Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 07, 1791, Page 12, Image 4

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    This day is publijhed, for the Proprietors,
By WILLIAM YOUNG, Bookseller,
Mo. 52, Second-Street, the cor ner oj Chef nut-Street.
The Universal Aiylum,
for APRIL, 1791
BESIDES the usual variety of interesting and enertaining
matter, original thoughts on common fewfe, by Dr. Rush ; and
a number of txtra&s from Mr. Paint's celebrated tnfwtr /d Mr.
Burke, arranged under the following heads, viz. —Revolatioii-
prmciples defended—on religious toleration—on the connexion
of a church establishment with the civil power—sundry causes
which produced in Fiance, sentiments favorable to liberty—on
the abfurdiry of an hereditary fucceflion — thoughts on the various
forms of government, the downfal of hereditary power, and the
progress of Tcvolution-principles.
This number also contains the whole of the Excise-Bill, and a
continuation of the hijlorical Jketch of the proceedings oj Congress,
which was begun in the Asylum f®r March.
Philadelphia. May 2,
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds of the Public Debt ot the Union, bought, fold, or ex
changed ; Foreign and inland Bills oj Exchange, negociated ;
Merchandize of all forts Bought and Sold on CommiJ/ion, and all
other Bufincfs in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by
At the Office, next door to the Cujlum-Houfe, State-Street, BOSTON.
Pintard and Bleecker,
PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of
Certificates & Public Securities,
On COMMISSION, at public and private falc, on the
following terms :
ON the specie amount of all Tales or purchases at au£fcion, one
eighth per cent.
On ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums
below 5000 nominal dollars, one-halj per cent.; and on all sums
above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent.
For receiving interelt at the Loan-Office, one per cent.
For making transfers ac ditto, one dollar each transfer.
(Jdf* Such persons throughout the United States, as may be
pltafed to favor the subscribers with their order.*, may rely on
their being executed with pun duality^fidelity and dijpatch, as consi
derable experience in the public flocks, together with extensive
connections in the city of New-York and different parts of the
continent, enable them to condnft their operations with peculiar
advantages. PIN TAR D & BLEECKER,
New-York, No. 57, King-Street.
(97 law 6m)
March 15, 1791
Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT
TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed,
viz. On Thursday the 13th of Oflobei next, or /ooncr, if the Tickets
shall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their fcveral
monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour afligned, so
they are determined to be equally as pun&ual in this.
S C H E M E.
85.000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to
be paid in the following Prizes, fubjett to a dedu&ion of twelve
and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth.
Prizes. v Dollars. Dollars.
1 of 10000 is 10000
2 3000 are 6000
q 2000 6000
8388 Prizes.
16612 Blanks
25000 Tickets,
GdT TICKETS in the above Class may be had of the fevcral
Managers,!nkouiill pay the prizes on demand-, of the Tr £ asu r er
of the Commonwealth; oi James White, at his Book-store,
Franklin's Head, Court-(lreet—and at other places, as usual.
Bojlon, April 14, 1791.
THE Subscriber, who fcrved a regular apprenticeship to the
bufmefs of VENDUE-MASTER, under Mr. Gsorge
Kelly, has just opened an OFFICE in the Borough of Nor
folk, Virginia, in a good and convenient Houle, situated near
the County Wharf, where he is in hopes of giving general fatisfac
tion to all those that may be pleased to favor him with their com
mands. JOHN H. HALL.
Norfolk, Vtrgima, April 21, 1791. (1 ep jw)
Partly original, and partly already pub/iflicd,
Written by Mathew Carey.
I. Work shall contain 200 pages ; be printed on the
J. fined writing paper ; and be elegantly bound, edge
rolled and lettered.
11. Price to fubferibers two thirds oja dollar, to be paid on the
delivery of the book.
111. The work shall be put to the press as Coon as 250 copies
are fubferibed for.
IV. The subscribers names (hall be prefixed
83"SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by Carey, Stewawt,
and Co. and all the other Booksellers in Philadelphia ; also, by (Sie
different gentlemen throughout the United States, who suppLy sub
scribers with the AmericanMufeum.
Philadelphia, Ftb. 23, 1791.
1000 6000
s°° 5000
200 6000
100 Boco
5° 4500
40 4000
3° 3600
20 3220 1
10 2000
8 60680 i
Matthew M'Connell,
In Chesnut-Street, No. 66,
lJ THE UNION; lias frequently occasion io NEGOCIATE
INI.AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE —and will receivc Orders
f<,r making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of die UNITED
Philadelphia. March 30, 1791
Gallaudet and Ewing,
No. 54, South Second Street,
HAVE imported in the Lady Walterjlorf, from London, Man
chejler and Adriana from Liverpool, and the Birmingham
Packet from Bristol, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of
which they will fell on reasonable terms. On hand for
sale, a few hogsheads of OLD JAMES'S RIVER TOBACCO.
