Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 11, 1791, Page 52, Image 4

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War Department,
May 30, 179 T - ,
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military Invalids
ot the United States, that the fitms to which thev air rntitled
lor fix months of their annual pension, from the 4th day ot March,
1 -c,i, and which will become due on the 4th day ot September
enfuino. will be paid on the said dav bv the Cotnmiflioners ot the
Loanswithin the States refpeftively,under the usual reg ulations,viz.
Every application tor payment mult beacc«mpamed by the to).
lowing vouchers. . . , , r
iff.' The certificate given by the slate, fpecitying that the person
polfcffing the fame is in fa£l an invalid, and afcertJining the turn
to which as f.ich he is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form :
A. S came before me. one of the fufiices of the connt" of in
the Hate of and made oath that he is the fume A. H. to who* the
original certificate in his pofle/fion was given, of which the allowingy a
coby (the certificate given h thejlate to he recited) rhal he fated (re
giment, corps or icjjc!) at the time he was dijahted, and that he now re
sides in the and county of and has resided there Jor trie lafl
•ears, previous to which he resided in
In cafe an invalid (hould apply for piymrnt by an attorney, the
aid attorney, bffides the certificate and oath before .ceiled, mud
jroduce a special letter of attorney agreeably to the following foim:
I ,/t.8.0f county of Jlate of do hereby conjlitute and
appoint (. I), of my lawful attorney, to receive in ray behalf of
my hen/ion Jor fx months, «i an invalid of the United States, from the
fourth di\ of March, ove thoufund seven hundred and and
ending the Jouith day of September oj the fame year.
Signed and 'caled
in the presence of
Acknowledged before mc,
Applications of exccutors and administrators must he accompa
nied with legal evidence of their refpeftive offices, and also ot the
time the invalids whose pcnfu.ti they mav claim.
Bv command of the Prelident of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary of War.
Q3T The Printers in the refpeelive Stales are requejied to publijhthe
above ti; their vewfpapers, for the space oj twG months.
[Q3" All petfons concerned will be plealed to take notice that the
following advertifemcnt has been varied from that published in
our paper of the ' 3d of March.J
Treasury Department.
March 27., 1791.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Proposals will be received at the
office of the Secretary of the Tfeafui until the firft Monday
in September next inclusive, for the fupplv of all rations, which
may be required for theute ol the United States, from the fitil da
of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both .lays in
clusive, at the places, and within the diftrifls herein after menti
oned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the state of Penn
sylvania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt.
At anv place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh.
on the River Ohio, and at Fort M'lritofh.
At any place or places, hetwixt Fort M'lntoffi and the mouth of
the River Mufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mufkingum
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Mnf
kingum, and np the laid River to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tuf
czrowas, and thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the said
River to its mouth.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf-
Kip'gum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth ol
Xlie fald River Scioto.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scio v .o River, and
the moiiih of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami,
and from thence to the Rapids, on the Falls of the Ohio,and at the
(aid llapids.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami,
up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the
Miami Village, on the river of the fame name which empties into
Lake Erie.
At anv place or places from the rapids ofthe Ohio, to the mouth
o! the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafh to Poll St. Vinccnnes,
at Port Sr. Vinoennes, and thence up the said river Wabalh, to the
Miami village, before defi tibed.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river to
the mouth of the river Ohio.
At any placeor places, on the east fide of the river Miflifippij
from the mouth of thcOhio river,to the mouth of thelllinois river.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Miami river to
the Miami Village.
At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sandufkv,
and atSandufky, and from Sandufkv to the mouth of Cayoga rivei.
At any placc or places, betwixt Fort Pitt-and Venango, and at
At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Le Beuf, and ai
Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lfle, and be
twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river
At the mou h of Cavoga river, and at any place or places, on
the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by th<
way of B'g Beaver creek.
At anv placeor places, on the east fide of the Miflifippi, between
the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively.
