D iO"" dyoung man, who has had a large Jhare of experience in the direction of periodical publications, ts defrous of procuring employ as Superintendant oj a Printing-Office— Applications, it is requejled, may be made to the Editor of the Gazette of tht United States, who will reply to all requ'tfitt enquiries. A CARD Joseph "VVheaton PRESENTS his compliments to his old Military Friends, the Gentlemen of the Civil Lift, and the Public—wifhesthey may be informed that he has received a very handsome Assortment of the best chosen SPRING GOODS, By the Pigou, and other late arrivals, which are now opening at his KNOWN CHEAP STORE, No. 38, Third-Street, North, and which he is determined to dispose of (at wholesale or retail) on so low terms as must make it an objett to cujlomcrs. Orders from his friends will be attended to with punctuality and dilpatch, and the lime of pa) ment made convenient. Philad. May 2, 1791. Matthew M'Connell, In Chesnut-Street, No. 66. BUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT OF THE UNION ; has frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Orders for making SUBSSRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITED STATES. Philadelphia, March 30, 1791 Funds of the United States. ALL kinclsofPublic Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed; Foreign and inland Bills of Exchange, negocialed ; Merchandize nf all forts Bought and Sold on Commifion, and ah other Business in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office, next door tothe Cujlom-Houfe, State-Street, BOSTON. Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private sale, on the following termj : ON the specie amonnt of all Tales or purchases at auction, me eighth per cent. On«litto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, one-half per cent.; and on all sums above 5000 nominal dollars, ene-feurth per cent. For receiving-interest at the Loan-Office, one per cent. For making transfers at ditto, medullar each transfer. (JdT Such persons throughout the United States, as may be plea fed to favo the fubferibers with their orders, may rely on their being executed with punßuality,JideUtv and difaatch, as consi derable experience in the public flocks, together with extensive connexions in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, enable them to conduct their operations with peculiar advantages. PINTARD & BLEECKER, New-York, No. 57, King-Street. (97 law 6m) March 15, 1791. MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY, THE MANAGERS of the STATE-LOTTERY allure the Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing on the day aopointed, •viz. On Thursday the 13th of Olloter next, or Jooner, if the Tickets inall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their fcveral monthly Lotteries coramenccd drawing at the hour afligned, so they are determined to be equally as pun&ual in this. SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE, *5,00© Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Prizes, fubjeft to a deduction of twelve *nd an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Prizes. 1 of 2 3 6 lO 3° 8o 9° too 3 20 161 200 7585 8,388 Prizes. 16612 Blanks. 25000 Tickets. TICKETS in the above Class may be bad of the several Maihcers,ji/i( will pay the prizes ondemavd\ of thcTniAsuiim of the Commonwealth; of James White, at his Book-store, Franklin s Head, Court-street—and at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun.T DAVID COBB, SAMUEL COOPER, GEORGE R. MINOT, I JOHN KNEELAND, j Rojlon, April 14, 1791. W - Philadelphia, E, the Com mifli oners, appointed to receive subscriptions to the Bank ot the United States, do hereby give public notice, that the Books will be opened by us for that purpose at the Bank of North-America, on Monday the 4th d«y of July next. Thomas Willing, Samuel Howell., Beale Bordley, Lambert Cadwalader, David Rittenhouse, All the Printers in the United States ate rcquejied. to publift the above. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Subscriber, who served a regular apprenticeship to the business of VENDUE-MASTER, under Mr. George Kelly, has just opened an OFFICE in the Borough of Nor jolk, Virginia, in a good and convenient Houfi®, situated near the County Wharf, where he is in hopes of giving general fatisfac tion to all those that may be pleased to favor him with their com. ro \ n r ds ;H rr. • • J OHN H - HALL. N&rjolk, V irgima, April 21, 179*.. ep 7vv j CLASS 11. Dollars, l. i, K 5. 