P I.UD '.V' ..NfaDAYS AN!) SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 69, HIGH-STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS, PHILADELPHIA [No. 6', of Vol. lII.] TRANSLATED " For He GAZfL TE ,f the UNITED STATES. A DISCOURSE OF STEPHEN BOETIUS, Concerning voluntas y Servitude : Or the Anti-One. (Continuedfrom No. 4 of this Gazette.) X7"OU sow the feeds of your fruits that he may JL reap the harvest: You furniih and adorn your lioufes,-^ provide materials for his robbe ries : You your daughters, that he may have the means of satiating hi s luxury: You feed and cloath your children, to the end that he may most graciously please to lead them to his wars and conduct them to llauglner ; that he may make them the minifiers of his avarice, and the execu tioners of his vengeance : You break the conlli tutions of your bodies with labor, that he may fondle in delights, and wallow in his dirty vil lainous pleal'ures: You weaken youifelves to make him more itrong and rough, to hold you in with a lhorter rein. And from all tliefe indigni ties, which even the beasts ti.emfelves ther not feel, or would not endure, you may liver yourfeives, if you attempt it, not indeeoTn action, but in volition. Be rei'olved to serve no longer, and behold you will be free. 1 do not exhort you to pull or to haul, but barely not to lift and fupport,and you will fee him, like a great Coloflus, from which they have removed the pe deilal, fall to the ground by his own weight, and crumble in pieces. But certainly the advice of the physicians is •wife, not to lay your hands on a wound that is incurable; and I am not prudently employed in attempting to advise the people, who have 101 l Jong ago all knowledge, and whose malady is evidenily mortal, because they feel not the evil. Let us examine then, by conjeiSure, and fee if we can dilcover how it is that this obllhiate ref>- lution to serve has become fi> rooted, that itfeems at present that the love of liberty is not fa natu ral as the love of servitude. 11l the firft place, this is, as I think, beyond all j doubt, that if we live with the rights which na ture has given us, and the principles and doilrines that