At any placeor places, from the said river Margot, to the ri-e
Yazous inclusively.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to
Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river incluHvelv.
Should any rations be requited at anv places, or within oth<.
diftri&s, not foecified in these proposals, the price of the fame to
be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contra&or.
The rations to be supplied at e to consist of the following articles,
viz. One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of perk,
Half a jill of rum, brandy or whisky,
One quart of fait, }
Two quarts of vinegar, (
Two pounds of soap, r P cr * lwo rat,ons *
One pound of candles, j
ALSO, That Proposals will be received at the said office unti
the fir ft Monday in September next, inclusive, for the supply of al
rations which may be required for the use of the United Stages
from the fir ft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December
1792, both days inclusive. at Springfield, in the state of MafTaehu
setts, and the Poftof Weft-Point, in the state of New-York,
The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the lame articles a
are above mentioned.
ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, unti
the tft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapply of al
rations, which may be required for the use of the United States
from the lft day of January to the 31A day of December, 1792
both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftritts herein
after mentioned.
At the post on the river Saint Mary, at prefect commanded by
Capt. Henry Burbeck.
At tHe poll on the river Altamaba, at present commanded by
Capt. John Smith.
A, theoo.lon the r'.ver O.onee, at present commanded by Ca P t.
Apalachee, at present commanded by
c 'a. s TJ'Z Z&2SX
from thence to the Currshermoun'a.n.
lcatt two months in advance, in good and whoiefome provisions.
Tte k, fappLl ... .» ™«« Ol.!» »
deoredations ofthe enemy, orbymeans of the troops of
States, (hall be paid for at the prices of the article.captured
troved, on the dcpolition. of two or more ereduablr charaft r ,
and the certificate of a eommiffioned officer,J afcertainin tlh -
cumflances ofthe Inf., and the amount of the articles for w c.
compensation is claimed. •♦u-.. /.«*
The contra&s for the above fuppltes will be made either rove
year, or for two vears, as may appear eligible. Perform dMpoi
to contra# will therefore confine their offers to one year,
may make their proportions so as to admit an clc tion o .
term of two vears. , , , n
The ptopofals may be made for the whole of the above polls to
gether, or feparatelv for Springfield, for Weft-Point, for Yorktown,
and the seventeen places following it, and for the ports in Georgia,
and they mult fpecify the lowest price per ration, for prompt pay
menf. - ——
For erefUns; BRIDGES over the Hacki nsack and Passaick
Rivers, between Powles-Hook and Newark, in the Matr ot
New-Terfcy. , n i
THE Commi (lionets appointed by an ast of the legifbture ol
the ftateof N'dw-JetTev, to erect bridges over the Hackintack
and PalTrfiok river*, having obtained the necessary surveys, arr
now ready to receive proposals for performing the ar " e » an
offer the following conditions for the consideration of such as may
be inclined to contract : . ,
The situation of the bridge across the Hackinfack river, wu be
at one ot the following Nations, as ftiaU be hereafter
mod eligible.
lft. At the place where the present ferry is eftablilned, where
th 6 width of the river is 1448 feet.
Depth at the eastern snore, 8 feet 8 inches.
Do. western Oiore, 8 11
Grczteft depth, 25 4
2d. At a olace more northerly, called Douw's Ferry, where
the width of the river is 846 feet.
Depth at tlie eaftc n fliore 19 feet 10 inches.
Do. western shore 12
Grrateft depth 35 8
The situation of the bridge across the PafTaick river, will be at
one of the three following Illations, as (hall be hereafter determin
ed moil eligible.
lft. At the place where the present feiry is established, where
the width of the river is 6~6 feet.
Depth at the eastern shore 8 feet 6 inches,
Do. western shore 9 6
Greatest depth 17
2d. At a place more wefleily, called Beef-Point, where the
breadth of the river is yqo feet.
Depth at the eastern shore 11 feet,
Do. western shore 4 5 inches,
Greatest depth 13 4
3d. At a place dill more northerly, called Hedden's in
the town of Newark, where the width of the river is 526 feet.