10000 is ioooo 3000 arc 6000 2000 6000 6000 5000 6000 8000 4500 4000 3600 3220 2000 60680 1000 s°° 200 100 5® 4° 3° 20 3 O * » / MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL Lottery Tickets, Class Second, fold at the Office of SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Street. May 18, 17QI. (tf) BY PRIVATE SALE, A COLLECTION OF Scarce and Valuable In various Languages—being part of a private Library; Among which are the following : Euripides, Demosthenes, Xenophon, Plato, %1 Lucian, Plutarch, Paufanias, Procopius, Eufehius, Nicepho rus, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus Seneca, Pliny, &c. Quarto. Pindar, Aristotle, Terence, Ovid, Ceefar, Suetonius, Juvenal, Manilius, &c. 0:1avo & infra. Ariflophanes, Longinu.% Theo phrallus, Epitletus, Hefiod, Orpheus, M. Antoninus, Phalaris, Ifocrates, Pnlyxnus. Lucretius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Paterculus, Florus, L'-'-can, Statius, Gellius, Aufonius, Vida, Bu chanan, Bofthius, Poetse mworej Latmi, Callipjcdia, Stiada. L Valla, &c. (£3"" Catalogues may be had, and further particulars learned, at the Book-Store oj MeJJrs. Rice and Co. Market-Street. Catalogues are aljojlitched up with the AMF.RICAXMUSEUM, for Ap'il. CON T R A C T, For erefling BRIDGES over the Hackinsack and Passaicak Rivers, between Powlas-Hook and Newark, in the State of New-Jersey. THE Commiflioners appointed by an a£t of the legislature of the state of New-Jersey, to ere£l bridges over the Hackinfack and Paffaiack rivers, having obtained the neccffary surveys, are now ready to receive proposals for performing the fame ; and offer the following conditions for theconfiderationof such as may be inclined to contrast : (96 tf) The situation of the bridge across the Hackinfack river, will be at one of the following stations, as shall be hereafter determined most eligible. lft. At the place where the present ferry is established, where the width of the river is 1448 feet. Depth at the eastern fliore, 8 feet 8 inches. Do. western shore, 8 11 Greatest depth, 25 4 2d. At a place more northerly, called Douw's Ferry, where the width of the river is 846 feet. Depth at the eastern shore 19 feet 10 inchcs. Do. western shore 12 Greatest depth 35 8 The situation of the bridge across the PafTaiack river, will be at one of the three following stations, as (hall be hereafter determin ed moil eligible. lft. At the place where the orefent feiry is established, where the width of the river is 676 feet. Depth at the eastern shore 8 feet 6 inches, Do. western shore g 6 Greatest depth j 7 2d. At a place more westerly, called Beef-Point, where the breadth of the river is 799 feet. Depth at the carteln shore 11 feet, Do. western shore 4 s inches, Greatest depth ig 4 3d. At a place (till more northerly, called Hedden's dock, in the town of Newark, where the width of the riv«r is 526 feet. Depth at the eastern shore 4 teet 5 inches, Do. western shore 10 8 Greatest depth 15 n The bridges are to be conftrutted on the principles of those erect ed over Charles, Myftick, and Beverly Rivers in the State of Mas sachusetts, with a draw to admit a free passage for vessels with fix ed standing masts, not less than twenty-four feet wide, to be pla ced in such part of the bridges as shall be determined most con venient for the navigation of the river, with piles or blocks on each fide of the entrance of such draw, as shall be judged fufficient to aid vessels in parting through. Also, one lamp on each fide of the draw, to be lighted every night from sunset to sunrise, during the continuance of the lease. The bridget ate to be built with such piles, timber, scantling, and plank, as {hall render them perfectly fubftanlial and secure in the opinion of the commiflioners, and are to be of a fufficient height to protest them against the tides, which rife at ordinary tides from 5 to 6 feet, and at spring tides from 8 to 10 feet. They are to be 31 feet in breadth, viz. Dollars Allowance tor cairiagc way, 20 feet. Do. for foot walks, railed off on each fide, 4 feet each, 8 feet, Do. for balluftrades, 1 foot each, 2 feet. Do. for hand-rails for do. 6 inches each, 1 foot.