agtr on, for the coucl niton of the j: observations made by t > :cr a e . . s Oil this head " This is orte of the mo!t important points (fays M. Rolliu) in education, and nt the i :>.ne time the inoft difficult ; for among a gredt num ber of martyrs, who in other refpe(?ts are very deserving, there are very few to be fonnd, who are happy enough to make their scholars fond of fttidy." ■' It fnould be the great care of the masters (fays Quintilian) who teach children their let ters, to do it in such a manner that a child who is not yet capable of being fond of his book, Jhould not take an aversion to it, and the diftike continue when he grows up." " For this reason (fays he) his fludy (hould be made a diversion to him. The mailer mult proceed by affcing hint little questions. He mtirt be encouraged by commendation, and allowed to set some value upon himfelf, and be pleased with having learnt any thing. Sometimes what he refufes to learn nuift he taught another, to raise his jealousy. We inuft enter into little disputes with him, and let him think he has often the better. We iiiuft: entice him likewifeby little rewards, which children at thtft age are very fond of." Quint, Lib. I. Cap. I " The great secret to make children lore their books, is to make them fond of their tnafler. In this cafe they willingly give ear to him, be come docile, drive to please him, and take a pleasure in his leflbns." Qriint. Lib. 2. Cap. 9. Stadium difandi Voluntate, qute cogi ncti pots]}. Lib. 1. Cap. 3. Ouint. " We may confine the body, make a scholar fit at his desk against his inclination, doable his labor by way of punifhnient, force him to fini/h a talk imposed on him, and for that end deprive him of his play and recreation, bat can labor ing thus upon force be properly called study ?" —M. Rollin. K. PARIS, March ij THE King is much better, he is able to fit up, his cough is less violent. The French wags pretend that he caught cold by throwing off his R»yal Robis on a sudden. Yeflerday the Bishop of Lidda was eledled to the Metropolitan fee of Paris. M. Brendle is eledied Bishop of Strafburgh, vice Cardinal de Rohan. The law of primogeniture is abolished—proper ty is to be equally distributed among the males and females of the family. LONDON, March 19 The veils of our fafhionable females seem to increase in their dimensions as the fun increases its powerful influence ; they are at present Co rery highly in favor, as not only, to be worn ■with the petit bonnet by day, but they fall gracefully over the Ihoulders from the dress cap by night. The reason given by the ladies for their fondnefs for this article of dress, is by no means a bad one; it gives them, they fay, an excellent pretence for shunning all those whom they do not wish to speak to, and a charming opportunity of being particular, where they de sire to be so. Lord Caftlewart is said to intend claiming the Dukedom of Albany, upon pretenlions which, if established, will prove him to be head of the late Royal House ot Stuart. Remittances to a considerable amount arrived by the packet onThurfday from America. They consist of bills drawn in the name of the United States, on their agent at Amsterdam. Lord Grofvenor's estates are in so improving a away, and so fact do the houses of lease fall in, that in a few years he will have an income of not less than four score thousand pounds a year. The duke of Bedford, the duke of Portland, and earl Grofvenor, have had their estates dou bled, within the space of fifteen years. The number of persons confined in Paris for various causes, amount to one thousand eight hundred. The acquittal of Caglioftro at Rome, does ho nor at once to the Pope and the inquifiiion that tried him. Our woolen manufacture exports, of the last year, have amounted to nearly 2,000,0001. the nett produce of our own corn lands more than 9,000,0001. the produce of butter, cheese, and milk, about 2,500,0001. amount of timber cut for building, 500,0001. and the rent of pastures, meadows, commons, forefts, heaths, See. lias amounted to about 7,000,0001. The Lords committees appointed to search for precedents refped t,l3t tne jod.oool. is to be takeiifYoin the floating balance in the batik. - An indictment was preferred at Colchelter a gaiirft a person for ai ailault. It appeared ill evidence, that the pl.iijtiff had attempted to hang himfelf; and that the defendant, finding him in that fituarion, cut him down, tweaked him by the nose, and fruck him several finart blows on the back, for the purpose of reviving suspended animation. The jury considering iha L there was no malice ill the cafe, found a verdict for the defendant. The noble city of Venice, and the lflands about it, are so populous, have so many manufactures, and carry 011 so great a trade, more elpecially when the other powers of It;Ty are at war, and the fubjecls of the republic enjoy the benefit of her neutrality, that the revenue drawn from them to the State amounts annually to three mil lions of ducats. The entire revenne of the re public is computed at eight trillions of ducats, and the annual expence does not commonly ex ceed half that Aim ; so that, ir. time of peace, they are cjnftantly accumulating vast trealnre. Before the fatal war of Candia, they had in their treasury fifteen millions of ducats in ready mo ney, excltfive of a famous golc chain, to which they annually added some links, which forty porters could hardly carry, and which, on cer tain feftivals, was extended across the (quare at St. Mark, for the entertainment of the people. As they have now enjoyed peace for many years, it may be presumed that their coffers are again pretty full ; so that, upon an emergency, they would be able to make much greater exertion than is commonly imagined. March 23 Sir R. P. ArSen received on Saturday at the jank, the dividends of 1400]. which were brought :o light by the prefer.t bill. One Banker is said to have recovered fifty di vidends upon a large sum, the principal likevvife remaining unfold. A French Deputy, lately challenged by an of ficer, replied he knew nothing of arms, and was even ignorant how to load a pistol ; but he proposed, before four witnefl'es to throw up for the chance of which of them fliould be hanged. A lot of ground adjoining the road to Hamp ftead, part of the estate of Lord Camden, has lately been let on a building lease to three per sons of considerable property in the city, who have entered into an agreement to build within a limitted time, four hundred houses, to be di vided Into flrccib, and called Camden Town. The bricks are now making on the spot for the purpose. This, when completed, with other buildings, uow erecting on that road, will fooii join Hampftead, to London. Great commotions are expected throughout France upon the re-ele i 1- hited by the man's wife with a stroke <>m a large hatchet in his back, which so con' pletely into his body, that at three