Depth at the eaflern shore 4 feet 5 inches,
Do. western shore 10 8
Greatcft depth it
The bridges are to beconftru&ed on the principlesof those erect
ed over Charles, Mvftick, and Beverly Rivers in the vState of Mas
sachusetts, with a draw to admit a free paflage for vessels with fix
ed standing maftr. not less than twenty-four feet wide, to be pla
ced in such part of the bridges as (ball be determined most con
venient for the navigation of the river, with piles or blocks on
each fide of the entrance of such draw, as shall be judged fufficient
to aid vefiels in passing through. Also, one lamp on eaeh fide of
the draw, to be lighted every night from sunset to sunrise, during
the continuance of the lease.
The bridges ate to be built with such piles, timber, scantling,
and plank, as shall render them perfe&ly substantial and secure in
the opinion of the commillioners, and are to be of a futficient
height to protett them against the tides, which rife at ordinary
tides from 5 to 6 feet, and at spring tides from 8 to 10 feet. They
are to be 31 feet in breadth, viz.
Allowance for cairiage way, 20 feet.
Do. for foot walks, railed off on each fide, 4 feet each, 8 feet.
Do. for balluftrades, i foot each, 2 feet.
Do. for hand-rails for do. 6 inches each, 1 foot.—Total, 31 feet.
The fides of the bridges to be secured with strong balluftrades,
after the manner of the bridge between Boston and Charleftown.
The bridges and draws are to be kept 'n constant repair, and at
the expiration of the lease are to be surrendered in good order,
agreeably to the a£t.
The following are the terms which the commissioners are au
•horifed to offer to contractors :
A lease of the exclusive privilege of the bridges for a period not
exceeding 99 years, with a toll equal to three-fourths of the pre
sent rates of ferriage.
From as accurate an eflimatc as could pofifiblv be obtained, the
a&ual receipts of the ferries for a medium of five years last past,
amount to twelve hundred pounds, New-Jerfev currency, per
annum, three-fourths of that sum will confequentlv produce an
mmediate income of 900 pounds per aim. This mav fairly be
eftimatcd as the fmallett profit that can be calculatcd upon. The
advancing population of the United States, the increasing inter
com V between the two cities of New-York and Philadelphia, the
facility which the conftru&ion of these bridges will give to travel
ing, the easy communication thereby offered with the state of
New-York, on the western fide of the Hudson, are all important
drcumftances, which must neceflarily tend rapidly to accumulate
the profits of the bridges. The commiflioncrs are moreover au
thorized by law to raise four thousand pounds to be applied to
wards making causeways and laying out proper roads conne&ed
with the bridges, and have a lottery now on foot for that purpose.
As soon as the places shall be determined on where the bridges
are to be fixed, and the contra&s for eie&ing them are executed,
the roads and causeways will be immediately undertaken.
Such persons therefore as may be inclined to contrast on the
above principles, will be pleased to fend in their terms sealed,
within three months from this date, to William Max w f. i. l,
Esq. in New-York, fpecifying the shortest period of lease for
which they will undertake to ereftthe said bridges, together with
proper security for performing the fame.
Newark, Stale of t-'m- Jersey, April 22, 1791
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raifethe Aim of FOUR.THOUSAND Pounds,
agreeably to an Ast of the Legislature of the
State of New-Jersey, palled the 24th Novem
ber, 1790, for the purpose of laying out and
improving the Roads and Caufewa;'s between
the Town of Newark, in the County of Efl'ex,
and Paules-Hook Ferry, in the County of Ber
gen, in said State.