Philadelphia, April 9, 1791. 100 cv \ m
For ere&ing BRIDGES over the Hackinsack and Passat ack
Rivers, between Powlas-Hook and Newark, in the State of
New- Jersey.
THE Commiflioners appointed by an adl of the legislature of
the state of New-Jerfcv, to erect bridges over the Hackinfack
and PafTaiack rivers, having obtained the neceflary surveys, are
no<v ready to rtceive proposals for performing the fame ; and
offer the following conditions for the consideration of luch as may
be inclined to contra£l :
The situation of the bridge across the Hackinfack river, will be
atone of the following stations, as fliall be hereafter determined
most eligible.
lft. At the place where the present ferry is eftablilhed, where
the width of the river is 1448 feet.
Depth at the eastern (hore, 8 feet 8 inches.
Do. western shore, 8 11
Greatest depth, 25 4
2d. At a place more northerly, called Douw's Ferry, where
the width of the river is 846 feet.
Depth at the eastern (hore 19 feet 10 inches.
Do, western shore 12
Greatest depth 35 8
The situation of the bridge across the PafTaiack river, will be at
one of the three following stations, as shall be hereafter determin
ed moll eligible.
lft. At the place where the present feiry is eftabliflied, where
the width of the river is 676 feet.
Depth at the eastern (bore 8 feet 6 inches,
Do. western (bore 9 6
Greatest depth 17
2d. At a place more westerly, called Beef-Point, where the
breadth of the river is 799 feet.
Depth at the eastern shore. 11 feet,
Do. western shore 4 5 inches,
Greatest depth 13 4
3d. At a place still more northerly, called Hedden's dock, in
the town of Newark, where the width of the river is 526 feet.
Depth at the eastern fliore 4 fee! 5 inches,
Do. western ftiore 10 8
Greatest depth 15 11
The bridges are to be conftrutted on the principlesof those erect
ed over Charles, Myftick, and Beverly Rivers in the State of Mas
sachusetts, with a draw to admit a free paflage for vessels with fix
ed standing masts, not less than twenty-four feet wide, to be pla
ced in that part of the bridges as (hall be determined most con
venient for the navigation of the river, with piles or blocks on
each fide of the entrance of such draw, as shall be judged fufficient
to aid vefTels in pafling through. Also, one lamp on each fide of
the draw, to be lighted every night from sunset to sunrise, during
the continuance of the lease.
The bridges aieto be built with such piles, timber, scantling,
and plank, as (hall render them perfectly substantial and secure in
the opinion of the commiflioners, and are to be of a fufficient
height to protett them against the tides, which rife at ordinary
tides from 5 to 6 feet, and at spring tides from 8 to 10 feet. They
are to be 31 feet in breadth, viz.
Allowance for cairiage way, 20 feet.
Do. for foot walks, railed off on each fide, 4 feet each, 8 feet.
Do. for balluftrades, 1 foot each, 2 feet.
Do. for hand-rails for do. 6 inchcs each, 1 foot.—Total, 31 feet.
The fides of the bridges to be secured with strong balluftrades
after the manner of the bridge between Boston and Charleftown.
The bridges and draws are to be kept in constant repair, and at
the expiration of the lease are to be Surrendered in good order,
agreeably to the a£t.
The following are the terms which the commiflioners are au
thorised to offer to contraflors :
A lease of the exclusive privilege of the bridges for a period not
exceeding 99 years, with a toll equal to three-fourths of the pre
sent rates of ferriage.
accurate an estimate as could poflibly be obtained, the
actual receipts of the ferrie® for a medium of five years last past,
amount to twelve hundred pounds, New-Jersey currency, per
annum, three-fourths of that sum will consequently produce an
immediate income of 900 pounds per arm. This may fairly be
estimated as the smallest profit that can be calculated upon. The
advancing population of the United States, the increasing inter
course between the two cities of New-York and Philadelphia, the
facility which the conftruftion of these bridges will give to travel
ling, the easy communication thereby offered with the state of
New-York, on the western fide of the Hudson, are all important
circumstances, which must neceflarily tend rapidly to accumulate
the profits of the bridges. The commiflioners are moreover au
thorized by law to raise four thousand pounds to be applied to
wards making causeways and laying out proper roads conne&ed
with the bridges, and have a lottery now on foot for that purpose.
