* THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. ORTHODOXY. IF you and I should difagrec, 'Tis plain as any cafe can be, Your faith is wholly out of joint, You're Heterodox in ev'ry point. But if, as I do, )ou believe, And pin your laith upon wiy flecve, Whether in church aifairs/or (late, You're Orthodox, fan s all debate. PORTSMOUTH, June iS The Organ of the church in this town has late ly been put into complete repair, by Mr. Jofiah Leavitt, organ-builder in Bollon. Thefausfac tion this our ingenious countryman has given here, is fuclj as entitles him to the attention of those who wish to benefit by his profeffional abi lities, and who are itudious to encourage Ame rican artists. The Rt. Rev. Bifliop Seabury is expeified to arrive in this town on Saturday the 26th inilant. The Episcopal Convention of the common wealth of Maflkchufetts met lall month 111 Bos ton. They have adopted the Constitution and Prayer book, as formed by the late General Con vention. The Bev. Dr. Waltfr is arrived at Cam bridge, and has accepted the care of the church in that town, and of the North Church in Boston. The Rev. Mr. Montague is to be the Afliftant- Minister to those churches also. PITTSBURGH, John Moore, Esq. is elected to serve in the Senate of this commonwealth, for the diftritft composed of the counties of Weftmoreland and Alleghany in the room of Richard Butler, Esq. resigned. M I D D L E T O W N, June 25 On the 24th inltanr, a compleat company of federal troops, from Maflacliufetts, under the command of Capt. Phelon, of the second regi ment, and forty choien recruits from this {late, belonging to the fame regiment, and commanded by Lieut. Hanfliorn, of the fiift regiment, em barked here, on board two s : anfpoi ts, for Brunf wick, in New-Jerfej-. Among tliefe troops were very few Europeans, and their military appear ance and good conduct gave general faiisfaCtion. H A R T F O R D, ~Jun»a?. It is with regret we mention the ravagesmade by the worms in various pans of the country this summer. We are told that in New-Haven county, and in the river towns through Mafla chufetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire, and in the eastern part of JViallachufetts about Boilon, the apple-trees are Ilripped of their foliage by these dellruiftive animals ; and that, in some places, the oats and elms have not escaped the fame fate. Perhaps the oldest man alive canno' remember a season when these worms have ap peared in such multitudes, and made such ha vock with fruit trees. In many instances the usual remedy of tarring trees has proved ineffec tual. The man who will discover an effectual method for preserving trees from these devouring ani mals, will deserve a monument. It has been said that hogs will preserve orch ards, by rooting about the bodies of the trees in autumn. If so, by what means do they effect this put pose? Is it by finding and devouring-the e Sg s of the worm, or by turning uptlie foil and exposing them to the air, rain and froft? This deserves consideration. If the latter, which feetns probable, then a spade might be used to advantage, just before winter. To dig about the trees would not injure them generally, and the loss of the grass or grain under the trees, might be dispensed with. This hint is fugged cd merely as an inducement to experiments which may ascertain the fact. It is further suggested that trees growing up on a hard clay are never injured by the worms. In the town of Hartford, this is fully proved. The (oil is too hard and unyielding to admit the worms, and many old orchards on such a foil have always escaped, while those which (land on a light foil, at only a small dillance, are fre quently dripped of every leaf. This fadt may be of use to farmers in fele&ing the spot» for their orchards. BALTIMORE, June 28 Tlie National Assembly of France has paflbd a decree which orders the arrest of Cardinal de Rohan, for being guilty of High-Treason. A letter from France mentions, that " Presi dent Was hi ngton's letter to the National Af lembly of that kingdom, congratulating the na tion oi> its revolution, had been read with great applause in the National Assembly, and ordered to be printed." We arc now brought to the close of the fifteenth ycai ot the so vereignty and independency of the United States of America — Amidfl the general joy and feftivity which distinguish this truly glorious anniversary—say, can a retro(pe&ive pause be imperti nent or improper ? With what accelerated rapidity has time urged us on in our course, to Empire and happiness ! —Through the smiles of Heaven on our exertions, we have laid the broadest foundation for the temple of Liberty, that the world hath ever seen.