THIS Lottery iscompofed of 15,100 Tickets, to lie drawn in
Three ClafTes, as described in the inl'-rted S. heme : The
price of a Ticket in the First Class is Oie DMir ; in the Second
Class Two Dollars, and in the Third Class Fout Bo'lars. The ope
ration ot this Lottery w!l appear in the following order : Ths
whole 15,100 numbers will be put in onewheel, and 3100 prizes
in the oiher wheel, of which 3100 numbers only will be drawn in
the First Clal's, which (hews the whole number drawn in this
Class arc prizes, agreeably to the Scheme.
The numbers which remain undrawn compose the Second Class,
of which 4000 will be drawn against 2000 prizes and 2000 blanks;
this (hews there is only one blank to a prize, agreeably to the
The remaining 8000 numbers undrawn, composing the Third
Class, will be drawn against 2667 prizes and 5333 blanks, which
shews there arc about two blanks to a prize, agreeably to the
The Adventurers in this Lottery w»U please to obferve—Ttaf
the numbers drawn in the Firjl and Second Chffes are precludedJrom til
chance in the Third and ntjl valuable Oafs, as the pojefins of the num
ber! undrawn are entitled to the fame numbers in the ficceeding Gaffer,
provided thfv apply to renew their tickets fifteen days before the time fitt
ed for the drawing the Second and Third Claps. On nrgleS the un
drawn numbers will be fold to others. Such Adventurers as wish to
benefit by the superior chance of Capital Prizes in the Third
Class, will fee their interest bv fupplving themfeives with a foffi.
-lent number of tickets in the First Class. Every application for
renewal mull be attended with the Original Tickct in tile pro
ceeding Clals.
The drawing of the First Class will commence in the town of
Newark, in the Slate of New-Jersey, on Monday the 20th day of
June next, if "full. The Second Class will commence drawiag
two months after the First. The Third', and lad Class, will com.
mence diawing two months after the Second.
The drawing of this Lottery will be under the constant fupcr
intendance of, at least, two of the Commiflioners, appointed by
the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey, to coritraft for the
ereftiou of the bridges over the Hackenfack and Fafaick tiver«.
1 Prize of 300
2 200
r :oo
12 50
35 20
3100 Prizes
12000 Undrawn,
Carried to Third Class 54°°
Tickets at i do!, each is 15100
1 Prize of 500 Dollars is 500
3 200 60a
7 100 700
j 6 50 800
100 10 1000
18-8 4 73>»
2000 Prizes
2000 Blanks,
8000 Undrawn,
Carried ro Third Class 12188
12000 Tickcts at 2 dol. each is 24000
1 Prize ot 5000 Dollars is 5000
2 2,5
2667 Pli7.cs
5333 R|anks >
Fir ft Drawn
Lad Drawn
8000 Tickcts at 4 dol. each is 32000
Brought from First Class 54 2 °
Brought from Second do. 12188
The object of this Lottery being of such evident utility to thff
United S.ates in general, and the States of New-York, New-Jer
sey, and Pennsylvania, in particular, that it cannot be doubted
but the undertaking will meet with the most liberal support, as
every traveller will experience tV»e happiness of enjoying regular
compleat Roads, leading to and from well-conftrufted bridges.
TICKETS are to be had of the Subscribers, who are duly ap
pointed of this Lottery by the Commiflioders. The will be punctually paid by the refpe&ive Managers who
signed the fortunate numbers, immediately after drawing the le
veral ClafTes—fubjeft to a deduttion of fifteen per cent.
JOHN D. ALVEY, Neui-Brunfwick.
March 8, 1791.
N. B. For the accommodation of those who would wifli to become 4*-
venturers in the above Lottery, letters, pojlpaid, direiled to John I)*
Alvey, New- Brunfwick, enclojing Philadelphia, or New- York Bar
Notes, wilibe particularly attended to, and Ticketsforwarded on recerpt
of fuck letters.
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION, by
Chcfnut-Slrcet, next door to Bank, No. 97*
Lottery Tickets,
Class Second, to be liad at the fame place.
May 28, 1:91. ( c P tf >
1 w. 3m,
Dollars is 300
.5 00
49608 49608
12 5