign ir, and had lent it back to the Al feinhlv—and that in cpnfcqucnce of this refufal, it had not bccotne a law. Mr. Hailings concluded his defence before the High Court of Parliament in tiie following ani mated and bold apo(boj»(jc, t« tlit- ISntifh Jluule 135 of Commons : u You have told the world, that I have brought great loss and damage upon the Eait India Company, and disgrace upon the Bi itifh nation. 1 tell, you, that 1 improved your resources ; thar 1 made a numerous people hap py ; and that the BritUh name and character never itood higher than when 1 left Bengal. — Every regulation in the Kafl originated in me. 1 gave you the Salt Revenues, the Opium, Bena res and Oude—J formed all the official arrange ments ; and if any changes have been made, they are modifications only of my fy Items, tor the pur pole, as my noble and virtuous fucceilor fa id (applying his remark to Oude) of render ing the principles eltablilhed by me the moie permanent. —" I gave yon all—And what lias been my return ? A character degraded, as far as you could degrade it—a fortune totally ruined, and a life of impeachment." On the Btii of June, in the Honfe of Lords, Ear] Stan hope moved, that the bill tot* remov ing all doubts refpeding the rights of Juries, be now read a fee on & time.— 1 lie Chancellor moved to omit the word now, tor the put prtfe of inferring t hls day month. After some de bate the amendment was carried. It cannot reasonably be expected, that the di vidends of the Bank of the United States, aftei deducting the charges, which will be heavy ac the outset, will amount to the common and legal interest of money, in less titan eigh.een months or two years from January next; —on this fup poficion the original fnbfcribers will in effect pay a considerable premium 011 their shares, bv their money's laying as it were dormant and ufelelsfor so long a time. O Population' of Virginia, of Kent ucky, In the yenr 1781 a very inaccurate census was taken, several counties made no rtturn ; but fuppiying bv conjeifture the deficiencies, the population of Virginia was then computed ac 567,614 The increase then is 258,673, and is ai 9 to 1 3 in ten years. The increase of slaves, during those ten years, has been less than it had been obfei ved lor a cen tury before. The reafou is, that about 30,000 slaves perilhed wirhtlie linall-pox, or carAp-fever, caught from the Britiih army, or went off with them, while Lord Cornwallis was roving over that State. From PELOSIs MARINE LIST. ARRIVALS at the PORT of PHILADELPHIA. Ship Peggy, Fleming, Levant, Gillis. Cleopatra, Geddes, Brig Hope, Linthorne, Jenny, Brown, Maria, Hopkins, Lady Waiterftorff, Gardiner, Barque Prudence, Miller, Schooner Adonis, Goddard, Sloop Prince of Wales, White, Liberty, Mountaync, Union, Watson, PRICE CURRENT.—PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. 6 pr. Cents 21/3 pr. £ . 3 pr. Cents 12/j Dcfered 6 pr. Cents 12/6 UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl. and other Certificates 2Cf Indents • 12 /3 N. and S. Carolina debts, j 5J6' Bank Subscriptions, COMMUNICATION. AS the fituatiorf of the United States is eflentially different from that of European countries, in rcfpeft to wars and politics, it is difficult to account for the fluctuation in the priccs of our itocka— but adverting to facts will enable us in fome-meafureto fatisfy oiir felvcs on this point. The appreciation of the Public Securities has been a gradual business—their rife is the rcfuh of fair calculation, and a just ronftdence in the funds and faith of the Government — but the rife in the price of Bank Stock was too rapid for calcula tion, and too surprizing to leave time for cool reafoninjj on the fubje£t: It proved a sudden, but powerful temptation to persons in trade, to ftcp out of their usual course; this biought a new ca pital into the marker, which aided the balloon in its flight. From an uunatural elevation it has descended with greater rapidity than it rose, and many are left in a novel and unpleafing fitnanon. The real excess beyond its value, that has been paid tor a loss that mull fall somewhere—the arts which will be employed 011 this occasion to fhiftoffihe burthen, will keep the ball suspended lor some time to come. I: will be well for thojfe who have al ready fuffcred, to examine with great attention the thermometer—the impulses on that machine arise from various combinations formed among a prodigiouJl\ cunning set, but whofc t wi(tings and tergiversations may be traced by the due of commoi* fen fp 1 That Script (hould ho at soo to-day g '*nd 156 to-morrow, can not he the rclult of calculation. He that runs, may read. Gray's Gardens. A CONCERT of VOCAL 2nd INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will begin To-morrow, the of Auguff, at 4 o'clock in ihe afternoon, and condudc at 9 at night, Oiould ll.c day be fair. Tickcts delivered at one Quarter of a Doliar at tic- B-tr. The ship Union will be ornamented in the dav, and illuminated at nighi. The Water-Fail wrll be much improved, and lighted in such a manner as to make an elegant natural landfcapc; in the wardens, a great change in the Illumination will take place Gray's fcriy, Auj'.itl 24. 747,610 73.677 821,287 I.ifoom Liver poo 1 Bel fa it New foundland Madeira Button Cadiz Ferrol Kmgflon sc. Kitts Diim New-York ic6}pr. cent. do. do. par. 613 do. 165 to 170 Dollars, O.&K.GKA Y.