Fevers may be greatly relieved by this method : I would also advise to try it :n jtrains. bruifei, burns, fcaldi, fores oj ail kinds, tnd in almost all difordera ot the human frame. The science is at prcfent but in us infancy, and therefore it is not yet reduced to a certainty whether or not it will prove gene rally efficacious in Jits ; some few have bee.i cured and more re lieved, but in mo ft inftanccs, as far as I have known, no universal service bas been vet done, neither in epileptic nor convulfivc fits, nor paralytic cases. Removing obllru&ions of all kinds appears to me its principal life ; and wht, in mj' opinion, norwithftanding the brilliancy of American exertions in the cause of independ ence, the continuation of the freedom cf tliat vast continent equally depends on the liability of the French democracy " The Americans i ave a little too mncli of*tlie eavcn of their ancestors in iheni : They apptar o turn their views and desires more to the ac juiring of gain, than tiie enjoyment of rational liberty ; and to have entertained that mifchie»- 3us opinion, that the felicity of nations dej on their riches.—They have also, I think, been guilty of a dangerous error, in the not restrict ing the Members of their Congress from the en joyment of those lucrative offices eitabhlhed by their authority ; and this may become the source of oppreflive taxation, and the foundation ol ariftocraric wealth and ambition. " The unexampled virtue of ihe French Le gislature, in cutting off this source of corruption, by depriving themleives of the office, sets them on a footing of merit, superior to that which any other popular allembly ever obtained ; and the bright example of tin* government, if it stands on the fame footing as it is at prefenr, with the advantage it will con fer on society, will awe the governments of otlier countries into moderation ; and serve as an anti dote to your American travellers, against the fafcinaiing charms of ostentatious luxury. " You may well believe, Sir, that very con trary sentiments to these, which I have above described, agita:e the minds of a very large pi'' t)' in this country.- Mr. Burke, who may e coufidered as the mouth of this party, afi" c e ftvemious fupporterof monarchy and arihocracy, has published a work in which all these Hg 1 ' 4 are pertinacioully defended, and. the trench go vemment and Legiflacure abused with great vi- rulence. f " J hough popularin this country, huaniwe - ers are numerous, as he is coni".c'* IS Ckamtian of Aristocracy here.'