—Total, 31 feet. The fides of the bridges to be secured with strong balluftrades, after the manner of the bridge between Boston and Charleftown. The bridges and draws are to be kept »n constant repair, and at the expiration of the lease are to be surrendered in good order, agreeably to the atl. The following are the terms which the commiflioners are au thorised to offer to contrattors : A lease of the exclusive privilege of the bridges for a period not exceeding 99 years, with a toll equal to three-fourths of the prc fent rates of ferriage. From as accurate an eflimate as could poflibly be obtained, the actual receipts of the ferries for a medium of five years last past, amount to twelve hundred pounds, New-Jersey currency, per annum, three-fourths of that sum will confcquently produce an immediate income of 900 pounds per ann. This mav fairly be estimated as the smallest profit that can be calculated upon. The advancing population of the United States, the increasing inter course between the two cities of New-York and Philadelphia, the facility which the conftruftion of these bridges will give to travel ling, the easy communication thereby offered with the state of New-York, on the western fide of the Hudson, are all important circumstances, which must neceflarily tend rapidly to accumulate the profits of the bridges. The commiflioners are moreover au thorized by law to raise four thousand pounds to be applied to wards making causeways and laying out proper roads connected with the bridges, and have a lottery now on foot for that purpose. As soon as the places shall be determined on where the bridges are to be fixed, and the cpntratts for etetting them are oxccuted, the roads and causeways will be immediately undertaken. Such persons therefore as maybe inclined to contrast on the above principles, will be pleased to fend in their terms sealed, within three months from this date, to William Maxwell, Esq. in New-York, fpccifying the shortest period of lease for which they will undertake to ere& the laid bridges, together with proper security for performing the fame. 125000 JOHN NEILSON, ROBERT KEMBLE, WILLIAM MAXWELL, | JOHN PINTARD J Nezoarh, State of New-Jersey, April 22, 1791. f'tink Powers to receive the I mcrclt, ana Jor the fan iter of the principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules ejlabliJJied in the Trea- Jury Deiwrtmtvt: Also Blinks for abpaßs of Certificates to be fold by he Editor. 28 To be dilpoled 01, B O O I< SAMUEL TUTHILL, T K S, PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA PB* QUANTITY. MAY 21.—Dollars at 2/6. ANCHORS tor. lb. old Pnrter Am- ' Allum, Englilh, pr. cwt. 33, Pitch,' pr hb"" d ° T ' **» D.uo, Roch pi. lb. ,oJ Pork, Burlmg'on *3' '5* Arties, pot, per ton, 40/42/ I.ower county 7 "' M -Pearl, s »/ 53/ Carol,73> Arrack pr. gall. Pea., Albany 6 " Brandy, common, 81 Pepper, p , lb Cogmac 9 , Pimento ' ss W Braziletto, pr. ton. 16/ Rice pr C w. "i* Bricks pr. M 3V R„f m • 12 6 Bread, (hip pr. cwt. 161 1616 Raisins, best m l' ' Dltl °. 35* D"to pr. jar S Ditto, small water 40J 45 f Ditto p, box 3■' ■°J e firi" —r, 37' j W.nriwinJ /' g f Oak pr.M feet, 4 /ioj 4 /ißx -{ Barbadocs 4 ' 4 5 ' § J " erc! ;- P" ,e 5' ! Country, JJ E 3 '» 4' do. 3/ l™. 0 N.Eng. s /ioj SafTa f ril , "-Cedar 5/ Saltpetre, pr . cwt *»' *>' Ihe above are the Shallop prices ; Sulphur, flour * * ' Jor the Yard prices add M. Shot 4 0i 4t.* Bnmftone in rolls pr. cwt. 2 ls j (German p r cw . "UoL pr - bbK — s 651 < Boston y American pr t on W t ca (Country 4ji « (Crowley's or ful 4 o 45^ Butter pr. lb. i 4 d Snake root pr lb' ,rj M —in keg. 9 d Soap, C ommon ' ' V« Cedar,red timber pr.foot 2j2j6d Brown 5 Chocolate pr. lb. i 2 C | Hava nnah, white £ Cmrants 1.62, « Ditto, brown, gH £ ,ov " . AMufco.ada.pr.cwt.6oZ Copperas pr.cwt. . 4 j Spmts Turpentine pr. gall 7, Cordage 6oi 6w6ark 20s < Long-leaf 2os Eaftern-fhorc 153 16$ ' P ! Carolina, new 22s 6d L old 22s 6d 25s 4/ 4 s 6i 316 d p ( Hyson pr. lb co | Hyson skin Souchong, 3 J 3 J 9' l 2 j id Sid I Congo, (_ Bohea, Tallow, refined Tin pr. box, 100s Verdigreafe pr. lb. 316^4/ Vermillion, i2f Varnifli, 2s 6d ' Madeira, pr. pipe 40/75/ Lisbon 37/ Teneriffe 20/IOJ 30/ w Fayal pr. gall. 3* £ J Port pr. pipe 36/43/ IT Ditto pr, gall. p Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 30/ Claret 30s 45/ Sherry pr. gall. 6j yd 9 f $f6s6d Wax, Bees pr. lb. 2J Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2ssd (hort, pr. lb. COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, 90 days, Ditto 60 days 7 2 i Ditto 30 aays 73 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 2/ ltd 3* 30 days 3-f France, 60 days,pr.s liv. 6s 8J 30 days 6i 84 4/10/ 8/ioj