As soon as the places shall be determined on where the bridges
are to be fixed, and thecontrafls for eie£ling them are executed,
the roads and causeways will be immediately uridcrtaken.
Such persons therefore as may be inclined to contra# on the
above principles, will be pleased to fend in their terms sealed,
within three months from this date, to William Max w ell,
Esq. in N T ew-York, fpecifying the shortest period of lease for
which they will undertake to erect the said bridges, together with
proper security for performing the fame.
ROBERT KEMBLE, Commiflioners.
Newark, State of Nav- Jersey, April 22, 1791.
The seat of the late governor
situate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on the public road to
Morris Town. The farm contains between 90 and 100 acres of
land, 15 or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is al(o apper
taining to the said farm about jg acres of fait meadow. Particular
attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on
the farm a very large collection of various kinds of the choicest
fruit trees, &c. in full bearing; the house is large, convenient
well built and in vety good repair. *
Enquire Printer, for funher particulars,
New-York, Jan. 1791
Allum, Englilh, pr. cwt. 33c
Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 10d
Ashes, pot, per ton, 40/ 42/
Pearl, ,52/ 53/
Arrack pr. gall. icj i2i6</
Brandy, common, 8j
Cogniac 9f
Braziletto, pr. ton. 16/
Bricks pr. M 'jss
Bread, (hip pr. cwt. xys 18s6
Ditto, pilot 35J
Ditto, (mail water 40J 45s
Beer, American, in bot. / fIZ
pr. do,. P O /"
pr. bbL 37 s
c/ 3 f Oak pr.M feet, 4/tOJ 4/1
® | Merch. pine 5/
4 Sap, do. 3/
O I N. Eng. 2/ioj
23 I. Cedar 5/
The above arc the Shallop prices •
Jor the Yard prices add 1 $s pr M.
Brim stone in rolls pr. cwt. 2js
C Irish pr. bbl.
S < Bolton 55 x
oa ( Country 455
Butter pr. lb. 14d
in kegs 9d
Cedar,red timber pr.foot is2s6d
Chocolate pr. lb. 12</
Coal pr. bulhel is 6d
Coffee pr. lb. is 2d
Cinnamon ißj 20/
Cheese, English is $d
Countrv 6d 7£d
£ f Sper. pr. lb. 3s 3d 3s6d
J I Wax 3 s
Q Myrtle Wax 12d
| Mould,tallow 10±d
O LDipped 9id
Cotton 1» 9d
Currants 15621
Cloves 10/
Copperas pr.cwt. 14J
Cordage 60J 6256 d
Cocoa 6zi6d 6js6d
Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece Boj
Ravens 6js.j2s 6d
Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 401
Common, 37J 6d
Bur middlings, be ft 35J
Middlings 2 6f
Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. 12s
Flax pr. lb. 9 d
Fustic pr. ton, 135J 1 gos
Feathers pr. lb. 2s :cd
Flaxfeed pr. bush. $s
Glue, pr.cwt. yliosSl
Ginger, whiterace 52 s 6d
Ditto, common 50 s
Ditto, ground pr. lb. 9d
Ginseng, 2s 2d
Gunpowder, cannon,pr. )
quarter cask, £
(96 to
Ditto, fine glazed 3ss 6d
Gin, Holland, pr. gall. 6s
Do. pr. cafe, 33s
f Wheat pr. bufli 7s gd
r S ye , &
Oats \sZd2s6d
< Indian corn 2siod
Barley 4s 9d
Best shelled pr. lb. 3d
Buckwheat 2 s6
Hemp, pr. ton, 50/ 56/
Hogshead hoops, pr. M 5/ 6/
Herrings, pr. bbl. 22s 6d
Hides, raw pr. lb, 9d 10d
Hops ?s
Indigo, French, ioj
Irons, fad pr. cwt.