—At that solemn, all-important moment when the New Government was adopted, the genius of Freedom and Indepen dence leaped for joy—lt was then, and not before, that she saw the fun of permanent prosperity rife on her favored clime—the glooms of anarchy, disunion, and misrule which had brooded over the political horizon of the States, were diflipated like a morning fog—a clear, a glorious day fuoceeded, which has conti nued to dawn upon us with increasing splendor. Under the aus pices of a long, long fucceflion of Patriotic Heroes, Sages, and Politicians, like those who at the present moment so wifely guide our public affairs, we trust that the bleflings of our sacred Repub lican Government will be transmitted from generation to genera tion, till the angel of time shall fay, it is done. We hear that the President is expetted in town on Monday next—A circumstance which would crown the joy of the day. The two Mr. Choates, who were captured in January last, by the Delaware Indians at Big-Bottom, are returned to (heir friends at Leiccjler, Massachusetts—They owe their liberty to the generosi ty of the Britilh commanding officer at Detroit. We hear that there have been federal recent conversions to the Bank of the United States. One gentleman in particular, propos es, it is {aid, to subscribe for sixty shares, whose scepticism it was thought was irremoveable.—lt would not be the most re markable thing that ever happened, if the great prognosticating pamphleteer himfelf, was to come in. We are informed that his Excellency the Governor of this Com monwealth, pursuant to powers vested in him by law, has formed two very advantageous contra&s, which are founded on undoubt ed security, for removing obftru£lioos, and improving the naviga tion of the Delaware and Schuylkill. During the late circuit of the Judges of the Supreme Court to the westward, we are told that the grand jury of the proper dif triff, found bills of indi&ment against those persons who killed the Moravian Indians. June 18 Accounts from the westward inform, that no Indians liave been seen or heard of, on the fron tiers of this state, for three or four weeks past— T hat ilie continental troops rendezvoused at Pittfburg, have left that place, and proceeded down the Ohio, though their particular defoliati on was not known. Accounts from various parts of the Continent mention a great deftrudlion in the vegetable world by Catterpillars, Canker-Worms, Cut- Worms, &c. They are in such swarms in many places as scarcely to leave the appearance of vei dute behind them. The late rains, we trult, have pur a stop to their depredations. On Monday next, agreeable to law, the books are to be opened (at the Bank in this City) to receive Subscriptions to the Bank of the United States. Perhaps it may not be too much to fay, that from a great variety of novel, concurring circtitnftances, no objetft of equal magnitude, founded on so firm a basis, has ever presented it felf to invite the attention of monied capitalists as the Bank of the United States. Unlike many other speculations, dependant on the most for tuitous contingencies—here every man can with a great degree of certainty make his calculations ; and he cannot fail in realizing his just and rea sonable hopes, so long as the peace, patriotifmand prosperity of the Unired States continue—for with rhefe, the encreafing revenue of the union is inseparably connected. Further, this Bank must continually appreciate in the public estima tion (provided its affairs are conducted with ho nor, ability and integrity, of which there can exist 110 reasonable doubt) for a plan that will in its operations reduce the interest on money encreaie the circulating medium—facilitate bu siness in every line and profeffion—enhance the value of real property—and enable the govern, ment ro reduce the public'debt and diminish the public burthens, must, and will meet the appro bation of every friend to his country and man kind. The last accounts from Europe wear a warlike aspect. At Berlin all is bustle and business—cou rier after courier is dispatched to the courts of the allies—to the Prince of Brunfwick, who it appears is to command the Prussian forces, seven nieffengers were sent in one dav. The present King of Pruflia has follow ed the examples of his pi edeceflors, by keeping up a prodigious regular army—one advantage appears to have resulted from the system, and that is, the neighbouring states have kept themselves at refpedtful dis tance, and domestic peace has for a long time been a refidert in his dominions. Frederic has the fine machinery of an army—but whether dis use ha* not rendered it left formidable than un der the la'te King, a war with Russia, Ihould one take place, will determine. With refpert to the King of Sweden, there is no determinate opinion how he will a