(" Callings 28s
& I Bar pr. ton, v 29/ 30/
9 10^
_ | Sheet 65/
I Nail rods 36/
Junk, pr. cwt. 30s 40J
l ard, hogs <yrl 10d
Lead in pigs 40J 42s 6d
;n bars 54s
Lead, white Boj
red 50 s
Leather, foal pr. lb. u2d is
Lignum vitae pr. ton 42 s 45/
Logwood 7/ 5J *8/
Meal, Indian, pr. bbl. 17s
Rye 25X
Mackarel,befl 63/
Common 30 s 58.1 6d
Mace pr. lb. 70s
Mustard 2s 4d
Madder, bell itjd 18d
MolafTes pr. gall,
Marble, wrought, pr. foot, 14$-
Mast spars 2.( 6d 6s
Mahogany 8 d 10 d
Nutmegs pr. lb. 7
Nails, iodi2dSc 20d— 8d B\dgd
p Linseed, pr. gall. 3 s 9 d
I Train is 10d 2s
Spermaceti 31 yd
j I Whaie u 10d 2s
r Olive 6s 6d
| Ditto pr. cafe 28J 30J
I Beftfweetin ) c^eoj
I—baflcets 12 bottles
Oak timber pr. ton 4OJ
Porter in casks, pr. gall. 2s
London,pr.doz. 12s 6d 15J
Manuel Noah,
N0.91, Race-Strce:, between Sccond and Third-Streets*
Continental & State Certificates,
Pcnnfylvania and Jerfev Paper Money,
And all kinds of SECURITIES of the United States, orot«y
8o 3m
MAY 6.—Dollars at jfG
Porter, American pr. do*.
Pitch, p r . bbl.
Pork, Burlington,
-Lover county ''
Peas, Albany „
Pepper, pr. lb.
R'CC pr. cwt.
R ° r 'n pr. bbl. * f
RaiGnj, bed, pr. ke*
Ohio pr. jar S 5, ' U
Ditto pr. box
f > ma,< a P r - g»u. rfu
§<1 Kdo« 4 ' 4^"
Sulphur, flour 4
J f German pr. cwt. 6y- 5 !
W )En g li(h, bliftercd
f- /American pr. ton 401'.,(
« (Crowley's pr. fag. B>,6i
root pr. lb. ,j 6i 2 ,8 i
ooap, Common
Brown ° r,
Castile Jf,
i" uii nSdi Si d 3 ,64
.Spermaceti, refined, ,
Sail Cloth, English, > "
pr. vard, $u6J V tf
Bolton, No. I. 2
—tr ° .
- WO, 11. 2J B^j
Ruflia (hccting, pr. p. g OJ
f Lump, pr. lb.
Si [ Loaf, (ingle refined urU
< Ditto, double do.
P Havamiab, white isU
« Ditto, brown, 8^
L Mufcovada,pr.cwt. 6oj;B<'
SpmisTurpentin'c pr. gall. 4J
j_, f Allum pr. bush. 2 ,
j J Liverpool SJ w
< jCadiz ~'j
<S> /. n 'UOd
2J 2 j
Ship build. W.O. frames) go*
P- 10,, I { 1001
-O. &redc. do. 6161jt.
o les, (Kort, p. M. lytos
long drelied gosiaot
itling, heart, gojijoj
71 P 501 55'
r l ipe pr. 1300 pieccs 12/
£:w. o. hogfhcad 7 / j;
> ,) R. O. do. 5/ a
< Leogan 6/
« Barrel 4/ 10 ,
L Heading 8/10/
Otter, best pr. piece 3c;
Minks is6d yt
Fox, grey 2S6J y
-red 4/ Bjß
Martins 3*
~ < Fibers 2s6dtjs
Bears I2s6dz^s
Racoons 2s 4/
r Mufk-rals yd is6d
Braver, pr. lb. ,5 s 104
L I>eer f in hair
Tar,N.Jerfey, 24 gal. p. bbl. m J&
Carolina, 32 gall. 9; %d
Turpentine i?.s6diss
. James R. new bed 301
p ~ inferior 23s 25/
g old 35; 38;
Rappahannock 22s 6d
O J Colo. Maryland 405601
y Dark ?.c;
Long-leaf 20;
W Eastern-shore 15J 16*
3 s 7 *
5 0s
P I Carolina, new
. old 22J 6d 2§S
Hyson pr. lb. ysft'qd
Hyson fk<n, 414*6;/
Souchong, 3 f 6^7
H ! Congo,
Tallow, refined
Tin pr. box, iooj
Verdigreafe pr. lb. 6d
Vermillion, 12 s
Varnish, 2s 6J
" Madeira, pr. pipe
Lisbon 37^
Teneriffe 20/10J 30/
w Fayal pr. gall. 3'
2; I Port pr. pipe 30/43'
~ Ditto pr. gall. 7*
>" Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 30;
Claret 3 0J 45-'
Sherry pr. gall. 9*
_ Malaga 6j6</
Wax, Bees pr. lb.
Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2syd
. short, pr. lb. lS
Bills of Exchange, London,
90 days, 69
Ditto 60 days 7°
Ditto 30 days 7 2
Amsterdam, 60 days>
pr. guilder, 2s lid 3*
3© days & t
France, 60 Hv. 6s U
30 days 6.f <w
particular Stare.
a 2 / 6 d
2S 7d